(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[6000]OT[5x60 byo-yomi]DT[2012-12-15]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/];B[pd];W[dp];B[pq];W[ce];B[pk]C[high chinese formation (very popular and developpable)];W[ee]LB[dc:A][jd:B]C[white usually plays A and take the corner. Then black plays B. But they are bored by playing always the same thing.](;B[ec]C[black seems jalous of white territory];W[fc]LB[cc:C][hc:D][fd:A][gd:B]C[A and B do not pressure black stone that much. C would be very bad for white, because if we change the order of moves, After black approach (move 7), white plays C, black extend at D, white would not play move 6 !];B[fb]C[white has to ways to answer];W[fd]LB[gc:E][ed:F]C[if white plays E, black would have a forcing move at F];B[gb]C[if black plays higher, he would have two cutting points];W[db](;B[dc];W[cc];B[cd];W[dd];B[cb];W[bd];B[eb];W[bb];B[da]C[white thinks that he sealed black ponuki and he has the sente. But where should he play ? Thickness should be used for two purposes : first one, is to punish something, and the second one is to build big territory.];W[kp]LB[dk:A][dn:C][jp:D][fq:B]C[white prevent black extension et potential. If white would have played A instead, the exchange B to D for black is to good for him, but now, the left side is more open](;B[ck];W[cm]LB[cn:E]C[white pushes black into his power. E would be to loose toward black stone but the corner would be safer];B[ch];W[eq];B[mq]LB[pf:F][mp:G]C[this move seems to low, G would be better ? black F would be much more powerfull, because there is more spaces between those stones.];W[qf];B[qh]TR[pk]C[black has no choice but to squeeze even if it makes marked stone to slow, because defending the corner would live white having life so easily.];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[od];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[nc];B[ip]LB[lo:H]C[black should play H because he has more potentiel, and building would be enough];W[lo]LB[kq:I]C[the only point to play to separate black stones. If white would jump with a tobi for example, black connects at I](;B[in];W[ll]LB[jn:J]C[white can afford to jump with a two spaces move. If black would have played at J instead of his last move, white could only jump with a tobi];B[km];W[lm];B[mn];W[ln];B[il]C[not very good exchanges for black];W[pn]LB[nl:B][om:C][on:A]C[A would be enough but white wanted to punish black. White at B would be so easy for black to save his stone with C and white would not be alive yet.](;B[qo]C[black can't separate white stones (look at the variations)];W[qn];B[po];W[on];B[oo];W[ol]LB[nn:D]C[much more usefull than connecting with D];B[co]C[now black has to do something];W[cp](;B[bp];W[bq];B[cn](;W[cl];B[en];W[dk]LB[bk:E]C[If white plays E, it would be difficult for him to make life];B[cj];W[el];B[ei];W[gk];B[gn]C[white does not need to get out anymore ? So where should he play ?];W[ik];B[jk];W[ij];B[hh]C[a small keima would be more reasonnable];W[gp]C[patient move (valuable move)];B[gm];W[hl];B[im];W[ih];B[ig];W[jh];B[hg](;W[fi]C[misread ?];B[fh];W[ej];B[gi];W[di];B[fj];W[eh];B[eg];W[fi];B[oc];W[ei];B[pb]LB[ob:A]C[A would be enough and stronger];W[jl];B[kl];W[kk];B[jm];W[kj];B[gq](;W[fo];B[em];W[id];B[dm];W[dl];B[jg];W[kg];B[je];W[kf];B[ie];W[hd];B[jd];W[hp](;B[jp];W[jo];B[io];W[kr];B[hq];W[ir](;B[iq];W[fr];B[bm];W[bl];B[ao];W[do];B[dn](;W[am]LB[nj:A][fp:B][fq:C]C[B (or C) would be a better connection and white would not be afraid of death in the corner];B[br];W[cr];B[aq];W[cq];B[eo];W[fp];B[fq];W[ep];B[gr];W[fs];B[dr]C[problem for white ])(;W[aq];B[al];W[bk];B[ho];W[fp];B[hm]C[black is alive]))(;B[jq];W[mr]C[very strong !!]))(;B[hq];W[iq](;B[jq];W[io]C[enough for white])(;B[jp];W[jq];B[kq];W[kr];B[lq];W[fq])))(;W[hq];B[hp];W[fq];B[go];W[gr];B[ao]C[black is alive]))(;W[jl];B[kl];W[kk];B[jj];W[kj]C[white connects his groups]))(;W[dm]C[white can't play like this];B[bm];W[bl];B[eo];W[do];B[dn];W[en];B[em];W[fn];B[dl]))(;B[do];W[eo];B[dn];W[bo];B[bn];W[bp];B[cn]C[ugly shape for black]))(;B[om];W[np];B[nq];W[on]C[white has forcing move to link up])(;B[oo];W[on];B[nn];W[nm]C[more easier to link his stones])(;B[on];W[oo];B[po];W[pp];B[qo];W[op];B[qp];W[oq]C[already a big benefit for white]))(;B[kq];W[jq];B[jp];W[lq];B[kr];W[lr];B[jr]C[black is separated]))(;B[fq];W[eq];B[fp];W[dn];B[ip];W[dk]C[white left side is almost territory.]))(;B[eb];W[dc];B[jc]LB[hd:A]C[move to make base of life. If black plays A, white would be happy to pincer ]))(;B[fc];W[dc];B[id]C[exchange more interesting for black];W[jp]))
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