(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SO[gokifu.com]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[300]OT[3x20 byo-yomi]PW[SunnyLucky]PB[Hutoshi4]WR[8d]BR[8d]DT[2011-06-15]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Hutoshi4 [8d]: hi]RE[B+Resign];B[pd]BL[293.765]C[SunnyLucky [8d]: hi];W[dd]WL[295.096];B[qp]BL[288.044];W[dq]WL[292.48];B[oq]BL[284.429];W[qj]WL[280.603];B[cf]BL[276.233];W[fc]WL[272.073];B[do]BL[256.906];W[co]WL[252.623];B[cn]BL[250.547];W[cp]WL[251.416];B[dn]BL[248.289];W[fq]WL[249.055];B[dj]BL[246.378];W[qf]WL[243.055];B[nc]BL[237.769];W[qm]WL[228.843];B[cd]BL[218.555]C[CBlue [1d?]: wow it's so sunny];W[cc]WL[220.467];B[bc]BL[214.795];W[ce]WL[218.901];B[bd]BL[213.335];W[de]WL[211.281];B[be]BL[208.946];W[df]WL[209.469]C[GameFAQs [3d]: you should probably make less jokes];B[dc]BL[176.877]C[GameFAQs [3d]: lol];W[cb]WL[196.372];B[db]BL[172.172];W[bb]WL[181.725];B[ab]BL[165.45]C[XMbIPb [2d]: game F..s your name is misspelled];W[eb]WL[171.517];B[ba]BL[161.121];W[cg]WL[170.603];B[bf]BL[159.283];W[ec]WL[168.707]C[BenSenTen [4k]: wow, who has better chance to win?];B[ca]BL[157.218];W[eh]WL[164.259];B[jd]BL[154.139];W[qc]WL[153.552];B[qd]BL[149.438];W[rd]WL[152.077];B[pc]BL[141.929];W[rb]WL[149.979];B[qb]BL[139.01];W[rc]WL[148.761]C[pianoplr [2k]: seems evenManOfLOL [6k]: b is surroundedBenSenTen [4k]: thsRHINO [3d]: very loosely surrounded];B[dp]BL[92.436];W[ep]WL[143.081]C[pianoplr [2k]: hmManOfLOL [6k]: yes];B[cq]BL[86.763];W[bq]WL[141.426];B[cr]BL[85.025];W[br]WL[140.532]C[pianoplr [2k]: D4?];B[bn]BL[84.183];W[ap]WL[135.477]C[BenSenTen [4k]: i bet on b, he seems to have more practice];B[lq]BL[69.388]C[ManOfLOL [6k]: i want that cuppianoplr [2k]: on this account. or in person?BenSenTen [4k]: at kgs];W[jc]WL[125.58]C[pianoplr [2k]: well.. the best players don't have public accts or kgs at allManOfLOL [6k]: huto has been 8 dan for a long time so im going with him :)];B[kc]BL[52.693];W[ic]WL[123.77]C[Bushworm [1d]: rotting for huto cause just i am a fan of hisKotonoha [2d]: you has beem 6 kyu for a long time so i m loving with you :)];B[kb]BL[13.871];W[id]WL[118.098];B[je]BL[9.983]C[pianoplr [2k]: the R12 area will be interesting];W[iq]WL[104.466]C[pianoplr [2k]: to see what happenspianoplr [2k]: i really feel like white is playing steadyManOfLOL [6k]: not really a long time kotonoha :)];B[ie]BL[20]OB[3]C[Kotonoha [2d]: i m trolling like you did lolRHINO [3d]: p14?ManOfLOL [6k]: i like huto's style anywaysManOfLOL [6k]: i wasnt trolling :/BenSenTen [4k]: i love being a 4k, maybe i would be 4k foreverDJAwesome: are they playing blitz? sorry i just joined the match ^^skatergaga [3d]: very conservtive gameBenSenTen [4k]: 4k~];W[of]WL[65.59]C[madkyu [5k]: 4k best kKotonoha [2d]: 5mins + 20sec x3madkyu [5k]: oh wait, it's 5kManOfLOL [6k]: .....];B[ge]BL[20]OB[3]C[Kotonoha [2d]: LG Cup todayDJAwesome: looks like black started off nicelykgsgoo [1k]: F14skatergaga [3d]: Huto plays simple gameCBlue [1d?]: go huto!maishiyao [11k]: hiManOfLOL [6k]: who's playing?ManOfLOL [6k]: i forgetRHINO [3d]: thanks for the heads up, kotonohapianoplr [2k]: yeah black was doing well but i think C16 was questionableManOfLOL [6k]: oohManOfLOL [6k]: iyama yuta vs lee chang ho :)Bushworm [1d]: lg made my monitor];W[fe]WL[20]OW[3]C[DJAwesome: maybe C16 was to secure the territory?Kotonoha [2d]: Honinbo (JPN) too but i guess not much ppl watch it as first day];B[gd]BL[20]OB[3];W[hb]WL[20]OW[3];B[oi]BL[20]OB[2]C[RHINO [3d]: iyama did well in his previous lg game];W[pk]WL[20]OW[3]C[pianoplr [2k]: also for black to play Q17 instead of S15?ManOfLOL [6k]: i missed the first game :/];B[qi]BL[20]OB[2]C[pianoplr [2k]: in the opening];W[ri]WL[20]OW[3];B[rh]BL[20]OB[2];W[pi]WL[20]OW[3];B[ph]BL[20]OB[2]C[BenSenTen [4k]: b aggressiveRHINO [3d]: this seems questionable];W[qh]WL[20]OW[3]C[DJAwesome: well from right now];B[qg]BL[20]OB[2]C[pianoplr [2k]: b is behindDJAwesome: S15 looks like a wasteBushworm [1d]: there is a p11 stone for atarying when eated];W[qi]WL[20]OW[2];B[pg]BL[20]OB[2]C[Maslov [3d]: gj hutoshiN1663R: r15];W[pb]WL[20]OW[1];B[ob]BL[20]OB[2]C[DJAwesome: if white played r15];W[rf]WL[20]OW[1]C[DJAwesome: couldn't black do q14?];B[pf]BL[20]OB[2]C[DJAwesome: ?N1663R: nopeDomgo [1k]: why?Hutoshi4 [8d]: thanksN1663R: because of cut+ atari, atari, captureRakuten [2k]: :( I just started watching all excitedRakuten [2k]: and now its overRakuten [2k]: rematch!DJAwesome: but white would only have that cornerDJAwesome: and the middle would still be up for grabsgodango [6k]: ZOMG 8d's!!!godango [6k]: <--pants wetDJAwesome: ah wellDJAwesome: good gameAllara [4k]: white was disrespectful to not say thanks for the gamegodango [6k]: oh, ovwegodango [6k]: lolgodango [6k]: um why did W resign?Allara [4k]: he lostAllara [4k]: behind by so muchgodango [6k]: it's bad but is it really over??Allara [4k]: yeahAllara [4k]: close to endgameAllara [4k]: black nice leadAllara [4k]: white lostRakuten [2k]: maybe he didnt say any thing because he is from shanghai = no english/japanese.Rakuten [2k]: I feel like this might be the only timeRakuten [2k]: I have ever seenRakuten [2k]: a KGS high danRakuten [2k]: resign because they were behindRakuten [2k]: ohhRakuten [2k]: now zchen vs hutoshiRakuten [2k]: ALSO ACCEPTABLE])
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SunnyLucky    Hutoshi4
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