(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[Choi Cheolhan]PB[Kim Kiyong]WR[9d]BR[6d]DT[2011-09-15]EV[2nd Olleh KT Cup ]RO[Quarter final]PC[Hankuk Kiwon Seoul Korea]WT[Korea]BT[Korea]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Kim Kiyong vs Choi Cheolhan – 2nd Olleh KT Cup]RE[B+Resign];B[pd]C[This game is from the 5th round of the 2nd Olleh KT Cup.Choi Cheolhan (9p) is currently ranked number 4 in Korea, and Kim Kiyong (6p) is number 20.];W[dp]C[Kim won two rookies titles in 2008 against Park Jungwhan and Kim Seungjae. Even though he's not yet regarded as a top player, he keeps knocking on the top level players' door. ];B[qp]C[I used to study Go with Kim when we were younger. At that time, his nickname was 'grandpa', because he was so kind and easy going. He speaks slowly and acts slowly, like a grandpa, but he plays Go very quickly.];W[dd]C[So far, these two have played three games each other. Choi won first two, and Kim won the most recent one.];B[oq];W[qf]LB[qj:A]C[This approach is far more common than A today. ];B[nc]LB[qi:A]C[Pincering at A used to be so popular, but recently you see this move more. ];W[rd]LB[qj:A]C[A is also possible for W. ];B[qg];W[pg];B[qh];W[pf]C[Quite common. ];B[qc];W[ph];B[qj];W[qi];B[ri];W[pi];B[pj](;W[lc];B[fq]C[B doesn't answer in the top right. It's because the corner is small in this early stage of opening. ];W[cn];B[jp];W[rc]C[Choi's style of play. Do you remember his nickname is 'venomous snake? :D];B[oj]C[Very good point. Kiyong is good at sabaki, so he isn't scared of Choi's attacking. ];W[me]C[W has to keep playing here as W already invested a lot of his stones. ];B[ne];W[nf];B[lb];W[kb];B[kc]C[Good tesuji. ];W[ld](;B[mb]C[Right move. ];W[jc]C[So far, W built a solid outside, but B develops quickly. ];B[cf];W[qb]C[W should go here before it's too late. ];B[pb];W[ra];B[ob]C[B has to answer to live. The game's still well balanced. B's lower right corner is big, but W's top position is good too. ](;W[cd]C[When you have a wall like the one at the top, this move is the best.];B[di]LB[kc:A]C[Looks like a normal extension, but it's actually a ladder breaker for A. ];W[dg]LB[kc:A]C[Choi surely knew that was ladder breaker, but taking A is too slow. ](;B[kd]C[Probing move. ];W[ke];B[jd];W[id]C[Though it's not in ladder, W should make B's stones heavier for a better middle game. ];B[je];W[jb];B[ie];W[hd];B[he];W[ge];B[gf];W[fe];B[kf];W[le];B[ff];W[ee];B[jg]C[Up to here, W builds a huge territory on the top, but B's lower right corner is great too. ];W[nn]C[W can't wait any longer to enter the bottom right area. This sort of reducing move is hard to choose. You need more practice to develop your sense.];B[mp];W[qo]C[Good idea. Attach when you're in trouble. ];B[po](;W[pp]C[Uncommon tesuji. ];B[qn];W[ro];B[qq]LB[pp:A]C[B's answers against W's cut at A is the best. ];W[pn];B[oo];W[qm];B[on];W[pm]C[It's the only way up to here. ](;B[rl]C[Severe attack. ](;W[rm]C[W answers here to sacrifice this group. ];B[om];W[rk];B[ql];W[rj];B[qk];W[rh];B[sl]C[Up to here, the trade seems to be favourable for B, but Choi might have thought the game is still playable for W. ];W[ei]C[There's still some aji on the right side, but it's time to play on the left side. ];B[ej];W[eh];B[dj];W[ol]C[Probing. ];B[pl];W[cg]C[Big move. ];B[gj];W[nm];B[ml]LB[nl:A]C[Good sense. This is more efficient than cutting at A. ];W[lg]LB[mf:A]C[Preventing B's cut at A.];B[lh];W[hi]C[W wants to divide B's groups. ];B[gi];W[kh];B[kg];W[jh]C[Another fighting in the center. ];B[lf](;W[ig]C[Right move. This is the vital point of the shape. ];B[hg];W[hh](;B[mg]C[Right move. ];W[gh];B[mf]C[B is happy with this result. ];W[cl]C[Actually, the game is not that bad for W. B is slightly ahead, but Choi doesn't care because he is very strong in the second half of the game.];B[bh];W[bg];B[fo]C[Very good place. It helps B's left side group and lower side too. ];W[fm];B[el]C[Kiyong's style of play is practical.];W[em];B[dl];W[dm];B[ck]C[B tries to make the game simpler. It's such a good idea. ];W[rq]C[Choi was aiming at this aji for a long time. ];B[rp];W[op];B[no];W[qr]C[What a move! This is typical of Choi's style. ](;B[rr]C[Right answer. B has to answer here, but some bad aji has emerged. ];W[pq];B[sq];W[nq];B[or]C[B's best response. B must keep this territory to win. ];W[hq]C[Choi is very good at fighting in his opponent's area. ];B[jq]C[Right answer because of bad aji on the bottom. ];W[gp];B[fp];W[ho]LB[ej:A][fo:B]C[W's plan is to attack B's two groups at the same time. ];B[gn];W[gl]C[It looks like B is in trouble. ];B[hm];W[bj]C[A sudden attack! Choi might have thought that the game had reversed now. ];B[bl];W[cm];B[hl]C[However, Kiyong kept his cool, and he thought the game was still playable for B. His judgement was accurate. ];W[gk]C[W captured B's left side and it's so big! No wonder Choi thought W was winning now. ];B[dr];W[cq];B[ik];W[hj];B[bk]C[B is in byoyomi and these moves are to gain some more time. ];W[bi];B[ch];W[ah];B[kj]C[B completes his huge territory. You can see how big it is now.];W[cr];B[er]C[Choi realized that the game's not good for W, but unfortunately it's a bit too late now.];W[oe];B[nd];W[jj];B[jk];W[mj];B[lj];W[mi];B[mk];W[pr]C[It seems that Choi misread here a bit. ];B[mq];W[mr];B[lr];W[nj];B[nk];W[ds]TR[mi][mj][nj]C[This is smaller than saving W's three stones in the center, but W was aiming at his last chance. ];B[nh];W[ki];B[li];W[nr];B[ms];W[lq];B[lp];W[ns](;B[kq]C[Now there's no bad aji left at the bottom.];W[so]C[This is W's last hope.];B[sn]C[Perfect. Kiyong never misses this sort of move. The game's practically over here.];W[oi];B[ni];W[gg];B[hf];W[fn];B[go];W[rn];B[sm];W[ij];B[es];W[cs];B[eo];W[do];B[ef];W[df];B[ng];W[qd];B[pe];W[of];B[pc];W[ka];B[la];W[ic];B[gm]C[W resigned here. B is winning by about 13 points on the board. Both sides have huge territories of more than 110 points, and it's really rare to see that in pros' games. Kiyong's play in this game was clear and cool. He showed his outstanding judgement and counting, and maintained his lead until the end.On the other hand, Choi showed his powerful attacking and captured B's lively group on the left side. However, he miscounted and couldn't reverse the game.I hope you enjoy this game and if you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment.An Younggil 8p])(;B[qs]C[If B has to answer here, ];W[kr];B[kq];W[ls];B[lq];W[gr];B[fr];W[ir];B[jr];W[js]C[There could be some bad aji around here, though it doesn't look easy for W. ]))(;B[pq]C[If B answers here, ];W[sp]C[B can't capture the corner without ko fight. ];B[rr];W[sr]))(;B[gh]C[You might wonder why B doesn't answer here, but ];W[mg]TR[ig]C[This is sente, so](;B[hf];W[li]C[W can capture this. ])(;B[li];W[mf];B[jf];W[hf]C[Black is short of liberties.])))(;W[mg]C[If W saves this stone, ];B[ig];W[mf];B[li]C[W's center stones are in trouble. ]))(;W[om]C[This move should be better than the game. ];B[rm];W[rn];B[ml]C[If B attacks like this, ];W[nl];B[mk];W[mm];B[km];W[mo]C[It looks like W'd be able to survive somehow.]))(;B[om]C[This is normal, but];W[rk];B[rj];W[qk]C[W can live easily, and this is what B doesn't want. ]))(;W[pn]C[This is a common way to follow up. ];B[qn];W[ro];B[rn]C[However, there's nothing W can do now. ]))(;B[df]C[If B fights here right away, ];W[ef];B[eg];W[eh];B[fg];W[dh]C[It's complicated. This battle might be better for W as there're more of W stones around. ]))(;W[fd]C[This sort of answer is insufficient. ];B[bd];W[cc];B[ci]C[Too easy for B. ]))(;B[jb]C[If B captures this, ];W[mb];B[ka];W[nb]C[The corner would die. ]))(;W[rh]C[This is also possible. ];B[rg];W[sh];B[rk];W[rf];B[kc]C[W doesn't want B to extend here. ]))
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Choi Cheolhan    Kim Kiyong
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