(;CA[UTF-8]FF[4]EV[Shusai's Last Game]PB[Kitani Minoru]HA[0]PW[Honinbo Shusai]KM[0]DT[1938-06-26,12-04]PC[Tokyo, Hakone, Ito, Japan]RE[B+5]TM[144000]SO[http://gobase.org/games/japan/masters/masters/shusai/game-3.sgf]US[J. Nievergelt, 11/1988]GN[Master of Go, 11/8]AP[sgf2misc:3.1.9]C[Honinbo Shusai: 21st Honinbo (1874 - Jan 18, 1940)];B[qd];W[qp];B[dq];W[co];B[ep];W[od];B[oc];W[nc];B[pc];W[md];B[ne];W[oe];B[nb];W[nf];B[mb];W[nq];B[pf];W[ce];B[cc];W[ed];B[ec];W[fc];B[fd];W[gd];B[fe];W[ee];B[gc];W[fb];B[eb];W[gb];B[ff];W[hc];B[ef];W[cd];B[bc];W[ch];B[di];W[ci];B[dj];W[cj];B[dk];W[ck];B[dl];W[cm];B[dn];W[cn];B[dm];W[jp];B[jc];W[je];B[ie];W[jd];B[id];W[ic];B[kc];W[if];B[he];W[jf];B[hf]C[Kitani took 3 hr 35 min to play Black 59.];W[jb];B[kb];W[ia];B[no]C[Shusai considered this move unorthodox.];W[np];B[lo];W[lp];B[le];W[lf];B[kf]C[The master had not expected the violent attack that came with B69.];W[me]C[The master deliberated 1 hr 46 min over W70 - a brilliant holding play.];B[lg];W[mf];B[kd];W[kg];B[ke];W[lh];B[jg];W[mg];B[ph];W[jh];B[ig];W[ql];B[qj];W[rj];B[ri];W[ol];B[rk];W[ko];B[hq];W[hp]C[The Master took an extraordinary 2 hr 7 min for W90 - his slowest move of the game.];B[gp];W[gq];B[hr];W[iq];B[ho];W[ip];B[gr];W[kl];B[ki];W[kh]C[The last move at Hakone, sealed on August 14, before the Master's 3-month hospitalization. In Chapter 30, 125-128, Kawabata presents an assessment of the game so far. The game resumed on November 18."Even considering that I was very ill and that W100 was my last play before going into the hospital, it was an ill-considered play. I should have ignored the peep and pressed ahead at 'a' to secure the White territory in the lower right". But the bystanders considered the link at W100 to be natural.];B[rm]C[Kitani used three and a half hours for the first play after the three month recess.];W[rl];B[sl];W[qm];B[rn];W[qo];B[bp];W[dg]C[The Master took 47 min, his longest deliberation during the Ito sessions, for this move with a triple purpose: attack Black's corner, reduce Black's center, and defend White's group on the left.];B[bd];W[be];B[dc];W[go];B[fq];W[hn];B[oj]C[The time has come to stake the game on grand assault. White has to defend his center against the threat of invasion.];W[nj];B[ni];W[mj];B[ok];W[nk]C[The standard pattern at 'a' would have avoided an unstable empty triangle, but would have conceded a point or two. The Master could not afford even so small a concession in this tight match.];B[hd];W[hb];B[qn];W[pn];B[sp];W[rq];B[mi];W[li];B[nl]C[Wu (Go SeiGen) : "Firmly blocked by W120, Black's aggressive sequence from B123 to B129 suggests a strongly competitive spirit, as one sees in close games".];W[ro]C[The Master ignores White's slashing attack, and instead counterattacks on the right. But W130 assured the defeat of the invincible Master.During the following recess the Master complained about the sealed move W121. "Kitani ruined the game with that sealed move. Why? He means to use two days to think things over. It's dishonest".];B[nm];W[om];B[lj];W[mk];B[lk];W[ml];B[ll];W[mm];B[lm];W[mn];B[ln];W[mo];B[jj];W[ir];B[so]C[The sealed play. Upon resuming on Dec 4, the Master said "Suppose we finish today?" Kitani nodded quietly. The Master's defeat was clear to everyone. The last 91 moves were played in a single day.];W[sq];B[sm];W[bo];B[bq];W[ik];B[ij];W[hj];B[ii];W[jk];B[hl];W[hk];B[fo];W[gn];B[gl];W[il];B[cl];W[bl];B[nh];W[mh];B[qk];W[og];B[pg];W[ea];B[da];W[fa];B[ba];W[hm];B[is];W[js];B[hs];W[jr];B[ae];W[af];B[ad];W[cf];B[pl];W[pm];B[pk];W[nn];B[fm];W[fn];B[en];W[ao];B[km];W[jm];B[fk];W[do];B[eo];W[hi];B[ih];W[fj];B[dd];W[ej];B[ek];W[de];B[bg];W[bf];B[cg];W[bh];B[df];W[ag];B[dh];W[fh];B[eh];W[cg];B[fi];W[gi];B[ei];W[kk];B[kj];W[gg];B[ka];W[ja];B[kn];W[jn];B[gj];W[gk];B[fj];W[gm];B[fl];W[ap];B[aq];W[cp];B[cq];W[oh];B[oi];W[pe];B[qe];W[nd];B[sk];W[lc];B[lb])
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Honinbo Shusai    Kitani Minoru
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