(;CA[UTF-8]GM[1]FF[4]SZ[19]AP[SmartGo Kifu:4.7.1]GN[2019-01-17a]PW[Jason]PB[Jennifer]EV[Casual Game]DT[2019-01-17]PC[Pair-A-Dice]KM[0.5]RU[AGA (Area)]CH[1];B[pd];W[dp];B[pq];W[dd];B[fc];W[cf];B[db];W[cc];B[jc]C[The marked space is the joseki. A 2-point jump on the side is generally safe and hard to cut. It's a fast move that allows you to focus elsewhere and rely on it later for strength. As played, White can make trouble at A. ]LB[hc:A]TR[ic];W[dj];B[pj];W[po];B[qo];W[qn];B[qp]LB[mn:A]C[White should play at A for the next move. The marked stone makes quick life difficult, and the play at A makes good shape with the other two white stones.]TR[pj];W[pn]C[Black should punish white, but from underneath. As a general rule, avoid fighting on the second line in the early moves.]LB[np:A](;B[rn];W[rm];B[ro];W[pl]C[White has made shape without inducing the marked stones to get strong in response. In general, the second line is not important in the early game. The contact move helps white get stronger, whereas the approach makes white run.]TR[pd][pj];B[mq]C[Just to drive the point home, now when black plays here, white feels no pressure and can tenuki.];W[jp];B[kq]C[This is too heavy. It doesn't really gain for black, but induces white to get stronger. As a general rule in early game, contact moves help your opponent, and a shoulder hit counts as a contact move.];W[jq];B[kp]C[Doesn't do much for black, and doesn't threaten much from white. This area doesn't look that much different without the two black stones. That means those moves could have gained more points elsewhere.];W[qc];B[pc];W[qd];B[qe];W[re];B[qf];W[rf];B[qg];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb];B[nc];W[fe];B[hc]TR[gd]C[A safe move, but the marked spot is stronger. 4th and 3rd line stones work well together.];W[he];B[je]C[Decent result for white. It reduces future flexibility in the area, but black is somewhat heavy, and white ends in sente.];W[cq];B[jj]V[-16.5]TR[fj][dm][fn][gp:gq]C[This is a bit too passive and heavy. Black has a lot of strength in the upper right. It's really hard to make territory in the centre, but this strength allows black to dive deep. Black could play any of the marked moves. Make white fight for it, and reduce in the process. It's scary to dive in and see what happens. But it's also a great lesson. Shape becomes vital.];W[ig];B[kg];W[hj];B[jn];W[mo];B[ln];W[mn];B[lm];W[nl];B[nj];W[kh];B[jh]TR[lg]C[This is too greedy. A common technique in fighting is to cut on the opposite side of your target, which is what white is doing here. Black should shore up the fairly sizeable territory up top, then use the strength in the middle to invade the lower left. A contact fight here is only good for white.];W[jg];B[ji]C[No points in the centre. Black is now wide open for invasion.];W[kf];B[lg];W[jf];B[lf];W[ke](;B[kd]C[This is pushing white into black's territory. (See alternate.)];W[le](;B[ld]C[Proverb says: "When the nose of the camel is through the tent, the rest of the camel is sure to follow." (See alternate.)];W[me];B[ng];W[gq](;B[hn]C[Black is behind and needs to do something big. An invasion or deep reduction is the only chance.];W[cm];B[hi]C[This is awesome. ];W[gi];B[hh]C[Bamboo joints are often key in a tight middlegame fight. Black is in a good spot. ];W[gj]C[White wants that stone. There are no points in the centre because of the multiple ways to break into it. However, this is the last remaining foothold for white.]TR[hj];B[hg];W[hf];B[fg];W[dh]V[-3.5];B[ik]C[This right here is the feeling of a good strong sente sequence. Black's move says "boom, and now I get these points, too." It's an even board.];W[nf]TR[lf:lg][ng]C[Taking the final spot in your opponent's shape is often effective.](;B[of];W[mg]TR[kh]C[Sacrificial stones from the opening are often used as aji during middlegame. This is why it's helpful not to resolve fights too early, so you have more flexibility and control later.];B[lh];W[mh];B[li];W[mf];B[nh];W[rk];B[rj];W[qk];B[qj];W[mi];B[ni];W[jr];B[kr];W[cb];B[gl];W[fh];B[gg];W[eg];B[el];W[dl];B[mk]C[This move surprisingly doesn't actually gain much, as we'll see in a few moves.];W[lj];B[ki];W[mj];B[kk]TR[mk]C[The marked stone didn't contribute to stopping white, nor does move 107 need it to be there. It doesn't surround any points.];W[em];B[fl];W[fo];B[fn];W[en];B[gn]C[Remembering the earlier suggestion for an invasion on the left, white's corner is just as big, but now black doesn't have a springboard to the upper middle.];W[ks];B[ls];W[js];B[lr];W[oq];B[or];W[pp];B[qr];W[op];B[nq];W[ek];B[mm];W[nm];B[ok]C[This doesn't gain anything for black, nor does it threaten more than one point for white. ];W[hp];B[eb]C[This may be the biggest point right now. Close to it, at any rate. Good timing. ];W[md];B[mc];W[hk];B[hl];W[sj];B[si];W[sk];B[rh];W[oe];B[pe];W[lk];B[ol];W[om];B[gd];W[ff];B[ca];W[ba];B[da];W[bb];B[sm];W[sl];B[sn];W[pk];B[gf];W[ge];B[ie];W[if];B[id];W[ll];B[kl];W[nk];B[oj];W[oa];B[na];W[pa];B[ed];W[ee];B[dc];W[cd];B[go];W[gp];B[lo]C[Decent sente run for black. ];W[io];B[in];W[fd];B[mp];W[np];B[jo];W[hd];B[gc];W[fm];B[gm];W[od];B[oc];W[ml];B[nd];W[ne];B[ho];W[ip];B[fk];W[fj];B[ih];W[ec];B[fb];W[ed];B[ij];W[gh];B[sg];W[sf];B[rg];W[rd];B[gk];W[kj];B[];W[];TB[ca:na][db:ob][dc][fc:pc][gd][id:ld][nd][pd:pj][ie:je][qe:qj][gf:gg][lf:li][of:ol][fg][hg:hi][kg:ki][ng:nj][rg:rj][sg:si][ih:jn][fk:gl][kk:kr][el][hl:ho][gm:go][lm:ls][mm][sm:ss][fn][rn:rs][jo][qo:qs][mp:ms][nq:ns][pq:ps][or:os]TW[aa:bs][oa:sa][cb:cs][pb:sb][ec:ek][qc:sd][dd:ds][fd:ff][hd:hf][md:ml][od:oe][ge][ke:kf][le][ne:nf][re:sf][if:jg][fh:gj][hj:hk][kj:lj][sj:sl][lk:ll][nk:np][pk:pp][qk:qn][rk:rm][em:es][fm][om:oq][mn:mo][fo:fs][io:is][gp:hs][jp:js][ks]V[-37.5]C[Black played a good endgame, and some good fights in the middlegame. The game was lost from failing to block the dragon on the upper right, and then not invading deep enough on the lower left. But overall a lot of good moves. Biggest single thing to improve is avoiding moves that don't have an interesting follow-up. It's the threat of what might happen that keeps sente, and sente is everything.])(;B[mg]C[Black needs to connect. A cut at A won't succeed. ]LB[pe:A];W[pe];B[oe];W[pf];B[of];W[pg];B[ph];W[od];B[oc];W[nd];B[md];W[ne];B[og]))(;B[cm]C[Maybe this could work? Play fast shape, stay loose and flexible.];W[ck];B[fm];W[go];B[hm];W[em];B[en];W[fn];B[el];W[dm];B[dl];W[dn];B[fl];W[cl];B[gn];W[fo];B[ho];W[hp]V[7.5]C[Huge corner for white, but still a good result for black. And you can now use this strength to jump into the top. That dragon has a lot of threats that can be made. Black could conceivably capture the marked stone, and have the rare case of points in the centre.(Note, I didn't read out every variation, maybe white has a better response. But this is the kind of thing to look for.)]TR[hj];B[fi]C[(From here on out is just a quick doodle, to show what might be possible.)];W[fj];B[hi];W[gi];B[gh];W[gj];B[hh];W[fh];B[fg];W[eh];B[gf];W[ge];B[eg];W[dg];B[dh];W[ei];B[df];W[cg];B[ee];W[ed];B[fd]C[White's dragon is cut off, with no eyes.Now, perhaps white reads this out and avoids it. It's still advantageous. Killing a group is usually not the goal. Play in a way that *threatens* to kill. Knowing that this is a possible outcome is advantageous, in that you can force white to mend the holes. That's what sente is all about.]))(;B[me]C[Ladder.];W[ld];B[lc];W[md];B[nd];W[mc];B[mb]C[White can't break through. The final result on top isn't much different than in the game, and the upper right area is saved.]))(;B[ld]C[Often the move is to fence in, rather than directly push.];W[kd];B[kc];W[le];B[me];W[md]C[White can't get through.];B[lc];W[mf];B[ne];W[mh];B[lh];W[ki];B[li]C[White might capture the three stones in the middle, but black saves the side and top. ]))(;B[np]C[Now the pressure is on white to either make a base or run. Black's move has put pressure on white while gaining territory on the bottom. ];W[mn];B[lp];W[nj];B[qf]C[Black has played light and fast, pushing white to the centre while claiming territory on the bottom, and solidifying some moyo on the upper right. White has reduced, but hasn't made any points.]))
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Jason    Jennifer
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