(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[3600]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]GN[NIS Open 2019 round 5 Nikola MITIC 7d VS Viktor LIN 6d]PW[Nikola MITIC]PB[Viktor LIN]WR[7d]BR[6d]DT[2019-03-31]EV[NIS Open 2019 round 5 Nikola MITIC 7d VS Viktor LIN 6d]RO[5]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]WT[Serbia]BT[Austria]US[Aleksija Djenic]C[EGF1 [?]: Check out our LIVE Commentary on twitch.tv/europeangofederationcomments [?]: You guys start playing at 14:45?EGF1 [?]: We are going to start playing as soon as the players arrive.comments [?]: ok];B[qd];W[dc];B[cq];W[pq];B[qo];W[oc];B[op];W[oq];B[np](;W[nq])(;W[mq];B[pf];W[cf];B[kc];W[qk];B[qq]C[comments [?]: Up to this point no problems.];W[qh]C[comments [?]: The first complication is R3comments [?]: White can push through with Q4 and R4, this partly depends on ladders];B[nq];W[nr];B[mr];W[lr]C[comments [?]: The most prominent ladder is when B cuts through with O3, W O2 and B N2, W P3, etc.];B[or];W[ms];B[pr];W[pd]C[comments [?]: The moves to Q2 is a kind of joseki];B[qc];W[qe];B[pe];W[re]C[comments [?]: Locally, it is better for B but W tekunied once and gets to plat the next move, too.comments [?]: W Q16 is the most severe movecomments [?]: Instead of Q16, W could also attach at R17, B S17, W Q16. However, B will not draw back with R15. Instead, B will atari at R18. W then ataries at R15 and makes a wall. However, that wall is not so effective. Welvang [6d]: o16 only move..?yagiz22k: fknsmöç];B[rd]C[Firestorm [4k?]: This game needs coffeecomments [?]: If B had played O16. most likely W will play R18comments [?]: After S16, W has two choices R14 and R13. R13 is "good style" but R14 takes away a liberty.];W[qg]C[comments [?]: In general, Nikola tries to play the good style move. He was educated in Japan];B[nd]C[comments [?]: So now, after O16, W R18 does not work so well anymore.comments [?]: After W R18, B can resist with Q18, W Q17, B S18. Without the S16/R13 exchange, W could next squeeze with S17 etc.martin97 [-]: who is providing comments?comments [?]: I ammartin97 [-]: my question was who you are ^^Penfold [3k]: I knew it!Penfold [3k]: but who are you?Welvang [6d]: do you know many Rob ?comments [?]: At any rate, Now W has no good move. He could try q18 r18 n17 but, B's corner has a lot of liberties.martin97 [-]: ah thanks :DPenfold [3k]: approaching the 33 looks very big for wEGF1 [?]: Check out our LIVE Commentary on twitch.tv/europeangofederationWelvang [6d]: is there a link for results ?melanija7 [3k?]: Is Nikola white?EGF1 [?]: nikola is whiteTollpatsch [1k]: q18 r18 n17 fight is an option?];W[lc]C[melanija7 [3k?]: Thanksbert [?]: caucasian, some would sayEGF1 [?]: And there is no result pageLiso66 [?]: who is playing pavol? EGF1 [?]: Pavol is playing with Sinan Djepov];B[nc];W[ld]C[Michel [2k]: Shouldn't be too hard for Pavol to winHermes [7k]: why nobody told me the game started?EGF1 [?]: all games were anouncedEGF1 [?]: on the site];B[kd];W[nb];B[pc];W[le];B[ke];W[lf]C[comments [?]: W could not escape with his stones at P17. So he had to device a plan to sacrifice them.Hermes [7k]: ok, sorry. I didnt see the messagecomments [?]: This looks OK for W. ];B[kf];W[kg]C[comments [?]: W really wants a move around G17 (or maybe around H16) soon. But B will kepp on pushing up to make W run on dame pointsPenfold [3k]: but black gets to reduce whites potential on the top in compensation?comments [?]: That would be unbearable for B. Therefore, W plays hane at the top.Firestorm [4k?]: crosscut for the win];B[lg]C[Firestorm [4k?]: start the crazy fighting you herodomie [2k]: is B corner totally alive yet ?comments [?]: B wants to cut at m13. However, W can play l18 k18 n18 - it is not quite sente, but very close.Firestorm [4k?]: yescomments [?]: No, B's corner is not alive yet.];W[mg];B[lh]C[domie [2k]: if W plays Q18 then B has just one eyeRabidKyu [6k]: Which corner?Concinnity [2k]: top right];W[jg]C[comments [?]: W must run away with k13 comments [?]: B cannot cut at n14 because o14 n15 o15 n16 p16 Concinnity [2k]: black extends now at the top?Firestorm [4k?]: g17Penfold [3k]: does o14 settle lifecomments [?]: B wants to play m18 n18 l18 n17 p18 , but then he still cannot cut at n14 FightorDie [9k]: n18];B[ob]C[comments [?]: Yes, but B does not want to play O14.Tollpatsch [1d]: game is good for black now];W[nf]C[comments [?]: So, now W is threatening to cutFirestorm [4k?]: I prefer white nowTollpatsch [1d]: o15 was also an option to make m18 worseFirestorm [4k?]: g17 stillcomments [?]: Now, B wants to play l18 or so in sente, then extend to g17 comments [?]: But he should be worried about his two stones at m12 Hermes [7k]: p12Firestorm [4k?]: l18 is not senteConcinnity [2k]: what happens if whtie answers l18 from the left?comments [?]: Another issue is whether B can play around p12 ];B[ki]C[DrunkUser [2d?]: l18 threatens to connectTollpatsch [1d]: l11 seems correctcomments [?]: So l11 threatens both p12 and a move around j13 or so, immobilize W's two stones at k13 Firestorm [4k?]: p12 doesn't work as a getacomments [?]: g17 or so looks good, but it is slowcomments [?]: j12 is the vital point in the center. Another idea would be to play o11 or so and let B play in the center and plan your strategy then.comments [?]: But I would probably play around h17 or socomments [?]: B can play m18 n18 k18 to threaten to cut at n17 or make a base at the top.comments [?]: So if you imagine two B stones at m18 and at k18 (and maybe the exchange of W m19 for l18, Where would you play a W moves?comments [?]: j17 would be the vital point but that looks to close to B's thicknessRabidKyu [6k]: G13?];W[hc];B[lb]C[Penfold [3k]: maybe j13 I would not want to go as far as g13];W[mb];B[jb];W[la];B[he]C[EGF1 [?]: for those who want to know pavol and sinan finished, we will tell u the results in a bitcomments [?]: So, Nikola played what I wanted to play.comments [?]: If W plays f17 that would be too slow because then W takes the initiative in the center.comments [?]: Much better would be j12 ];W[hg];B[kb]C[comments [?]: h13 is acceptable. It is based on the presumption that W can profit from this attack. Otherwise, h13 at j12 would probably be better];W[mc]C[Firestorm [4k?]: h13 is clearly a better point than j12];B[fc]C[EGF1 [?]: pavol woncomments [?]: B can easily live comments [?]: hahaha, that was a quick one.melkhiresa [1k]: not really surprisingcomments [?]: Normally, W would now play at g16 KhaoKhat [5k]: g16 h18 comments [?]: Yes, but keep readingcomments [?]: e.g. g16 h18 g18 g17 f18 and now what?comments [?]: The answer is g16 h18 g18 g17 f18 and B j17 h16 f16 ];W[fb]C[comments [?]: So that would be bad for W. Hence, W tries something different.KhaoKhat [5k]: I think about this move, too. comments [?]: e18 e17 g18 f16 g17 g16 h16 is possible now... Then W sacs the h17 stone and turns his corner into territory. He also gets sent to play around l9 comments [?]: B can think about g18 g17 e18 toocomments [?]: So try to read out what happens then...];B[gc];W[gb];B[hb];W[ib];B[ic];W[ha];B[hd];W[ni]C[FightorDie [9k]: j13];B[ii]C[leachy [2k]: b a long way ahead i thinkYoungPro [-]: Stephen HU 5d and Yue LI 5d are doing live commentary on twitch.tv/europeangofederationcomments [?]: B is not ahead in my opinion.];W[id];B[hb]C[comments [?]: In terms of points he is.comments [?]: However, there is a hige ko....];W[oa];B[pb]C[comments [?]: Oops, Nikola starts it right away.];W[hc]C[comments [?]: hige = huge, sorry];B[jc];W[gh]C[comments [?]: Ah, for a moment I was not paying attention. As I mentioned earlier, W 011 is really important. The drawback is that is gote, so W gets to play at J11. This is another reason I thought H13 should really have been at J12...];B[ee];W[ec]C[comments [?]: The exchange of j16 for k17 is huge! Now W has a chance to play j15 j14 h14 - you can already see the shortage of liberties now after W e17RabidKyu [6k]: Whsssst is the twitch channel?kendama [3k]: hige ko = (dannish) cozy koleachy [2k]: no, that's a hygge kocomments [?]: Nikola's style is very solid, thick, and Japanese.RabidKyu [6k]: Good thing Trump is not playong. That would be a yuge ko.EGF1 [?]: Check out our LIVE Commentary on twitch.tv/europeangofederationRabidKyu [6k]: Thank youcomments [?]: W wants to play h10 or g10 - so he always nees sentekendama [3k]: i suppose comments and I arn"t very good in dannish spelling ;)];B[gj];W[jj];B[ji]C[comments [?]: Hmmm, "needs"];W[hj];B[hi];W[gi]C[Hermes [7k]: e13comments [?]: So, B very rudely took sente.];B[fj]C[kendama [3k]: or I am very good in false - ad hoc - reasoning :/comments [?]: B is looking at c15 but he has a big problem because he is not alive yet];W[fd]C[comments [?]: I am very bad at "danish" spelling. I am not Danish.kendama [3k]: me neithercomments [?]: That is no fault of yoursbert [?]: eh nous, les belges];B[hb];W[hk]C[comments [?]: Et toi aussiFightorDie [9k]: j13Hermes [7k]: e12Hermes [7k]: or e13comments [?]: Yes J13 looks good now - but only locallyFightorDie [9k]: no, gets center toocomments [?]: j13 j14 j12 h14 k14 f8 comments [?]: W will get the center (i.e. around f8 ];B[ig]C[FightorDie [9k]: d12];W[if];B[ih]C[comments [?]: Yes, But then B would still play at j15 bert [?]: lol];W[hf]C[comments [?]: But maybe it's B's best bet];B[jf]C[Dino9 [-]: Game is pretty good for black];W[hc]C[comments [?]: If W gets j15 as well, B's center dragon is not alive, again...bert [?]: b can tenuki this?comments [?]: B's safe move is at j15 FightorDie [9k]: g14Concinnity [2k]: looke like a of profit for w in the corner now];B[ie];W[gd]C[Hermes [7k]: w wins];B[ge]C[Hermes [7k]: for white you mean];W[fl]C[comments [?]: Yes, but the most important part is that W gets to play f8 Concinnity [2k]: I wonder if white might've been better with g15 instead of g16];B[eh]C[comments [?]: However B will resistcomments [?]: e11 f11 f12 d11 e13 worksConcinnity [2k]: I mean white g15 after black j15];W[fg]C[comments [?]: e13 is possible toocomments [?]: f13 e13 f15 worksbert [?]: egf fell asleep and his head dropped on the keyboard?comments [?]: e13 f15 f14 g14 double atari];B[dk]C[comments [?]: But B can now sac his two stones at f10 (but he has to find away to that profitably];W[dm]C[comments [?]: B d14 is sentecomments [?]: d14 f15 c15 is locally interesting for B, but he is still to weak to fight that.comments [?]: Incidentally, W f8 and d7 are not Nikola's usual mode of operation.comments [?]: He realizes he is behind - his game plan is not working and he has to try harder];B[eg];W[fe];B[ce];W[be];B[cg];W[df];B[ef];W[ff];B[bg];W[bf]C[melkhiresa [1k]: feels like black should be able to tenukicomments [?]: e13 and c15 and c13 combination did not seem genius to me.melkhiresa [1k]: although there could be something around c11comments [?]: B wants to play tenuki, but that seems pretty risky. He will just have to take the riskmelkhiresa [1k]: my thoughts exactlyPenfold [3k]: maybe e3 to build up the lower sidecomments [?]: f3 looks bigmelkhiresa [1k]: lower side is biggest, but e3/f3 seem to lack enough ambition for blackFGo [2k]: as b I would want to play one stone at the bottom, but maybe it would be wise to attack the thin formation at f8 of w right awayFGo [2k]: c7 or g8 any good?comments [?]: e.g. c9 c10 c8 b10 e9 e10 d8 d10 d13 d12 - I think B has enough space to live.FightorDie [9k]: hm c11comments [?]: c7 c6 c8 would be safe];B[gl]C[comments [?]: This is also slightly riskycomments [?]: But B is also fixing his shape because he gets to play at f9 melkhiresa [1k]: but might allow black to settle in sentecomments [?]: Maybe];W[ci]C[melkhiresa [1k]: oh, Nikola jumps in directlymelkhiresa [1k]: boldness or frustration?comments [?]: OK, it's official: Nikola believes the situation is not good.lasotiu: this is not a jump, it is a divecomments [?]: He feels he has to do something, anything];B[gk];W[ck];B[dj]C[melkhiresa [1k]: now... not that pushing through wasn't big or good for black, but I can't help but think this group is now kinda floatingcomments [?]: So W is trying to give B good moves while in the meanwhile W takes points.... hmmm, I think his strategy will not work.];W[cj];B[dg];W[co];B[dl]C[comments [?]: But W is making points so eventually, it will become a close game.];W[cl]C[melkhiresa [1k]: this makes the bottom even more interesting];B[em]C[comments [?]: So what is the aji at the top left?];W[eq]C[melkhiresa [1k]: if w manages to get a triple attack, he's bound to gain somethingDino9 [-]: Two step ko];B[dn];W[cm]C[comments [?]: Maybe yes...];B[dp]C[comments [?]: c16 b16 c17 d15 d16 e16 b18 Dino9 [-]: White can avoid but it's too big loss of points I guesscomments [?]: after that W must play b17 c18 a18 and B can make a ko with a17 a16 a19 b19 c19 Penfold [3k]: d4 is painful for wcomments [?]: W believed he has a bad game and well, he does.comments [?]: He has made it worse...];W[hp]C[comments [?]: Sometimes, only blind faith helps. hahahaFightorDie [9k]: k5Penfold [3k]: SE says w+57.5bert [?]: c16 b16 c17 c18 ];B[kq];W[mp]C[FGo [2k]: SE also kills e13 in senteFightorDie [9k]: i did set up a rengo game , for fans, and friends...;)comments [?]: Maybe B is not aware of the aji in the top left.];B[iq]C[comments [?]: j3 h3 j4 comments [?]: I was just thinking about j3 when he played it.Becubio [4k]: w's game is good, but this j3 divide him dangerouslymelkhiresa [1k]: this will get incredibly complexcomments [?]: Normally, B would play l5 but then w could easily link up with k4 l4 k2 (not very good for W but it is still a game)comments [?]: h3 j4 j5 k5 and W will lose the game, probably ungracefully];W[jo];B[ko]C[comments [?]: Therefore capping at the top somehow....];W[jp];B[kp];W[jq];B[kr];W[jr]C[comments [?]: W o5 is sente-ish (B will play at p5 comments [?]: OK, W got something!];B[ks];W[kn]C[melkhiresa [1k]: maybe w is willing to sac n3 stonescomments [?]: l6 m5 n5 now];B[lo]C[melkhiresa [1k]: in exchange of a sold group on the bottom so he can split at e6 or somethingcomments [?]: Or maybe W wants to try to kill B's center groupPenfold [3k]: n5 is sente ish?];W[mo]C[melkhiresa [1k]: m6 seems forced];B[ln];W[no]C[comments [?]: Yes, but that is in principle a bad exchange.comments [?]: p5 and somethingcomments [?]: p5 o7 perhaps];B[oo];W[nm];B[km];W[jn]C[comments [?]: m8 or l7 firstcomments [?]: B really wants to play k7 and cut off h10 stones];B[ll]C[comments [?]: But forcing with n7 p6 for that purpose seems to be too big a price to pay.];W[jm]C[comments [?]: k7 is natural now.FightorDie [9k]: o6melkhiresa [1k]: yeah, but Nikola disagrees];B[nk]C[comments [?]: W wants to play n9 nowcomments [?]: That is a matter of readingmelkhiresa [1k]: directly? or still n7 first?comments [?]: n9 n8 o8 p9 l8 m7 n10 - I think that works for Wcomments [?]: n9 n8 o8 n10 p9 is ok for WBahamut [2k]: Comments makes comments similiar to Gobugobu, is that you Gobu?comments [?]: YesBahamut [2k]: :)];W[en]C[comeon [6d]: spambert [?]: yummymelkhiresa [1k]: oh wowcomments [?]: I am giving gobugobu a well-deserved break.comments [?]: So W got a fight];B[fm]C[comments [?]: W k8 is almost sente on m8 stones.bert [?]: this looks promising for wFGo [2k]: suddenly w looks quite powerfulcomments [?]: Nikola is a good player.bert [?]: sure isFGo [2k]: just meant the game, not the player, he for sure is good :)];W[mk];B[ml];W[nl]C[comments [?]: Yes, I know from personal experience.comments [?]: B p9 now is dangerous.FightorDie [9k]: p9comments [?]: p9 n10 ];B[ok]C[FightorDie [9k]: o6Firestorm [4k?]: heh];W[mj]C[comments [?]: This is a good way for B to lose.FGo [2k]: that might too much to handle for b now];B[lk];W[pm]C[comments [?]: p8 p7 q7 q8 o6 n6 n7 p6 q6 o6 q9 r8 q10 q11 r10 s10 etccomments [?]: so p9 probably lost the game....];B[do]C[burgess [1d?]: b has D5burgess [1d?]: b is finecomments [?]: Now, B will suddenly start playing aggressive moves.comments [?]: b4 is normalcomments [?]: b4 g3 ?];W[jl]C[melkhiresa [1k]: yes, and black will still need to capture e6 to make sure the corner is alive];B[lj]C[FightorDie [9k]: m10 kills];W[di];B[ei]C[comments [?]: So W is going for the killFGo [2k]: we may still see c16Becubio [4k]: kill what?melkhiresa [1k]: e12 groupcomments [?]: A while agi I mentioned that W k8 would probably be sente on B's lower sente group.Becubio [4k]: imposibleburgess [1d?]: possiblecomments [?]: So, W is saying that B is in trouble.... not quite.melkhiresa [1k]: you'd be surprised what kind of groups Nikola manages to kill ^^Overlord32 [4k?]: not this one thoHermes [7k]: but how to use E6?comments [?]: He almost killed my group a few weeks ago.FGo [2k]: e6 is quite weak, so b should get enough forcing moves to take care of his groups];W[fn];B[gn];W[fo]C[burgess [1d?]: anyway L3 former was no good i thinkcomments [?]: c6 b12 and B dies....melkhiresa [1k]: sure, but the thing is, now black is split and has to take care of both groups at once];B[cn]C[burgess [1d?]: b was ahead, should have seked for simplfication#comments [?]: h6 kills locallyFGo [2k]: e8 is annyoing...];W[bn];B[bo]C[FGo [2k]: otherwise h8 would make an eye];W[ao]C[melkhiresa [1k]: there are still the c16 ajumelkhiresa [1k]: aji];B[bp];W[bh];B[ag]C[comments [?]: b12 makes livePenfold [3k]: b h8 j8 h5?comments [?]: a13 could be a problem];W[bm];B[cd];W[bd]C[DrunkUser [2d?]: c16 is painfulmelkhiresa [1k]: yep, here it goes];B[cc];W[bc]C[FGo [2k]: wait, b e8 is simply alive, no?melkhiresa [1k]: no];B[cb]C[FGo [2k]: e10 f11 miaiBecubio [4k]: risky thatFightorDie [9k]: overDrunkUser [2d?]: w is alive];W[bb];B[ed]C[FightorDie [9k]: ohhleachy [2k]: what about h5 and h8 ?](;W[ah]C[melkhiresa [1k]: b19 ez life])(;W[ai];B[ah]C[Penfold [3k]: eyeshape for the black groupindianayk [3d]: what?comments [?]: a9 is the vital pointBecubio [4k]: all groups are alive, except p9. something can be made in f3])(;W[ca];B[ah];W[ai]C[Am [3d]: is it game?FightorDie [9k]: o12leachy [2k]: ah that makes more sense ;)];B[hl];W[il]C[Penfold [3k]: I meant @ leachy, That's what I think];B[gm]C[EGF1 [?]: sorrycomments [?]: OK, it didn't make any sense.Firestorm [4k?]: g7???indianayk [3d]: g7?Becubio [4k]: g7 dumb...Firestorm [4k?]: e8 white I guessHermes [7k]: misclickDrunkUser [2d?]: is the order wrong or something?Firestorm [4k?]: yesDarkIBlade [4d]: he missed e8comments [?]: In the game W has played e8 FGo [2k]: but then another b stone is missing](;W[go])(;W[ho];B[go]C[Firestorm [4k?]: ....leachy [2k]: this makes no sensevalge [2k]: W D15 aswellAm [3d]: he-he];W[fp];B[gp]C[Penfold [3k]: h5 should be at f4];W[gq]C[DarkIBlade [4d]: b looks dead ])(;W[aa])(;W[ba];B[go];W[fp];B[gp];W[gq]C[Firestorm [4k?]: someone pull up the live stream and wind it back before g7Penfold [3k]: when was b9 played?melkhiresa [1k]: w e8 is played, also black d19 Zorba [3d]: difficult to say i f stones are missing];B[da];W[el];B[bk];W[ak];B[ch]C[Becubio [4k]: strange all that...];W[bi]C[melkhiresa [1k]: the order is wrong here, but the position is correct nowEGF1 [?]: We apologize for the incorrect order.];B[al];W[aj]C[melkhiresa [1k]: happens, especially when the players play fastFGo [2k]: b8 does not helpmelkhiresa [1k]: yes, w makes a local sekiZorba [3d]: well done NikolaDarkIBlade [4d]: nice killmelkhiresa [1k]: seems like black resignedmelkhiresa [1k]: judging by the streamPenfold [3k]: Quick ask the players what the last moves wereEGF1 [?]: white won, black resignedYoungPro [-]: W+R?melkhiresa [1k]: I told you e12 was the target for the kill xDYoungPro [-]: thank you very much for recording!melkhiresa [1k]: yes sinan, w+rmelanija7 [3k?]: Is it first board?melanija7 [3k?]: Is it first board?comments [?]: woahZorba [3d]: who wins the tournament, Pavol or Nikola ?DarkIBlade [4d]: pavolcomments [?]: Instead of b9, B should start with the atari at a10 b11 b9 a6 a8. But that gives W a lot of libertiesPenfold [3k]: So did B e8 f9 h8 j8 h5 let black live?comments [?]: It took away (in sente) a possibility to make two eyes Penfold [3k]: So black needed to play e8 first?comments [?]: not surecomments [?]: I think he lost the game when he played p9 but even so, it had already become difficult.Penfold [3k]: So b didn't have the time to play e8 because he was already behind I seePenfold [3k]: thank you not_guba]))))
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Nikola MITIC    Viktor LIN
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