(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[Mi-Yuting-vs-Lee-Changho-20120317]PW[Lee Changho]PB[Mi Yuting]WR[9d]BR[3d]DT[2012-03-17]EV[4th BC Card Cup]RO[Round of 32]PC[Seoul]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]C[This game is from the round of 32 in the 4th BC Card Cup (see: http://gogameguru.com/china-roll-4th-bc-card-cup/). It's between Lee Changho (9p) and Mi Yuting (3p).Lee Changho is one of the most well known playerers in the world, but he's not in very good form these days.On the other hand, Mi Yuting is a newbie for Go fans. He's very young, but he's a rising star in China. Mi Yuting was born in 1996, so he's more than twenty years youngger than Lee Changho.In the previous round, Mi defeated Park Junghwan (9p) and it was sensational because Park is currently ranked number 2 in Korea, just behind Lee Sedol (9p)]RE[B+Resign];B[pd];W[dp];B[pq];W[dd];B[qk]C[Chinese opening, as usual recently.];W[nc];B[pf];W[pb];B[qc];W[kc];B[fq];W[cn]C[Everything's routine so far.];B[cf]LB[jp:B][fq:A]C[Wow, I've never seen this approach after A in this opening. Playing at B is common, but it seems as if Mi researched this opening before the game.];W[be];B[di](;W[ck]C[This is Lee's style of play. He's not in a hurry to do anything.];B[fc]C[Mi Yuting's opening in this game is so speedy and active. What a kid!];W[ec]C[In recent times, Chinese players have been playing more active and creative openings than Korean players. I think it's because, in Korea, most of the official games are lightning games, so players don't have enough time to come up with a new move and its continuation. After playing too many fast games you can forget how to use your time properly in slower games.];B[fd]C[Dr Bae Taeil, who designed the world ranking system for professionals, recently pointed out this problem too. It's been very controversial in Korea.];W[ef]C[Dividing black in two is a reasonable idea for white. ](;B[jc]LB[ic:A]C[A is also possible, but a bit slack. ](;W[jd]C[Right response. ](;B[kb]LB[fc:B][jc:C][cf:A]C[Black's opening is active and energetic. (A-C and 23)](;W[jb]C[White's first mistake. ];B[ic];W[lb]C[Lee might have thought there were no problems for white because no ladder or net is possible. ];B[kd]C[However, Mi has a good plan. ];W[ka]LB[ib:B][lc:A]C[Proper answer. If white connects at A, black would atari at B. ];B[lc];W[kb];B[je]C[This ladder doesn't work, but you will soon see Mi's extraordinary strategy. Playing atari here once is good style in this case, because it makes white heavier and helps with Mi's plan.];W[id];B[de]C[Good timing. ](;W[ee]C[Inevitable. ];B[ed];W[dc](;B[ff]LB[hd:A]C[Good tesuji. If white answers on the left side, black would atari at A. The ladder works now.];W[ie];B[eg]C[A nice follow up.];W[df]C[White has to move those stones because they're too important to sacrifice. ](;B[ce]C[Mi seems to be very good at these sorts of local battles. I'm sure Lee didn't want this untidy fighting.];W[dg];B[cg];W[dh];B[ch];W[fe](;B[hd]LB[if:B][eh:A]C[What a tesuji. If white plays at A, black would ladder at B.](;W[if]C[Necessary. ];B[eh]LB[ge:A]C[Right direction of play. It's far better than at A. This sets up a driving tesuji.];W[ge];B[he];W[gf];B[hf];W[gg];B[hg]LB[jf:B][gh:A]C[Black is happy enough with this. A and B are miai for black.];W[ei](;B[bd]LB[jf:A]C[This move was a bit greedy. A would be better.];W[hc]C[Good response. ];B[gd];W[ci]LB[gh:A]C[White has to come back here. If white doesn't play here, black would capture the white group with A. ];B[dj];W[fh];B[cj]LB[kd:A]C[Black is slightly ahead at the moment. The first battle from black 27 (A) was satisfactory for black.];W[eb]C[This is a good move. White's corner is practically alive now.](;B[ig];W[ib]LB[jf:A][jg:B]C[Right answer. If white extended at A, black would just atari again at B. ];B[kg]C[Nice jump. Black doesn't need to rush because the game's better for him.];W[mg]C[White plays here to prevent black's easy connection to the right side. ];B[li];W[og];B[qh];W[pg];B[qg];W[oe]C[This is Lee's style. Even if he's behind, he doesn't rush.];B[dr]LB[jp:A]C[Black eventually comes back here first, but A still seems to be better. ];W[pe];B[qe];W[of];B[qf];W[gp]LB[jp:B][cq:A]TR[hg][ig][kg][li]C[Good sense. This is more active than answering at A. This move is also aiming at black's top center group. Maybe black wished he'd played at B now.];B[gq];W[hp];B[fp];W[fo];B[eo];W[fn];B[ep];W[ji]TR[fn][fo][gp][hp]C[White started to attack here. Those marked stones are helpful now.The purpose of this attack isn't to capture this black group. White just wants black to make some bad exchanges to escape.];B[ii];W[ij];B[hj]LB[gi:B][hi:A]C[Good tesuji. Right direction of play. If white cuts at A, black would answer at B. ];W[ih];B[hi]LB[hh:A]C[Answering at A is also possible, but Mi might have thought that this was clearer. ](;W[jh];B[hh](;W[ej]C[This is certainly not Lee's style of play, but white has to push here.];B[dk];W[ek];B[dl]TR[ck][cn][dp]C[Black is happy with this. White's corner is damaged and white is becoming more desperate. ];W[jg]LB[ej:A][ek:B]C[White should gain some profit from attacking this black group now, since white had to make the bad exchanges at A and B. ];B[el];W[fl];B[hl];W[em];B[dm];W[ik];B[hk]C[Normally, big groups never die.];W[cq]C[White comes back because white can't chase black's center group anymore. It's also hard for black to kill this corner as black's outside isn't solid enough.];B[cr];W[br];B[jm]C[Good place to play. ];W[hq]C[Black must've felt that the game had been very good so far, but if you look at the whole board, you can see the game's still quite close. This is one of Lee's strong points.];B[bp]LB[dn:A]C[Vital point, but as a result of what follows, connecting at A would have been better.];W[bq];B[bn]LB[bm:A][co:B]C[If white plays at A, black would respond at B. ];W[bo]C[Good tesuji. ](;B[bm]C[Right answer, but the game becomes close after white lives here. ];W[cs]LB[cp:B][er:A]C[White's alive now. A and B are miai. ];B[kp]C[Very good place. The game's still favorable for black, but not by a big margin. ];W[dn]C[White took gote here starting with this move, but it makes white's outside stronger. ];B[en];W[fm];B[hr];W[ir];B[gr];W[jq];B[er]C[Black's alive. ];W[dq];B[fs];W[cp]C[White's alive. ];B[lq]C[Black's still in the lead. ];W[hn]C[Necessary. ];B[jj]LB[il:A]C[This cut prevents white from cutting with A.];W[kj];B[jk];W[kk];B[jl];W[ki];B[ll];W[qp]C[White invades deeply here. White is still not in a good mood.];B[qq];W[im]C[White was already in time trouble. This move is just for saving time.];B[il];W[pp];B[op];W[rq];B[rr];W[oo]C[White tries to settle down, but black doesn't want that. ](;B[rp]C[Right move for black. ];W[ro];B[sq];W[np];B[oq];W[ql]C[Good attachment. If white can live without any damage here, the game should become quite close.];B[pl];W[qm];B[rk];W[nn]C[White's shape is more flexible than it looks. ];B[om];W[ln];B[ko];W[on]C[Black's outside isn't strong enough to capture this white group. ];B[io]LB[fk:A]C[Sente. If white doesn't answer, black would cut at A. ];W[gk]LB[fi:B][fj:A]C[All of a sudden, white plays a losing move. White should have played at either A or B. You'll soon see why.];B[mo]C[White can't live inside, so white should aim at black's weaknesses.](;W[pk]C[This cut is more complicated than any of the other possible moves. ];B[nl];W[pj](;B[rl]C[This turn is necessary to kill the group.];W[kl]C[Cutting black with this move is white's last hope.];B[lm];W[km];B[ho];W[go];B[mn];W[pm];B[ol];W[mm];B[nm]C[White still can't live inside.];W[jn];B[in];W[kn];B[hm];W[lo];B[mp]LB[fi:A][gk:B]C[White resigned here. There's nothing white can do. White's center group isn't alive because black can still cut at A. That's because of white's mistake at B.As a result, the game is a one sided win for Mi Yuting, but if you look at the game carefully, it wasn't an easy win at all. Lee tried hard to catch up, but he wasn't successful this time.Even though Mi Yuting is very young, we can see his accurate reading and decisiveness throughout the game.However, I feel sad to see Lee Changho lose because of a simple mistake like B.The game ended here, but I've added some more moves that show why white can't kill black's center group.If you have any questions, please leave a comment.Thanks,An Younggil 8phttp://gogameguru.com/];FG[4353:]PM[1];W[lp]C[If white keeps playing, ];B[mq];W[gn]C[White can try to capture black's huge group in the center, but ];B[ip]C[Black should play here, ];W[jo]LB[jp:A][kq:B]C[If black plays A, white can play B so,];B[iq];W[jp];B[im];W[jr];B[fi]LB[fj:B][gk:A]C[Black can cut here, and white can't live inside. The capturing race is favorable for black too. If white A had been at B, black's big group would be dead now. So black wouldn't have been able to play as he did to capture white's lower right group. You can see the difference a small change can make across the whole board.];W[fg];B[eh]LB[fi:A]C[White still can't capture A, so white's dead.])(;B[lm]C[Black's safe with this, but ];W[rl];B[qj];W[rn]C[White can live. ]))(;W[ml]C[This attachment looks good, but ];B[mm];W[nm];B[nl];W[mk];B[nk];W[mn];B[lm]C[White can't live inside. ]))(;B[po]C[This cut doesn't work very well. ];W[rp]C[This connection's good. ];B[np]LB[oq:A]C[Black needs to answer here because otherwise white's cut at A is severe.];W[pn]C[So black wouldn't be able capture this white group. ]))(;B[co]C[Black wants to cut here, but ];W[do];B[ao];W[dn]C[White can connect here.];B[en];W[fm];B[bm]C[If black answers, ];W[dq];B[er];W[gr];B[fr];W[hr];B[bs];W[fs]C[Black can't capture white. In fact, black's the one who's in trouble now.]))(;W[jg]LB[ej:A]C[If white plays here without pushing at A, ];B[fi]C[This cut is good, ];W[ej];B[ek];W[fj];B[fk];W[gi];B[gj];W[fg]C[It's no problem to live, but];B[dk]TR[ck][cn][fn][fo][dp][gp][hp]C[Black's outside is strong, and white's marked stones becomes very weak.]))(;W[hh]C[White can't cut here.];B[jh];W[gh];B[jj]))(;B[fb]C[If black blocks here, ];W[bc]C[Only move for white. ];B[cd];W[cc];B[bb]C[Vital point of the shape. ];W[ab];B[cb];W[ba];B[ca];W[ea]C[Right move. It's a 10,000 year ko. ];B[aa];W[ac]))(;B[jf]LB[bd:B][dj:A]TR[id][jd][ie][if]C[Capturing white's four stones here would be better. For the left side group, A and B are miai for black now.]))(;W[eh];B[if];W[he];B[ge];W[hf];B[hg]))(;B[ge]C[This atari looks ok, but it's wrong.];W[eh];B[hd];W[if];B[gg]C[Black has to go out like this, ];W[fg];B[gf];W[bd]C[And white can eventually come back here. It's good for white. ]))(;B[dg]C[This atari is ordinary. ];W[ce];B[fe];W[de]LB[fg:A]C[White doesn't feel bad with this. White's corner is safe and white can also cut at A later. ]))(;B[hd]C[It's not a good idea for black to keep playing the ladder.];W[ie];B[if];W[he];B[ge];W[hf];B[hg];W[gf];B[ff];W[gg];B[eg]TR[ee][ef]C[Black can capture white's marked stones, but];W[hc]C[Black loses too much. Black's tesuji in the game is much better.]))(;W[hc]C[If white captures here. ];B[ee]C[Black is happy with this connection.];W[cd]C[White has to defend here. ];B[jp]C[Black can come back here, and the result looks a bit better for black, because black doesn't need to worry about the top left group.]))(;W[ic]C[White should have played here. ];B[jb];W[lc];B[ib]C[Black can connect under, but];W[id];B[hc];W[hd];B[gb];W[gf]C[The result up to here is favorable for white. ]))(;B[ic]C[This is common, but ];W[kb]C[Good answer. ];B[id];W[je]LB[de:A]C[It's not easy for black to fight with A in this case. ]))(;W[jb]C[This hane under isn't proper in this case. ];B[ib]C[Good response. ];W[ic];B[jd];W[hb]C[There're two good options for black now.](;B[id];W[ia];B[hc]C[This result is favorable for black because white's shape on the top isn't good. ])(;B[kb];W[ia];B[lc]C[This is good for black too. ];W[id];B[kd];W[if];B[kg]TR[pb][fc][nc][fd]C[It's a kind of trade, but as you can see, the top right is bigger than the top left. ])))(;B[ic]C[If black just extends here, ];W[eq]C[First make black heavy, then,];B[fp];W[ej]C[Pressing here is good.];B[ei];W[fj]C[White builds power and,];B[fi];W[gj];B[hh];W[jp]TR[fp][fq]C[It's better for white. ]))(;W[jp]C[This is also conceivable. ];B[lp];W[eq];B[fp];W[jn];B[fm]C[Another game. ]))
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Lee Changho    Mi Yuting
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