(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[Yamashita-Keigo-vs-Iyama-Yuta-20120719]PW[Iyama Yuta]PB[Yamashita Keigo]WR[9d]BR[9d]DT[2012-07-19]EV[67th Honinbo Title Match]RO[Game 7]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Yamashita Keigo vs Iyama Yuta – 67th Honinbo – Game 5]RE[W+7.50]MU[1];B[pd]C[This is the final match of the 67th Honinbo final between Yamashita Keigo (9p) and Iyama Yuta (9p).Iyama won the first two games and the fifth game, and Yamashita won the others. At this point in the series they're tied at 3-3, so this game will decide the winner of the Hoininbo title. As both players are keen on fighting, their games are always interesting and fun to watch.];W[dd];B[pq];W[dp];B[qk]C[Yamashita starts the game with the Chinese opening. Yamashita won game 6 with a Chinese opening, so he tried it again here.];W[fq];B[dj]C[It's Yamashita's style of play. This is the final match of the series, so it's very hard to play this sort of experimental move, but Yamashita does it anyway.];W[nc];B[pf](;W[qc]C[Coming into the corner like this is becoming popular recently.];B[pc];W[pb]LB[ob:B][qd:A]C[There are two options for black, A and B.](;B[ob]C[Right choice. ];W[qb];B[oc];W[re](;B[rf]LB[jc:A][qg:B]C[Right move. If black plays around A, white would be happy with B. ];W[qe];B[qf];W[nb];B[oa];W[qd]LB[nd:C][oe:B][pe:A]C[This is a proper move. If white exchanges A for B before 22, then black would play at C next.];B[nf];W[jd]C[It's a totally new opening, and it seems to be equal. ](;B[fc]LB[cf:A]TR[oa][ob][oc][pc][pd][nf][pf]C[A is normal in this sort of situation, but Yamashita wants to use black's wall in the top right to attack white's group at the top.](;W[ec]LB[hc:A][cf:B]C[Right answer. If white pincers at A, black is happy to play B.];B[fd](;W[df]C[This jump is right. ];B[hc]C[This extension looks so short, but it's right. Black is waiting for the right time to fight back.];W[ic];B[ie]C[Good sense of play. ];W[je](;B[jf]LB[if:A][kg:B]C[A strong move. Playing at A is normal, but then white can play at B.];W[kf];B[id]C[The local situation is good for black to fight, because black has more stones in this part of the board.];W[jc];B[kg](;W[if];B[jg];W[hb]C[This is the best answer for white.](;B[eb]LB[db:A][gb:B]C[Right sequence. If white answers at A, now black can block at B.];W[hd]C[This exchange is what Iyama's been aiming at.];B[cc]C[Black takes the corner. ];W[he]C[White takes the two stones. The result seems to be even. ];B[op]LB[po:A]TR[hd][he][if]C[Good place. It's more active than A in this position.It looks as if black took the top left corner for free, but white's marked shape is very solid and strong.];W[cl](;B[ce]LB[cd:C][de:B][dj:A]C[An overplay. Black wants to make the stone at A lighter, but it was asking for too much.If white connects at B, black would be happy to play C, but Iyama had a brilliant idea.];W[cd];B[bd];W[be];B[bf];W[bc];B[ae](;W[de]C[There's bad aji in the corner now.](;B[dc]LB[bb:A][cb:B]C[If black plays atari at A instead, white can cut at B. ];W[cb];B[db];W[ab]C[This is such a clever move. Iyama is good at this sort of local battle.](;B[cg]C[Black goes out here. ];W[dg];B[ch];W[cf];B[be];W[ba]C[The game becomes complicated.];B[ff];W[dh];B[ci];W[gg](;B[ac]C[This move is not easy to understand, but you can consider the variations to see why Yamashita chose this move.];W[ad];B[fg](;W[fh]LB[ac:A][ag:B]C[White doesn't connect at A because exchanging A for B would also help to make black's position stronger (see the variations).];B[ac]C[There aren't many big ko threats for either player, but black tries to fight this ko.];W[pe]C[This is a good ko threat for white. Black seems to be in trouble. ](;B[fi]TR[cd][dd][de][cf][df][dg][dh]C[Black doesn't answer white's ko threat and tries to capture the marked stones instead.];W[gh];B[eh];W[ei];B[eg]TR[cd][dd][de][cf][df][dg][dh]C[White's marked stones are captured, but ];W[of]C[This is good compensation for white.];B[og];W[oe]C[It's not a fair trade. The game's a bit better for white now.];B[ej]LB[jp:A]C[This move is thick and solid, but too slow. Black should play around A instead.];W[qp];B[qq];W[pm]C[It's very good timing for white to invade here. If black can't capture these white stones, black will be short on territory.];B[nm];W[pk];B[pj](;W[ql]C[Good choice for white. ];B[ok];W[ol];B[pl];W[fe]C[It's a fantastic ko threat. ](;B[di]C[Proper answer. ];W[pk];B[cp]C[It's the best ko threat black can think of. ];W[oj]C[Iyama shows his determination. He must have anticipated the result and thought the game would surely be good for white.];B[pl];W[bg]C[Black can't answer this cut, because black doesn't have any big ko threats.](;B[pk]C[Inevitable. ];W[ad];B[dq];W[af];B[ep]C[It's a such a big trade. (桑田碧海)](;W[ge]C[This is a very big move. It's worth about 30 points.](;B[do]C[It looks slack, but it's necessary now. ];W[jp]C[After the big trade, the game becomes simpler.The game is still slightly better for white, so black has to play more aggressively to catch up.](;B[hq]C[Black tries to make the game more complicated. ];W[hp];B[gp];W[ho];B[iq];W[jq](;B[gq];W[jm]C[Good sense. ];B[ip];W[jo]LB[io:A]C[Right answer. If white answers at A, black can cut at 18 and white wouldn't be able to catch the cutting stones in a ladder..];B[io];W[in];B[kn];W[jn];B[gm]C[Black secures the left side, but there are still problems on the right side. ];W[rq]C[There's some bad aji here.](;B[qn]C[Black has to try to capture the whole group like this.];W[qm];B[qo];W[on];B[nn];W[rp]C[Very good move. It's getting harder for black to catch up because Iyama's moves are all accurate. ](;B[oo]C[Proper answer for black, but ];W[po]C[This is a good tesuji. ];B[pn](;W[om](;B[rn]C[Descending like this is inevitable for black.];W[nl];B[pp];W[ll]C[If white can connect these two groups without any problems, then white will win the game. ];B[ml]C[Black is desperate. ];W[mk];B[mm];W[nk];B[lk]C[This is black's last hope. If black can't gain any profit from this cut, it will be hard to reverse the game.];W[pi]C[An excellent tesuji again. ];B[rk]LB[rk:A]C[Right answer. If black answers differently, white can atari at A. ];W[lm];B[mo];W[jj]C[A gentle jump. ](;B[jk]C[Black wants to keep fighting because black's losing now. ](;W[kk]C[This is the correct answer. ];B[lj];W[li]LB[kk:A]C[A very good combination with A. It's the winning move, and there was no chance for black after this.](;B[kj];W[ki];B[kl];W[mj];B[kk];W[ik]LB[li:A]C[It's a single path from white A. ];B[ij];W[ji](;B[km]C[Black can capture these two stones, but];W[hk]LB[il:A][jl:B]C[White's groups are all safe. Black can't cut with A because white B is still sente (see the ladder in the variation for black 161).];B[oi];W[oh]C[Tesuji again! Iyama showed lots of beautiful and impressive tesuji in this game.];B[ni];W[nh];B[ph];W[mi];B[ng]LB[qi:A]C[Right choice. If black takes a stone with A, white can cut at 169.];W[nj];B[qi];W[gj];B[fk];W[aj];B[bj];W[lg]TR[aj][gj]C[White's two marked stones were sente endgame moves, and this is a big endgame move.];B[lf];W[mf];B[le]C[Good endgame move, but it's too late to catch up. ];W[mg]TR[jf][jg][kg]C[Black can't save the marked stones.];B[ne](;W[nd];B[me];W[ke];B[hm];W[il];B[hn];W[mr]C[The last big endgame move. Both players know the result very well.];B[ld];W[ai];B[ak];W[bh];B[bi];W[ah];B[bk];W[lc];B[mq];W[oi];B[rh];W[nr];B[lr];W[kr];B[lq];W[ls];B[or];W[nq];B[gi];W[hi];B[gf];W[hf];B[np];W[lp];B[mp];W[rl];B[ir];W[sn]C[It's a good endgame tesuji.];B[sm]C[Black captures a stone, but];W[sl]C[This is sente, and];B[rm];W[rj];B[qj];W[sk];B[ri];W[sj];B[qg]C[Black loses points and has to live in gote.];W[lo];B[ln];W[gl];B[fl];W[sf];B[sg];W[se];B[jr];W[kq];B[ko];W[kp];B[js];W[ks];B[gk];W[si];B[sh];W[ef];B[ei];W[hl];B[md];W[mc];B[kd];W[kc];B[pg];W[hj];B[fj];W[ms];B[oq];W[hh];B[os]LB[jp:A]C[White won by 7.5 points. Iyama Yuta won his first Honinbo title with a 4-3 result in the series.This game was very interesting and exciting right from the start.There were three big ko fights in the game. The first one was in the top left, and next one was on the right side. The last one was in the top left again and white took the lead in the game after winning that ko.Iyama played perfectly after A, so there weren't any good chances for black.On the other hand, Yamashita played this game with his full spirit, but he couldn't find a way to catch up after white finished the territory at the top. Game 5 was very unlucky for him, and he lost the Honinbo title in the end.I hope you enjoyed the game and the commentary as well.Feel free to leave comments if you have any questions.Thanks,An Younggil 8phttp://gogameguru.com/])(;W[me]C[Cutting here doesn't work. ];B[nd]LB[md:A][od:B]C[A and B are miai. ];W[md];B[od]C[It's not a good result for white. ]))(;B[il]C[If black tries to cut using brute force...];W[hk](;B[hl];W[jl];B[km];W[ln];B[ko];W[lo];B[kp];W[lp];B[kq];W[kr];B[lq];W[mq]C[It's a ladder and the game's over.])(;B[jl]C[Connecting here doesn't help black either...];W[hl];B[hm];W[im];B[km];W[ln]C[It's still a ladder starting with this move.]))(;B[hk]C[Trying to cut like this doesn't work either...];W[il];B[km];W[hj]C[White can go after the cutting stone, and];B[ii];W[hi];B[ih];W[lg](;B[lf];W[mg]LB[ke:A][ng:B]C[A and B are miai for white and black can't gain enough liberties.])(;B[mh]C[If black probes here...];W[mi](;B[lf];W[mg]LB[ke:A][mf:B][ng:C]C[Black can't protect all the cutting points.])(;B[lh];W[mg]LB[kh:B][nh:A]C[This also works for white. A and B are miai.]))))(;B[mj]C[If black plays here...];W[mi];B[nj];W[oi];B[kj];W[ki];B[kl];W[ni];B[kk];W[ik]LB[oi:A]TR[nf][pf][qf][rf][og]SQ[mk][nk][nl][ol][ql][om][pm][qm][on]C[The result is similar to the one in the game. Black captured some white stones, but black's marked group also became weaker. White still seems to have the advantage. For example,];B[ij];W[ji];B[hk];W[il](;B[km];W[hj];B[gj];W[hi];B[qh];W[qi];B[ri];W[rj](;B[si];W[rh];B[rg];W[sj];B[sh];W[qj];B[rl];W[pg];B[ph];W[oh];B[sf];W[ng];B[bh];W[gn];B[fn];W[mr]TR[mk][nk][nl][ol][ql][om][pm][qm][on]C[White gained more territory at the top, so white doesn't care that black captured the marked stones. White still has more points.])(;B[qj];W[rh];B[sj];W[ph];B[pg];W[qg]LB[rg:A][sh:B]C[Now if black plays A, white can play B and it's a ko. This result isn't good for black.]))(;B[rl]C[Black can also take a liberty here, but it doesn't change the result.];W[hj];B[gj];W[hi];B[qh];W[qi];B[ri];W[pg];B[ph];W[ng];B[bh];W[oh];B[rh];W[gn];B[fn];W[mr]C[White is still ahead.])))(;W[ik]C[If white plays a hane here, ];B[kk];W[jl];B[ij];W[ji];B[li]C[The game would become complicated. This would be the last variation white wants right now.]))(;B[lj]C[If black extends here, ];W[mi];B[li];W[mh];B[ji];W[ij]C[Black's center group will be in trouble. ]))(;B[nl]C[If black blocks here, ];W[rn];B[pp];W[ro];B[il];W[jl];B[jj];W[mp]LB[no:A]C[Black can't attack this group properly because black has a weakness at A. It will be easier now for white to make two eyes than it is in the variation at white 134.]))(;W[rn]C[If white plays atari here...];B[om];W[ro];B[il]C[Black can attack this white group.];W[jl];B[jj];W[ik];B[jk];W[hl];B[ij]TR[nm][om][nn][oo][op]C[It's not easy for white to live, because black's marked stones are very solid and thick now. Compare this to the variation at black 135.]))(;B[po]C[If black plays here...];W[oo];B[no];W[pp]C[These are good followups for white, and];B[om];W[oq];B[np];W[or]C[The corner is big, and it's not good enough for black. ]))(;B[rr]C[If black answers here, ];W[ro]C[White's shape is quite flexible. ];B[qn]C[If black wants to capture the group he has to play here, but];W[sr];B[qr];W[qm];B[pn];W[rn]C[It's almost impossible for black to capture these stones.];B[rl];W[rm];B[rk];W[on];B[po];W[om]C[Black can't fight on like this. ]))(;B[ip]C[Black can think about playing here, but ];W[io];B[gq];W[jo]LB[go:A]C[White's shape is good, and A is half sente. So the result is still better for white.]))(;B[lq]C[This is also a good place to play, but ];W[kq];B[lp];W[fp];B[fo];W[go];B[fn];W[lr];B[mr];W[gn];B[gm];W[in]C[White can simply play like this, and the game is favorable for white. White already has enough territory at the top of the board, so white doesn't have to go all out here.]))(;B[jp]C[Black wants to play on the bottom, but ];W[do]C[White can save one stone first, and];B[eq];W[co];B[bp];W[el]TR[cg][ch][ci][di][fi][dj][ej]C[Jumping here is good for white. Black's left side group suddenly becomes weak.];B[eo];W[gl]C[Black is in a fair bit of trouble.]))(;W[jp]C[This extension is also conceivable, but then ];B[ee];W[ge];B[ed]LB[gb:A][ef:B]C[Black can save the stones at the top. The game would become long and more complicated. A and B are miai for black now.]))(;B[bh]C[Black can't answer here. ];W[pk];B[nk];W[qj];B[pl];W[ad]LB[af:A][pk:B]C[Black is in deep trouble because A and B are miai for white. ]))(;B[ee]C[If black answers here, ];W[pk];B[nl];W[qj];B[pl];W[gf]C[This ko threat is too big for black to ignore. ];B[ge];W[pk]C[Black doesn't have enough ko threats to win the ko. ]))(;W[ok]C[This extension is normal, but ];B[ql]C[This is a vital point, and];W[om];B[nn]C[White's right side group doesn't look happy. ];W[mk];B[kl]LB[hq:A]C[Black can come back to play A after attacking white's right side group.]))(;B[oe]C[If black answers here, ];W[ad];B[fi];W[gh];B[ac];W[og];B[of];W[ad];B[eh];W[ei];B[ac]C[There are no good ko threats for white now, but ];W[ej];B[bb];W[dk]C[This is a good alternative way for white to play.];B[ca]C[Black still needs to spend one more move here.];W[kp]C[The result up to here is satisfactory for white.]))(;W[ac]C[White can connect here in sente at any time, but white didn't. Why didn't white connect and live in the corner in sente? ];B[ag]LB[ac:A][ag:B]C[If white connects, black can answer at B.](;W[fh]C[If white tries to block here, ];B[fi]LB[eh:A][gh:B]C[Good tesuji. A and B are miai. ];W[eh];B[gh]C[It's not easy for white to fight here.])(;W[ei]LB[fh:A]C[White should move out like this, as A doesn't work well.];B[gh](;W[fh]C[If white cuts here, ];B[fi];W[eh];B[fj]C[White is still in trouble. ])(;W[ej]C[If white pushes here, ];B[eh]C[Sente, ];W[di];B[dk]LB[ac:A][ag:B][cj:C][ck:D]C[Black can come out like this and the result is good for black. Even if white cuts at C, there are no weaknesses for black because of the exchange of A for B. So if white C, black D is fine.]))))(;B[fg]C[Black can also push and fight, but Yamashita seemed to think this wasn't good enough for black. Let's see why...];W[fh](;B[eh]C[Black can try to cut like this, and];W[ei];B[eg];W[di];B[fi]LB[gh:A][ej:B]C[If white connects at A, black B captures some stones, but];W[ej]C[White can come out, and];B[gh];W[dk]LB[fe:A]C[White is comfortable, and white still has the potential to cut at A later.])(;B[fi]LB[eh:B][gh:A]C[Clamping like this is a nice move and if white connects at A, now black can capture some stones with B. However,];W[eh]C[White can play here, and];B[gh]C[If black tries to capture white...];W[gi];B[hh];W[ej];B[fj];W[ek];B[ei];W[di];B[dk];W[el]LB[cj:B][gj:A]C[White can just extend here because the ladder at A and the cut at B are miai.];B[gj];W[bg]LB[cj:A]C[This is a tesuji that works in combination with A. It helps white in the capturing race which is about to start...];B[bh];W[ag];B[ah]C[If black captures the two stones,];W[cj]C[White can cut, and];B[ck];W[bj];B[bk];W[ak];B[al];W[aj];B[bl];W[bm]LB[ai:A][bi:B]C[Black can't atari at A or B, so white wins the capturing race.];B[dl];W[dm];B[cm];W[am])))(;B[ba]C[If black tries to capture the corner, ];W[cf];B[be];W[bg]C[White can force on the outside, and];B[bb];W[ac](;B[ca];W[ag];B[aa];W[fj]TR[dj]C[The result is good for white. ])(;B[cg]C[If black cuts here, ];W[bh];B[ca];W[dh]C[It's still favorable for white. Black's corner has become small and white is thick])(;B[bh]C[If black clamps,];W[cg]C[White just connects, and];B[ag];W[ci]TR[ab][ac][bc]C[Black still has to capture the marked stones, so this doesn't improve the situation for black.])))(;B[bb]C[If black plays here...];W[cb]C[This is tesuji, and];B[ac]C[If black captures, for example];W[db]TR[eb][fc][hc][fd]C[White can cut off four stones at the top.])(;B[cb]C[Black can't defend against both weaknesses like this.];W[cf]C[White can force here first, and];B[be];W[bb]C[When white extends here, black doesn't have any particularly good response.](;B[ba]C[If black plays here...];W[db];B[da];W[dc];B[ca];W[fb];B[ac];W[ea];B[ab]TR[fc][hc][fd]C[White connects her weak group and takes the marked stones in sente. It's a terrible result for black.])(;B[db]C[If black connects here instead...];W[bg]LB[dj:A]C[White can isolate the stone at A in sente and black still has to capture white's two stones in the corner. The two corner stones are very resilient and white can easily make a ko there.];B[ba];W[ca];B[da];W[ab]LB[ad:A]C[White can start a ko at A. This ko is light for white and the result is no good for black.])))(;W[cb]C[White wants to capture here, but ];B[de]C[White can't fight here. ];W[db];B[ef]C[Very good for black. ]))(;B[jp]C[Black should have played around here in the game.];W[cd];B[bc];W[ek]LB[dj:A]C[Even if white plays to attack A...];B[fi]LB[dj:A]C[It's not easy for white to attack this group effectively.]))(;B[gb]C[If black wants to fight right away...];W[hd];B[he];W[gc];B[gd];W[hc];B[eb]C[This sequence looks like tesuji, but];W[ge]C[This cut is good for black.];B[hf];W[hg]C[Good followup.](;B[gf];W[fe]C[It's hard for black to continue here.];B[cc];W[ed];B[fb];W[ff];B[gg];W[db]C[Black is in trouble. ])(;B[ig]C[If black takes the stone, ];W[gf];B[if];W[ed];B[cc];W[fe]LB[db:B][fb:A]C[It's still troublesome for black. A and B are miai.])))(;W[jg]C[This cut is also possible for white. ];B[if];W[lg];B[kh];W[le]C[It's another game and it's playable for both.]))(;B[if]C[This is the normal move, but in this case...];W[kg]C[White moves easily into the center. Yamashita had a better plan in the game.]))(;W[cf]C[This knight's move is incorrect in this case.];B[de]C[Black can attach here, and];W[ce];B[cc]LB[dc:A][cd:B]C[Good combination. White can't fight with A because of the cut at B. ];W[cd];B[eb]C[White is not happy with this result.]))(;W[hc]C[If white plays here...];B[cf]LB[ec:D][fc:C][hc:A][jd:B]C[White A and B are overconcentrated and black's stone at C is light. It's better for white to play A at D, as in the game.]))(;B[cf]C[Approaching on this side is also playable for black.];W[fc];B[cn];W[mq];B[po];W[jp]C[Play would likely proceed like this and the game would become peaceful. It's another game.]))(;B[jc]C[If black plays on the top first...];W[qg]LB[jc:A][rf:B]C[White would be happy to come out of the corner like this. Sealing white in with A at B would have been sente.]))(;B[qd]C[This is wrong in this case. ];W[rb];B[rc];W[qb]LB[qc:A][qd:B]TR[pb][nc][pd][pf]C[It looks as if white got to exchange A for B in sente (in the normal joseki), so the result is better for white.]))(;W[pb]C[This is normal, then ];B[cf];W[fd];B[qc];W[kc];B[cn]C[This is another game. Black seems to be more active.]))
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Iyama Yuta    Yamashita Keigo
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