(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[Lee Changho]PB[Park Younghun]WR[9p]BR[9p]DT[2011-04-07]EV[12th Maxim Cup Title Match]RO[Game two]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[ Park Younghun vs Lee Changho – 12th Maxim Cup]RE[B+0.50]FG[259:]PM[2];B[pd]C[This game is the second of the best three in the final of 12th Maxim Cup. Park won the first game, and this game was played in Jeju island which is a beautiful island in Korea.];W[dp]C[Park took black.];B[pq];W[dc];B[qk]C[This Chinese opening is amazingly popular today.];W[nc]LB[jp:A][mp:B][np:F][fq:E][gq:D][jq:C][mq:H][nq:G]C[If W plays on the bottom, A to H are all possible. A is the most common, and next is B and C...... etc.];B[pf]LB[qf:A][qk:B]C[Normal. Answering at A is no good because of B.];W[pb]LB[jd:A][kd:B]C[A or B is also possible for W. This sliding is more territorial.];B[qc];W[kc];B[fq]LB[ce:B][de:A]C[B could also approach at A or B, but Park thought playing here is better as B can develop his area first.];W[cn]LB[ci:B][dj:A]C[When there's no W's stone at around A and B, this knight answer is better.];B[dr];W[cq];B[iq];W[ce]C[This opening is typical of Park and Lee's style. Nothing special and calm.];B[po](;W[jp]C[Good reducing move.](;B[jq]LB[ip:A]C[This is a bit more common than pushing up at A.];W[kp](;B[ho]C[Right move.];W[km]LB[jn:A]C[jumping at A is also good.];B[jn];W[kn];B[lo]C[Try to make this W's group heavier.];W[in]C[Try to get a better shape.];B[jm];W[ko];B[io]C[The result looks good for B, but W is not bad.];W[kl]C[because W's this group is not weak anymore. It's hard for B to keep attacking this W's group now.];B[cl]CR[jm][jn][ho][io]C[Good move in this case. B should utilize B's marked stones.];W[cj];B[el];W[nk]LB[bl:B][cr:A]C[Good spot to reduce B's right side. W's bottom left corner is currently safe as A and B are miai.];B[df]C[The game is still peaceful, and both players like this sort of game.];W[ej]C[Good jump. This jump helps W's bottom left corner and the center.];B[cf];W[de];B[ef];W[gj];B[cm]LB[bl:A]C[Preventing from W's attachment at A.];W[bn];B[cr]CR[cl][el][cm]C[This is not only attacking W's this group, but also helping B's group on the left.];W[fp];B[dq];W[bq];B[gl]C[Like this. Both are safe, and the game is still even.];W[ep];B[gq];W[ge]CR[cf][df]C[Brilliant move. It's abnormal, but it's proper in this case. B's marked three stones are weak, and W can try to build a chunky territory on the top.];B[gg];W[dm]LB[dl:A]C[Lee is really good at this sort of subtle move. Nobody can mimic. This move is asking B how to answer. If B connects at A, this exchange is good for W's corner.];B[em]C[Right response.](;W[ch]C[This is a first mistake for W.];B[dn]LB[dl:A]C[Prevent from W's A.];W[do]C[W has to answer.];B[fi];W[fj];B[ee];W[ed];B[be]LB[ch:A]C[Good move. This makes W's A bad.];W[bd];B[bf](;W[bc]C[Right answer.];B[di];W[dj];B[ij]C[Nice cap. B takes the lead of the game for the first time in this game.](;W[en]C[This is a very professional style move, but wrong.];B[ml]LB[nk:A][kl:B]C[B tries to separate W's group to two.];W[kj];B[mk]C[W is in trouble.];W[mm]LB[nk:A]C[Cool. W can't try to save W's A, so just abandon that stone, and Lee's judgment was right. The game is still a bit better for B, but W could catch up.];B[nl];W[nm];B[ol];W[kh];B[li];W[ki];B[ih];W[hk]LB[ik:A][hl:B]C[Good move.](;B[jk]C[right answer.];W[jl];B[kk]LB[kh:A]C[This is sort of trade. W captures B's left side, and B gets W's three stones in the center.];W[ik];B[jj];W[hm];B[le]C[The result up to here looks good for W as W's left side looks bigger, but the game is still a bit better for B. In general, 'a bit better' means 0.5~2.5 points leading.];W[eq];B[er];W[md]C[W is a bit behind, but you must remember Lee Changho has become well known as his perfect endgame and counting. W is trying to catch up a little by little. Lee's style.];B[me];W[ne];B[nf];W[je]C[W's top becomes all territory as W wished, but the game is still good for B.];B[jf];W[if];B[jg];W[ke];B[ld];W[lc];B[kf]C[Actually, it's incredibly hard to guess who is leading while you're playing. Both players are the top of the world in this part.];W[hi];B[ig];W[pn];B[qn];W[hf];B[gh];W[oe];B[of];W[mf];B[lf];W[qb](;B[on]LB[qo:A]C[Park played here because he worried about W's cut at A, and he thought B was good enough with this. This move removes all of aji from the corner, and the game becomes clearer. However, B lost about two points in the top right, and the game reversed.](;W[rc]C[Exquisite sequence.](;B[rd]C[This is inevitable.];W[qe]C[Right time.];B[pe];W[qd];B[re];W[pc];B[qf];W[ii];B[ji];W[mq]C[Eventually, W could reverse the game. Correctly the game is really close, and W might be leading a half a point.];B[kq];W[np];B[gn];W[gm];B[im];W[hl];B[fe];W[fd];B[gf];W[ll];B[lk];W[he];B[bi]C[This is B's right. W has to answer to this. In the endgame, there's not much to explain. You can accept their moves are all correct.];W[ci];B[bh];W[bj](;B[or]C[This diagonal is right.];W[nr];B[od];W[lr];B[kr];W[oq];B[pr];W[oo];B[pp];W[nn];B[om];W[nd];B[op];W[hn];B[no];W[mo];B[jo](;W[lq]C[This is losing move.];B[br];W[ar];B[cg]LB[ah:C][aj:A][ak:B]C[Park is unbelievably accurate at counting, and he knew B was leading a half a point in this stage, and he didn't play A-C to make ko. They both were in 30sec byoyomi, and this is just amazing.];W[aj]LB[ah:A]C[Right move. W could play at A later.];B[nq];W[oo];B[qc];W[qd];B[gp];W[dh];B[ns];W[oq];B[oc];W[ob];B[nq];W[mr];B[fn];W[fm];B[hj];W[gi];B[il];W[fl];B[ls]LB[cg:A]C[When B played at A, he already saw this connection. Isn't it wonderful?](;W[oq];B[ms];W[fh];B[fg];W[eh];B[nq];W[ln];B[kd];W[jd];B[ai]C[Last big endgame.];W[ip];B[hp];W[fo];B[go];W[bs];B[cs];W[sd];B[se];W[sc];B[ad];W[ac];B[ae];W[qc];B[qe];W[no];B[oq];W[aq];B[as];W[eg]C[B has more ko threats.];B[bs]C[B won by half a point. This is a kind of peaceful game, and there weren't any big fights, but if you look at inside of the game, it's really interesting and fun as the game was close through the whole game. You can see both players' great endgame skills and accurate counting in byoyomi. Park said at the interview "The game was extremely hard to play because I had to do counting every single move, and read moves at the same time. I'm exhausted" Anyway, Park won the 12th Maxim Cup beating Lee Changho 2-0. I hope you enjoy the game with diagrams and comments. Commented by An Younggil 8p])(;W[ms]C[W can't play here because];B[lp];W[mp];B[ln]C[W's whole group'd die.]))(;W[br]C[This is the biggest endgame, and if there's no happening, W'd win the game by 0.5~1.5 points. However,];B[aj]C[B could play here to make it ko.];W[ak];B[ah]LB[bk:B][br:A]C[What an Incredible move! Park was thinking about this one, and he'd play here if W blocked at A. It's because he thought B was behind a little, and this is the only way to reverse the game. It's really hard to continue, but B'd win 0.5 point if W has to defend at B, but there're lots of complicated variations, and the byoyomi is 30sec. It's really hard to find a right way even for both players.]))(;B[nr]C[If B plays here,];W[mr];B[oq]C[B needs to answer here, and];W[js]C[W could go this far. B'd lose some points here.]))(;B[qd]C[If B answers here,];W[rd];B[re];W[rf]LB[qe:A]C[This is good rather than A,];B[qe];W[se];B[rg];W[rh]C[W can attach here again and make it ko.];B[qf];W[sg]C[It's troublesome for B.]))(;W[qe]C[This is normal, but];B[pe];W[rc];B[qd]C[B can answer here.];W[rd];B[re]C[B can stop W here.]))(;B[rb]C[This is 11 points reverse endgame, and B could keep leading the game.]))(;B[ik]C[If B push under which is wrong,];W[hl];B[gm];W[il]C[W could come through and cut here,];B[jl];W[jk]LB[gm:A][jn:B]C[and B is in trouble. W could capture either of A and B.])(;B[hm]C[B is safe with this, but];W[ik]C[W is also safe, and this isn't what B wants.]))(;W[hi]C[W should go out right away.];B[ig];W[ii]LB[gg:A]C[B's A group is still weak.]))(;W[cc]C[This is common, but];B[dd];W[cd];B[fd];W[fe];B[ec];W[dd];B[fc]LB[bc:B][cc:A]C[If B fights like this, W's shape in the corner is bad. A should be placed at B.]))(;W[dl]C[This poke is not working now.];B[dk];W[dn];B[ck];W[ek];B[dj];W[di];B[ci]C[W can't fight anymore.])(;W[ij]C[W should jump here, and the game is still peaceful and is slightly favorable for W even though I can't find any mistake for B.]))(;B[ip]C[This is also possible, but a bit slow, and];W[jn];B[io];W[lm]C[This knight's move is good, and this reduces B's right side, so it's not a good choice for B in this case.]))(;B[ip]C[This is also thinkable.];W[jo];B[io];W[jn];B[kr];W[jl]C[Okay for both.]))(;W[jo]C[This reducing move is also available.](;B[kp]C[This answer is wrong because];W[ko];B[lp];W[hp];B[hq];W[fp]C[W'd get a great wall here.];B[gp];W[go];B[gq];W[fo]C[Bad for B.])(;B[hp]C[This is right.];W[jq];B[in];W[ir];B[hr];W[km]C[This is also playable for both.])))
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Lee Changho    Park Younghun
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