(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[2700]OT[25/600 Canadian]PW[Drewch]PB[Yukontodd]WR[10k]BR[10k]DT[2013-09-11]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[CGA League Game played on KGS Sept. 11, 2013]RE[B+Time];B[pd]BL[2690.697];W[cp]WL[2695.307];B[pp]BL[2686.814]C[I've become much more comfortable with a few star point joseki of late.];W[dc]WL[2685.388]C[So this really worried me, when he played complimentary 3-4 corners!];B[pj]BL[2683.378]C[I figured san ren sai would lead me to be able to make nice moyos while he wants to finish his enclosures. At least it's better than attacking where I don't know the joseki hardly at all yet!];W[nq]WL[2621.412];B[np]BL[2648.839]C[Again, going to focus on moyo building, though I think the better move was probably to either ignor it for now and approach the upper right or to play a pincer of some sort. I was hoping my first game back after all that study I've been doing would NOT face dual 3-4's, so I was rattled. Probably a really bad move.];W[mp]WL[2566.44];B[no]BL[2640.27];W[oq]WL[2552.457];B[pq]BL[2636.075];W[jq]WL[2496.365]C[I think that's too wide? Should be a knight's connection at L3?];B[pn]BL[2556.842]C[I think that's joseki.];W[de]WL[2443.711]C[There we go! Now I have time to steal the big point from him and start my moyo idea up.];B[jd]BL[2492.034];W[dj]WL[2410.214];B[mo]BL[2429.116]C[I had some idea that I could build the moyo down here nicely given that his extension was too wide.];W[lp]WL[2392.197]C[I feel like I missed a chance somewhere, although N5 still feels good.];B[jj]BL[2347.446]C[moyo! moyo!];W[qc]WL[2345.068]C[This was a bit of a relief, and totally expected. I was worried about him sealing the bottom first, if he then got sente and played this invasion after. I think that'd have finished me right there.];B[pc]BL[2329.705];W[qd]WL[2343.225];B[qe]BL[2328.89];W[re]WL[2341.826];B[qf]BL[2323.294];W[rf]WL[2340.305];B[qg]BL[2317.712];W[pb]WL[2321.686];B[ob]BL[2314.516];W[qb]WL[2318.285];B[nc]BL[2307.833];W[lo]WL[2302.386]C[White gives me more chances to invade.];B[dn]BL[2266.615]C[I take it. I have no idea what I'm doing, but it has to happen somewhere or I might as well resign now.];W[ep]WL[2263.814];B[fn]BL[2219.716];W[go]WL[2250.122];B[gm]BL[2204.253];W[hn]WL[2227.26];B[hm]BL[2190.973];W[ln]WL[2221.505]C[Wow, I gave him a lot of territory on the bottom! That moyo better turn into tighter territory for me, and soon.];B[im]BL[2171.579]C[I thought about something around N8 for this, or even E9. I was worried about his hane with support at m6 so close. I could have ended up steering him straight at the territory I'm trying to take for myself? Necessary? I don't know, it still feels like white missed an opportunity at J7, so I'd better play there if I can.];W[hc]WL[2203.099];B[ic]BL[2159.691];W[hd]WL[2186.631]C[My Moyo is firming up, his extension is narrow.];B[dh]BL[2152.741]C[Second part of my plan for D6 was to try to capture D10. It's a bad, bad idea. I have a nice thickness, but white can get out so easy, and I AM steering him toward my moyo.];W[ei]WL[2108.807];B[cf]BL[2110.782]C[Too late, I see the problems. Maybe I should have played D13 instead, I think at the time? Maybe I should have played a lighter reduction and expanded my moyo or hooked up with the G7 group I think now!];W[ce]WL[1957.845];B[gh]BL[2096.816]C[I mean to try sabaki now, dropping the two stones if I need to.];W[eh]WL[1951.615];B[ck]BL[2019.562]C[This is a poke from the D6 group, ];W[cj]WL[1939.072];B[jg]BL[1969.87]C[Firming up the moyo? I should have played around F14 I think.];W[ll]WL[1921.933];B[mm]BL[1925.097]C[peep!];W[lj]WL[1687.144]C[Not connecting? Into my moyo? Have to follow through and spike white's iken toby: must cut off and destroy or all is lost for Black.];B[lm]BL[1901.005];W[km]WL[1685.312];B[kl]BL[1860.297];W[jl]WL[1677.072];B[kk]BL[1845.903];W[jm]WL[1662.966]C[Not as comfy as I would have liked; K8 is a nuisance.];B[hj]BL[1659.199]C[Trying to seal in K8.];W[jk]WL[1606.016];B[kj]BL[1654.12];W[hk]WL[1602.668];B[gk]BL[1631.894];W[ij]WL[1539.975];B[ii]BL[1614.131];W[ik]WL[1478.671];B[hi]BL[1582.041]C[Okay, so much for any points for black in there, though!];W[bn]WL[1327.05]C[I think this is a mistake by white, grabbing a little territory while his main territory is open to black.];B[in]BL[1531.87]C[So black pushes in.];W[io]WL[1297.868];B[fo]BL[1483.841]C[And tries to make some faults.];W[fp]WL[1273.569];B[jn]BL[1399.085];W[kn]WL[1270.304];B[jo]BL[1395.475];W[ip]WL[1227.087];B[mn]BL[1285.781]C[It occured to me I'd best not make the same mistake white just did, this gote play suddenly looked very necessary.];W[rg]WL[1172.382]C[White could play s12 here, isn't that the joseki continuation?];B[rh]BL[1254.195];W[ie]WL[1168.361];B[je]BL[1250.974]C[White helps the moyo defend itself.];W[if]WL[1164.374];B[jf]BL[1227.389];W[fg]WL[1125.118]C[Oh, but black missed his chance to make mischief in the upper left corner.];B[gg]BL[1189.743];W[gf]WL[1103.056];B[ff]BL[1182.981];W[ef]WL[1009.804]C[Must be for aji.;)];B[fk]BL[1154.464]C[I'm not sure what the threat I read was, in there. I think if w G8, it could have gotten messy, so I played gote.];W[dk]WL[937.871];B[cl]BL[1144.785];W[dl]WL[934.424];B[cm]BL[1141.111];W[op]WL[903.99];B[oo]BL[1136.588];W[pr]WL[901.538];B[qr]BL[1114.916];W[or]WL[898.747];B[qq]BL[1086.855];W[sh]WL[814.138];B[ri]BL[1081.459];W[si]WL[807.787];B[sj]BL[1053.482];W[sg]WL[804.68];B[rj]BL[1047.796];W[qs]WL[771.114];B[rs]BL[971.466];W[ps]WL[767.053];B[sr]BL[970.121];W[ib]WL[693.75];B[jb]BL[963.105];W[hb]WL[657.312];B[bj]BL[884.287];W[bi]WL[650.407];B[bk]BL[869.756];W[ja]WL[606.492]C[Big mistake! Did you see it? Black plays to get sente!];B[kb]BL[827.756];W[ka]WL[604.693];B[lb]BL[794.98]C[Here it is; white takes a long pause, not believing for a minute that I gave up a point without needing sente somewhere else (that's me trying to read his mind).];W[cn]WL[414.814]C[There's his try?];B[dm]BL[788.511]C[I'll respond, since he obviously doesn't see it and I need that connection.];W[do]WL[409.505]C[Gote! So I can finally make that tesuji at...];B[bh]BL[771.915]C[...the clamp at B12!];W[ai]WL[373.002]C[Doesn't help.];B[ci]BL[764.874]C[White has six minutes at this point, and burns a lot of time over the next few moves, trying to minimize the damage.];W[bf]WL[137.324]C[2 minutes left for white];B[cg]BL[654.032];W[bg]WL[23.343]C[thirty seconds for white before overtime. Black has a comfy ten minutes left.];B[ah]BL[639.093]C[Suddenly it's a very close game.];W[hg]WL[275.446]OW[24]C[Black took over five minutes on this move, and burned more than half his overtime clock on the first out of 25 stones!];B[ih]BL[614.926];W[al]WL[264.232]OW[23];B[bm]BL[585.661];W[am]WL[256.331]OW[22];B[kp]BL[571.678];W[kq]WL[216.553]OW[21];B[fh]BL[510.008];W[eg]WL[209.409]OW[20];B[la]BL[462.847];W[ia]WL[206.226]OW[19];B[ag]BL[436.288];W[af]WL[131.114]OW[18];B[aj]BL[431.399];W[be]WL[125.746]OW[17];B[di]BL[406.302];W[ek]WL[78.507]OW[16];B[el]BL[366.229];W[ej]WL[69.134]OW[15];B[fl]BL[330.678];W[gj]WL[57.272]OW[14]C[Here, drewch called for an undo I saw the outline of a pop-up box just before I clicked my next move, missed him even asking for it.He has less than a minute with 14 moves left on his clock. I have 5:31 maintime yet. If I'd seen the undo request in time, should I have given it? I still don't know. What do you think?];B[fj]BL[323.077];W[fi]WL[32.225]OW[13]C[White burned twenty seconds, some of it on the undo request no doubt. 33 seconds and 13 stones left.];B[gi]BL[317.569]C[Here, I'm told he'd meant to click F10. I don't notice any communication, due to focusing on the game. F10 did make more sense, and the misclick cost him a couple points...but also time. Score estimator has us within a point from here on out.Black is up 0.5];W[id]WL[27.07]OW[12];B[jc]BL[315.359]C[White is up 0.5];W[eo]WL[24.919]OW[11];B[en]BL[311.839]C[Black is up 0.5];W[oa]WL[21.068]OW[10];B[na]BL[308.296];W[pa]WL[19.7]OW[9]C[white is up 0.5];B[gn]BL[287.923];W[ho]WL[14.751]OW[8]C[w is still up 0.5, has 15 seconds to play 8 stones. If I wasn't a gentleman, I'd make complications until his clock ran out, but I hate when it's been done to me in the past, and I don't like winning that way.I was told by an observer that there's a big point on the board we both missed. I can't find it even now. Can you?];B[dg]BL[258.867]C[Point! 0.5 for black.];W[ig]WL[12.522]OW[7];B[hl]BL[244.452];W[il]WL[7.911]OW[6];B[ko]BL[220.815]C[white is up by 0.5, but needs to fill in at M or N3 or else...];W[jp]WL[4.968]OW[5];B[mq]BL[217.496]C[That'll do it. White dies above or below.];W[]WL[4.965]OW[4]C[White passes. At this point, I'm told that the box that flew by was an undo request. I thought as much, but having seen it blow by, I just pushed on. His misclick was worth a couple points, and would have cost him the game no matter what, I think. He's not resigning so I make the obvious move at M3...];B[lq]BL[89.43]C[Black wins on time.The white player and I have played many games together, and will no doubt play many more. Did I rob him of his game? Is a misclick under super heavy time pressure ever actually a "misclick" worthy of an undo? Is that just the nature of online go? You decide, I'm just going to take the win and run with it, because, hey, it was great to be playing again, and the level of Go we both played in this one was, I think, something we both should be proud of. The back and forth over a single point ... I knew it was close, but wow, it was really close!I still wonder about that move at 166. I had to leave before the discussion around it got finished.])
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Drewch    Yukontodd
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