(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]GN[ ]PW[Iyama Yuta]PB[Gu Li 9p]WR[9d]BR[9d]DT[2011-05-18]EV[1st Bosai Cup]RO[Game 3]PC[Chongqing International Golden Buddha Mountain Tourism and Cultural Festival]WT[Japan]BT[China]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil (8p)]C[Gu Li vs Iyama Yuta – 1st Bosai Cup, final]RE[W+Resign]FG[259:]PM[2];B[pd]C[This game was the final of the Bosai Cup. Both players defeated Lee Sedol 9p before this game. ];W[dd];B[qp];W[dq];B[do];W[co];B[dp];W[cp];B[eq];W[cn]LB[dn:A][kq:C][dr:B]C[Pretty common so far. There're several options for black. A-C are possible. If black pushes at A, there'd be many complicated variaions. ];B[dr];W[cq];B[kq]C[This is most common today. ];W[np]LB[op:B][gq:A]C[This is one of Iyama's favourite moves. A or B is more common instead. ](;B[fp]C[Normal move. ](;W[pn]LB[np:A]C[This might look very strange for kyu players, but this is also possible. It's hard to see this move because the approach at A is rare.](;B[pq]C[Right answer. ](;W[nn]C[Nice move. ];B[rn]LB[qo:A]C[If B doesn't play here, W'd attach at A right away. ];W[nc]C[This approach is right direction. Top is more important than right side for W. ];B[qf];W[gc]C[Iyama's style of play. It looks like Japanese style. Take it easy and peaceful. ];B[ko]C[Looks slow, but very good. W could have played here instead of W20. ];W[em]C[Necessary for W. If W doesn't play here, B'd directly play here.];B[oo];W[no](;B[on]C[This could be a mistake. ](;W[nm]C[Proper response. ];B[om];W[nl];B[ol];W[nk];B[pj]C[Up to here, it looks successful for B, but it isn't indeed. It doesn't look that natural making territory on the right. ];W[hp]LB[nk:A]C[Good invasion. W can come here without any trouble because W'sA group is not weak any more. ];B[km]C[Good jump. There's no good answer to W's invasion, so B just jumped out. ];W[hn];B[io];W[gp]LB[ho:A]C[Good answer. Connecting at A is what B wants, so W doesn't obey. ];B[fn];W[fo]C[Wow, very good tesuji. ](;B[fr]C[Right answer. ];W[fm]C[This result is favourable for W as W's left side is getting greater. ];B[hr];W[op];B[pp];W[ni]LB[ce:A]C[Iyama's style. Playing at A is also very good, but Iyama might have thought the game was playable for W. Up to here, the opening is successful for W, and it was a very good news for Iyama because Gu Li's opening is extreamely strong. ](;B[ch]C[Good split. When you split, you'd better play on the third line as this, and you should consider of the surroundings. ](;W[cf]C[This is right direction. W can develop the top. ];B[ck](;W[pg]C[This is a move of adventure. ];B[nd]LB[pf:A][qg:B]C[This attachment is good. Answering at A or B is too passive.];W[md];B[ne];W[oc];B[pc]LB[pg:A]C[Now, you can see W's A was a bit too deep. W should take care of the stone A, and the top at the same time. ];W[pk]C[Good tesuji. W tries to use B's stones around here. ];B[ok];W[oj];B[pi]LB[qk:A]C[Only move for B. If B atari at A, W'd be happy with 59. ];W[qk]C[Sente. ];B[ql]C[Tight answer. In this sort of local fighting, fiiling your opponent's liberties is important. ];W[qg];B[oh]C[The game becomes Gu Li's pace. Gu Li is very good at this sort of uncertain battle. ];W[qe](;B[pe]C[This move was a mistake. ];W[pf];B[mj];W[nj];B[nh];W[mi];B[rf];W[re];B[ri]C[W's right side looks in danger, but](;W[ph]C[Gu missed this move. As you can see, they make some mistakes under the time pressure. ](;B[rk]C[B chose this, but it wasn't good enough. ];W[oi];B[qi];W[rg]LB[oi:A]C[W could cut at A for free. ];B[rd];W[nf];B[ld]C[Nice tesuji. ];W[me];B[mc](;W[mf]C[Right answer. ];B[lc];W[jc]LB[pb:A]C[The result from W50 seems to be even. B missed a very good chance at 65, and the game is still favourable for W. In addition, there're bad aji from A. ];B[eh]C[Good jump. Apparently B has more territory, but W is really thick, and has more potential over the centre. ];W[di]C[Very sharp. ](;B[dh];W[bj]C[Good follow up. W is trying to get rid of B's base. Iyama's play in this game is amazing. Iyama defeated Lee Sedol 9p just before this game, and he is playing more confidently than before. ];B[ce]C[Nice tesuji. You can see such a creative move in Gu Li's game quite often, ];W[de];B[bf]C[Good follow up. ];W[be];B[bg]LB[cg:A]C[This extension is right. Atari at A is wrong. ];W[cd];B[bk]C[This is the plan of B since B91, but W is also happy with big corner. It seems to be a fair trade, but there're still some aji on the left side. ];W[cj]C[Very severe.](;B[dj]LB[ej:A]C[Right move. Playing at A is also possible, ];W[dk];B[ej];W[ak]C[What a nice move. As you can see, Iyama is also very good at local fighting. His play isn't typical Japanese style. He plays rather severely and sharply. ];B[dl]C[Right sequence. ];W[ek]C[This single stone is more important than stones on the left side. ];B[bl]C[Only move. ];W[bm];B[al]C[B could manage to capture W's stones somehow, but W had a greater plan. At this stage, the game looks good for B as B seems to have more territory. However, there're some bad aji on the top right, and it was critical. ](;W[pb]C[This is what W was aiming for. ];B[qb];W[iq];B[ir];W[nb]C[Very good timing, and it's not easy to find a good responses for B. As a result, this is the winning move of the game. ](;B[oa]C[This move is inevitable, and B looks alright so far, but];W[qc]C[Good tesuji, ];B[qd];W[rc]C[Good tesuji 2. ](;B[od]C[Only move. ];W[rb]C[But, W could live in the corner. ];B[ob];W[qa];B[mb]C[B could capture W's three stones on the top, but W gets the corner. W takes the lead of the game. ];W[fj];B[ei];W[sf]C[Sente as well. ];B[kb]C[It's necessary. ];W[jq];B[kr];W[el];B[aj];W[gq];B[gr];W[jr];B[js];W[cr]C[W is surely ahead now. ];B[gn];W[en];B[go];W[ho];B[gm];W[hm];B[gl];W[hl](;B[eo];W[gk];B[nr];W[or]C[Good move. W should cut off B's lower group to get some more points. ];B[oq];W[mr];B[nq];W[mq];B[lp];W[mp];B[fq];W[ds]C[This sort of endgame looks small but important. ];B[ib];W[ln];B[kn];W[jp];B[lo];W[kk]C[This cap is sente. ];B[lm];W[ic];B[hb];W[hc]C[W plays quite simply, and for B, there're not many places left to reverse the game on the board. ](;B[jb];W[gh]C[Suddenly centre area becomes W's territory, and it's very huge. ]N[ ];B[ke];W[kf];B[jk]C[Kind of do or die move, but it was too late. ];W[kl]LB[jk:A]C[Correct answer. B's A stone is cut off. ];B[jf]C[B is desperate. ];W[je]C[It's hard to fight without your friend. ];B[gg];W[fg];B[jl];W[jm];B[fh];W[hg]C[W's answers are accurate, and there's no hole. ];B[gi];W[hh];B[kj];W[lk];B[hi];W[fi];B[ie];W[jd];B[ih];W[ii]C[Gu Li is specialized in this sort of uncertain, messy fighting, but in this game, W stones are too solid to make it happen. ];B[ij];W[ji];B[gf];W[hf];B[lf];W[kg];B[lg];W[le];B[hj];W[jh]C[W plays correctly, and there's nothing B can do. ];B[kd];W[lh];B[ec];W[ff]C[Game is practically over. W is winning with a big margin. ];B[cb];W[fb];B[eb];W[bc];B[gb];W[fc]C[B resigned here. Iyama played this game wonderfully. The opening was ok for W, but W50 was too deep. B couldn't see W74, and the game went still better for W. W's 88,90 were very keen, and W98,102 were good combination too. W112 was the winning move, and there weren't any chance for B. Iyama's endgame was perfect, and Gu Li didn't get any chance afterwards. This game should be one of Iyama's best games I'm sure. ])(;B[gh]C[This jump should be right, but ];W[jb];B[ja];W[ia];B[ha];W[gb]C[W is still winning. The game seems to be very close, but W is far thicker than B, so it's impossible for B to win this game. ]))(;B[gk]C[If B extends, ];W[eo]LB[hl:A]C[W can connect here, and B can't control the situation. There's no way to capture W's A group. ]))(;B[se]C[If B take these stones, ];W[rb]C[The game'd be over here. ])(;B[rb]C[If B atari here, ];W[oe]C[It's over as well. ]))(;B[qd]C[This atari is thinkable, but];W[ma]C[W prepared this move, and ](;B[lb];W[la]C[Good move, ];B[kb];W[jb];B[ka];W[oa]C[W gives B a hard time. ];B[mb];W[ke]C[B is trapped. ];B[na];W[ma];B[od];W[ja];B[la];W[le]LB[aj:A][pl:B][jq:C]C[It's ko, but W has many ko threats at A-C, so B can't stand any more. ])(;B[kb]C[If B plays here, ];W[jb]C[This blocking is good, and B is still in trouble. ];B[lb];W[oa];B[mb];W[ke]C[Similar result. ])))(;W[aj]C[If W connects here, ];B[cl]C[B could win the race with this calm move. ]))(;B[dk]C[This extension doesn't work. ];W[ei];B[fi];W[ej]C[B wouldnt' control the situation. ]))(;B[ci]C[If B answers here, ];W[dh];B[dg];W[cg]C[W'd come through and cut right away, B can't fight here properly. ]))(;W[lc]C[W can't cut here because];B[mf];W[mb];B[of]C[W's group on the right is dying. ]))(;B[oi]C[However, B could connect here. ];W[rc];B[rg]C[It's an inevitable sequence. ];W[rh];B[sh];W[qh];B[sg];W[qi];B[rj];W[qj];B[rk];W[pl];B[qm](;W[nf]C[Looks a good tesuji, but];B[ng]LB[rg:A]C[B could capture W's big group. This could be an option for B, but B didn't play because the shape from A isn't good. ])(;W[ng]C[W could escape, but not a good shape. ];B[mh];W[nf];B[lh]C[I can't see any good move for W. ])))(;W[rg]C[Gu Li's expectation. ];B[rc]C[W looks miserable. ]))(;B[mc]C[B should have cut here first, and ];W[lc];B[mb];W[lb]C[W has to play like this, and ];B[rf]C[Decends here. ];W[pf];B[re]LB[ld:A][me:B][mj:C]C[B could utilize A-C anytime, so W's stones on the right are in trouble. B'd take the lead of the game if B played as this. ]))(;W[ne]C[This jump was better and W was good enough with this. Can you see W's potential on the top area? ]))(;W[cj]C[W could also think about this as this looks rather common. ];B[cd]C[B'd attach here and settle on the left side pretty easily. ];W[ce];B[be];W[de];B[bc];W[cc];B[bd];W[cb];B[cf]C[B'd be happy with this reault. ]))(;B[ci]LB[cf:A][cl:B]C[This move looks better as B can extend two space either side, but ];W[cg];B[cl]C[B's stones are too close to W's thickness. ];W[eh]C[W is happy with this. ]))(;B[en]C[If B plays here, ];W[fm]C[This push is good, and ];B[gn]C[If B keeps trying to cut, ];W[gm];B[ho];W[go]C[B'd be in deep trouble. ]MA[en][fn][gn]))(;W[om]C[W can't fight with this blocking. ];B[nm];W[ol];B[nl];W[ok];B[lm]C[Overplay for W. ]))(;B[nl]C[This is rather Gu Li's style of play. ];W[on];B[pl]C[W's this group seems heavy, and B'd gain some points while attacking. ]))(;W[oo]C[This is also possible, but pros don't like this shape somehow. ]))(;B[oo]C[You might wonder why B doesn't play here, ];W[po];B[pp];W[op]C[W can come through and cut like this, and this is fightable for W. ]))(;W[qq]LB[kq:A]C[This attachment is not a good idea in this situation because of B's A stone. ];B[rq];W[pq];B[ro];W[mq];B[ko]C[This is not satisfactory for W. ]))(;B[pn]C[If B answers here, ];W[gq]C[W'd come in and, ];B[fo];W[go]C[There'd be complicated fighting afterwards. ]))
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Iyama Yuta    Gu Li 9p
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