(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[Gu-Li-vs-Lee-Sedol-20121211]PW[Lee Sedol]PB[Gu Li]WR[9d]BR[9d]DT[2012-12-11]EV[17th Samsung Cup Final]RO[Game 1]PC[Shanghai, China]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[This is the first match of three in the final of the 2012 (17th) Samsung Cup, played by Lee Sedol 9p and Gu Li 9p.Both Lee Sedol and Gu Li are among the most popular and well known players in the world today.Lee Sedol is ranked #1 in Korea, and even though Gu Li is ranked #10 in China at the moment, most people still regard him as the best, along with Lee Sedol. Many Go fans were waiting in anticipation for these exciting matches, and I was also one of them. :)Let's have a look at the game.]RE[W+0.50];B[pd]C[Gu Li plays black.];W[dd];B[qp](;W[dq]C[Lee chose this 3-4 point, instead of the star point, which he usually likes to play.];B[lq]C[Gu still played here, without an approach in the lower left corner.];W[qf]LB[qj:A]C[A is more common now, but Lee approached here. It's a matter of taste.];B[nc]LB[qh:A][pi:C][qi:B]C[Black can also pincer at A-C. There are so many possible variations after these pincers, but this knight's enclosure is rather simple.](;W[pj]LB[rd:A]C[This extension is simpler than sliding at A. ](;B[do];W[co](;B[dp]C[This was the right choice. ];W[cp];B[eq];W[cn];B[dr];W[cq];B[fp]TR[qp][lq]C[This shape works well in combiation with the marked stones on the lower side.](;W[pm]C[This is the right move in this case. ];B[op](;W[em]C[This knight's move shows a good sense.](;B[cf]C[Black approached here in the game, and white must pincer now. ](;W[ch](;B[ef]C[Black jumped here - it's unusual.];W[fd];B[di]C[This move is challenging. It's Gu Li's style of play.];W[dh];B[eh](;W[ei]TR[ch][dh][ei][em][cn]C[White must cut and fight here. ](;B[ej]C[This is the right way for black to fight.];W[fi];B[fh](;W[gi]C[This extension is the right move, and white can still fight on the left side. ](;B[cj]LB[ci:A]C[Falling back one step, instead of playing A, makes it harder for white to find a rhythm with the hane and connection.];W[bj]TR[ch][dh]C[White has to save the marked stones, because they're very important.];B[bk];W[bi];B[ck];W[bf];B[be];W[bg];B[ce](;W[ff]C[This is a nice jab, before saving his group on the left side. There's a Go proverb, "force before living". It's because later on black might choose to sacrifice.];B[eg];W[ah]C[White comes back here now. ];B[fl]LB[cc:A][fk:B]C[This move is necessary. If black goes into the corner with A instead, white can seal black in with B, and black can't live inside.];W[gn];B[hl];W[bc]LB[cc:B][cd:A]C[This is a proper move. This move is more efficient than A or B here.];B[hg];W[ii]LB[fh:D][ei:C][ej:B][cn:A]C[So far, the game's still even. But as you can see, the game had already become quite messy and complicated. There are a couple of weak groups for each side (A-D).];B[gh]TR[ei][fi][gi]C[What a move! Gu might have thought that he couldn't fight properly without this reinforcement. This move fills white's liberties and makes black's stones stronger.];W[id]C[White plays at the top. This move is big, but as a result of what happened in the game, it seems like white should have played in the center first instead.];B[jg];W[ki];B[jj]C[This peep is very sharp. ](;W[ij]TR[ei][fi][gi]C[White answered here to save the three cutting stones (see the variation). This was the right decision.];B[ji];W[jk];B[jh];W[il];B[hm]LB[id:A]TR[jg][jh][ji][jj]C[Up to here, black's center group has become stronger, and the game seems slightly better for black.I couldn't find any of questionable moves by white before A, but the game was already favorable for black at that point. I think it's because Gu Li's opening is exceptional. Even if white had played A in the center, the game would still have been better for black.](;W[ho]TR[em][gn]C[White's trying to help his marked stones. ];B[im];W[kk]LB[lk:A]C[This extension looks slow, but it's more solid than A.];B[fm];W[fn];B[dn];W[dm];B[cm]LB[id:A]C[This cut is good and, all of a sudden, white's in trouble. This happened because white played A.];W[bm];B[cl];W[en];B[fr]C[This move is flexible and good.];W[jo];B[jm];W[hq]LB[cr:A]C[White would like to play at A and fight, but Lee might have thought that was too risky.];B[br]C[This is sente for black.];W[cr];B[cs];W[bs];B[as];W[bq];B[gq]C[Black's alive, and the game's still good for black.];W[hr];B[gr];W[lo](;B[lm];W[mq]C[This attachment is a well known tesuji.](;B[mr]C[This hane under is right. ];W[nq];B[lp];W[mo];B[mp];W[np];B[no]C[It's a serious fight now. Black's position still seems to be better than white's.];W[nr];B[kr]LB[lr:A]C[This hanging connection is better than at A in this case. That's because it creates better eye potential for black and takes away eye potential from white in this area.];W[ms];B[lr];W[pq]TR[np][mq][nq][nr]C[White tries to save marked stones to countinue the fighting. ];B[ko]C[But, this wedge is good, and white's in trouble. ];W[kn];B[kp];W[jn];B[ln](;W[km]TR[lo][mo]C[White can't save the marked stones, as shown in the variation. So, white has to play here instead, but];B[mn]C[Black's happy to capture two stones. ];W[jl]C[Anyway, white connects the lower side group successfully, and black's left side group's isolated.];B[hi]C[This is a good sequence.];W[hj];B[gj];W[hh];B[fj];W[hi];B[ci](;W[ig]C[This is Lee's counter-attack!];B[if];W[gg];B[ih];W[fe];B[cg]TR[bf][bg][ah][ch][dh][bi][bj]C[White successfully cut black in two, but white's group on the left side's in trouble now.];W[ep]C[This is a useful exchange for white. You'll soon see why.];B[eo];W[fo];B[ep];W[aj]TR[fo][ep]C[After those exchanges, white comes back here.];B[dg];W[bh];B[af]C[Black has to hane here to capture white. ];W[ak]C[This is the only way for white to fight. ];B[al];W[bl];B[bn];W[am];B[bo](;W[ap]C[This is the only move.];B[aq]C[There's no other way, but black can make a ko fight.];W[ar];B[an]C[This is black's only ko threat.];W[bs]C[White can't answer the ko threat because white doesn't have any threats that are big enough.];B[al];W[es]LB[ig:A][hn:G][fo:C][go:F][ep:B][hp:D][ip:E][iq:H]TR[bf][bg][ah][bh][ch][dh][bi][aj][bj][ak]SQ[dn][do][eo][dp][fp][eq][gq][dr][fr][gr][cs]C[It was a big trade. They both must have read this sequence up to here when white wedged at A. In the midst of that sequence, white exchanged B and C in sente, and becouse of the timing of those exchanges, there's no bad aji in the bottom left now.If white hadn't exchanged C earlier, black could wedge with black D, white E and black F later on to create a ko. After that G and H are miai for black, so white would have to fight the ko.];B[qq]C[Anyway, this is such a big move, and the game's still better for black.];W[kj];B[lg];W[md]TR[if][hg][jg][lg][ih][jh][ji][jj]C[White tries to play more actively to catch up.];B[nd];W[qd];B[qc];W[pc]LB[md:A][nd:B]C[This cut is a good tesuji after exchanging A for B.];B[qe];W[rd];B[pe];W[re];B[pb];W[pf];B[kc]LB[kd:A]C[This move was an overplay. A should be better.];W[kd];B[jd]C[This wedge is a tesuji, but black's center group becomes weak because of this.];W[je];B[jc];W[ie];B[me];W[ld]LB[mf:A]C[This was white's mistake. White should just attach at A immediately.];B[lb];W[mf]C[This attachment still works, and the game's becoming more exciting.];B[lf];W[le];B[ne];W[nf]C[White separates black's center group - it's a crucial stage of the game.];B[mh]LB[lb:B][ic:C][ld:A]C[If white hadn't exchanged A for B, white's block at C could be sente later. The mistake at A cost white quite a bit. You can see how white A isn't doing much here.];W[mj];B[ni]C[This black group is more flexible than it looks, but it's still in danger.];W[on]C[This would normally be sente, but see the variations.](;B[ir]C[Black makes some preparations. You'll soon see the meaning of this exchange.];W[hs];B[pi]LB[on:A]C[Black couldn't defend against A, and had to help the center group instead (see the variations at 175).];W[qi];B[oj];W[pk];B[ip];W[hp];B[he]C[Now Gu Li reveals his plan.](;W[gf]C[This was the correct answer. Lee was already in byoyomi, but his moves were still accurate.](;B[ph];W[rc];B[qb];W[qh](;B[kf]LB[ll:A]C[Gu played here to make A certain, but it was a mistake. He had a good opportunity to end the game quickly here, but he didn't seize it. Black still maintained the advantage though.];W[pp]C[Now white played here. This move is very big, and the game became complicated again.](;B[gc]TR[id][kd][ld][md][ie][je][le]C[This knight's move was a good way to capture white's marked stones.];W[hf]C[White can't play aggressively here, because white's center group's not yet completely safe.];B[hd];W[fc]TR[id][kd][ld][md][ie][je][le][np][mq][nq][pq][nr]C[Up to here, white saved some stones on the lower side, but black captured some at the top. It looks as if white gained some points in this trade, and the game became closer.](;B[qn]C[This is big, but it's not sente. ];W[ic];B[ib];W[hc]C[White's dead stones are revived.];B[hb];W[ke]C[There were so many trades and exchanges, but somehow, Gu Li still maintained his lead.];B[of];W[og];B[oe];W[pg];B[ng]TR[hc][ic][id][kd][ld][md][ie][je][ke][le]C[After white was able to save the marked stones in sente, the game became even closer. With this mood, Gu Li must have felt a great deal of pressure, because white was catching up quickly, 1-2 points at a time.];W[oo];B[gb];W[qm]C[This is sente. ](;B[rn];W[gd];B[io];W[iq];B[jp];W[ig]C[This is a ko, but it's not very important now.];B[hk];W[ik];B[hg];W[ok]LB[ll:A]C[A isn't obviously sente anymore.];B[pr]C[This hane was a big endgame move, and the game was still a bit better for black. ];W[rm];B[sm];W[sl];B[sn];W[rl];B[cc]C[This attachment was a good endgame tesuji.](;W[cb]C[This counter-hane is the right answer for white.](;B[nj]LB[db:A]C[This is another mistake for black. ];W[ig];B[po];W[oq];B[hg];W[cd]C[This is Lee's spirit of victory.];B[ll]LB[hg:A][er:B]TR[hh][ei][fi][gi][hi][ii][ki][hj][ij][kj][ik][jk][kk][il][jl]C[Now, white's center group looks like it's in danger, but black only has one big ko threat at B.];W[ig]LB[nk:A]C[And white has couple of ko threats around A.];B[fb]C[This isn't a big ko threat, but it's a big endgame move.];W[jf]C[White couldn't afford to start answering moves like this, so he eliminated the ko. ];B[eb];W[kl];B[dc];W[db];B[ec];W[bd](;B[rb]C[Now the game's very close.];W[lh];B[kg];W[oh];B[jq];W[is];B[oi];W[pn];B[qo];W[sb];B[hn];W[jr];B[da];W[bb]LB[ad:B][ed:A]C[White's still alive if black cuts at A because B is sente for white.];B[ls];W[qr];B[rr];W[os];B[ps];W[or];B[qs];W[er];B[nn];W[mi];B[nh];W[rf];B[lk];W[de];B[lj];W[li];B[nm];W[gp];B[ae];W[ca];B[ea];W[mc];B[mb];W[bp];B[ag];W[dl];B[dk];W[nl];B[om];W[ol];B[ad];W[ra]C[This is a good time to make this exchange.](;B[qa];W[ac];B[gm];W[el];B[ek];W[fq];B[ml];W[mk];B[mg];W[nk];B[ai];W[sc];B[sa];W[op];B[ra];W[ns]LB[js:A]C[Black can't throw in at A because of a shortage of ko threats.];B[in];W[js];B[lc];W[ge];B[ee];W[ed];B[df];W[fg];B[ks];W[ao];B[kh]LB[ll:A]C[White won by half a point.It was an impressive game by both Lee Sedol and Gu Li.Gu Li was leading for almost the whole game because of his great intuition in the opening and powerful middle game. But, he missed some good chances to finish the game (e.g. with A), and made several small endgame mistakes which cost him the game.On the other hand, Lee's play in the second half of the game was very tough and severe. He caught up little by little, and he eventually reversed the game at the end. He went into byoyomi around move 170, but his moves afterwards were still quite accurate and it was unbelievable.It was such a fantastic game, and I hope you've enjoyed seeing this game even more with the commentary.If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment. Thanks.Commented by An Younggil 8phttp://gogameguru.com/])(;B[ac]C[If black doesn't answer, ];W[ob];B[oc];W[pa]C[This is a good endgame tesuji.]))(;B[ed]C[Even if black cuts, white's corner stones can live.](;W[ba]LB[da:B][ab:A]C[A and B are miai for life now.])(;W[ee]C[This would be a mistake for white.];B[de]C[After white loses a liberty,](;W[ba];B[ab];W[da];B[bb]C[White can't live anymore. You should be careful not to take away your own liberties with this shape.])(;W[ad]C[White might try this, but];B[bb]C[White still dies.]))))(;B[db]C[This counter-hane is another good tesuji.];W[dc];B[cd];W[ca]LB[db:A]C[This is the proper answer for white, but];B[eb]C[Black can still save the cutting stone.];W[fb];B[bb];W[ab];B[fa];W[ga];B[ea];W[ba];B[ha];W[ig]C[Regardless of this ko fight, black's reduced white's corner territory, and black's winning by enough.]))(;W[cd]C[If white answers here. ];B[cb]LB[eb:B][bd:A]C[This extension is good. A and B are miai, and the game will be practically over if this happens.]))(;B[gd]C[If black doesn't answer, ];W[ro]C[White can play here, and black can't live in the corner.]))(;B[gb];W[fb];B[jf]C[Black should play like this. Then the game would still be better for black.](;W[ro]TR[qp][qq]C[It's not easy for white to attack these two stones. If white plays here,];B[qo];W[qn];B[po];W[oo];B[pn]LB[om:B][rn:A]C[White is in trouble because A and B are miai for black. ])(;W[qn];B[pr];W[oo];B[ro]C[Black's still winning.])))(;B[ll]C[This move doesn't work as well anymore. If black plays here now, ];W[hf];B[ig];W[io];B[kl];W[nk]C[White can come out like this. It's a bit too late for black.];B[ok];W[nl];B[ol];W[nm];B[pl];W[jq]LB[kf:A][pp:B]TR[kl][ll][lm][ln][mn][ko][no][ip][kp][lp][mp][op][lq][ir][kr][lr][mr]C[Black's lower side group is in quite a bit of danger now. You can see here why black A was a mistake, and why B was a good response.]))(;B[hf]C[This is still possible. ];W[hd];B[ll]C[I couldn't find any good solution for white after this move.]))(;B[hf]C[But even with white's accurate answers, black could still have finished the game here.];W[hd]C[White has to answer now. ];B[ll](;W[ok];B[nj];W[mk];B[nk];W[nl];B[ml];W[kl];B[io];W[lh];B[mg];W[jf];B[kg];W[mi];B[nh];W[og];B[lk]C[Black can still win the capturing race. ])(;W[nk]C[If white plays here, ];B[ok];W[ol];B[nl];W[kl];B[io];W[lh];B[jf]LB[of:B][mg:A]C[This is a good answer, and white can't win the capturing race. White can't cut at A because of B.])))(;W[hd]C[If white just answers here, which looks fine, ];B[ll]LB[kl:A][io:B]C[This extension is brilliant. White's center group's suddenly disconnected (A and B are miai).];W[ok];B[nj];W[mk];B[nk];W[nl];B[ml]LB[mk:A][nk:B]C[It's a big capturing race between A and B, but black has more liberties.];W[kl];B[io](;W[kh];B[jf];W[ph];B[mi];W[gf];B[hf]C[It's a 'one eye vs no eye' capturing race. That means all the internal liberties can be counted as if they were black's. White's done for.])(;W[in]C[Playing here doesn't help white, it just takes away white's liberties.];B[hn];W[jp];B[iq]LB[ir:A][hs:B]C[White can't capture the cutting stones because of the exchange of A for B earlier.])))(;B[pp]C[If black answers here, ];W[pi]C[This is a good move for white to attack black.];B[nj];W[nk];B[kf];W[ke];B[gf];W[fg];B[kh]C[Black should try to make two eyes. ];W[rc]C[It's a good time to play this atari now.];B[qb]LB[oc:A]C[Black can't answer at A, because the game's very close, so black can't afford to lose any points.];W[mb]C[This attachment is a good followup. ](;B[mc]C[If black answers here, ];W[lc];B[kb];W[oe]C[This atari is sente, and](;B[oc];W[he]C[There's no way for black's center group to live now.])(;B[od]C[If black ataris here,];W[of]C[White will connect, but black still needs to play at the top now.](;B[nb]C[If black defends here,];W[he]C[White still kill the center group.])(;B[jf]C[If black lives,];W[nb];B[oc];W[ob];B[pc];W[rb]C[White captures all the stones in the top right.])))(;B[nb]C[So, black has to answer here in order to save the center group, but];W[he];B[mk];W[ml];B[mg];W[oe];B[od];W[of];B[li];W[lk];B[mi]C[Even though black can live like this, the game's already reversed.];W[ic]C[White is winning now.])))(;W[aq]C[If white descends here,];B[an];W[al];B[ap]C[White will die. ]))(;W[aj]C[There's no problem for white to live, but];B[hk]C[Then black can live in sente, and];W[ik];B[ll];W[kl];B[gf]LB[mi:B][qq:A]C[Reinforce here. A and B are miai for black, so white's in big trouble.]))(;W[mn]C[This move doesn't work very well for white.];B[km];W[jp];B[jq];W[iq]C[White should try to fight like this, but];B[js];W[is];B[jr];W[ls]C[White has to play here to fight the capturing race, then];B[oo];W[nm];B[oq];W[or];B[qr]C[This jump is good and white can't fight anymore.];W[pr];B[qq]LB[kr:A]C[White dies. In this variation you can also see more clearly the value of A for creating eye potential.]))(;B[mp]C[This answer is wrong. ];W[lp];B[nq];W[mr];B[kq];W[jq];B[nr];W[mo];B[np];W[nn]TR[hl][hm][im][jm][lm]C[White can easily connect, and black's center group's in a fair bit of trouble. ]))(;B[aj]C[There's a bad aji for white on the left side. This hane is sente, and];W[af];B[am];W[an];B[bo]C[White can't make two eyes. ];W[lm]TR[bm][an][cn][co][cp][bq][cq][dq][cr]C[However, this jump is very good, and now black will have to fill in his own territory to capture white's marked group, so black didn't try to capture the corner in the game.]))(;W[lk]C[This jump looks normal for the next move, but];B[dn];W[dm];B[cm]C[This cut is severe.];W[bm];B[cl]TR[dm][em][gn]C[And it's not easy for white to move the marked stones out.]))(;W[ji]C[If white connects here, ];B[hi]C[Black will wedge here. ];W[hj];B[hh]LB[gj:A][ij:B]TR[ei][fi][gi]C[White can't save the three cutting stones now. A and B are miai for black. ]))(;W[ah]C[If white just plays here,];B[fl](;W[bc];B[gf]C[Black's shape is better than in the actual game.])(;W[ff]C[If white attaches here now,];B[cc]C[Black wouldn't answer locally, but would go into the corner instead.])))(;B[ci]C[If black plays here,];W[bi];B[bj];W[bg]C[White can hane and connect in sente, then];B[ai];W[bh];B[ck];W[dg];B[df];W[bf]C[It's difficult for black now.];B[ce]C[For example, if black plays here to stop white from connecting,];W[eg];B[fg];W[ff]C[White will push and cut, and];B[hh];W[gf];B[hg];W[be];B[cd];W[cc];B[bd];W[bc]C[White can capture these stones.];B[fk];W[hi]TR[em][cn]C[It's hard for black now. White can only fight like this because of the marked stones. Normally this kind of fight would be difficult for white.]))(;W[dj]C[This cut is conceivable,];B[ci](;W[cj]C[But, this atari is wrong when the ladder doesn't favor for white.];B[bi];W[bh];B[bj]C[It's a single path.];W[bk];B[ck];W[dk];B[gi];W[fj];B[ek];W[dl];B[fk]C[This is a ladder, and white's in deep trouble.])(;W[bh]C[This isn't good for white either. ];B[ek]LB[gi:B][cj:A]C[This extension is very good, and A and B are miai for black.];W[cj]C[You may think white can easily capture black's two stones, but];B[gi];W[fj];B[gk]C[This is a nice tesuji. Even though white captured two black stones, white's left side is still insufficient.])))(;B[fh]C[This is too simple. ];W[dj];B[fi];W[ej]C[White's happy with this result. Black's stones are still floating.]))(;W[ci]C[White shouldn't play like this. ];B[dj];W[cj];B[dk];W[cl];B[eg]LB[em:A]TR[ch][ci][cj][cl][cn][co][cp][cq]C[The stone at A is crying. White's too bad!]))(;B[cc];W[cd];B[dc];W[ed];B[bd];W[be];B[bc];W[ce];B[fc];W[ge]C[This is what white wants, so black chose a different path.])(;B[fd]C[This is also conceivable. ];W[df];B[dg];W[cg];B[dc];W[ce];B[cc];W[ef];B[hd]C[This is another game. Both are fine.]))(;W[fc]C[If white just answers here, ];B[ci]C[Black's happy with this extension. ]))(;B[ch]C[Splitting like this is also possible. ](;W[cj]C[If white makes an extension here, ];B[bj]C[This is a good sequence. ];W[bk];B[be](;W[cc];B[bi]C[This result is favorable for black. ])(;W[bd]C[If white plays here,];B[cd]C[Black will wedge, and](;W[cc];B[ce];W[bc];B[de];W[ed];B[bi]C[This is good for black.])(;W[ce]C[If white cuts from behind,];B[cc](;W[bf];B[de];W[cf];B[ed];W[df];B[dc]C[Black takes the corner and can develop the top side.])(;W[bc]C[This move doesn't work well in this case either.];B[de];W[cf];B[dc];W[ed];B[bf];W[df];B[cg]TR[cc][dc][cd]C[White can't capture the marked stones so this is too good for black.]))))(;W[cf]C[This move should be right for white.];B[ck]C[Black would extend here. The game would still be even.])))(;W[fc]C[This enclosure is big too, but];B[em]C[Then this knight's move would become very good. Black's developing on the lower side and reducing white's left side at the same time.]))(;W[qn]C[This extension is too far. ];B[op]LB[qh:A][pi:D][pk:C][ql:B]TR[op][qp]C[There are many weaknesses for white on the right side (A-D, for example). Black's lower right corner is quite solid, so white's position is less flexible than if the marked stones were a star point enclosure (shifted one point to the left).])(;W[qm]C[This extension is conceivable, but];B[pn]LB[op:A]C[This is a good answer for black. This move is more active than jumping at A. ];W[pm];B[on]C[Black is happy to build his moyo. ]))(;B[cn]C[This is the wrong direction in this case.];W[cp];B[cf];W[fc];B[dm];W[fq];B[di]C[This is a kind of recent joseki, but afterwards, ];W[op]LB[lq:A]TR[fq]C[This approach becomes good. A is oddly placed, and black isn't happy with this result. ]))(;B[ql]C[This approach is very big, but then ];W[ck]C[White would play first on the left side. This is another game.]))(;W[rd]LB[qg:A][qh:B]C[If white slides into the corner, black would attach at A or pincer at B. This is also possible, but white chose a simple move in the actual game.]))(;W[dp];B[fq];W[cn];B[lq]C[This is Gu Li's favorite opening.Lee and Gu played like this in the round of 32, and the game was ruled a draw as a result of a quadruple ko (http://gogameguru.com/go-commentary-gu-li-vs-lee-sedol-quadruple-ko-game-17th-samsung-cup/).Anyway, Lee didn't seem to like the opening in that game, so he played 3-4 instead in this game.]))
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Lee Sedol    Gu Li
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