(;FF[4]CA[UTF-8]GM[1]DT[2021-08-15]PC[OGS: https://online-go.com/game/36210638]GN[Transatlantic Pro League]PB[Crazywind]PW[roln90]BR[4d]WR[2d]TM[1800]OT[3x30 byo-yomi]RE[B+1.5]SZ[19]KM[6.5]RU[Japanese]C[roln90: have a nice game!Crazywind: have a great gameTrevoke: [object Object]Avtikh: [object Object]];B[pd](;W[dd](;B[pq](;W[dq](;B[co](;W[ep](;B[cl](;W[qc](;B[qd](;W[pc](;B[od](;W[nb]C[Flo31: https://www.twitch.tv/europeangofederation](;B[po](;W[qj](;B[ql](;W[qg](;B[nc](;W[mb](;B[og](;W[rc](;B[hq](;W[jq](;B[ho](;W[nr](;B[bq](;W[dn](;B[do]C[jillgoodgal: stream crashedBadukGisa: Why is the game on pause if the stream crashed? Flo31: For the publicLeptir: Ali cut the power off so that Ilya have more time to thinkLeptir: :Djlt: How many power cuts is the commentator allowed to make during a game?jillgoodgal: 4Trevoke: As many as necessary until people complainTrevoke: It's an old rule from the Shusaku dasTrevoke: daysKogote: those shusakus twitch streams are missedTrevoke: When I'm done with Huang Longshi I'm shifting to Shusaku so.. gimme a follow and come hang out :pkatapliksi: the twitch channel is downLeptir: nooo, ¿cómo down? nooTrevoke: something crashedTrevoke: they're bringing it back upWelvang: [object Object]jlt: Seems Tanguy is going to continue the review?jillgoodgal: coming back on nowBadukGisa: Is Ilya informed that the game is back on?AlexSavchovsky: Tanguy will stream because Ali is still in a power outageBadukGisa: Hopefully he is playing and not somewhere](;W[eo](;B[en](;W[dm](;B[fn](;W[gp](;B[hp](;W[br](;B[bp]C[Maverick GO: Tanguy 9p](;W[gr](;B[hr](;W[ar](;B[cm](;W[pr](;B[oq](;W[or](;B[qq](;W[qr](;B[lq](;W[nq](;B[fr](;W[er](;B[fq]C[drifterwolf: who is winning](;W[go]C[AntoineBE: ryandrifterwolf: nice. thanks.](;B[gn]C[drifterwolf: 30 minutes main time, too short](;W[gq]C[Rocco: ilya behind again already?](;B[gs]C[Rocco: hmm](;W[ds](;B[qf](;W[rf](;B[rr](;W[lr](;B[qh](;W[pg](;B[ph](;W[pf](;B[of](;W[rh](;B[pe](;W[qe](;B[re](;W[rl]C[Azrail: atm, kata thinks ryan is throwing](;B[rm]C[AntoineBE: he's ahead according to my katagoAntoineBE: exactly](;W[oh]C[MyBlizzAcc: yepp, white has caught up](;B[pi](;W[qk](;B[pl](;W[nh](;B[oj](;W[sl]C[drifterwolf: now ryan's time advantage is gone too, sigh](;B[mg]C[Azrail: kata has b ahead againMyBlizzAcc: yeah, but by like 1p](;W[mh]C[MyBlizzAcc: its an even game now](;B[lg]C[Azrail: yeah, it really ddn't like the T8](;W[ok](;B[nk](;W[pj](;B[eq](;W[cq](;B[fs](;W[dr](;B[qf](;W[rg](;B[kr](;W[kq](;B[lp](;W[jr](;B[mr](;W[ks](;B[mq](;W[ms](;B[ns](;W[os](;B[qs](;W[jo](;B[ln](;W[in](;B[dp]C[LVL79: is this a first game?Azrail: secondAzrail: ryan won the first](;W[il]C[katapliksi: easilyLVL79: ok thanx](;B[rk]C[MyBlizzAcc: ilya messed up at the start of the first game, and there was no way to recover, and ryan didnt fall for any attempts to force errors](;W[oi](;B[ld](;W[cf](;B[np](;W[rs](;B[db](;W[dc](;B[eb](;W[cb](;B[bb](;W[cc](;B[gc](;W[ic](;B[ca](;W[bc](;B[ge](;W[ke](;B[kc](;W[le](;B[jd](;W[ne]C[Azrail: ilyas turn to throw](;B[md](;W[me](;B[je](;W[nd]C[WeiQiPro: Ogs ai is ded ](;B[oc](;W[mc]C[LiuBang10: long live ogs estimatorTarqeq: that's "score randomiser"slb7: ogs estimator > my counting](;B[oe]C[Azrail: Score randomiser is a title that belongs to the kgs guesstimatorMyBlizzAcc: ryan down to last byoTarqeq: even a broken clock is right twice a day](;W[kd](;B[jc]C[claire yang: Use your own brain for once](;W[lc](;B[ng]C[Azrail: That sounds hard](;W[jf](;B[ob]C[WeiQiPro: Don't want toGia: Hi Claire! To the point as always :-)](;W[pb]C[WeiQiPro: AI is 1000x better act countingslb7: what is w doing](;B[lh](;W[kg]C[AntoineBE: We don't have brains, don't hate us!andre8s: w is killing the upper-right quadrant](;B[oa](;W[rd]C[Azrail: NBLM No-Brain Lives Matter](;B[nj]C[Kogote: counting is ok, wanting to use an estimator is ok too. No need to be rudeTrevoke: It's the zombie motto](;W[ib]C[Trevoke: "What do we want?" "BRAINS!" "When do we want 'em?" "BRAINS!"](;B[kb]C[Tarqeq: it's not rude on its own to suggest people use their brainsTarqeq: opinionated, maybe](;W[fc]C[Tarqeq: L19 connects?Trevoke: In some countries it's expected of educated people :pKogote: it is, telling someone use your brain means you are saying they are not using it. just because they want to use a tool. If someone takes a calculator and i tell them use your brain, its actually rude, yeah. ](;B[fd]C[Tarqeq: doesn't L19 connect due to the liberty shortage?](;W[gb]C[Tarqeq: huh, I don't know... K19, maybeTrevoke: In this conversation we might be suggesting that someone may not have developed the skillset necessary to use their brain, in which case it still wouldn't be an insult](;B[if]C[Kogote: you can tell them try to calculate it yourself. but use your brain is rudeWeiQiPro: If I'm not the one playing I prefer to not think.Gia: This game is worthy of a final, that's all I haveKogote: lets agree to disagreeWeiQiPro: Makes it easier to workslb7: weiqipro has the right mindset lmao](;W[ec]C[Azrail: What WeiQiPro saidschnorz: WeiqiPro is pro at weiqi, you can tell](;B[ig](;W[kh]C[AntoineBE: ''you wont always have your katago in your pocket''](;B[mi](;W[ji](;B[ni](;W[hh]C[WeiQiPro: Then I'll start to think. But before I do I'll ask someone else to answer my dumb questions LULMyBlizzAcc: woahTarqeq: what a weird tradeMyBlizzAcc: if this trade doesnt pay..Leptir: what the hell...](;B[fg]C[Azrail: playing like this is SD is how i usually die](;W[fh]C[katapliksi: no way w can kill top groupschnorz: the aji on the right for b...](;B[gh]C[Tarqeq: it's either save R9 or connect under](;W[gi](;B[gg]C[Poppy88: go Ilya!andre8s: connect under = t15?Tarqeq: yesAzrail: We're at B 94%](;W[rj]C[schnorz: the aji was too much schnorz: wowandre8s: t15 is not necessary since there's still ko ;)LiuBang10: so if black T15 then white R15 ko right](;B[fi]C[Tarqeq: not everyone loves komartin97: or s19 and live](;W[eh](;B[ii](;W[ij]C[WeiQiPro: Oh God reading questions... can you imagine.](;B[ih]C[Tarqeq: I can imagineschnorz: I'd rather not](;W[hj](;B[jm]C[Tarqeq: I have vivid imagination](;W[km](;B[kn](;W[jn](;B[kl](;W[jl](;B[hi](;W[gj](;B[hc](;W[hb](;B[id](;W[cj](;B[kk](;W[jj](;B[dg](;W[eg](;B[ef](;W[dh](;B[ch](;W[di](;B[df](;W[cg](;B[ce](;W[be](;B[bh](;W[bg](;B[ah](;W[de](;B[bj](;W[hd](;B[ag](;W[bf](;B[gd](;W[ff](;B[gf](;W[ee](;B[ck](;W[ol](;B[bs](;W[cs](;B[ri](;W[qi](;B[pk](;W[sk]C[Lolita: black winning](;B[rp](;W[sr](;B[ss](;W[rn](;B[qn](;W[rs](;B[rq](;W[sm](;B[qm](;W[lm](;B[mm](;W[ll](;B[ml](;W[lk](;B[lj](;W[im](;B[se](;W[qe](;B[kp]C[Gia: wait if no N9 why not L10 from W?Gia: (allow me, I'm that person)](;W[jp](;B[qf]C[Azrail: because then b fills in R 16](;W[ko](;B[qe](;W[ra]C[Azrail: oh geezandre8s: L10 is just capturing two stones without any further threat --> too slow](;B[lo]C[WeiQiPro: B+1Gia: Ah I see.. thanx!](;W[el](;B[ek]C[WeiQiPro: Well now it changed..](;W[fl](;B[fk](;W[gl](;B[dl]C[LiuBang10: pro games always make me wonder why i started playing go](;W[em]C[LiuBang10: the anxiety is insane](;B[mk](;W[jm](;B[kj](;W[ro](;B[sd](;W[qo](;B[pn](;W[sc](;B[cn](;W[ki](;B[fb](;W[fa](;B[ss](;W[af](;B[bi](;W[rs](;B[pa](;W[qa](;B[ss](;W[fj](;B[rs]C[Azrail: try watching them in person, when they hit their move button with like 0 seconds left](;W[ls](;B[sf](;W[aq]C[andre8s: wasn't n6 a good ko threat?](;B[sg](;W[si](;B[sh](;W[ri](;B[ps](;W[ns](;B[fe](;W[ap](;B[ao]C[LiuBang10: what's the followup to n6 if black ignores](;W[ef](;B[gk]C[explo: O5](;W[hk](;B[ja](;W[ej](;B[dk](;W[qp](;B[pp](;W[cp](;B[bo](;W[da](;B[sp](;W[sn](;B[ia](;W[ha](;B[li](;W[gm](;B[hn](;W[hm](;B[is](;W[ir](;B[hs](;W[js](;B[jb](;W[ea](;B[jk]C[schnorz: Gansheng Shi?](;W[na](;B[fp](;W[lb]C[andre8s: followup to n6 would be o5schnorz: Michael Redmond for the final game?](;B[ie](;W[la](;B[fo](;W[as](;B[lf]C[Cezary: did ryan just lost 3 points ?](;W[kf](;B[so](;W[dj](;B[ik](;W[fm](;B[es](;W[ci](;B[iq](;W[ip](;B[io](;W[ed](;B[jh](;W[jg](;B[ka](;W[mf](;B[nf](;W[](;B[]C[Crazywind: There seems to be an OGS glitchCrazywind: My screen says "Auto-scoring error: [object Object]"Crazywind: broke OGS roln90: thanksCrazywind: thanks for the exciting gamesyahel.or.3: ?Cezary: f3 f4 were unnecessary no ?Cezary: and then white also got m19AntoineBE: We broke OGS PogTrevoke: Gots to love javascriptAntoineBE: GGLiuBang10: what a gameLVL79: GGPoppy88: GGWeiQiPro: Ggschnorz: GGfightyoats: ggkharn: Congrats to both players! Exciting game.Weiqibudong: what a pity for whiteLVL79: its was very close!)LiuBang10: how we wait for the ogs bot to (not?) do its thingLiuBang10: now*kharn: The OGS Ai is confusedMaverick GO: Go America!Maverick GO: Sorry Russiakharn: Canada?])))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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roln90    Crazywind
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