(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.00]PW[Karigane Junichi]PB[Go Seigen]WR[8d]BR[7d]DT[1941-10-03]EV[Yomiuri ten game match]RO[Game 2]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[David Ormerod at Go Game Guru]C[Go Seigen vs Karigane Junichi – 1941]RE[B+6.00]OH[B-W];B[pd];W[dc];B[pp];W[dq];B[de];W[cn];B[cc];W[cb];B[cd];W[eb];B[ci];W[qk];B[do]C[These are forcing moves.];W[co];B[dp];W[cp];B[eq];W[dr];B[jq]C[Black makes a position at the bottom.];W[hq](;B[hp]TR[do][dp][eq]C[This is a sacrificing strategy. Since black's three stones were forcing moves, black shouldn't try to save them. ];W[gp];B[ho];W[iq];B[jp];W[go];B[gn];W[fn];B[fm](;W[hn]C[White 30 is a powerful move.];B[gm];W[ip];B[io];W[jo];B[in];W[jr];B[kr];W[ko];B[lp];W[gq]LB[gm:31][hn:30][in:35][io:33][jo:34][ko:38][ip:32][lp:39][gq:40]C[The sequence 30-40 allows white to cut black and also take the key point at 40.];B[jm]LB[im:A]TR[jo][ko]C[This is a hard working move, which keeps the pressure on white's two stones. However, it also leaves a weakness at A.];W[em]LB[en:A][gq:40]C[Now that white has taken 40, white can capture black's three stones with 42.];B[el];W[dm];B[pl]TR[jo][ko]C[Black plays to surround white's two stones on a large scale, instead of capturing them directly. This is an efficient way of playing](;W[op]TR[jp][lp][jq][kr]C[White follows the proverb and invades black's territory just before it is finished. This is a brilliant and famous move that makes use of the weaknesses in black's group to invade. There are many possible variations here and most of the comments are about this position.](;B[oq];W[po](;B[pq];W[qo];B[oo];W[np];B[on];W[lq]C[White 54 is a powerful tesuji.];B[kp];W[mp];B[lo];W[ln];B[ir];W[nn];B[pn];W[nq];B[qn];W[ro];B[qp]C[Black 65 is bad shape, but it is a powerful move that is hard to find.];W[rp];B[rq];W[or];B[qr];W[pr];B[qq];W[kn];B[lr];W[js];B[mr];W[nr];B[ks]C[White can't kill black now.](;W[om]C[This move fixes white's cutting point (shown in the variation) and threatens to kill black indirectly.];B[nm]C[Black also responds defends indirectly.];W[nl];B[mm];W[mn];B[mq]C[Now black has to live.];W[im]C[White exploits the weakness mentioned earlier to destroy black's eye shape and help white's big group at the bottom.];B[hm];W[il]LB[jn:A]TR[mm][nm]C[If black plays A, white can capture the marked stones.];B[ol];W[jn];B[hn];W[gk]C[This is the vital point.];B[fk];W[di]TR[fk][el][fm][gm][hm][gn][hn][in][ho][io][hp]C[White starts a leaning attack against black's big group with 92.];B[fj];W[cj];B[ch];W[dh];B[cg];W[dj];B[fh];W[qg]C[White plays to settle the right side, but the big white group is still weak.];B[jl]C[It's natural for black to counter attack here. This starts a running battle in center, which is the second highlight of this game.];W[hl];B[fl];W[jk];B[kl];W[lm];B[pm];W[ml];B[kk];W[hi];B[ik];W[hk];B[jj];W[hh]LB[fg:B][gi:A]C[This white move defends against black A and also threatens to play B.];B[ff];W[jh];B[nj];W[mj];B[mi];W[lj];B[li];W[nk](;B[mk]LB[ll:A]C[Black 123 is a clever move which leads to a trade. It makese use of the fact that black A is sente to give white a shortage of liberties.](;W[oj];B[ni];W[ok];B[ll];W[om];B[fc]TR[cb][eb][dc][hh][jh][hi][gk][hk][hl][il][im]C[Black gets sente to attack here. This move also aims indirectly at white's center group.];W[lk];B[kj];W[mk];B[kh];W[kg]C[White helps the more important group.];B[lg];W[kf];B[lf];W[ke];B[gi];W[hj];B[fb]LB[fb:2][fc:1]C[So black gets to play two moves at the top.];W[le];B[og]LB[nf:A]TR[qg]C[This move is hard to see, but it is better than A because it has more effect on white's marked stone and has a better relationship with black's top right corner.];W[bc](;B[ie]LB[ba:B][bd:A][ed:C]C[Black doesn't play A, because black has a tesuji at B later. If black plays A, white can make a ko with B. Black 145 aims to fix black's weakness around C, so that black can kill white's top left corner group with B.];W[he]C[White resists black's plan.];B[hf];W[gg];B[fg];W[gf];B[id];W[fe];B[ee];W[ji];B[ki];W[hd];B[hc];W[ic];B[jc];W[ib];B[fd];W[ge];B[jb];W[hb];B[gc];W[jd];B[if];W[kc];B[kb];W[lb];B[lc];W[je];B[kd];W[ig]TR[id][ie][hf][if]C[White captures four black stones, but...];B[ba]TR[cb][eb][bc][dc]C[Now black can capture white's corner stones.];W[bd];B[be];W[bb];B[ea];W[hg];B[ec];W[dg];B[df];W[bi];B[bh];W[mc];B[mb];W[ld];B[nc]C[Black plays lightly and takes sente.];W[kc];B[rf];W[rg];B[bj];W[bk];B[ai]LB[bl:A]C[This capture is bigger than it looks because black can play A next. It also makes good aji for black's top left group so that white can't try to make black play more moves to capture the top left corner.];W[re];B[rc];W[pe];B[ph];W[oi];B[oe];W[oh];B[pg];W[pf];B[ng];W[qi];B[nb];W[qd];B[qc];W[od];B[pc]LB[ne:C][lh:A][ij:B]C[Black has one eye at A, and can make another one at B in an emergency. Black can also play around C if necessary, to make another eye or connect.];W[qs](;B[sr]C[This is the shape move for black.];W[rl];B[rn];W[cl];B[fo]C[This is a wonderful endgame sequence by black, which ensures black's lead.];W[en];B[fr];W[gr];B[gs];W[hs];B[fs];W[fp];B[is];W[ep];B[hr];W[ij];B[ne];W[nd];B[oc];W[md](;B[mh]C[Black is lives.];W[er];B[fq];W[eo];B[rd];W[sf];B[qe];W[qf];B[rs];W[ak];B[aj];W[rm];B[qh];W[rh];B[gb];W[ka];B[ha];W[ja];B[pj];W[pi];B[pk];W[qj];B[nm];W[sd];B[sc];W[ma];B[na];W[es];B[hs];W[of];B[nf];W[me];B[mf];W[sm];B[so];W[ps];B[ns];W[ql];B[ga];W[la];B[jk];W[se];B[qd]C[Black wins by 6 points.])(;B[me]C[If black plays here...];W[mh];B[nh];W[of];B[nf];W[mg]C[Black would die.])(;B[of];W[mh];B[nh];W[mf];B[me];W[mg]C[Black dies.])(;B[mf];W[mh];B[nh];W[of]))(;B[rs]C[If black plays here...];W[sq];B[ps];W[sr]TR[po][qo][ro][rp]C[White will win the capturing race and suddenly white's marked stones are alive again. This would be a disaster for black.]))(;B[ba];W[bb];B[ea];W[da];B[fa];W[bd];B[be];W[ad];B[ab]C[Locally white can be killed, but with bad aji. This is a bent four in the corner shape, which is unconditionally dead under Japanese rules.However, to capture it black needs to wait until the end of the game, otherwise it can become a ko. This shape is treated differently under different rule sets and is controversial. See this for further reading: http://senseis.xmp.net/?BentFourInTheCorner]))(;W[lk];B[ll]LB[ki:A]C[White can't cut at A.]))(;B[oj]LB[ki:A]C[If black just plays here, white will be able to cut at A.]))(;W[mq]C[If white tries to kill black.];B[is];W[kq];B[jr];W[ms];B[mo];W[no];B[mn];W[mm];B[nm];W[ll];B[ps]C[Black captures white's stones.]))(;B[oo];W[np];B[pq];W[on];B[no];W[lq];B[kp];W[mp];B[lo];W[mo]LB[ln:A][nn:B]C[White can play A or B next.]))(;B[oo];W[no](;B[lo]LB[lo:A]C[Black A is a key point. This would be a good move for white too.];W[po];B[on];W[pq];B[qp];W[qq];B[qo];W[nq]C[White lives comfortably.])(;B[np];W[kq];B[kp];W[mp];B[oq];W[lq];B[lo];W[ln]C[Black is crushed.]))(;B[pq];W[po](;B[oo];W[lq];B[kq];W[lr];B[kp];W[mp];B[lo];W[on];B[no];W[mo]LB[ln:A][nn:B]C[White has A and B.])(;B[qo];W[qn];B[pn];W[oo];B[oq];W[lq];B[kp];W[mp];B[lo];W[pm];B[on];W[mo];B[ln];W[qm];B[ro]LB[ro:A][qp:B]C[Black A defends against white B.];W[nm]))(;B[po];W[pq];B[qq];W[lq](;B[kp];W[qr];B[oq];W[mp];B[lo];W[pr];B[np];W[mo];B[ln];W[nq];B[oo];W[or]C[White is satisfied.])(;B[lr];W[oq](;B[qr];W[kq];B[kp];W[mq];B[mp];W[mr];B[ir];W[js];B[is];W[mo];B[lo];W[ln];B[ks];W[jr];B[js];W[np];B[jr];W[kn];B[mn];W[no]C[It's a capturing race and white wins by one liberty.](;B[mm];W[hr];B[lm];W[hs])(;B[lm]C[Black can't play this way.];W[mm];B[nn];W[km]))(;B[mq];W[qr];B[rq];W[oo];B[pn];W[mo];B[lo];W[ln];B[kn];W[mp];B[kq];W[rr]C[White is satisfied.]))))(;W[ql]C[If white plays here...];B[pm];W[qm];B[pn];W[oj];B[nk];W[ok];B[nl]TR[jo][ko]C[...black's plan will have succeeded and black has a large territory here.])(;W[pk]C[This is similar to the previous diagram...];B[ol];W[ok];B[nl];W[rm];B[nk]TR[jo][ko]C[Again black's plan has succeeded.]))(;W[en]LB[ip:B][gq:A]C[Extending like this would be submissive. Black could cut at A next and repair the weakness at B in sente.]))(;B[fo];W[ho]C[If black tries to save the three stones, white will have a good time attacking them and black will be heavy.]))
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Karigane Junichi    Go Seigen
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