(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[6000]OT[5x60 byo-yomi]DT[2013-05-11]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/];B[pd];W[dp];B[pq];W[ee]C[This move is usefull to reduce influence, if black plays at the hoshi, white plays the joseki has if black invades san-san and black has more territory but white move becomes very powerful](;B[fq]C[black wants to play a moyo game, white should pincer ?];W[dn];B[jp](;W[qo];B[qk](;W[no]C[black is pretty bad, because bottom higher stone is not efficient];B[oo]C[black can't defend peacefully](;W[on];B[op];W[pn];B[nn]TR[qk]C[marked stone is not very good to attack white];W[mo];B[nm];W[rq];B[mq];W[ln];B[lp];W[ll]C[white escape where black is weak];B[nk];W[qr]C[white has to defend the corner because A is sente to separate white groups (and will be strong everywhere) or kill the whole group];B[km];W[lm];B[cl]C[black should have oplayed a keima to force white to change direction and develop the right side];W[lj];B[kk];W[lk];B[ni];W[qf](;B[qh];W[nc]C[san san would be enough for white and black would be overconcentrated on the center](;B[qc];W[ph];B[pi];W[oe](;B[od];W[nd];B[ne];W[of]C[black should vae pushed from the other side and white would be death on one side very easyally];B[me];W[rd];B[rc];W[qd];B[ob];W[oc];B[pc];W[nb];B[pa];W[kc];B[pe];W[pf];B[mg];W[sc];B[sb];W[rh]C[white can try to kill black group because he has more liberties];B[qg];W[rg];B[ri];W[ng];B[nh]C[slow mistake, no way to kill white, so black should connect his stones];W[pg];B[qi];W[sd];B[ra];W[nf];B[mf];W[oh];B[lh]C[defending before wouldn't lead to white sente];W[id]C[this move is more valuable. If white plays elsewhere, black would attack top group];B[ji];W[kl];B[jl];W[jm];B[im]LB[il:A]C[A would be more patient and black would have more follow up];W[jn];B[ec]C[black is behind on territory. This move is very good in this situation (not on a early game)];W[dc];B[db];W[dd](;B[jc];W[ic];B[cc]C[if black nobi, whitewould attack black like seen on the previous variation];W[eb]C[white plays here to maintain pressure on black and white previous move would be efficient to attack black];B[fb];W[cb];B[ea];W[cd];B[fe];W[ff];B[fd];W[gf];B[gc];W[hb]LB[jb:A]C[white has to defend because black would play A and white stones would be weak];B[ed];W[df];B[lc];W[lb]C[if white descend, black also and wouls swallow four white stones];B[kb];W[kd];B[mb];W[jb];B[la];W[cj];B[dj]C[black attaches strong stone to attack white weak group];W[ci];B[el]C[white has two weak groups (center and corner)];W[il]C[corner group has more open space];B[di];W[dh];B[ck];W[ip];B[iq];W[hq];B[hp];W[io];B[hr];W[jq];B[ir];W[eq];B[bg];W[ch];B[hl];W[ik];B[hk];W[fr];B[fp];W[bc]C[a little early, white shoud defend the other corner first];B[ij];W[jk](;B[bo]C[just a line higher would be more efficient];W[co]C[strong move](;B[bn];W[bp])(;B[bp];W[bn];B[cq];W[dr]C[hard to live on the corner for black]))(;B[co];W[cp];B[bp];W[bq];B[bo](;W[do];B[br];W[aq];B[dr])(;W[cr];B[do]C[benefit for black])))(;B[cb];W[fb];B[eb];W[bc];B[fc];W[gb];B[fe];W[gd];B[fd];W[eg];B[jc]LB[kd:A]C[if black plays here now, white would play A]))(;B[pe](;W[pf];B[of];W[ne];B[og])(;W[oh];B[pf]C[if black defend, white can block and black can't cut anymore];W[oi];B[pj];W[oj];B[ok];W[nj]C[pretty good for white])))(;B[nd];W[md];B[ne];W[qc]C[if black separate from both side, white is happy because black will be overconcentrated and white invasion will be successful]))(;B[qe];W[pf];B[nd];W[qi];B[mh];W[oj];B[nj];W[pl]C[big for white]))(;W[qq]C[best choice for white];B[pp];W[qp];B[on]LB[ko:C][jq:B][lq:A]C[pretty good for white because he can have A and C to reduce or escape]))(;W[qq];B[qr];W[pp];B[oq];W[rq];B[mp];W[ce]C[peaceful game])(;W[pp];B[qq](;W[oq];B[op];W[or](;B[oo];W[qp];B[rq];W[pr];B[qn];W[rn];B[qm];W[rm];B[rl];W[rp]TR[jp]C[good for white, black has thickness but marked stone is not well placed])(;B[np];W[mq];B[ro];W[rn];B[rp];W[qn];B[rr]C[white has two weak groups and black pincer stones are very well]))(;W[np];B[oq];W[nm];B[op];W[oo];B[mp])))(;W[ce]C[white wants to develop something at left or right];B[pk];W[nc];B[pf];W[kd]C[different game]))(;B[dc](;W[fc];B[ce];W[dg];B[bg]C[better for white])(;W[ce];B[fd]C[too easy for black]))(;B[cd];W[cf];B[ec];W[gd];B[gb]C[left side seems good for white]))
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