(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[Shi-Yue-vs-Lee-Sedol-20120620]PW[Lee Sedol]PB[Shi Yue]WR[9d]BR[5d]DT[2012-06-20]EV[17th LG Cup]RO[Round of 16]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[This game is the from the second round of the 17th LG Cup main tournament, played by Lee Sedol (9p) and Shi Yue (5p).We reported on the 17th LG Cup here: http://gogameguru.com/favorites-fall-left-center-17th-lg-cup/Lee Sedol is currently rated number 2 in Korea (behind Park Junghwan (9p)), but when this game was played, he was number 1. He's been regarded as the top player in the world for a few years now, but he seems to be in slump recently.Shi Yue's name is not yet very familiar, but he's rated number 5 in China. He won the 16th Xinren Wang (Rookie Cup) in 2009, and recently came second in the 1st Dachongjiu Cup (a tournament between the top 16 in China).This is their third game together and Lee Sedol won the first two games in 2008 and 2012. Their second game together was in the main tournament of the Samsung Cup. Shi was dominating for the whole game, but Lee staged an upset at the end of the game and won.]RE[B+Resign];B[pd];W[dd];B[pq];W[dp];B[fq];W[cn];B[qk]LB[cn:B][fq:A]C[Black starts with the Chinese opening. Making the exchange A for B is a matter of taste.](;W[nc]LB[jp:B][eq:A]C[A or B are also good moves for white 8.];B[pf];W[pb];B[qc];W[kc];B[cf]C[Approaching here now (in this opening) has been the subject of recent research and seems to be becoming more popular.](;W[be]TR[kc][cn]C[This answer is quite common when there are low white's stones on the both sides.];B[di];W[ck];B[fc];W[ec];B[fd]C[Up to here, it's the same as the game between Lee Changho 9p and Mi Yuting 3p in the 4th BC Card Cup. I commented that game earlier and you can review it here: http://gogameguru.com/go-commentary-mi-yuting-lee-changho-4th-bc-card-cup/];W[ee]LB[ef:A]C[At that time, Lee Changho played at A, but Lee Sedol chose this more solid move.];B[jc]LB[ic:A]C[Right move. Playing at A would be a bit slack.](;W[jd]LB[ic:A][kd:B]C[Right answer for white. If black just extends at A, white will be happy to connect at B. ];B[kb];W[ic]LB[jb:A]C[Lee Changho cut at A in that game, but this atari is better for white.];B[jb];W[lc](;B[id]C[Black cuts here, and it looks as if Shi's reserched this pattern before the game. ];W[hd];B[ie];W[hb]LB[fb:B][he:A]C[Lee Sedol doesn't avoid this fighting. It looks like A and B are miai for white, so white seems to be alright, but];B[lb]C[Black plays here. It's an interesting move. ](;W[mc]C[White connects here because Lee doesn't like the trade in the other diagram, but it was a mistake.];B[if]C[What a move! It's really rare to see this sort of awkward looking move, but it seems as if Shi may have researched up to here before the game.White is in trouble, and you'll soon see why. ];W[ke]LB[jd:A]C[This reinforcement is inevitable, otherwise black can capture A in a ladder.];B[ed]C[Playing here now shows good timing.];W[dc];B[gb]C[It's a good attachment and white doesn't feel good. ];W[he]C[White has to run away, otherwise these stones will be captured.];B[hf];W[ge]C[It's the only move for white to get out. ];B[fe];W[gf];B[gg]C[Black is forcing this sequence, there are no other options for white.];W[ff];B[ef]LB[dc:B][ed:A]C[Now, you can see why black exchanged A for B earlier. ];W[fg]LB[de:A]TR[hb][ic][hd][ge][he][ff][gf]C[If white connects at A instead, black would block at 46 and capture the marked stones. ];B[de]TR[dc][ec][dd][be]C[Capturing here gives black really good shape, and white's corner becomes vulnerable.];W[ha]TR[jb][kb][lb][jc]C[Eventually, white comes back here and captures black's marked stones, but white's not that happy with the result.];B[eb]C[That's because this corner is in trouble now.];W[bf];B[bg];W[cg];B[dg](;W[gh]C[Right move. ];B[ch]C[Black takes the stone here, and the game is certainly good for black now. White has to find a move to defend the corner.](;W[bb]C[This is the only move for white to live in the corner.];B[db];W[cd]C[White is barely alive, and it's quite painful. ];B[cb];W[bc];B[dr]C[Black gets sente to come back here. It's a big move.];W[po];B[qo];W[qn];B[qp];W[ph]C[It's Lee's typical style of move. White is behind, so playing aggressively is acceptale now.];B[ok];W[nn];B[rn]C[Black makes things simple.](;W[gq]C[Meanwhile, white keeps trying to make the game more complicated.];B[gp];W[hq];B[fr];W[cq]TR[gp][gq][hq][fr]C[It's a good idea for white to make the marked exchanges before answering at 3-3.];B[hp];W[iq](;B[kq]C[Very good move. ];W[ip];B[ep]C[It's hard for white to make a base at the bottom now.];W[fo];B[eo];W[fn];B[fp];W[in];B[np]C[Black plays solidly. ];W[nh];B[ko];W[kn];B[ln];W[jo];B[lo];W[rm];B[qm];W[ql];B[pm]LB[pn:A]C[This is the proper answer. If black captures at A instead, white would atari at 95 and the game would become more complicated.];W[pl];B[ol];W[qb]C[This is what white's been aiming for. ];B[qh]C[However, black doesn't care about that. Black is just trying to make the game simple, because black's ahead.];W[qi];B[qg];W[ri];B[pk]LB[pi:A]C[It's a good sente move. Black can cut at A if white doesn't answer around here. ];W[nj]C[It's a nice shape move.];B[rb]C[This black group is safe now. ];W[kl]LB[jm:B][km:A]C[The center area is the last hope for white. If black plays A here, white can answer at B.];B[dm];W[cm];B[lk]C[It's a very good move and white can't cut it off. ];W[mm];B[km]C[Shi's play in this game is fantastic. It's very hard to find any mistakes.];W[jm];B[jn];W[ll]C[White doesn't have enough ko threats.];B[im]C[Black doesn't hesitate to start the ko. It's good judgement. When you feel you're winning, it's a good idea to eliminate any potential ko as soon as possible, to make the game simpler.];W[kn];B[do];W[co];B[jn];W[jl]C[White doesn't have a good ko threat and has to connect here.];B[hn];W[kn];B[kd];W[ld];B[jn];W[io];B[hm]TR[hm][im][hn]C[It's painful for white. Black got to play those marked moves for free during the ko fight.];W[kn](;B[ce]C[It's a brilliant tesuji. ];W[ba]C[White can live, but black can gain some more points here later.];B[jn];W[kr];B[lr];W[kn];B[af]C[This hane is a good follow up.](;W[ad];B[jn];W[lq]C[This cut is a good ko threat, but it's getting harder for white to catch up. ];B[mq];W[kn];B[cc];W[ab]LB[bd:A][ce:B]C[White can live like this, but taking four stones at A in sente will be black's privilege later. Now you can see why B was such a good move.];B[jn];W[rl](;B[rk]C[It's the right answer.];W[kn];B[bd]C[Black gains several extra points here.];W[cd];B[jn];W[ls];B[lp];W[kn];B[nk]C[Black is obviously winning. Black doesn't even need to keep fighting the ko.];W[mr];B[lq];W[fm];B[ho];W[pn];B[om](;W[no];B[ro];W[lm];B[mj];W[li];B[mi];W[mh];B[ki]C[White can't catch up with this small area in the center.];W[cr]C[White attacks black's lower left group, but the game is practically over.];B[jr]LB[gs:B][is:A]C[Good timing. This atari is sente. If white doesn't answer here, black can connect under with A or B.];W[ir];B[hk];W[kj];B[lj];W[gl];B[ik];W[jj]C[White is desperate, so he's playing very aggressively.];B[hi];W[gj];B[gi];W[fi];B[hh](;W[ji];B[fh];W[hj];B[ij];W[ii]C[It's hopeless by now, so white cuts here to find a good place to resign.];B[gk];W[fj];B[fk];W[eh];B[ej];W[gh];B[hc];W[gc];B[fh];W[qe];B[ei]LB[bb:E][mc:C][re:A][if:D][pi:B][dr:F]C[White resigned here.White can't keep going. If white plays around A, black cuts at B and white can't capture those stones. Black is winning by a big margin now.The game started with a very interesting fight. White C was a crucial mistake and black D was a brilliant move. Afterwards, the sequence seemed to be completely forced for white, and the game became good for black. Even though white managed to live in the corner with E, the game was already good for black. Lee tried very hard to catch up, but Shi's play was fantastic, and there were no mistakes at all. Shi Yue's play in this game was absolutely amazing and Lee Sedol couldn't find any chances after black's slide at F.The next round (quarter finals) of the 17th LG Cup will start on November 5, 2012. Shi Yue will be playing against Na Hyun 2p from Korea. Na Hyun is also a rising star in Korea, so the game will be interesting and fun as well.I hope you will understand this game better by reading the commentary, and please feel free to leave comments if you have any questions.Thanks,An Younggil 8p http://gogameguru.com/])(;W[hg]C[If white captures here,];B[ji];W[lh];B[gk];W[fk];B[hj];W[fj];B[gr];W[dq];B[ig];W[jh];B[ii];W[kh];B[gg];W[fh];B[nm]LB[im:B][jm:A]C[It's a kind of capturing race between the groups A and B, but white is short on liberties.]))(;W[ro];B[on];W[oo];B[no]C[White died.]))(;B[kn]C[If black doesn't answer the ko threat...];W[pn]LB[om:A][ro:B]C[It's very big. A and B are miai. This trade is good for white.]))(;W[ae]C[If white blocks here,];B[ab]C[It's a good move and white can't live inside. ](;W[cc];B[ac];W[ag];B[ad];W[bh];B[bi]LB[jn:A]C[It's a ko, but as there's already a ko at A, it's a double ko situation. White can't continue to fight like this.])(;W[ac]C[This isn't a good response for white...];B[bd](;W[ag]C[This is the only move for white, and];B[cc]C[Black takes some free profit, then];W[bh];B[bi]LB[jn:A]C[It's still a ko, but the result is even better for black than the previous variation. And black can still fight the other ko at A, so white can't win both of them.])(;W[ad]C[And this would be terrible.];B[cc]C[Now white simply dies.]))))(;B[ba]C[This is common, but];W[ad]C[There's nothing black can do later. You should compare this result to the one in the game.]))(;B[ip]C[This is common, but];W[jq];B[ep];W[mq]C[White is happy. ]))(;W[cq]C[It's no good for white to just answer here in this situation.];B[iq]C[Because it makes it easy for black to defend here, and the game would become too simple.]))(;W[bc]C[This jump looks nice, but](;B[cb]C[If black jumps here,];W[db];B[da];W[bb];B[ba];W[cc](;B[ca]C[If black connects...];W[ad]C[White can live with this move.])(;B[ce];W[ca]C[This is a ko, but it's still not satisfactory for black.]))(;B[ba]C[This is the correct move and white can't live after this.];W[cb];B[cd]LB[ca:B][bd:A]C[Good sequence. A and B are miai for black. ];W[ce];B[af];W[bd];B[ca]C[White can't live. ])(;B[cd]LB[cb:A]C[This is better than jumping at A, but white can still live. Next...](;W[cc]C[If white connects here, ];B[ba]C[White dies. ])(;W[bd]C[This is white's best reply, and](;B[ba]C[If black plays here...];W[ce]C[White is alive.])(;B[cb]C[This is the best option for black now, ];W[bb](;B[ba]C[This is the vital point. If black plays here...];W[cc];B[ce];W[db];B[da];W[ca]LB[cd:A]C[It's a ko, but black could've done better. Playing at A wasn't black's best move.])(;B[cc]C[If black captures some stones here...];W[ba]C[White can live. ]))))))(;W[ch]C[If white plays here...];B[dh];W[ci](;B[hc]C[This is the right sequence, and];W[gc];B[fh];W[mb];B[gd]C[White is in deep trouble.])(;B[fh]C[Playing here first is wrong.];W[hc]C[White can connect here to prevent black from throwing in at the same point and this increases white's liberties.];B[ga];W[mb];B[eg];W[la]LB[ja:A]C[Black can play at A and make it seki, but it's still not good enough for black. ];B[gc]C[If black plays here...];W[ja]C[White can capture like this.])))(;W[he]C[Pushing up here is conceivable...](;B[mc]C[This wedge looks like a nice tesuji, but];W[md];B[kd];W[mb];B[je];W[hf]C[This result is better for white. ])(;B[ib]C[Black should atari here first, and ];W[hc];B[kd];W[je];B[mc]C[This is the right sequence for black. ];W[if]C[White's two stone capture here is also powerful, but];B[ef];W[ff];B[eg]LB[ib:A][hc:B]C[The result of this trade is slightly better for black, but it should be better than the actual game. By the way, notice how the exchange at A for B is profitable for black after white captures the two stones. If you plan to sacrifice some stones, it's good to make forcing moves like A first, because you won't be able to play them later.]))(;W[mb]C[Blocking here doesn't work for well for white...];B[kd]C[Black cuts here and,];W[je];B[ld]LB[mc:A][jf:B]C[Black is aiming at A or B. Next,];W[if]LB[jf:A]C[Playing here prevents the ladder at A, but];B[he]LB[mc:A][he:B]TR[hb][ic][hd]C[Black won't trade A for B, but will keep fighting like this instead. The marked stones are becoming weak.](;W[mc]C[If white saves two cutting stones...];B[ib];W[hc];B[gd]TR[hb][hc][ic][hd]C[Black can capture the marked stones like this.];W[fb]C[This move doesn't work.];B[gb];W[ga];B[gc];W[ha];B[ia]LB[fa:A][eb:B]C[White can't connect at both A and B, so black will capture the stones.])(;W[ge]TR[hb][ic][hd]C[If white plays to save the marked stones...];B[hf];W[gd];B[jf];W[ke];B[mc]C[This result is terrible for white.])))(;B[ib]C[Connecting under is no good. ];W[id];B[hc];W[hd];B[gb];W[eb]C[White's position is more active. ]))(;W[jb]C[This hane under is no good.];B[ib]C[This hane is a good response. ];W[ic];B[jd];W[hb]C[If white captures here, ];B[kb];W[ia];B[lc]C[It's a trade. ];W[id];B[kd];W[if];B[kg]C[The result is better for black. ]))(;W[fd]C[If white answers here, ];B[dj]C[Black would play here. ];W[dr];B[jp]C[This is black's plan.]))(;W[eq]C[This is also possible.];B[fp];W[jp];B[lp];W[hp];B[fm];W[dm]C[Another game. ]))game. ]))
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Lee Sedol    Shi Yue
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