(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[Choi-Cheolhan-vs-Park-Junghwan-20120305]PW[Park Junghwan]PB[Choi Cheolhan]WR[9d]BR[9d]DT[2012-03-05]EV[13th Maxim Cup]RO[Final]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Choi Cheolhan vs Park Junghwan – 13th Maxim Cup]RE[W+Resign];B[pd]C[This is the second game of the 13th Maxim Cup final. It's between Choi Cheolhan (9p) and Park Junghwan (9p).Park Junghwan won the first game and only had to win this game to win the title. For Choi Cheolhan, he still has to win two games in a row to win at this point.The Maxim Cup is a 9 dan only invitational tournament in Korea. Choi won the Maxim Cup twice, in 2009 and 2010. This is the first time Park has participated in the Maxim Cup, as he only became 9p at the end of 2010.You can read more about the 13th Maxim Cup here: http://gogameguru.com/park-junghwan-wins-13th-maxim-cup/];W[dd];B[pq];W[dp];B[qk]C[Black starts with Chinese opening as usual. ];W[mq]C[This approach is one of white's many options. ];B[po];W[jq];B[fc]LB[cn:A]C[Black approaches on the top. A is also common.];W[cf];B[db]LB[mc:B][nc:A]C[Black could also think about playing A or B.];W[nc]LB[cc:A][gc:B][hc:C]C[Asking black how he will answer. White can choose between A to C depending on black's answer to this approach. ];B[pf];W[cc]C[Peaceful so far. ](;B[kc]C[This is Choi's style of play. He doesn't like peaceful games. ];W[id]C[Park doesn't avoid fighting, as he loves it too.];B[ed]C[Tesuji. ](;W[dc]C[Necessary. ];B[ef];W[gd];B[ib]LB[ec:A]C[This move is not common. A is normal, but Choi induces a battle. ](;W[qc]TR[gd][id]C[White suddenly comes into the corner. Park might have thought white's marked stones were light, but it seems to be too early. ];B[pc];W[pb];B[ob]C[Right direction as the top area is more important than the right side. ];W[qb];B[oc];W[re];B[rf];W[qe];B[qf];W[pe](;B[qd]C[Wow, it's a creative move. It looks like it's too much, but let's see...](;W[oe]LB[rd:A]C[Fighting spirit, but answering at A should still be right. ];B[rd]C[I've never seen this variation before, so it's very new. ];W[sd];B[rc]LB[sc:A][se:B]C[Right move. Playing atari at A isn't good for right side, because it lets white play a stone at B.];W[of];B[og];W[ng];B[oh];W[nb];B[rb]C[Black has the corner. The result up to here seems to be good for black, even though black's top area became weaker. ];W[nh];B[ni]LB[oi:A]C[Right move. It's more active than A. ];W[oi];B[qh]C[Right shape. ](;W[mf]C[This move looks slack, but it's necessary. White can't fight properly without this move. ];B[ke]LB[rd:A][oe:B]C[Good jump. Black takes the initiative in the game. I couldn't find any mistakes for white after the move at B, so white would have been better off playing at A instead of B.];W[ld];B[kd];W[ee]C[Good move to cut black off. ];B[mi];W[kg];B[fe];W[fd];B[ec];W[de]C[White should fight here to catch up. ];B[ge]LB[gc:A]C[Good move. It's better than at A. ];W[hd];B[hb]LB[gc:A]C[Proper move. It's more solid than A. ];W[if];B[gg];W[hh];B[fi]C[Up to here, the game's favorable for black, because black has more territory. ];W[oj]C[White tries to utilize the cutting stone. ];B[nk];W[qj];B[rj];W[ri]C[Good tesuji. ](;B[pj]C[Proper answer. ];W[qi];B[pi];W[pk];B[ph];W[ok]LB[rk:A]C[White could cut at A and live inside, but Park wants to fight in the center. ];B[rk]C[Right move. ];W[nl]C[This is white's plan, but Park didn't expect black's next move. ];B[lg]C[What a move! ];W[lf];B[lh];W[kf]C[Inevitable for white to connect. ];B[ol]TR[lg][lh][oi][oj][ok][pk]C[Black exchanges those marked stones to cut here. White can't save those four stones, and the game becomes very good for black. ](;W[di]C[White should attack those black stones to try to catch up. As you can see, white didn't get anything on the right side. ];B[hg];W[ig];B[hi]C[Good combination to settle. ];W[ji];B[cn]C[Big move. White has to play aggressively now, because white is behind. ];W[co];B[dn];W[dl]LB[ck:B][fp:A]C[Very unusual, but proper in this situation. A is normal, but then black would be happy to play at B. ];B[dh]C[Choi is very good at this sort of probing move. It's good timing to ask white how he'll answer. ](;W[ci]C[Park is patient. ];B[fl];W[em];B[ep]C[Good sequence for black. ];W[eq];B[fm]C[Trying to find a rhythm. ];W[en];B[do];W[cp];B[eo];W[fn];B[fq]C[The order of black's moves is excellent. Choi's play in this game is wonderful so far. ](;W[dr]C[Right move. ];B[gp];W[ho];B[er];W[dq];B[iq]C[A nice attachment. ];W[jp];B[gn];W[go];B[fo]C[This is Choi's style of play. He doesn't like to play loose moves. ];W[gm];B[hn];W[io];B[cl];W[el];B[fk];W[ej]C[The game's getting complicated, but black can manage that. ];B[jr](;W[gr]C[White is desperate. ];B[fr];W[hq]C[White removes black's eys shape, but ](;B[br]LB[bq:A]C[Vital point. ];W[bq]C[Right answer. ];B[cr];W[ds];B[bo];W[bp];B[ao]C[Black is good enough with this.];W[ar];B[bm]C[Black is alive, and the game's still very good for black. ];W[hk]C[White's only hope. This black group is not yet completely alive. ];B[ei];W[dj];B[ih];W[gj];B[fj];W[hl]C[A severe move. These sorts of white moves are uncommon, but there are no other options for white. ];B[hj];W[gk];B[ij]C[Actually, white's outside is not strong enough to capture this black group. ];W[pl]C[Good timing. ](;B[jj]C[Right answer. ];W[ki]C[The game's getting more complicated, but it's not a big problem for black. ];B[im];W[hm];B[mk]C[Correct move. ];W[om];B[kk]C[Black connects the center, and the game is nearing its end. ](;W[in]LB[lk:A]C[Now the situation has changed for the cut at A.](;B[lc]C[Losing move. Black simply missed an exchange before this move. ];W[lk]C[Park didn't miss the only chance in the game. ](;B[ll];W[lj];B[ml];W[kl]C[Now there's ladder, nor net available for black. ];B[nn];W[ff]C[Tesuji. ];B[he];W[ie];B[eg];W[hf];B[gf];W[gh];B[fg];W[gi]LB[lk:A]C[Black can't live. The game's suddenly reversed and finished as black missed A. ];B[cg];W[df];B[bh];W[fh];B[dg];W[bi];B[bf];W[be];B[cb];W[bc];B[bb];W[af]C[Black dies. Black can't make it even ko. ](;B[kh];W[jh];B[mo];W[ir];B[ap];W[aq]LB[lk:B][ml:A]C[Black resigned here. Choi played the game very well until the end of the middle game. However, he missed the exchange at A, and the game suddenly finished when white played at B.Park didn't give up, and waited for a chance. When he had a good chance, he didn't miss it.This was a lightning game, so it's possible to make such a simple mistake.Park Junghwan won the 13th Maxim Cup, defeating Choi Cheolhan 2-0 in the final.Choi Cheolhan was planning to 'formally propose’ to his girlfriend, Yun Jihee, after winning the title. But he has to wait for his next chance now! lolI hope you also enjoyed watching this game and that you felt their fighting spirit throughout the whole game. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.Thanks,An Younggil 8p http://gogameguru.com/])(;B[ag]C[It looks like ko, but ];W[ae];B[ac];W[ad];B[cd];W[ab]C[White can get some more liberties, so it's not possible for black. ]))(;B[lj]C[If black ataris here instead, ];W[kj]C[White would cut, and];B[ll];W[jk]C[Black can't fight like this. Black can't manage both groups. ]))(;B[ml]C[Black needs to push here first. ];W[nn]LB[nn:A]C[White has to answer here. Otherwise, black can seal white in at A.];B[lc]C[Now black can come here, and this big white group is in danger. ]))(;W[lk]C[Right now, white can't cut here];B[ll];W[lj];B[ml];W[kl];B[km];W[jl];B[il]C[Black is fine.]))(;B[om]C[If black answers here, ];W[nj];B[mk];W[mj];B[lj];W[lk];B[ml];W[kk]C[Black is in deep trouble. ];B[cg];W[bg];B[eg]C[This group can live, but ];W[pm];B[on];W[li];B[ki];W[kj]C[Still big trouble for black. ]))(;B[bq]C[This spot also looks like a vital point, but ];W[br];B[ar];W[bs];B[bn];W[ap]C[White can live without any trouble. ]))(;W[kr]C[If white blocks here, ];B[gr]C[Black lives easily. ]))(;W[er]C[If white descends here, ];B[fr]LB[cr:A]C[This block is sente. If white doesn't answer, black would play at A. ]))(;W[ch]C[If white answers here, ];B[dg];W[cg];B[ei]C[Black's center group lives in sente, ];W[dj];B[ep]C[And black happily comes back here. ]))(;W[pl]C[If white tries to escape];B[om];W[nj];B[mk];W[mj];B[lj]LB[kf:B][lh:A]C[Black can block here because he exchanged A for B and white doesn't have enough liberties to fight. There is still some aji for later though.]))(;B[qi];W[pj];B[rk]C[If black plays like this, ];W[ph];B[pg];W[rh];B[pi];W[rg]C[It's big trouble for black. ]))(;W[kd]C[If white attaches here, ];B[ld];W[jc];B[ke]C[Black can atari here, ];W[jd];B[lb];W[jb];B[me]TR[db][ib][fc][ed][ef]C[White is in trouble in the top right. White can attack black's marked stones, but as they're light, it's not easy to capture all of them.]))(;W[rd]C[If white answers here, ];B[oe];W[rb];B[se];W[sc]C[White can live, but the corner is two points smaller than normal. As a result, it's slightly better for black than normal. ]))(;B[oe]C[This is normal. ];W[qd];B[of]LB[kd:A]C[No problems for both. White would attach at A next. ]))(;W[pc]C[White can also think about this. ];B[qc];W[qb];B[oc];W[pb];B[od];W[ob];B[rc];W[mb]C[Playable for both. ]))(;W[pb]LB[dc:A]C[If white doesn't answer at A, ];B[de];W[ce];B[dc];W[cd]C[Good exchanges for black. The top left black stones are safe. ];B[qc]C[Black is more active. ]))(;B[ic]C[If black extends here, ];W[pb];B[qc];W[kc]C[White would play like this. There are no problems for either player, but it's boring for Choi. ]))
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Park Junghwan    Choi Cheolhan
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