(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]HA[9]KM[0.50]TM[1800]PW[aguilar]PB[DrSmiley]BR[9k]DT[2012-11-08]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]AB[dd][jd][pd][dj][jj][pj][dp][jp][pp]RE[W+Resign];W[qf]WL[1788.784];B[qd]BL[1781.091];W[qn]WL[1785.342];B[ql]BL[1775.688];W[nq]WL[1781.924](;B[oq]BL[1768.278]C[aguilar [-]: I'd play differntly hereJavaness [2d]: was Q6 better?];W[np]WL[1779.915];B[qo]BL[1762.18]C[aguilar [-]: this move goes against the proverbaguilar [-]: "beware of double contact"];W[pn]WL[1777.744]C[DrSmiley [9k]: now cut instead of make shape better?DrSmiley [9k]: my idea hereDrSmiley [9k]: was that both stones are pinceredDrSmiley [9k]: so i can have an advantage in the fightingaguilar [-]: I seeaguilar [-]: but the corner is still open];B[qq]BL[1758.393]C[aguilar [-]: in fact, you defended here nowDrSmiley [9k]: yesaguilar [-]: so White can connect his two groupsDrSmiley [9k]: i saw this corner and miss my cut];W[or]WL[1768.708];B[pr]BL[1747.962];W[op]WL[1766.627](;B[fq]BL[1727.54]C[aguilar [-]: this move was goodaguilar [-]: I was aiming at this point];W[of]WL[1760.727];B[nd]BL[1722.573];W[nj]WL[1758.475]C[aguilar [-]: then, I tried to gain influence on this sideaguilar [-]: my intention here was to isolate the right side handicap stone](;B[nh]BL[1711.772]C[aguilar [-]: this is reasonable];W[oi]WL[1755.872];B[oh]BL[1702.781];W[pi]WL[1753.261];B[ph]BL[1694.441];W[qh]WL[1750.619](;B[qi]BL[1652.502]C[aguilar [-]: this was goodaguilar [-]: whatever happens, Black must cut hereaguilar [-]: I mean, even if White gets to capture at last (as happened in the game), it is better for Black than letting White connect];W[rh]WL[1746.706];B[rj]BL[1645.821];W[mf]WL[1739.449];B[lh]BL[1634.925];W[ok]WL[1729.679](;B[om]BL[1621.374]C[aguilar [-]: this was severe];W[pk]WL[1724.614];B[qk]BL[1619.388](;W[pm]WL[1722.607]C[aguilar [-]: this cut seems to be an overplay];B[pl]BL[1616.856];W[ol]WL[1721.138];B[nm]BL[1615.518];W[oj]WL[1699.027]C[kiwistew [10k]: connect underneathkeitarokun [-]: p5?](;B[oo]BL[1555.887];W[rm]WL[1691.459];B[ro]BL[1547.458];W[rl]WL[1688.199];B[rk]BL[1539.588];W[ri]WL[1674.948];B[no]BL[1513.475];W[pq]WL[1667.212];B[po]BL[1506.203]C[aguilar [-]: in fact, you got some compensation hereJavaness [2d]: black can seal off the center];W[qj]WL[1655.938](;B[lo]BL[1482.575]C[aguilar [-]: the White group at the bottom is attacked now];W[kr]WL[1649.879]C[aguilar [-]: I played here to prepare for ko](;B[kf]BL[1470.962]C[aguilar [-]: but you let me live];W[iq]WL[1643.97];B[ip]BL[1465.732];W[hq]WL[1641.903];B[hp]BL[1464.255]C[aguilar [-]: so far Black's play is pretty goodaguilar [-]: even allowing for the lost group on the right side];W[ld]WL[1635.419];B[me]BL[1450.346];W[fc]WL[1632.666];B[df]BL[1446.072];W[jc]WL[1629.947](;B[hc]BL[1440.592];W[id]WL[1619.709](;B[kd]BL[1425.97];W[kc]WL[1613.77];B[lc]BL[1410.882];W[ic]WL[1609.228]SQ[hc]C[aguilar [-]: now the marked stone is not well locatedaguilar [-]: it was played next to a cutting pointaguilar [-]: "don't play next to a cutting point", the proverb says];B[le]BL[1406.527];W[lb]WL[1605.723];B[mc]BL[1404.169];W[fe]WL[1603.08];B[fg]BL[1398.427];W[cl]WL[1598.84];B[cj]BL[1393.426];W[bp]WL[1580.525];B[cq]BL[1377.568];W[bq]WL[1572.704];B[dm]BL[1367.389];W[cm]WL[1568.418];B[dl]BL[1361.625];W[dn]WL[1561.921]C[aguilar [-]: thiss was another overplayaguilar [-]: I was too preocupied with the size of the center](;B[en]BL[1355.877];W[do]WL[1559.793];B[eo]BL[1352.921];W[cp]WL[1557.367]C[aguilar [-]: now White is safe];B[cr]BL[1341.615]LB[dq:A]C[A is better](;W[kk]WL[1545.652]C[aguilar [-]: I have to do something with the center];B[lj]BL[1311.328]C[aguilar [-]: this was severe too](;W[dq]WL[1509.203]C[aguilar [-]: now I began playing around here, to see what would happen](;B[eq]BL[1271.368]C[aguilar [-]: this was not good];W[ep]WL[1500.072];B[fp]BL[1269.555];W[dr]WL[1493.927];B[er]BL[1265.425]LB[lk:B][mk:A]C[aguilar [-]: you could take the chance to play A or B nowaguilar [-]: Black's center is pretty big];W[hg]WL[1396.645]TR[kj]C[aguilar [-]: now I tried to reduce the centerDrSmiley [9k]: i didnt know if i could cut this one offDrSmiley [9k]: but it doesnt seem like itaguilar [-]: I don't think soaguilar [-]: it connects easilyaguilar [-]: I was aiming at the hole too];B[hi]BL[1250.381]TR[kj](;W[kg]WL[1340.465]TR[kj]C[aguilar [-]: this move aims at the hole, of courseaguilar [-]: but it is self indulgent];B[pf]BL[1197.465]LB[lk:A]C[aguilar [-]: A was the move and White would be in trouble];W[dk]WL[1299.636]C[aguilar [-]: this is a preparation for the ladder, of course];B[ek]BL[1192.958];W[lk]WL[1296.373];B[mk]BL[1181.573];W[mj]WL[1293.813];B[ml]BL[1179.94];W[kj]WL[1291.496];B[li]BL[1173.765];W[ji]WL[1288.804]C[aguilar [-]: this is the critical point of the game](;B[lg]BL[1101.623](;W[ij]WL[1283.72]C[aguilar [-]: I got the ladder at last];B[jk]BL[1098.737];W[jl]WL[1280.924];B[ik]BL[1097.189];W[hk]WL[1278.913];B[il]BL[1094.468](;W[em]WL[1262.856]C[aguilar [-]: I need this move because there is a ko](;B[el]BL[1059.994];W[im]WL[1248.862];B[hl]BL[1044.434];W[gl]WL[1244.367];B[hm]BL[1042.701];W[hn]WL[1240.403];B[gm]BL[1040.423];W[fm]WL[1238.315];B[gn]BL[1036.565];W[go]WL[1235.918];B[fo]BL[953.3];W[fn]WL[1232.31];B[dp]BL[951.867];W[cc]WL[1221.083];B[cd]BL[943.276];W[dc]WL[1217.358];B[ed]BL[939.994];W[fd]WL[1214.025];B[ec]BL[938.111];W[eb]WL[1211.65];B[bc]BL[936.973];W[bb]WL[1209.826];B[jh]BL[917.213];W[ep]WL[1204.968];B[ds]BL[911.479];W[dp]WL[1201.531];B[hd]BL[905.042];W[he]WL[1197.486])(;B[hl]C[aguilar [-]: Black has to avoid the ladder];W[el]LB[hk:B][il:C][em:A]C[aguilar [-]: this is very big, but yet not decisiveRainierBob [1d]: why did you start the ladder before playing A?aguilar [-]: the B - C exchange could be a little bit profitableaguilar [-]: (as White is going to lose the center stones)];B[ii]))(;W[im];B[hl];W[gl];B[hm];W[hn];B[gm];W[fm];B[gn];W[go];B[fn];W[fo];B[dp]C[aguilar [-]: but White needs one ko threataguilar [-]: the ko is so big that there ar no threats]))(;W[em]C[aguilar [-]: let's suppose that White plays here];B[el];W[ij];B[jh]C[aguilar [-]: in this case, Black would fight like this]))(;B[ij]C[aguilar [-]: this was my expectation];W[ki]SQ[kg]C[aguilar [-]: now you can see the meaning of the marked stone];B[lg];W[jg]C[aguilar [-]: White gets to escapeaguilar [-]: this was my expectation, but Black does not need to be so generous])(;B[jh]C[aguilar [-]: I think that Black can still fight like this];W[ij];B[ii];W[jk];B[kh]C[aguilar [-]: White still needs to make two eyesaguilar [-]: this would be quite a difficult fight for Whiteaguilar [-]: it seems hard for White to live there]))(;W[gh]C[aguilar [-]: this should not bother you];B[fj]C[aguilar [-]: you can close around here])(;W[ml]C[aguilar [-]: this would be the "honest" move];B[lk];W[ll];B[kl];W[km];B[jl];W[ln];B[jm];W[gh];B[fj];W[jn];B[in]C[aguilar [-]: Black gets a nice territory in the centeraguilar [-]: but that can't be helped for White]))(;B[ep]C[aguilar [-]: you could sacrifice two stones](;W[dr];B[lk]C[aguilar [-]: this would be enough for Black])(;W[ml]C[aguilar [-]: I'd probably play here];B[br]C[aguilar [-]: but in that case, you could play here];W[ar];B[dr];W[bk]C[aguilar [-]: White needs to play here to live])))(;W[ml]C[aguilar [-]: in the center, I could play here];B[lk];W[ll];B[kl];W[km];B[jl];W[ln]C[aguilar [-]: this would be the continuation]))(;W[dq]C[aguilar [-]: I think that I could play more patiently];B[dr];W[ep];B[fp]C[aguilar [-]: you could answer like this];W[kk]C[aguilar [-]: now I could play hereDrSmiley [9k]: and now ladder is good for whiteaguilar [-]: yes, but that ladder is deep in the future];B[jk]TR[fo]C[DrSmiley [9k]: i was worried about marked intersection during this whole positionaguilar [-]: you can play right here];W[fo]C[aguilar [-]: this is no trouble for Black];B[fm]C[aguilar [-]: you can defend like this]))(;B[co]C[aguilar [-]: you could play here];W[cn];B[bo]C[aguilar [-]: this is severe]))(;B[ic]C[aguilar [-]: I expecterd the cut];W[je]C[aguilar [-]: I was going to play here];B[kd];W[ke];B[kc];W[lc];B[jb];W[kb];B[jc];W[le]C[aguilar [-]: this was my plan];B[lf]C[aguilar [-]: but you could still fight cutting hereaguilar [-]: it's another difficult fightaguilar [-]: but Black is not in danger yet]))(;B[ic]C[aguilar [-]: I expected this];W[id]C[aguilar [-]: this was my plan];B[hc]C[aguilar [-]: if you play here, the position reverts]))(;B[jr]C[aguilar [-]: I expected this];W[qr];B[oq];W[kp]C[aguilar [-]: my plan was to use this moves as ko threats]))(;B[oq]C[aguilar [-]: you could play here, to deny the ko for eyes];W[lp]C[aguilar [-]: I planned to play here];B[ko]C[aguilar [-]: now you can seal the group]))(;B[qj]C[aguilar [-]: it's difficult to say what happens if Black plays here];W[rm];B[mk]C[aguilar [-]: the White group has less libertiess];W[mj];B[lj];W[lk]C[aguilar [-]: perhaps White can escapeaguilar [-]: but it is still a difficult fight](;B[ml];W[li];B[kj];W[mh];B[mg];W[mi])(;B[nl]C[aguilar [-]: this is tougher];W[li];B[kj]C[DrSmiley [9k]: same situation with less lib for whiteaguilar [-]: yes](;W[mi]C[aguilar [-]: White has to play here];B[mh];W[ki];B[jh]LB[ih:A]C[or A])(;W[mh]C[aguilar [-]: if White plays here...];B[mi]C[aguilar [-]: this is tesuji];W[ni];B[nk];W[mi];B[mg];W[ki];B[kh]))))(;W[on]C[aguilar [-]: perhaps I should be patient and play like this]))(;B[oj]C[aguilar [-]: you could think about this too];W[ni];B[nk];W[pk];B[qj]C[DrSmiley [9k]: i overlook this in the game];W[lj]C[DrSmiley [9k]: i like this position bettier tooaguilar [-]: it is a difficult fight, but the position is tougher for White]))(;B[lh]C[aguilar [-]: let's suppose];W[qi]C[aguilar [-]: this would be good for Whiteaguilar [-]: White's stones are separating Blackaguilar [-]: and Black stones are not cutting];AE[pi]LB[pi:A]C[aguilar [-]: this is the situationaguilar [-]: the one who plays at A takes the leadaguilar [-]: it is imperative not to let something like this happenaguilar [-]: (I mean, let White play at A)]))(;B[pg]C[aguilar [-]: you could play here first];W[pf];B[nh]C[aguilar [-]: now this move is more effective];W[oi];B[oh];W[pi]C[aguilar [-]: if White plays as in the game...];B[qg]SQ[of][pf][qf]C[aguilar [-]: Black can block hereaguilar [-]: the marked stones are heavily attacked now]))(;B[pq];W[gp];B[dn];W[jm]C[aguilar [-]: sosmething like this, was my planJedd [12k]: Why K7?aguilar [-]: White needs to separate the handicap stones from each otheraguilar [-]: if Black connects his handicap stones together, Black wins]))(;B[oo]C[aguilar [-]: this is calm and good];W[qq](;B[qp];W[pq];B[mp])(;B[pq];W[qp];B[pm]C[aguilar [-]: this is yet more interesting for Blackaguilar [-]: in a 9 stone handicap game, Black has a big lead in influenceaguilar [-]: not in territory, but influenceaguilar [-]: so White has to play for influenceaguilar [-]: here, White gets the corner, but Black gets outer influenceaguilar [-]: so Black is satisfied])))
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