.>];W[gi]WL[161.548]C[zhishu [2d?]: 27.5 is ridiculous, not trueseishiro [1k]: just estimation WayaGo [1k]: NEVERWayaGo [1k]: trust it ;Pmsyrver [1d]: n17 should die, that is SE's mistaketangyscone: no way 27.5TenJack [12k?]: yeah, se will always be wrong after 5 moves, but not after 148 moves];B[me]BL[30]OB[3]C[zhishu [2d?]: this is bigWayaGo [1k]: SE saysWayaGo [1k]: n17 is aliveWayaGo [1k]: ..zhishu [2d?]: now b in the gameWayaGo [1k]: yeah noshad [7d?]: ho yeaccsco [1k?]: unless it reads life and death incorrectly, zhishu [2d?]: cant believe black got n 15WayaGo [1k]: B+69.5 now according to SWayaGo [1k]: SE*];W[lg]WL[130.366]C[Hotaru1993 [3k]: b +70 nowWayaGo [1k]: gonna trusst it?tangyscone: how did w not get n15?Jarndyce [2d]: B+popular demandTenJack [12k?]: ok, se is way off nowzhishu [2d?]: w wanted to keep aji thereibd [5k]: SE will have her reasons];B[rf]BL[30]OB[3];W[qe]WL[126.71]C[WayaGo [1k]: Black had sente];B[qf]BL[30]OB[3]C[ibd [5k]: I don't judge SE];W[qd]WL[124.824]C[WayaGo [1k]: thats howJoseQi [5k]: SE is not a her, it's an itibd [5k]: not to me];B[oh]BL[30]OB[3]C[WayaGo [1k]: 5 pts>?zhishu [2d?]: SE= Essy, a girlmarkjgc [7k]: 8 pointsbstem: d18 big or notWayaGo [1k]: No 10 pts];W[bn]WL[89.225]C[ibd [5k]: she has a very sensitive personality and gets disturbed quite easilyhbjnk: not all girls are essyzhishu [2d?]: hehemsyrver [1d]: I don't think so, bstem];B[eb]BL[30]OB[3]C[nFo [5k]: funnyzhishu [2d?]: nicebstem: ok, b wins now];W[fc]WL[78.121]C[msyrver [1d]: *eats words*JoseQi [5k]: yummm];B[fb]BL[30]OB[3]C[Ateares [1k]: b up about 11 i think];W[pk]WL[62.69]C[WayaGo [1k]: White seems ahead stillzhishu [2d?]: what the, when did b eat two stones lol];B[se]BL[30]OB[3]C[zhishu [2d?]: wasnt paying attention];W[sd]WL[59.6];B[sf]BL[30]OB[3]C[arttle [4k]: D10 is how big?];W[sb]WL[57.439]C[croll [6k]: s8 ?WayaGo [1k]: k B+5~10 for memsyrver [1d]: With b h11 looming, w dare not play itibd [5k]: d10 about 8 pointsAteares [1k]: by end b+4.5 is my estimatecoolbabe [5d]: h11ibd [5k]: no less because of e10arttle [4k]: oki dokiMsha [3k]: d10 e10 not really goodMicMac [1k]: d10 not a lot of point];B[ph]BL[30]OB[1]C[zhishu [2d?]: f10 big, however ^^ bot h 11 firstJoseQi [5k]: bot?zhishu [2d?]: hmmm. too early bnFo [5k]: f10nFo [5k]: ?zhishu [2d?]: should h 11 etc. firstirukasan [8k]: s8irukasan [8k]: :))zhishu [2d?]: s8 r 8 what nextTokidoki [-]: no where for W to catch up];W[ri]WL[30]OW[4];B[rh]BL[30]OB[1];W[rj]WL[30]OW[4];B[hd]BL[30]OB[1];W[he]WL[30]OW[4];B[jn]BL[30]OB[1];W[kn]WL[30]OW[4];B[hi]BL[30]OB[1];W[ik]WL[30]OW[4];B[hj]BL[30]OB[1]C[zhishu [2d?]: painful];W[il]WL[30]OW[4];B[im]BL[30]OB[1];W[hh]WL[30]OW[4]C[ibd [5k]: nice high dan play: both too stubborn to answer :p];B[ih]BL[30]OB[1];W[gh]WL[30]OW[4]C[zhishu [2d?]: l 12];B[kf]BL[30]OB[1]C[MicMac [1k]: d10 big nowikami [6d]: thanksGOZIRA [7d]: thxirukasan [8k]: thxtangyscone: just because a move isn't abjectly supine doesn't mean it isn't ana nswerzhishu [2d?]: irukasan, which color were u?irukasan [8k]: redzhishu [2d?]: i was rooting for uzhishu [2d?]: thought u had thisirukasan [8k]: :Dzhishu [2d?]: but white resigned for uGoprince [3d]: coup g7])" class="wgo_block" style="width : 700px" >
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