(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SO[gokifu.com]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[600]OT[3x40 byo-yomi]PW[Korondo]PB[Hutoshi4]WR[9d]BR[8d]DT[2011-06-15]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Hutoshi4 [8d]: hiKorondo [9d]: hi]RE[W+Resign];B[pd]BL[593.597]C[Korondo [9d]: gl];W[dp]WL[589.872];B[qp]BL[585.276]C[TurtleDove [5k]: ooh, not blitz];W[dd]WL[582.155];B[fq]BL[576.986];W[cn]WL[580.198]C[Trivia [2k]: ooooh, 9d];B[kq]BL[573.135]C[evanj [-]: oooh, go];W[qf]WL[571.974]C[AYuH [-]: :O];B[qi]BL[566.423]C[Shadowman [1d]: oooh, kibitz];W[nd]WL[564.101];B[pf]BL[558.926]C[TurtleDove [5k]: ooh and aah];W[qc]WL[560.149]C[Trivia [2k]: aaargh, kibitz];B[pc]BL[547.59];W[pg]WL[557.136];B[qe]BL[543.33]C[algren [3d]: ooooh my god];W[of]WL[548.954]C[eric1010 [-]: hi ^^'];B[pe]BL[537.151];W[rg]WL[546.772]C[LarryDavid [3k?]: what does korondo mean?];B[og]BL[533.748];W[ph]WL[544.567];B[rf]BL[530.12]C[dinosaur [2k]: it's a kind of dragonLarryDavid [3k?]: I could believe thatBobWhoosta [2k]: Is this a new joseki?BobWhoosta [2k]: I've seen it a few times lately, but never before.dinosaur [2k]: well I was lyingShadowman [1d]: not so new as far as I know];W[qh]WL[511.363]C[LarryDavid [3k?]: awww why ruin the illusion :(LarryDavid [3k?]: now korondo a lot less cool soundinguamhnach: korondo is esperantodinosaur [2k]: you fool, i was lying when i said i was lyingLarryDavid [3k?]: for dragon?];B[nf]BL[496.827]C[dinosaur [2k]: why were you so quick to believe an admitted liar?Trivia [2k]: ru lying now?LarryDavid [3k?]: because it's the internet and is seemed the most logicalTrivia [2k]: ofc we can never telldinosaur [2k]: this statement is a lieBobWhoosta [2k]: I think he was lying about lying when he said he was lying.Crude [1d]: actually hutoshi means dragon tooevanj [-]: this is a popularish newish josekiuamhnach: p15Shadowman [1d]: esperanto has many words for dragonalex88 [3k]: 太志means dragon?zife [-]: noShadowman [1d]: seems to be in line with the core ideas of the languageBobWhoosta [2k]: Last time I saw this I said "What is white doing??" then ended up liking his position better.alex88 [3k]: - -zife [-]: it was a jokexevad [-]: why is zchen on Korondo's accountWarfreak2 [4d]: super korondoLarryDavid [3k?]: 23 moves and they totally lost meIlidas [3d]: s15 alex88 [3k]: is korondo a japanese word?dinosaur [2k]: yesuamhnach: P15zife [-]: nopedinosaur [2k]: it means dragonalex88 [3k]: ............kgkkg: even 9 dans can play bad sometimesuamhnach: it is espeanto for dragonalex88 [3k]: i didn't see anything indicates dragon in my japanese input method..TurtleDove [5k]: seems unlikely. he's from Koreadinosaur [2k]: they speak japanese in koreabnw [6d]: korondo is korean.alex88 [3k]: :度。。inzendiary [3k?]: its a car!alex88 [3k]: ころんどdinosaur [2k]: they jsut put on an accent to confuse foreginersalex88 [3k]: ーーRakuten [2k]: have korondon and huto played before?robotosan: korondo is finnishleachy [3k]: stupid esperanto...MIE is the way of the future http://dnghu.org/];W[re]WL[315.985]C[alex88 [3k]: white is ok i thinkqwazidan [5k]: he says he's koreanWindGod [6k]: oh yeah!!muvick [1d]: Korondo city of Central African Republic];B[qg]BL[482.764]C[LarryDavid [3k?]: finnish 9d, quite the joke :)alex88 [3k]: white got the corner and r11 position is super badRakuten [2k]: oO this joseki white playedCrude [1d]: they don't speak esperanto in finland. he's obviously from spain.];W[oh]WL[309.807]C[Rakuten [2k]: zchen played it against hutoRakuten [2k]: yesterdayxevad [-]: it seems like the moves were played in a different order.. than when zchen played itRakuten [2k]: Yes];B[oe]BL[472.734];W[qf]WL[308.272]C[Rakuten [2k]: and they went for the korobotosan: they speak esperanto in esperantistanedenchen [4k]: can kgs bann a person for ever?WindGod [6k]: t14xevad [-]: they can ban the accountalex88 [3k]: there's one guy on youtube who speaks 50 languages....dinosaur [2k]: nothing lasts foreverWindGod [6k]: t14!Rakuten [2k]: I wonder if its coincidence or if korondo saw it.purinpurin [1d]: truTrivia [2k]: or IP addressxevad [-]: I think Korondo saw ithumanity [1d]: 50?humanity [1d]: languages?alex88 [3k]: yeah- -humanity [1d]: Hard to believe.edenchen [4k]: I mean the person got banned will never get to go to kgs anymorealex88 [3k]: and he forgot one of its name....loluamhnach: S16LarryDavid [3k?]: no that they cannot doTrivia [2k]: not if he changes his IP addressleachy [3k]: that guy obviously has little else to do.alex88 [3k]: one of the languages' name i meanedenchen [4k]: I guesszife [-]: humanity, not if you define speaking a language to mean "know a thing or two"xevad [-]: I'm gonna play this sequence all the time nowalex88 [3k]: - -! he's actually doing it but i can't clarify his level on these fortien thingsedenchen [4k]: t14 xevad [-]: kgs does not ban you foreveralex88 [3k]: he read out some russian and i don't know russian at all - -gogonuts [4d]: simply b s16?humanity [1d]: Yes, I understood. Wow that is quite something. I am acutally leraning japanese and I'm having hard times with it, since its so different from european languages. The more languages you speak, the easier it is to learn a new one....uamhnach: i speak english irish and chinese..... S16!xevad [-]: the bans are always temporary unless they decide to restrict username usagehumanity [1d]: Agree @zifexevad [-]: for example if they did not want people to use tartrate.. they could pema ban the usage of the nameNoEndgame [4d]: your irish uamhnach?];B[dq]BL[312.101]C[uamhnach: yesQualityDr [?]: uamhnach, some of the best Chinese I ever ate in a restaurant was in Adare...];W[sf]WL[302.959]C[NoEndgame [4d]: where bouts?humanity [1d]: :D];B[cp]BL[306.219]C[Rakuten [2k]: was black tricked?];W[qb]WL[291.737]C[humanity [1d]: i speak 6 atm but not all of em perfectlyalex88 [3k]: i think the komi has gone already];B[cf]BL[293.251]C[alex88 [3k]: for blackxevad [-]: white's corner looks better than black's corner in the lower lefthumanity [1d]: (japanese eg just started wit hit :P];W[di]WL[281.522]C[humanity [1d]: but its fun learninghumanity [1d]: :)Crude [1d]: f17 goRakuten [2k]: I speak english and internet.humanity [1d]: :Dalex88 [3k]: someone told me russian grammer is harder than japanese....is that gonna be true?humanity [1d]: yeshumanity [1d]: that is trueWindGod [6k]: c17humanity [1d]: japanese is not that difficult ... its just differentglobax [3d]: e12?alex88 [3k]: russian is ...at least an european langauge isn't it];B[fc]BL[247.72]C[Trivia [2k]: do japanese have any grammar at all?True1 [10k]: its not the grammer that makes japanese hardxevad [-]: west coast American Chinese food is better than east coast American Chinese foodhumanity [1d]: but russian gramar has like 13 different cases];W[df]WL[267.072]C[humanity [1d]: idk its very confusingRakuten [2k]: does american chinese food have anything in commonleachy [3k]: no there is no such thing as harder just more different to your native languageRakuten [2k]: with chinese food?];B[cc]BL[236.267]C[Rakuten [2k]: I am going to beijing on sunday.Rakuten [2k]: and am very curiousleachy [3k]: 7 cases has russianRakuten [2k]: about foodalex88 [3k]: russian and english are in a same langauge family i think - -!uamhnach: I live in belfastzife [-]: verb always comes last trivia, except when you want to break the rulesdinosaur [2k]: there has to be such thing as harder];W[dc]WL[258.06]C[humanity [1d]: @trivia ... yes, im in my first study year and we already have a 150page script full with grammarxevad [-]: True1 it is remebering of special cases];B[cd]BL[232.324]C[dinosaur [2k]: it would be a big coincidence if all languages were erqually difficult];W[de]WL[256.506];B[bg]BL[228.806]C[base [-]: can we focus on the game please?xevad [-]: yes base];W[ce]WL[244.145]C[Rakuten [2k]: no onw has anything to say about joseki :pleachy [3k]: base for admin~!humanity [1d]: that is true, zife. But there are a lot of different ways to express yourself ...];B[be]BL[219.302]C[alex88 [3k]: black got tricked again?Kaptain85 [7k]: Back humanity [1d]: sry, base :DJoostvdPol [2d?]: what is b13?humanity [1d]: lest focus on the game^^];W[cg]WL[230.862]C[alex88 [3k]: isn't f17 too close to the wall?SoloWay [2k]: all your base are belong to korondo];B[bf]BL[214.624];W[ch]WL[221.685]C[iTengen [2k]: one of the nicer things about russian is that a lot of the words will be familiar];B[db]BL[202.263]C[xevad [-]: he said please, come on people focus];W[eb]WL[220.024];B[cb]BL[199.18];W[kd]WL[218.646]C[iTengen [2k]: but slavic languages retain the older cases which is a problemRakuten [2k]: l16 frustrates blacks strategyhockey [2d]: b looking heavyleachy [3k]: b k17 instead of d18 looked better to mebnw [6d]: l16 is so big...iTengen [2k]: as for japanese, it will be hard to cope with the honorifics system, which permeates every verbspot [5k]: how can white skip E17?Trivia [2k]: uncomfortable for P15 groupalex88 [3k]: who's better... .anyone tells me ?leachy [3k]: congrats on 2d, hockey!Rakuten [2k]: I think its still evenhockey [2d]: thanksxevad [-]: if black plays slack, I don't think white will go easy on him];B[nh]BL[144.173]C[iTengen [2k]: to ask "does japanese have any grammar" is a horrendous display of ignoranceRakuten [2k]: blacks formation on the bottom is a good one.];W[mg]WL[204.223]C[Rakuten [2k]: but whites corner is large. and the top isnt ooking favorable for black.];B[ng]BL[138.907]C[humanity [1d]: large?xevad [-]: can white attack this group?humanity [1d]: i only count like 8-10 ptsdinosaur [2k]: asking questions is usually am display of ignorance];W[fb]WL[179.26]C[Rakuten [2k]: huto is better though because he has a nice picture of a cupleachy [3k]: white looks much better anyhowRakuten [2k]: well but it has access to the outside....Trivia [2k]: i know some Japanese... mostly Go termshumanity [1d]: D];B[hc]BL[118.093];W[gc]WL[173.412]C[dinosaur [2k]: I can count to 5iTengen [2k]: dinosaur you must distinguish between being ignorant of the answer to the question, and being so ignorant that you ask a non-questionalex88 [3k]: english and japanese share go terms....humanity [1d]: i had today oral exams Trivia [2k]: now W ulneash fire breathing on B's stonesdinosaur [2k]: it's not a non-questionhumanity [1d]: and it went well °°mapuche27 [4k]: korean baduk term are cool...];B[je]BL[86.771]C[gogonuts [4d]: w has nice rythmhockey [2d]: dame is also used in convention japanese a lotRakuten [2k]: black is tryingglobax [3d]: k17 naturalRakuten [2k]: to take the flowhockey [2d]: conventional*leachy [3k]: maybe b l16 instead of d18...but either way d18 looks a big mistake to me];W[ke]WL[146.423]C[xevad [-]: how to play in sente..alex88 [3k]: korean baduk terms are cool but it's already very tough for people to remember japanese terms ^ ^ ];B[jf]BL[79.537]C[mapuche27 [4k]: seonsu=sentexevad [-]: L13?alex88 [3k]: and i'm not gonna do that again ....remember so many korean things..hockey [2d]: yose is also used in common languagemapuche27 [4k]: my master is a 7dan korean playermapuche27 [4k]: XDRakuten [2k]: this white group is so hard to attackRakuten [2k]: l16 was a great move];W[jd]WL[104.045]C[grumpyjoe [-]: b2 bomber is the english speaking world's sole contribution to go terminologyrobotosan: and gojira is used often];B[gd]BL[57.196]C[hockey [2d]: what is gojira];W[gb]WL[100.777];B[id]BL[53.365]C[humanity [1d]: lolrobotosan: godzillazife [-]: godzillaRakuten [2k]: actually "Chilling"Rakuten [2k]: is anotherRakuten [2k]: english contribution to go terminologyRakuten [2k]: butRakuten [2k]: thats a diversion from the game -.-Rakuten [2k]: and more of a CGT termgogonuts [4d]: w is good at patient harassmentxevad [-]: less math, more go];W[ic]WL[72.946]C[johnny [5k]: W around p4 soon?humanity [1d]: :DShadowman [1d]: funky moveRakuten [2k]: p4 is kind of a trap johnnyRakuten [2k]: imogogonuts [4d]: cool, once you see ithumanity [1d]: h15 if ignoregogonuts [4d]: not easy to findhumanity [1d]: yeahockey [2d]: j17 is nice tesujijohnny [5k]: where should W play in bottom rt?uamhnach: B K17alex88 [3k]: what's that?iTengen [2k]: P4 ain't no good in mini chinese but now that R11 has been neutralised, might be less bad?alex88 [3k]: white wall converted into black wall?Rakuten [2k]: it might be good to approach from the outside.];B[jc]BL[40]OB[3];W[ib]WL[70.045];B[kf]BL[40]OB[3]C[johnny [5k]: W r6?];W[ie]WL[48.382]C[hockey [2d]: I think w is a bit troubledEowyn [1k]: right side is determined now. p4 or p3 approach may be good for walex88 [3k]: white says i like cashhumanity [1d]: why, hockey?imawere: w, stooong,,,];B[if]BL[40]OB[3];W[hd]WL[42.661];B[he]BL[40]OB[3]C[Rakuten [2k]: black handled this calmly.....took the outside....];W[id]WL[40.223];B[le]BL[40]OB[3];W[do]WL[31.094]C[Werfeus [5d]: just because w pretty much made him to take it];B[ep]BL[40]OB[3]C[imawere: w pretty??MaLa [3d]: you can always pretend, you chose it];W[op]WL[6.451]C[Rakuten [2k]: lol at quadruple hane];B[pn]BL[40]OB[3];W[qq]WL[3.382]C[Werfeus [5d]: yes over real board you gotta keep your pokerface];B[rq]BL[40]OB[3];W[pq]WL[2.186];B[rr]BL[40]OB[3];W[mq]WL[0.76]C[humanity [1d]: :Dhockey [2d]: b thought he was playing 5 in a rowhumanity [1d]: he can still make it!Rakuten [2k]: Werfeus: You mean...you sacrifice your stonesRakuten [2k]: on purpose?!?!lapindix [5k]: good call johnny];B[nn]BL[40]OB[3];W[om]WL[40]OW[3]C[lapindix [5k]: Rakuten was wrongjohnny [5k]: thanksWerfeus [5d]: Rakuten, no, i mean you play something you have no clue what's going on, but keep your pokerface like a bossRakuten [2k]: ohRakuten [2k]: yeahRakuten [2k]: i just call that "Go"TurtleDove [5k]: W likes a peep it seemshockey [2d]: w looks slightly betterRakuten [2k]: 28 kyus later I have no clue w hats happening stillWhitePawn [1d]: isnt rakuten a name of medicen dor Akne?hockey [2d]: but has only 0.5 komiRakuten [2k]: I dont knowRakuten [2k]: I heard it means optimism in japanesepurinpurin [1d]: well put rakuen];B[oo]BL[40]OB[2]C[go5go [3k]: black's stones feel as if they are attempting to scramble to do something Rakuten [2k]: its on yashimoto keigos fanTrivia [2k]: no rakuten means "love to see my words appear on the screen"hockey [2d]: you are like people who take chinese tattooskoticgood [4k]: rakuten open in tennis uses giant cup o noodle cups to hold players' drinks];W[mo]WL[40]OW[3]C[koticgood [4k]: if that is relevant at allhockey [2d]: not knowing what they are putting on their bodieslapindix [5k]: :=) Trivia];B[pp]BL[40]OB[2];W[np]WL[40]OW[3];B[ko]BL[40]OB[2]C[spot [5k]: L3 needs helpRakuten [2k]: I think this is good for black on the bottomhockey [2d]: "does this say dragon?" "sure"Rakuten [2k]: big territorylapindix [5k]: rakuten means also "I talk too much"];W[pm]WL[40]OW[3]C[hikaru2go [11k]: @.@hockey [2d]: here it comespurinpurin [1d]: theres a rakuten on war3 too lolWhitePawn [1d]: is Q10 to passive for B?hockey [2d]: if w reduces too much here, b is in a pinchWerfeus [5d]: not much territory in bottomgo5go [3k]: q10? go5go [3k]: *p10go5go [3k]: even];B[qm]BL[40]OB[2]C[Bushworm [1d]: i hop hutoshi will win the monstrous 9dWerfeus [5d]: yet atleast];W[ql]WL[40]OW[3]C[toved [-]: hi];B[rl]BL[40]OB[2]C[Rakuten [2k]: but it looks like it will bexome big beause p4 is still weak?hikaru2go [11k]: Thanks for the game :) ggqwazidan [5k]: the hanes from heckmeko [7k]: looks hard to attack p4Trivia [2k]: S9, triple dareFrentic [-]: s9 seems okbanana1d [2d]: i would resign on both sides, this game is just too complicated for me...hockey [2d]: mentally weak];W[rk]WL[40]OW[1]C[go5go [3k]: m7 followed by o2 may put p4 in jeopardy Trivia [2k]: nice gamejohnny [5k]: W r6daladim [1d]: oww my eyes !! hockey 2d :Dcurlyshell: it might also b2 complicated 4ur opponentTurtleDove [5k]: hane mania];B[rn]BL[40]OB[2]C[Rakuten [2k]: black doesnt need to steal base immediately because white cant live ocally with one move.];W[sl]WL[40]OW[1];B[rm]BL[40]OB[2];W[pk]WL[40]OW[1];B[lr]BL[40]OB[2]C[purinpurin [1d]: lol......Rakuten [2k]: Oogogonuts [4d]: w is a systematic painRakuten [2k]: shows what I knowevanj [-]: good timingbanana1d [2d]: :)hikaru2go [11k]: digging ;)];W[mn]WL[40]OW[1]C[hockey [2d]: b must do something bigWhitePawn [1d]: another Hane?maoxiong [2k]: higo5go [3k]: lol WhitePawn [1d]: B likes that...hikaru2go [11k]: B K10 is super big :)];B[fn]BL[40]OB[2]C[meko [7k]: n7 o7 ?gogonuts [4d]: w has shown great control over the flowkmr [1k]: P14 makes black win immediately forming b2 bomberalex88 [3k]: black got huge moyoRakuten [2k]: true....toved [-]: i.dtcg.x h vgzhbgvöult8oulltodfjc x,Thmayu [3d]: the force is strong with white...];W[em]WL[40]OW[1]C[hikaru2go [11k]: alwaystoved [-]: b6lf hmkjizo jg biö hl9ivcfizu,.kpitbear [6k]: 6kyu moves here: w h14 nonino: drunken......robotosan: stop speaking finnishalex88 [3k]: 白 lost];B[en]BL[40]OB[2]C[xevad [-]: alex88 are you surehikaru2go [11k]: grey lostjosek [6k]: 不一定alex88 [3k]: is ありません a way of saying resign in japanese?robotosan: yes];W[cq]WL[40]OW[1]C[xevad [-]: sort ofhumanity [1d]: noRakuten [2k]: A ri ma sen?purinpurin [1d]: meaning there isnt... a move to play?];B[bq]BL[40]OB[2]C[xevad [-]: makemashitaGryning [2k]: i mean, the same way you could look down at the board and say "there's just no way....!!"humanity [1d]: haixevad [-]: is what you wanthumanity [1d]: makemashita = i give upRakuten [2k]: Arimasen = I have nothinghumanity [1d]: arimasen = there is nohikaru2go [11k]: wa ka ri a ri ma sen na yo];W[cr]WL[40]OW[1];B[bo]BL[40]OB[2]C[gogonuts [4d]: arimasen - japanese for losers];W[bp]WL[40]OW[1]C[purinpurin [1d]: lolhikaru2go [11k]: wa ka daTrivia [2k]: B4 lolhumanity [1d]: ??humanity [1d]: :Dpurinpurin [1d]: go Canucksalex88 [3k]: i think i've heard this term from the animation several timesglobax [3d]: ko?Gryning [2k]: 9d super movego1d [6d]: c5 ?banana1d [2d]: wowshRakuten [2k]: c5 ?paulcodiny [5k]: c5?alex88 [3k]: can't remember if it's exactly ありません。。hikaru2go [11k]: 1st time see @.@];B[ap]BL[40]OB[2];W[co]WL[40]OW[1]C[hikaru2go [11k]: must learn];B[bp]BL[40]OB[2]C[kanai [2d]: WOWevanj [-]: takes away a liberty];W[dr]WL[40]OW[1];B[eq]BL[40]OB[2]C[petition [4k]: i would study japanese for losersevanj [-]: no big deal];W[br]WL[40]OW[1];B[bn]BL[40]OB[2];W[cm]WL[40]OW[1];B[bm]BL[40]OB[2];W[bl]WL[40]OW[1]C[zife [-]: ありません、参りました、負けましたKgsZ [2k]: korando won ^^'Pwndawg [1d]: kozife [-]: can't go wrong with thosemaoxiong [2k]: 呵呵xevad [-]: alex88 first you need to learn the difference and usages of iru and arugogonuts [4d]: w is the nasty type];B[cl]BL[40]OB[2]C[Rakuten [2k]: maybe black can cutspot [5k]: b c8Bushworm [1d]: yea zife that one also];W[dl]WL[40]OW[1]C[alex88 [3k]: why black just can't connect at c5?];B[ck]BL[40]OB[2];W[bk]WL[40]OW[1]C[K2R [8d]: ?Pwndawg [1d]: ?koticgood [4k]: /];B[cj]BL[40]OB[2]C[tinytim: w is strong];W[bj]WL[40]OW[1]C[TurtleDove [5k]: B a2 no good ?alex88 [3k]: i mean after white b4alex88 [3k]: why b4 not c5];B[fm]BL[40]OB[2]C[Pwndawg [1d]: wow this is so complicated];W[dk]WL[40]OW[1]C[alex88 [3k]: why a4];B[ar]BL[40]OB[2]C[daladim [1d]: then w closes his territorry in sente imodaladim [1d]: to alexTrivia [2k]: who am i? why am i here?hockey [2d]: sekialex88 [3k]: ok i seelockelaton [4k]: cantalex88 [3k]: white still lost the corner..I0O0I [10k]: to trivia ocalex88 [3k]: i thought white was going for killpurinpurin [1d]: you are chris higgins];W[er]WL[40]OW[1]C[Rakuten [2k]: and black for f7robotosan: we're all here because we're not all thereRakuten [2k]: got*purinpurin [1d]: you just scored the OT winnergrumpyjoe [-]: could b d9 instead of c10];B[fr]BL[40]OB[2]C[Pwndawg [1d]: this is grossTelemarket [4d]: a1xevad [-]: this is excellent for white];W[bs]WL[40]OW[1]C[grumpyjoe [-]: he had the ladderChillzone5 [10k]: korondo is a pro?alex88 [3k]: seki...godkik [4k]: W need win by KOkoticgood [4k]: you are a human, you are here for no reason other than quantum fluctuations in empty space vomited you out as the pinacle of "matter"Frentic [-]: sekilockelaton [4k]: wowTetriste [2d]: I hear he's only korean amateurdaladim [1d]: korondo amaTrivia [2k]: oh, pinnacle, i love thatalex88 [3k]: korean insei maybe?Tetriste [2d]: something like ex-inseihockey [2d]: of course he is only amateurevanj [-]: an amateur korean?hockey [2d]: kim youngsam];B[es]BL[40]OB[2]C[yearofRAT [4k?]: yea];W[ds]WL[40]OW[1]C[robotosan: a8 hockey [2d]: professionals are much stronger];B[fs]BL[40]OB[2]C[koticgood [4k]: lol];W[an]WL[40]OW[1]C[fg4w [4d?]: WHOS LEADINGkoticgood [4k]: there are amateurs stronger than professionalspraeludium [5d]: koticgood I didn't understand but it looked intelligentTetriste [2d]: no, not insei anymore, not sure if inseis would be allowed to play on kgs];B[am]BL[40]OB[2]C[alex88 [3k]: some japanese old amas are as strong as pros too...];W[kn]WL[40]OW[1]C[TurtleDove [5k]: seki];B[jn]BL[40]OB[2];W[jm]WL[40]OW[1]C[gogonuts [4d]: w geniusRakuten [2k]: this hurts for black.Vincent [2d]: lol];B[in]BL[40]OB[2]C[w1n5t0n [3k]: cool move..];W[lo]WL[40]OW[1]C[hockey [2d]: korondo is from the BIBA];B[lp]BL[40]OB[2]C[Tetriste [2d]: yeah];W[jo]WL[40]OW[1]C[hockey [2d]: with zsi and blackie];B[kp]BL[40]OB[2];W[kl]WL[40]OW[1]C[xevad [-]: BIBA has strong teachersSutekh [5k]: gathers strength to pursue o13mapuche27 [4k]: biba?Vincent [2d]: b lost sente in a yose moveK2R [8d]: resignbanana1d [2d]: has anyone worked out the variation if B plays c5 instead of eating stone with a4 ?Tetriste [2d]: blackie's internationnal baduk academyxevad [-]: teaching several foreign students];B[gf]BL[40]OB[2]C[hockey [2d]: good time for b to resign];W[hg]WL[40]OW[1];B[hf]BL[40]OB[2]C[ikuy [3d]: banana that was told alreadyhikaru2go [11k]: nan ta yo?];W[im]WL[40]OW[1];B[hn]BL[40]OB[2]C[mapuche27 [4k]: i dotn know BIBAmapuche27 [4k]: dontikuy [3d]: don´t alex88 [3k]: wat is BIBA..hockey [2d]: please peopleRookwood [2k]: m14 :-)Tetriste [2d]: Tetriste [2d]: blackie's internationnal baduk academyfg4w [4d?]: b won't resign. Cuz b is aheadOotakamoku [1d]: b o7 looks biggishalex88 [3k]: hutoshi is japanese and he's from biba?hockey [2d]: don't try to prove your slow mind too much];W[mf]WL[40]OW[1]C[Tetriste [2d]: blackie is 9p, the academy is in koreaclement44 [1k]: ouchkoticgood [4k]: how many amateurs do you guys think there are that are stronger than the weakest active pros?Rookwood [2k]: missed it by one K2R [8d]: w is aheadTrivia [2k]: who is blackie?];B[me]BL[40]OB[2]C[hockey [2d]: w going to cut];W[mh]WL[40]OW[1]C[hockey [2d]: I just know itWhitePawn [1d]: 42Trivia [2k]: Lee Ki Bong?K2R [8d]: w+10 fg4w];B[mi]BL[40]OB[2]C[koticgood [4k]: 10? 20? 50? 100? 500?];W[lh]WL[40]OW[1]C[Tetriste [2d]: blackie isTetriste [2d]: Kim Seung-jun xevad [-]: http://biba2011.blogspot.com/ <- BIBATetriste [2d]: 9pmapuche27 [4k]: coolhockey [2d]: do you have to be spoonfed too?xevad [-]: https://picasaweb.google.com/113804270615599150715/School#5602191924357374082 <- pictures of the schoolTetriste [2d]: I got friends studying there atm for a couple monthsTetriste [2d]: it seems neat];B[ne]BL[40]OB[2];W[lf]WL[40]OW[1]C[gogonuts [4d]: another great w maneuverfg4w [4d?]: I haven't seen professor leekibong long timepetition [4k]: amazingFrentic [-]: l10 hockey [2d]: now definitely time to resignpetition [4k]: unusual to see hutoshi get pushed around like thisikuy [3d]: nice w shape :)evanj [-]: BIBA is the Boulder County Independent Business AllianceTrivia [2k]: oh wow. big killingJavitxu [6k]: does anyone know a trick play when invading 4-4, by playing 2-2 point?ikuy [3d]: yesZenZen: 2 emptytriangles in a rowikuy [3d]: I knowfg4w [4d?]: no time to rebirthJavitxu [6k]: i searched once in senseiJavitxu [6k]: but i cant reach it again...ikuy [3d]: :OJavitxu [6k]: can u link it?Trivia [2k]: the right ansewr is respond with 3-3?teracotta [1k]: http://senseis.xmp.net/?22PointInvasionjwr [-]: look on josekipedia, it's thereikuy [3d]: I don´t know about thereJye [3k]: or tenuki :)ikuy [3d]: in sensei];B[ii]BL[40]OB[1]C[jwr [-]: you can just tenukijwr [-]: because they have no follow-upTimk [2k]: m12 and m14 looks... epic)];W[li]WL[40]OW[1]C[petition [4k]: Huto! you can do it!Tetriste [2d]: I know how to tenuki trickplaysTetriste [2d]: thats about itJavitxu [6k]: thx];B[mj]BL[40]OB[1]C[Javitxu [6k]: i broke my head searching..];W[lj]WL[40]OW[1];B[mk]BL[40]OB[1];W[jh]WL[40]OW[1];B[ih]BL[40]OB[1]C[hockey [2d]: painful];W[nm]WL[40]OW[1]C[Rakuten [2k]: hmm too bad :( black no chance now I think...WhitePawn [1d]: where is Biba?spot [5k]: black in troublehockey [2d]: b already behindTetriste [2d]: in Koreahockey [2d]: now has to make escapego5go [3k]: n17?kyosuke [-]: korea whitepawn];B[lk]BL[40]OB[1]C[WhitePawn [1d]: darn...Trivia [2k]: do you have to speak Korean to study there?Tetriste [2d]: noTetriste [2d]: but];W[jj]WL[40]OW[1]C[WhitePawn [1d]: nope it says soon the flyerTetriste [2d]: there's something like 1h korean language course per weekxevad [-]: Location: Gunpo : Kyoungi-do : South KoreaTetriste [2d]: when you study thereTurtleDove [5k]: B g12 seems needed];B[ji]BL[40]OB[1]C[Werfeus [5d]: Tetriste: i believe it's 1h/day];W[kj]WL[40]OW[1]C[Tetriste [2d]: oh maybealex88 [3k]: a functino is convex means the functino is concave up?Tetriste [2d]: I was thinking of going there right after universityMongoose11 [9k]: what's wrong with n17?alex88 [3k]: parabola i meanxevad [-]: gyeolko ...anida = neverhockey [2d]: koreans don't speak english as well];B[oi]BL[40]OB[1]C[Trivia [2k]: convex like x^2 functionhockey [2d]: so you better be prepared];W[nc]WL[40]OW[1]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: did b just die?hockey [2d]: though diana koszegi has decent englishhikaru2go [11k]: soookuikyosuke [-]: D:Vincent [2d]: w+resTetriste [2d]: yeah but there's diana yeauamhnach: P18];B[ok]BL[40]OB[1]C[Tetriste [2d]: so its not for the worse];W[pj]WL[40]OW[1]C[Trivia [2k]: this is sickToge [1k]: o17 is 9dan tesujiDeathHane [4d]: b res];B[pi]BL[40]OB[1];W[ri]WL[40]OW[1]C[Tetriste [2d]: o10 Tetriste [2d]: well not neededalex88 [3k]: if i say a parabola is convex that will mean this parabola is concave up is that right?Tetriste [2d]: anywaysmsyrver [2d]: alex, please ask that somewhere elsepitbear [6k]: g9 hockey [2d]: b got schooledTrivia [2k]: i think concave down but better look it up on wikipediaMaLa [3d]: Kim Seung Jun 9p also has decent english at Biba :P];B[qj]BL[40]OB[1]C[hockey [2d]: too bad for hutoshi];W[qk]WL[40]OW[1]C[alex88 [3k]: - -go masters = maths masters i believe...praeludium [5d]: lol I was looking at j14 thinking "how will w kill?" and then w kill p15Trivia [2k]: w amazingalex88 [3k]: or say i would assume- -hockey [2d]: kim seung jun is still active prouamhnach: white go on C11!hockey [2d]: and not doing too bad tooTetriste [2d]: yeah, he was in top 32 at bc cup];B[ll]BL[40]OB[1]C[Tetriste [2d]: I think];W[lm]WL[40]OW[1]C[DeathHane [4d]: kim seung jun made it to the round of 16 of the bc card cup which is insaneMongoose11 [9k]: I'm not really clear how huto is dead?meko [7k]: k14 abandoned?DeathHane [4d]: very clearOotakamoku [1d]: mongoose11, where do you see second eye for black?Trivia [2k]: P14 only 1 eyeTetriste [2d]: oh it was 16evanj [-]: concave parabola = opens downward, convex = opens upwardmolego [3k]: o8 2nd eye?xevad [-]: no aji here black...Mongoose11 [9k]: p10 o11 o8];B[nl]BL[40]OB[1];W[oj]WL[40]OW[1]C[humanity [1d]: ^^ hes frantically searchingMaLa [3d]: top16, lost to Zhou Ruiyang thereTetriste [2d]: no lifehockey [2d]: wowMaLa [3d]: and has 2nd most wins this year in koreafg4w [4d?]: time to resign for wclement44 [1k]: finish MaLa [3d]: ;)hockey [2d]: he lost to goldhammercocon94 [1k]: tobe die uamhnach: C11 for W will get 3-4 pieces the turn afterOotakamoku [1d]: mongoose, that sequence continues p10 o11 o8 o10 hockey [2d]: one of chinese rising starsHutoshi4 [8d]: thanksKorondo [9d]: thxKorondo [9d]: gghikaru2go [11k]: ggbehta [1k]: bien jouépetition [4k]: yay!Citronvert [1k]: ggdaladim [1d]: strong like strong guyTrivia [2k]: monster gameAYuH [-]: GGmapuche27 [4k]: buen juegokentia [2k]: korondo!hikaru2go [11k]: encorexevad [-]: geumanduda - to quit])
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