(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SO[gokifu.com]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]HA[5]KM[0.50]TM[300]OT[3x20 byo-yomi]PW[SunnyLucky]PB[toffee]WR[8d]BR[3d]DT[2011-06-14]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]AB[dd][pd][jj][dp][pp]C[toffee [3d]: himarkjgc [7k]: cool]RE[W+Resign];W[nq]WL[267.019];B[qn]BL[297.005];W[qf]WL[264.99];B[nc]BL[293.84];W[fc]WL[263.986];B[qe]BL[290.292];W[pf]WL[259.924];B[pi]BL[287.68];W[df]WL[254.457];B[fd]BL[284.146];W[gd]WL[251.164];B[fe]BL[282.084];W[cc]WL[250.368];B[cd]BL[279.648];W[dc]WL[248.865];B[ec]BL[278.158];W[eb]WL[248.043];B[ed]BL[277.244];W[gb]WL[247.309];B[ge]BL[275.968];W[hd]WL[245.128];B[nf]BL[273.354];W[oe]WL[234.123];B[md]BL[267.501];W[oh]WL[224.776];B[oi]BL[259.048];W[nh]WL[216.075];B[ph]BL[257.139];W[ne]WL[207.743]C[godango [6k]: man that chocolate looks good];B[me]BL[249.502];W[mf]WL[205.77]C[markjgc [7k]: omg yesgodango [6k]: i mean far outatarihuana [2d]: yeah cant wait to get far out againatarihuana [2d]: teleport is always nice];B[mg]BL[206.721];W[lf]WL[200.203];B[ng]BL[204.628];W[og]WL[192.239];B[lg]BL[201.489]C[Kotonoha [2d]: i wanna see how bad b mess up in yomi :Pmclopez: we'll have to see if 8d likes chocolategodango [6k]: i want Mr toffee to teleport that chocolate to meTurmoile: b gives the subliminal message 'my stones are delicious' by that picture];W[kf]WL[179.214];B[kg]BL[199.694]C[markjgc [7k]: lolmarkjgc [7k]: I want chocolate tooMoiraine7 [2k]: w's position is pwnedgodango [6k]: w play here looks weird... everything looks weakoyps: p17JoseQi [5k]: he can make sometjhingjosek [6k]: welcome to 5 handi gameDomgo [1k]: 5 handigodango [6k]: lol Domgo [1k]: its too muchJoseQi [5k]: 8d is too muchKotonoha [2d]: w looks terrible in beginning but it can live its dead group by killing b's groupmarkjgc [7k]: 5 hando is hardDomgo [1k]: white must have a planatarihuana [2d]: dont underestimate 3d weaknessindyra [3k]: y too much against 3drats [2d?]: you can't say white looks owned in the beginning of a 5 stone handicap game];W[jf]WL[114.485]C[Kotonoha [2d]: w will kill sth and livevegmandu [3d]: 3d is amazingly weak.];B[of]BL[184.874]C[Turmoile: yes, you should say pwnedJoseQi [5k]: veg should knowKotonoha [2d]: yes! vegm];W[pe]WL[103.293]C[Jarndyce [2d]: i don't like 5 handi.... the extra tengen is terrifying];B[pg]BL[182.921];W[qd]WL[97.222]C[Kotonoha [2d]: yes tengen is a bad move];B[qc]BL[176.435];W[re]WL[90.14];B[pc]BL[174.755];W[rc]WL[87.812]C[Turmoile: go seigen disagrees with youatarihuana [2d]: b giving up his corner to eat three ...Imp20 [3k]: umm 5 stone handi game];B[rg]BL[163.2]C[Imp20 [3k]: tengen wasn't actually a moveJarndyce [2d]: i meant, I don't like playing against 5Moiraine7 [2k]: b soft...Moiraine7 [2k]: should have q15];W[qb]WL[71.124]C[Kotonoha [2d]: good sale for b];B[pb]BL[160.092];W[rb]WL[70.188]C[Kotonoha [2d]: get thick for win];B[kc]BL[155.577];W[jg]WL[62.401]C[markjgc [7k]: o17 lives-- b not giving up muchKotonoha [2d]: no matter it suck or not];B[ni]BL[144.195];W[dj]WL[58.092]C[Turmoile: thickness is temporary, only territory remains];B[bc]BL[139.447]C[atarihuana [2d]: well yeah but its kinda slow];W[bb]WL[55.302];B[cb]BL[138.268];W[db]WL[53.21];B[ab]BL[137.011]C[Kotonoha [2d]: you just need to think you can only win a 8d in 0.5 even you get 9 stones];W[ba]WL[48.257];B[be]BL[135.495];W[bf]WL[46.699]C[Xx [2d]: difficult for w,eat 3 is big than everyting,handi game b all connect of couse win];B[fh]BL[126.206]C[JoseQi [5k]: just staying alive is a good thing];W[cg]WL[40.626];B[he]BL[116.694];W[jd]WL[38.594]C[atarihuana [2d]: no its bad, its too submissve];B[ie]BL[113.07];W[jc]WL[36.331];B[kd]BL[109.319];W[je]WL[30.632]C[Kotonoha [2d]: ''Honey small life''];B[dh]BL[85.164]C[Xx [2d]: if b play k4, almost all connect];W[eg]WL[17.763]C[Jarndyce [2d]: L16 seems very bad to me...?];B[eh]BL[78.088];W[bi]WL[15.542]C[Jarndyce [2d]: surely disconnecting w was better?atarihuana [2d]: its the i fix shape in sente instead of proper gote];B[hh]BL[32.948]C[Turmoile: how is he going to finish the game if he disconnectes w?markjgc [7k]: can h15 die?];W[cn]WL[11.157];B[bo]BL[26.036];W[fq]WL[8.677]C[JoseQi [5k]: it can\];B[dr]BL[17.819]C[Xx [2d]: c9 attack for defence better than h12Kotonoha [2d]: who want to bet on b?JoseQi [5k]: but not likely anytime soon];W[jq]WL[20]OW[3]C[vegmandu [3d]: b5 is wrong direction];B[bn]BL[9.632]C[Xx [2d]: k3 big];W[no]WL[20]OW[3]C[Kotonoha [2d]: very passive fuseki black..];B[cl]BL[5.635]C[mkeller [6k]: b6?];W[bk]WL[20]OW[3]C[rats [2d?]: white still not enough territory yet];B[or]BL[20]OB[3];W[qp]WL[20]OW[3]C[Shadonra [2d]: what a boring game];B[qq]BL[20]OB[3];W[pq]WL[20]OW[3];B[oq]BL[20]OB[3];W[po]WL[20]OW[3]C[Kotonoha [2d]: playing sh 1t thick now..... ];B[op]BL[20]OB[3]C[JoseQi [5k]: shadonra, why are you here?];W[qo]WL[20]OW[3];B[oo]BL[20]OB[3];W[pn]WL[20]OW[3]C[Turmoile: w will find a way to make it interestingTroglodyte [2k]: Yeah, B b5 is strenghthening W where B does not want him striong];B[rq]BL[20]OB[3];W[on]WL[20]OW[3]C[Shadonra [2d]: i want to see it become interesting];B[qm]BL[20]OB[3];W[np]WL[20]OW[3];B[nn]BL[20]OB[3]C[Xx [2d]: no];W[nr]WL[20]OW[3];B[pr]BL[20]OB[3];W[pl]WL[20]OW[3]C[Jarndyce [2d]: this fight looks good for batarihuana [2d]: r7 cant be good];B[ql]BL[20]OB[3];W[nm]WL[20]OW[3];B[mn]BL[20]OB[3]C[Xx [2d]: r7 heavy];W[mm]WL[20]OW[3];B[ln]BL[20]OB[3]C[JoseQi [5k]: noiw w has a targetXx [2d]: only o6 is good];W[qk]WL[20]OW[3]C[mkeller [6k]: this could become interestingMoiraine7 [2k]: starting fight is asing for death];B[rk]BL[20]OB[3]C[Moiraine7 [2k]: *askingatarihuana [2d]: b should eat a toffee];W[pk]WL[20]OW[3];B[rj]BL[20]OB[3];W[lm]WL[20]OW[3]C[Xx [2d]: if play r7 ,mean give up s6];B[kn]BL[20]OB[3];W[km]WL[20]OW[3];B[jn]BL[20]OB[3];W[il]WL[20]OW[3];B[hn]BL[20]OB[3];W[io]WL[20]OW[3];B[jm]BL[20]OB[3];W[jl]WL[20]OW[3];B[hl]BL[20]OB[3];W[hk]WL[20]OW[3];B[gl]BL[20]OB[3];W[ij]WL[20]OW[3]C[JoseQi [5k]: now h15 comes under attack];B[jh]BL[20]OB[3]C[Turmoile: time to worry about h12];W[kh]WL[20]OW[3]C[atarihuana [2d]: that 3 stone eat wall really servered its purpose ^^];B[lh]BL[20]OB[3]C[markjgc [7k]: ah, i see];W[ih]WL[20]OW[3];B[ji]BL[20]OB[3];W[ii]WL[20]OW[3];B[ef]BL[20]OB[3];W[ki]WL[20]OW[3];B[nk]BL[20]OB[3]C[Shadonra [2d]: ...wat?];W[nl]WL[20]OW[3]C[mkeller [6k]: l9?Jarndyce [2d]: this doesn't work];B[ok]BL[20]OB[3]C[JoseQi [5k]: for the cut at p7];W[pm]WL[20]OW[3]C[Troglodyte [2k]: You mean severed its purpose :)];B[hq]BL[20]OB[3];W[gp]WL[20]OW[3]C[atarihuana [2d]: serving is severe];B[fr]BL[20]OB[3]C[JoseQi [5k]: severing is severer];W[li]WL[20]OW[3];B[lq]BL[20]OB[3]C[Turmoile: sewer serves severely];W[lp]WL[20]OW[3]C[Kotonoha [2d]: atariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii];B[kq]BL[20]OB[3]C[oyps: b will lost this gameatarihuana [2d]: hieatramen [8k]: lol];W[kp]WL[20]OW[3];B[jr]BL[20]OB[3];W[ff]WL[20]OW[3]C[Xx [2d]: already lost];B[fg]BL[20]OB[3];W[ee]WL[20]OW[3];B[gf]BL[20]OB[3];W[fj]WL[20]OW[3];B[ef]BL[20]OB[3];W[iq]WL[20]OW[3];B[ir]BL[20]OB[3];W[ff]WL[20]OW[3]C[Kotonoha [2d]: lol never overlook of a atariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii];B[ch]BL[20]OB[3];W[bh]WL[20]OW[3]C[markjgc [7k]: what;s this ko for? b looks alive there];B[ef]BL[20]OB[3]C[atarihuana [2d]: yes im quite tall];W[gn]WL[20]OW[3]C[Xx [2d]: b live lost toorats [2d?]: get your eyes checked];B[jp]BL[20]OB[3];W[ff]WL[20]OW[3]C[iplayldrs [2k]: i think b can liveatarihuana [2d]: just unimportant stones in atari];B[lk]BL[20]OB[3];W[kk]WL[20]OW[3];B[ef]BL[20]OB[3];W[ip]WL[20]OW[3];B[jo]BL[20]OB[3];W[hm]WL[20]OW[3]C[JoseQi [5k]: doomoyps: poor bKotonoha [2d]: ooooooooopppppppppppppsKotonoha [2d]: rich w];B[in]BL[20]OB[3];W[ho]WL[20]OW[3];B[mp]BL[20]OB[3];W[mo]WL[20]OW[3]C[mkeller [6k]: very nice];B[mq]BL[20]OB[3]C[Kotonoha [2d]: ahaha];W[lo]WL[20]OW[3]C[Kotonoha [2d]: ahahaatarihuana [2d]: importnat stones in atari ^^Bonklers [1d?]: omgKotonoha [2d]: aha Kotonoha [2d]: ahaha];B[dg]BL[20]OB[3]C[atarihuana [2d]: have a break, have a toffeexgw09 [3d?]: too strongoyps: 5 stone is nothingTurmoile: someone said just living is a good thing];W[mh]WL[20]OW[3]C[rats [2d?]: n12 good enough now];B[cf]BL[20]OB[3];W[ce]WL[20]OW[3];B[de]BL[20]OB[3];W[cm]WL[20]OW[3];B[bl]BL[20]OB[3];W[bm]WL[20]OW[3];B[dl]BL[20]OB[3]C[Xx [2d]: b is sorry,beginning eat 3 stone leading lot of,butatarihuana [2d]: just living is tooo submissive];W[al]WL[20]OW[3];B[cj]BL[20]OB[3];W[ci]WL[20]OW[3]C[Turmoile: better than dying angrilyXx [2d]: b dont kown get k4];B[ck]BL[20]OB[3];W[bj]WL[20]OW[3];B[di]BL[20]OB[3];W[ek]WL[20]OW[3];B[ak]BL[20]OB[3];W[aj]WL[20]OW[3];B[gm]BL[20]OB[3];W[im]WL[20]OW[3];B[fn]BL[20]OB[3];W[ko]WL[20]OW[3]C[atarihuana [2d]: i rather lose the fight than lose by 20 because i just lived, and defended, and defended livingly again and again and again];B[em]BL[20]OB[3];W[eo]WL[20]OW[3]C[Kotonoha [2d]: ponnuki];B[do]BL[20]OB[3];W[dn]WL[20]OW[3]C[JoseQi [5k]: atarijuana, u smoke too muchmkeller [6k]: b has to be super carefulatarihuana [2d]: i stopped];B[en]BL[20]OB[3];W[fo]WL[20]OW[3]C[atarihuana [2d]: on march 1st];B[co]BL[20]OB[3]C[atarihuana [2d]: ^^];W[el]WL[20]OW[3]C[JoseQi [5k]: ah, goodKotonoha [2d]: b eat too much toffeeatarihuana [2d]: yes indeed];B[dm]BL[20]OB[3]C[Turmoile: i rather win a game by just defending&living when i am ahead than fighting and losing by 20atarihuana [2d]: but it has sideeffects];W[am]WL[20]OW[3];B[an]BL[20]OB[3];W[ak]WL[20]OW[3]C[Xx [2d]: whats thisoyps: 5 stones ?atarihuana [2d]: vanishedTurmoile: yummyKotonoha [2d]: even no a thank?Kotonoha [2d]: how come 8d give him a gameTurmoile: result: w likes chocolateatarihuana [2d]: has his mouth fullatarihuana [2d]: with toffeeatarihuana [2d]: w+c])
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