(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]GN[ ]PW[Park Younghun]PB[Jiang Weijie]WR[9d]BR[5d]DT[2011-08-20]EV[2nd World Meijin]RO[Final]PC[Changde, China]WT[Korea]BT[China]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Jiang Weijie vs Park Younghun]RE[W+Resign]FG[259:]PM[2];B[pd]C[This game is from the recent World Meijin event, where the Meijins from China, Japan and Korea faced one another.Park Younghun (9p) and Jiang Weijie (5p) both defeated Iyama Yuta (9p) to play in the final. This is the first time these two have played.];W[dd]C[This three nations Meijin title is quite new. There used to be Korea vs China, and China vs Japan Meijin, but they all play together now.];B[qp]C[Recently, Park's results aren't that impressive. Some say it's because his style of play is not suitable for the modern game. He's very good at endgame and calculating, but his fighting is relatively weaker than other top players, such as Lee Sedol and Gu Li.];W[dq]C[Jiang is a fairly new face. His recent results are amazing. He beat Gu Li in the final of the Chinese Meijin Cup (Mingren) 3-2 last year, and it was very sensational. Furthermore, he was in the semi final of the Fujitsu Cup a few of weeks ago. Even though he was beaten by Qiu Jun, it was still very impressive. ];B[nq]C[I don't know much about his style, but Korean pros say it's hard to find his weak points. He's still very young, so maybe he's on the way making his own unique style! :D];W[qj];B[co];W[cj]C[This is rare, as it's not regarded as a proper pincer, but Park wanted to lead things towards a long game. ](;B[gq]C[Right choice. ];W[ep];B[go]LB[jp:A][jq:B][nq:C]C[This jump is more active than A or B. A should be fine though. ];W[en]LB[cm:B][dn:A]C[A is also possible for W, but then B'd jump at B, and it'd be hard to attack B's left side. ](;B[dm]C[Right move.];W[em](;B[dk]C[Proper move. ];W[dj](;B[ek]LB[dm:A]C[Proper move, and B doesn't need to care about A anymore. ](;W[ej]C[The opening is very important for top pros. They try to lead the game towards their preferred style.];B[fk];W[bl]LB[ck:A]C[Important point. If W doesn't play here, B'd go at A right away. ](;B[gm]CR[fk][go][qp][gq][nq]C[Good choice. B's lower side is becoming stronger and bigger. ];W[dn]LB[co:A]C[W's turn to capture B's A. ];B[ck];W[bk];B[cm];W[cn];B[bm];W[bn];B[an];W[ao];B[am];W[bo]C[Up to here, the game's still pretty even as there were no questionable moves for both. ];B[df]C[Good move. W's marked stones on the left side look strong, but Jiang didn't seem to agree. ]MA[cj][dj][ej][bk][bl];W[gi]LB[gl:A]C[Good sense. W is aiming at A. Sometimes the center is more urgent than corners. ];B[dh]C[Middle of three stones' vital point. ];W[eg]C[Trying to make B's stones heavy.];B[bi];W[bj];B[eh];W[fg];B[fj];W[fi](;B[ei]C[B cuts here, but it was a big mistake. The sequence from here was inevitable, and as you will soon see, the result was good for W. I don't know which move Jiang missed. ];W[dg];B[cg];W[ch]C[Good start to sacrificing W's left side group.];B[ci];W[bg]LB[cf:A][bh:B]C[Key move. If W cuts at A, B'd be happy with 48.];B[bh]C[No other option. ];W[cf]LB[bf:A]C[B can't cut at A as there's no ko threat. ];B[ch];W[bf];B[ai]LB[ai:B][aj:A]C[Correct. If B hanes at A, W'd go at 53, and make it ko. ];W[fh];B[cl]C[So far, the first battle's finished. The result is obviously better for W. B's left side's only 13 points, but W's outside is fantastic! ];W[nc]C[It's even W's turn. ];B[qf](;W[qm]C[Right move, because this makes a base and reduces B's potential too.];B[eb]C[This is a general move to approach the corner when there're already W's stones on the opposite side. ];W[ec]C[Good response. ](;B[jc]C[A bit questionable. ];W[pb]C[Beneficial exchange. ];B[qc](;W[fb]C[Proper move. ];B[lc];W[od]C[A useful tesuji for making shape. W doesn't need to worry about this group too much as W has a nice wall from left side. ];B[gb];W[fc];B[pk]C[B starts to develop his lower side. This is B's only hope. ];W[qk];B[pm];W[qn]LB[pn:A]C[Right answer. If W hane at A, B'd cut at 72, and the fight should be better for B. ];B[pn];W[pe];B[qe];W[pc];B[qd];W[lq]C[Jump in! It looks a bit too deep, but Park specializes in this sort of sabaki. ];B[jq];W[jp];B[iq];W[oq]LB[jp:A]C[Very good. When you are struggling in your opponent's area like this, attachment is the most effective way to play. ](;B[or];W[nr]C[Nice cut. This sort of cut is a clever way of play as W's stones are all light. You'd better remember this! :D ];B[pq];W[op];B[mr];W[np];B[ns];W[mq];B[nr];W[mn]C[W is making his own living shape. ];B[ml];W[km]C[W's group is no longer in danger, and the game's still good for W. It's very tough for B to catch up with W for territory now.];B[ri]LB[od:C][qj:A][km:B]C[B has to find some profit by attacking this group. W has three unsettled groups (A, B and C), but they are not that weak. ];W[qi];B[rh];W[oi];B[po]C[B can't fight properly without this connection, because his own stones could become a liability.];W[lk]C[W's lower group is fine now. ];B[nf]C[Trying to attack W's top one. ];W[mk]LB[mi:A]C[Jumping at A should be easier for W. ];B[nj]C[It's obvious for B to divide W's groups here.];W[nk];B[oj];W[qh];B[rj];W[ni];B[ql]LB[pl:A]C[Preventing from W's move at A.];W[rl];B[pl];W[rk];B[pg]C[Sente against W's top group. ](;W[lb]LB[ni:A]C[Right answer. Park might not have worried about W's A group that much. ];B[ph];W[pi];B[mi]C[This is the only hope for B now. W is far ahead on territory, and there aren't enough places for B to catch up. ];W[ro];B[rp];W[mh];B[lh];W[mg](;B[of]C[Brilliant move. It's not even easy to imagine. ];W[lg];B[kl]C[B is already desparate. ];W[ll];B[nh]C[B goes all out here.I don't think Jiang misread here, but he may have decided the game was hopeless. ];W[mj];B[li];W[kh];B[ki];W[ji]LB[jc:C][nc:B][nh:E][ei:A][lq:D]C[B resigned here. There's nothing B can do now. This is not an easy move, but it's not that hard for top players to read out.B seemed to find a place to resign.Cutting at A was a big mistake, and the result up to W's B is better for W. C is a bit questionable, and W's play after D was fantastic. B eventually chooses an extreme strategy to cut at E, but it didn't succeed as Park's response was perfect. After left side battle, there weren't any clear chances for B. Park's play in this game was remarkable. Park defeat both Iyama and Jiang, and won the 2nd World Meijin.We can see his style of play is still competitive. On the other hand, we will see Jiang's name in the world championships more often as he's young and full of potential.Commented by An Younggil 8p ](;)(;B[kj]C[If B tries to go out here, ];W[jj];B[kk];W[jl]C[There's no way. ])(;B[jh];W[kg];B[jj];W[ii];B[kj]C[This is conceivable, but ];W[il]C[This is a nice move, and... ];B[jl];W[jk]C[Good sequence. ];B[kk];W[jm];B[ik];W[hk];B[hl];W[im];B[hj];W[ij]C[Sadly, B can't save those marked ones. ]MA[lh][ki][li][mi][jj][kj][kk][jl][kl]))(;B[nh]C[This cut looks alright, but];W[ng];B[oh];W[qg]LB[pf:A][rg:B]C[A and B are miai.]))(;W[mi]C[If W doesn't play on the top, ];B[mc]C[This is a good move, and ];W[md];B[ne];W[nd];B[le];W[mb];B[lb];W[ob];B[ma];W[na];B[nb]C[It'd become a ko fight. W doesn't need to be adventurous like this.]))(;B[op]C[If B hane over here, ];W[nr]C[Hane under, and];B[pq];W[or];B[np];W[pr];B[qr];W[kq]LB[lo:B][jr:A]C[W can make a good shape. A and B are miai next. ]))(;W[lc]C[If W plays here, ];B[fc];W[db];B[ed];W[dc];B[gd]C[B'd get a good position. ]))(;B[db]C[Extending here is not a good idea as the top side is more important than the corner. ];W[fb];B[fc];W[gb];B[cd];W[de];B[dc];W[ed];B[bc]C[B can live in the corner easily, but];W[ne]C[W'd be happy with this jump. W's top area is getting deeper and deeper, and it's not good news for B. ])(;B[oc]C[This idea is possible.];W[nd];B[gc]LB[db:A][jc:B]C[A and B are miai for B. This way it looks easier for B to settle the group. ]))(;W[jd]C[Playing on the top is attractive, but...];B[ql]LB[qj:A]TR[ql][gm][go][qp][gq][nq]C[Playing here is even better. W has to worry about A, and B can build a huge moyo around the bottom of the board while attacking. ]))(;LB[dg:A][ei:B]C[If B connects at A, W'd B. ];B[cd]C[This attachment should be conceivable. ];W[cc];B[ce]LB[dc:A][ei:B]C[After this, A and B are miai for B. ]))(;B[dn]C[This is normal, but];W[gm]C[W can jump here, and it's hard to find a good move for B now. ]))(;W[dn]C[This isn't working very well. ];B[cn];W[cm];B[bm]C[Good response. ];W[cl];B[ck];W[bl];B[bk]LB[dl:B][am:C][bn:A][bo:D]C[If W cuts at A, B'd play B~D. ];W[dl];B[al]C[W doesn't gain anything but becomes heavy. ]MA[cj][dj]))(;B[el]C[You might consider of this, but it's no good because...];W[fl];B[fk];W[dn]C[W can come, and ](;B[cn]C[If B blocks here, ];W[cm]C[Cut here. ];B[dl];W[cl]LB[dm:A][cn:B]C[A and B both are in trouble. ])(;B[cm]C[If B descends here, ];W[cn];B[bn];W[bo];B[bp];W[bm];B[ao];W[bl]LB[dl:A][bq:B]C[A and B are miai for W. ])))(;B[dl]C[If B extends here, ];W[ek]C[This is very good for W. ]))(;B[cl]C[This one looks nice, but];W[dl]C[Good attachment. ];B[dm];W[dn]C[Right order. ];B[cn];W[em];B[cm];W[dk]C[W can make nice outside. ];B[bq];W[jp]C[Satifactory for W. ]))(;B[cl]C[This is conceivable, but];W[cp];B[do];W[fq]LB[cj:A][cl:B]C[If W plays like this, the exchange of A and B becomes better for W. ]))
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Park Younghun    Jiang Weijie
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