(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.00]PW[Honinbo Dosaku]PB[Yasui Chitetsu]DT[1667-12-05]EV[Castle Games]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[This is a castle game between Honinbo Dosaku and Yasui Chitetsu from early Edo period Japan (17th century).During this time, the strongest Go players in Japan were usually part of an organized school or 'house', which they represented when they played.The four most successful and powerful houses were the Honinbo, Yasui, Inoue and Hayashi houses. The members of the houses were like a family (iemoto system), even though they weren't always blood relatives.Dosaku was the 4th head of the Honinbo house, but at the time when this game was played he was still in his twenties and was the heir to the 3rd Honinbo, Doetsu.However, later in his life Dosaku became the Honinbo and was also appointed as Meijin - an official position which was reserved for the strongest Go player in Japan.Dosaku was acknowledged as having been stronger than practically all of his contemporaries, and was later referred to as a Kisei (Go Saint) along with Honinbo Shusaku.He's also credited with having invented the concept of tewari analysis and innovating in many other areas, such as the effective use of three-space pincers.Yasui Chitetsu was the third head of the Yasui house. He wasn't as famous as Dosaku, but he was probably the Yasui at the time when this game was played.In the period just before Dosaku, the Yasui's had been the strongest house for awhile, even though the Honinbo house was the oldest and most prestigious.Castle games, like this one, were played in the presence of the shogun. They were the most important games for Japanese Go players during this period.There was no komi at the time when this game was played, so black gained more of an advantage from playing first and white had to play more aggressively to catch up.For another perspective on this game, you can read Otake Hideo's commentary in the book 'Otake's Secrets of Strategy' from Hinoki Press: http://shop.gogameguru.com/otakes-secrets-of-strategy/]RE[W+5.00];B[qd]C[Yasui Chitetsu plays black.];W[oc]C[White approaches immediately.];B[lc]C[At the time, this pincer was popular, especially amongst players from the Yasui house.Playing the two-space low pincer like this was sometimes even called 'Yasui style' during that period.]TL[0,0];W[ec]C[We can see this 3-5 move quite a lot in old games.];B[ce]LB[cd:C][dp:B][pp:A]C[This approach is somewhat questionable. There are two empty corners, and approaching like this isn't urgent. Playing around A or B would be better. Approaching at C instead is also conceivable though.];W[cc];B[ch];W[pq]LB[qo:A]C[At the time, players must have considered the value of the enclosure at A to be very high.];B[qo]C[So, black approached here right away.];W[qh]LB[pe:B][qk:A]C[This three-space counter-pincer (making miai of A and B) is still common in modern games. It has a modern fee to it, but Dosaku was also fond of this move.];B[pe];W[qk]C[White can extend and pincer at the same time.];B[nd]C[This move seems to be slow, but it's also solid. Since there's no komi, this move is fine.];W[cp]C[White gets sente to take the last open corner.];B[eq];W[iq]C[White plays another three-space pincer. Dosaku's Go was 'wider' than that of his contemporaries, which means he played on a larger scale and thought about the whole board more.];B[op]C[The first fight begins when black presses here.](;W[pp];B[po];W[oo]TR[qk][iq]C[White has more stones in this part of the board, so white must push and cut here in order to make effective use of the marked stones.];B[np]TR[qk][iq]C[This fight should be good for white, because of white's marked stones will help in the fighting. The opening has gone well for white.];W[on];B[rq];W[nr]C[This sequence is a sort of joseki. ];B[lp]LB[mq:A]C[This jump is good. A is more common, but this jump is lighter.];W[rr];B[pm]C[This is a nice jump too.](;W[nm]LB[qm:C][pn:A][qn:B]TR[pm][po][qo][lp][np][op][rq]C[The shape looks a bit strange, but it's alright. Black has two weak groups now and white can attack both sides. This diagonal move also threatens to cut with A-C.](;B[ql]C[Black doesn't want to play like this, but it's a practical move given the circumstances.];W[pk];B[ol];W[ml]LB[nj:B][jn:A]C[This move makes A and B miai for white.];B[ok]C[Black chose to move out like this.](;W[jn]C[This enclosure looks a bit loose, but it's a good move. You need to think carefully in this sort of situation as black, because if black just tries to live on the inside, white's loose enclosure will naturally become stronger on the outside. Black should try to break out.];B[lm]C[This is a nice jump too. It hits white's vital point.](;W[km]C[This attachment looks alright, but it was questionable.](;B[ko]C[Because this was a brilliant move, and the game became playable for black again.];W[ll]C[Blocking here is necessary now.];B[ip]C[And this attachment is nice. Black escapes safely from white's cage.](;W[hp];B[io];W[jq];B[kq]C[This is a good answer, and the game becomes favorable for black.];W[rl]C[White starts to attack this group. Since there's no komi, white has to play aggressively to catch up.];B[rm];W[pl];B[om];W[mo]LB[nn:A]C[This jump prevents black from cutting at A. ];B[or]C[This is a good tesuji, aiming to take sente. ](;W[pr]C[This was the right answer. ];B[oq];W[os];B[mp];W[rp]C[White has to live now. ];B[ro];W[sq];B[qm];W[rk];B[oi]C[This jump is nice, and the game's good for black now. That's because there was no komi when this game was played. If white had 6.5 points of komi, the game would still be even.](;W[oh]LB[do:B][fp:A]C[White tried to keep fighting here, but it was questionable. White should take sente to play at A now, and come back here later. If black can take sente from the fight on the right side, playing B will be very big.];B[nh];W[og];B[pi](;W[nj]C[This is a good way to make black's shape bad, but the timing was questionable. White destroyed a little potential here (aji keshi).];B[oj](;W[qf]LB[rg:C][oh:A][qi:B]C[It looks like white's pursuing a sacrifice strategy. White might have felt that the situation was too difficult here (after playing A), but the sacrifice was too big. It would be better for white to play at B or C instead.](;B[rj]C[This attachment was fantastic and, all of a sudden, white's in big trouble.](;W[ng]TR[pk][qk][rk][pl][rl]C[White's gave away the five stones but, as I said earlier, the sacrifice was too big.];B[ri]LB[oh:B][oi:A][fp:C]C[Black's winning now. If you go back to when black jumped at A, you can see how bad this result is for white. White used sente to keep fighting with B (instead of playing at C). But even though white played first here, he still lost his stones and black's group became strong.];W[qc]TR[qf][ng][og]C[This attachment was good. White has to try to use the marked stones to get some compensation for his dead stones.];B[rc](;W[rb]C[This counter-hane is a good tesuji.];B[pc];W[qb];B[pb]LB[do:A]C[This is the proper choice for black. Black wants to take sente to play at A.];W[rd](;B[re]C[Black doesn't need to atari here. ];W[od]C[White wants to make the game complicated.](;B[pd];W[oe];B[ob];W[nc];B[sd]C[This is so big, and the result is still good for black. Even if white had komi, the game would still be good for black now.];W[fp]LB[re:A][do:B]C[However, since white got sente to play here, it becomes a long game. Black lost a very good chance to simplify things and consolidate his lead when he played at A instead of B. Because it's going to be a long game now, white will have more opportunities to stage a reversal.];B[hq]LB[cq:A]C[This is a kind of tesuji, but it helps white in this case, because it makes his group stronger. Black doesn't need to sacrifice any stones here. Black should just play at A immediately.];W[gq];B[hr];W[gr];B[ho];W[gp]LB[eq:A]TR[hq][hr]C[This sequence helped black's lower center group, but the stone at A was damaged in exchange.];B[cq]LB[hq:A]C[Black should have attached here before cutting at A.](;W[dp];B[bp];W[dq];B[br];W[cr];B[bq]C[The result up to here is satisfactory for black.](;W[im]C[This move looks very tight, but it's the right way to attack here. White's shape in the center is still a bit brittle, but it's ok for now.];B[gn];W[gl](;B[fm]TR[fm][gn][ho][io][ko][ip][lp][mp][np][op][kq][oq][or]SQ[bp][bq][cq][br]C[This move was wrong. Black's play was too soft here and moving the marked groups closer together gives white a good opportunity to setup a splitting attack. Black's slavishly following white's plan.];W[dr]TR[fm][gn][ho][io][ko][ip][lp][mp][np][op][kq][oq][or]SQ[bp][bq][cq][br]C[This connection is big and good. It puts white's splitting attack into motion.];B[cn];W[co]C[Now white attacks forcefully, by leaning against black's lower left group.];B[bo];W[dn](;B[cm];W[dm]LB[cl:A]TR[fm][gn][ho][io][ko][ip][lp][mp][np][op][kq][oq][or]C[Black can't answer at A, because the bottom center group isn't alive yet.];B[fl]LB[ln:B][kr:A]C[Instead of playing here, black should consider playing an asking move at A or B now.];W[cl];B[bl];W[fk]LB[dr:A]C[White's play from A onwards is a nice example of how to attack two groups simultaneously.](;B[el]LB[fm:A][kr:B]C[This was too submissive. Black might have thought the game was very good for him, but after he missed a good chance at A, the game became closer. Black should play an asking move at B now and save this move as a last resort.];W[dl];B[ek];W[bk]C[The flow of the game has been very favorable for white here.];B[bm];W[di]C[White's in a good mood, and is catching up with this attack.];B[gk];W[dh](;B[fj]LB[cg:A];W[cg]LB[dr:A]C[White finally takes profit from the attack that started with A. Black's territory in the top left has turned into white's territory. Even though the game is still complicated, white caught up a lot here.];B[mh]C[Now black starts a counter-attack in the center. Black has to try to get compensation for his loss on the left side.];W[le]C[White looks after his group in the top right first.];B[ln]LB[nn:A]TR[on][oo]C[Black starts to attack white's center group. Black can cut at A later, but the marked stones have become small now and defending there would be heavy for white. It would have been better for black to play here earlier, before his group became strong. It's too late now.];W[ki]LB[ni:A]C[This is a good move. White runs away lightly, aiming to cut at A later.];B[kh]TR[nc][oc][od][le][oe][qf][ng][og][oh][qh]C[This is kind of a leaning strategy, aiming at white's stones at the top.];W[jh];B[kg];W[li];B[mg];W[kc]C[White looks after his stones at the top. As long as white can manage the group in the center successfully, white will be ahead now. White's center group looks weak, but it's surprisingly hard to attack.](;B[mc];W[nb](;B[ji]C[Black decided to cut here.];W[jj];B[ii];W[kd]C[Now white comes back here and unless black can capture the center group, black's going to lose the game.];B[mf];W[ne]C[There's no way to kill the center group. ](;B[gc]C[So black plays here, but the game's practically over for black.];W[ij]C[White's certain that he's winning after this.];B[ic];W[jb]C[There's no way for black to reverse the game now.];B[je](;W[ke]C[It's not good shape, but shape isn't that important in the endgame. ];B[dd];W[dc];B[fe]C[Black pulls his stone on the left side out, but it's too late.];W[jf];B[he];W[fd];B[ed];W[fc]C[Black's position is thin here, so black can't save all his stones.](;B[if];W[ge]C[This wedge is good. ](;B[gf];W[ee];B[gd];W[ef]C[Capturing these stones was very big, and the game's over now. There are only endgame moves left, but black's too far behind.];B[cj];W[ci];B[bj];W[dj];B[ck];W[dk];B[bi];W[bh];B[mm];W[nl];B[nn];W[hi];B[ih];W[hh];B[jg];W[hk];B[hl];W[il];B[ib];W[lb];B[kr];W[ir];B[fb];W[eb];B[gb]LB[re:E][qf:B][cg:G][ri:C][el:H][fm:F][do:D][ko:A][dr:J]C[White won by 5 points.This game was played around 350 years ago, so their opening theory seemed to be very different from today's.The opening was good for white, but black A was a very good move, and the game became even again.White's play leading up to the sacrifice with B was questionable, and when Black played at C, the game became very good for black.If black had played at D, instead of E, the game would have been very easy for black.Black missed another very good chance with F, and white caught up with the attack through to G. After that, white's play was excellent and I couldn't find any more opportunities for black.Because of that, it seems that H was the losing move.It was an interesting game. Honinbo Dosaku's attack, beginning with J, was wonderful and instructive. It seemed as if Yasui Chitetsu played too passively after he took the lead with C. White was eventually able to reverse the game because of that.I hope you've enjoyed the romantic style of this old game, and that you've been able to understand a little more about how Go theory has developed through reviewing it.Thanks, An Younggil 8p http://gogameguru.com/])(;B[ff]C[This move doesn't work well. ];W[gf];B[gg];W[gd];B[fg];W[hd];B[id];W[ig]C[This hane is good, and];B[jg];W[hf];B[kf];W[hi];B[ni];W[ie]C[This is a picnic ko for white.]))(;B[ef]C[If black plays here, ];W[hg]C[This knight's move is good. ](;B[fg]C[If black connects here, ];W[hf];B[ge];W[ni]LB[ge:B][hf:A]TR[mf][kg][mg][kh][mh][nh]C[White can cut here and capture the six stones. ])(;B[ni]C[If black connects here, ];W[fg]TR[gc][ic][dd][ed][ce][fe][he][je][ef]C[Black's whole group is in danger. ])))(;W[ee]LB[ke:A]C[If white doesn't answer at A, ];B[me];W[md];B[ld];W[lb];B[nd]C[This ko is annoying for white.]))(;B[jl]C[If black tries to kill this group, ];W[il];B[jk];W[ij]C[This push is a good response. ](;B[hj];W[ik];B[mj];W[mi];B[ni];W[lj]LB[kk:A][nk:B]C[White lives. A and B are miai.])(;B[ik]C[If black plays here,];W[hi]C[White can play lightly like this, because white's already caught up a lot.];B[ih]C[If black extends,];W[hk];B[kj];W[hj]LB[lj:B][kk:A]C[A and B will be miai for white.]))(;B[ik]C[If black plays here, ];W[jk];B[il];W[jl]LB[kn:A]C[White lives. A is sente for white as well.]))(;B[jj]C[Black might have wanted to attack the center like this. It looks promising, but];W[ji];B[kk];W[kd]LB[kl:A]C[White can reinforce here now and white's ahead.Connecting at A is also conceivable, but there are many complicated and risky variations for white afterwards. White's already winning with this move, so white doesn't need to gamble here.](;B[kl]TR[gl][im][km][jn]C[Cutting off the marked stones isn't enough compensation, because white's already gained too much at the top.])(;B[lk]C[It might look like black can try to capture more stones like this, but];W[mk];B[mj];W[lj];B[mi];W[jk]C[This is a tesuji, and black's cutting stones are captured.]))(;B[kk]C[If black tries peeping here first,];W[jj]C[White can defend like this and it's not easy for black to continue.])(;B[kb]C[Black can also consider going all out and attacking like this, but];W[jc];B[me];W[mf];B[lf];W[ld];B[md];W[nf];B[kd];W[ke];B[jd];W[je];B[id];W[jb];B[ie];W[jf];B[jg];W[if];B[hf];W[ig];B[ih];W[hg];B[ji];W[jj](;B[ij];W[jk]C[White lives.])(;B[gg];W[hh];B[hi];W[gh];B[gi];W[fh];B[jk];W[ij];B[ik];W[kk];B[hj];W[jl];B[ii];W[kj]LB[il:A][kn:B]C[White's alive, so it doesn't work. Note that A and B are both sente.]))(;B[me]C[This move doesn't work well, because];W[ld];B[md];W[mf];B[lf];W[nf];B[kd];W[ke];B[jd];W[je];B[jc];W[ie];B[kb];W[lh];B[lg];W[ni];B[jg];W[ig]C[Black's captured.]))(;B[jg]LB[lc:A]C[Black might consider playing here now and aiming to move the stone at A out after gaining some power in the center, but];W[lb]C[White can defend here now.];B[ji];W[jj];B[ih];W[ij];B[kd];W[ld];B[jc];W[kb];B[fd];W[ed];B[ff];W[ee]C[This is a bit better for black than the game, but white's still winning.])(;B[kb]C[Black could also consider this move.];W[kd];B[jc];W[jd];B[ic];W[id]C[White will lean here first, then];B[hc](;W[lb]C[After preparing properly,];B[mb];W[ni]TR[kg][mg][kh][mh][nh]C[Cut the marked stones off.];B[jg];W[ih];B[ig];W[hg];B[hf];W[if];B[ie];W[jf];B[je];W[kf];B[lf];W[ke];B[me];W[mc]LB[lb:A][mb:B]C[Black can't do anything here, because of the exchange of A for B.];B[la];W[lh];B[lg];W[mi];B[mf];W[md]C[So black's stones will die.])(;W[ni]C[If white cuts here without preparing carefully,];B[jg];W[ih];B[ig];W[hg];B[hf];W[if];B[ie];W[jf];B[je];W[kf];B[lf];W[ke];B[me]LB[lb:A][mb:B][ld:D][md:C]TR[nc][oc][od][oe][qf][ng][og][oh][qh]C[Black can turn the tables by capturing white's top right group. Black should exchange A for B first to prevent this from happening. Note that if white ataris at C now, black double ataris at D.])))(;B[hl]LB[mh:A][jk:B]C[Playing here looks a bit better for black. Next black can aim to attack the center with moves like A and B.])(;B[cg]C[If black defends here,];W[gm]LB[fj:A][fn:B]C[White will pinch here, and A and B are miai next.](;B[fj]C[Black can capture, but];W[fn]C[White cuts, and];B[ln];W[ik];B[hk];W[il](;B[nn]C[Black can cut here now, to save the big group at the bottom, but];W[ii]TR[fj][ek][gk][hk][el][fl][fm]SQ[ce][cg][ch]C[White can start another splitting attack against the two marked groups.])(;B[ij];W[jj];B[ii]C[If black plays like this,];W[nn]C[Then after white connects here, black's group at the bottom dies.]))(;B[fn]C[If black connects here instead,];W[fj]C[White will extend here, and black's lower side group is still isolated.])))(;B[ek]C[If black hanes here, ];W[gm]LB[el:B][fn:A]C[This is a good response. White A and B are miai, so black will be cut (but see the other variation).])(;B[kr]C[It's a bit late, but this is the last chance for black to descend here.](;W[jp];B[jo];W[ir]C[If white plays like this,];B[ek]C[Now black can play this hane, and];W[gm];B[fj];W[gk];B[dl]C[Take profit on the left side.];W[fn]C[If white cuts,];B[mr]C[Black can live like this. The variations are the same as the ones I showed at move 101.])(;W[mr]C[White might also play here now,];B[ir](;W[dl]C[If white connects here next,];B[ln]LB[nn:A][jp:B]C[Black lives (black can live with A or B next, for example).];W[bk];B[bm]C[All of black's groups are safe now, so it will be harder for white to complicate things and reverse the game.])(;W[jp]C[If white goes all out to kill, like this,];B[jo];W[hs];B[jr];W[lr];B[ln]C[Black will definitely make this exchange now, and];W[nn]LB[kl:A]C[If white wants to keep attacking, he has to connect here. But it's heavy, and it leaves a weakness at A. White's center group is becoming thin.];B[el]C[Now black can move out like this, but the situation is quite different to when black played this move in the game.];W[dl];B[ek];W[bk];B[gk]TR[nj][gl][ll][ml][im][km][nm][jn][nn][on][mo][oo]SQ[nc][oc][od][oe][qf][ng][og][oh][qh]C[Black's stones in the lower left corner can make a small life, even if white plays first, so black can start attacking white's center group like this. White's group in the top right still isn't settled either.]))(;W[bk]C[White should keep attacking like this now, and then];B[bm];W[di]C[Continue to attack indirectly like this.];B[ir]C[After black lives,];W[dh];B[cg];W[ef]C[White can attack black's top left group, and white is catching up.])))(;B[dm]C[If black double hanes,];W[cm];B[bn];W[em];B[dl];W[en](;B[kr]C[Black can still play here, but];W[el];B[ir];W[dk];B[cl];W[ci]C[White's attack will continue in the top left, like this.](;B[dh];W[bl];B[bm];W[ck];B[bs];W[df]C[And the fight will continue in the top left.])(;B[ck]C[If black resists like this,];W[bh];B[cg];W[di];B[bg]C[The game would continue like this.]))(;B[jr];W[ir];B[lr]C[Black can also make a ko here, starting like this, but this ko isn't very good for black. It's different to the ko we saw earlier, because black can't capture white's lower right corner after he wins it.])))(;B[kr]C[Black should have played here now.](;W[ir]C[If white answers, ];B[dr]C[Black can capture this stone, and then it would be very hard for white to win the game.];W[er];B[cs];W[jp];B[jo];W[fm]C[If white seals black in,];B[mr]C[This attachment is good. ](;W[nq]C[If white keeps going, ];B[mq];W[ns];B[ms];W[ps];B[js]C[This move is good, and];W[jr]C[Even if white plays here,];B[ks]LB[lr:B][hs:A]C[Black lives. A and B are miai.])(;W[ms]C[White can hane here to make a ko, then ];B[nq];W[lr];B[ns]LB[nn:A][ps:B][rs:C]C[This is a ko, but there aren't any big ko threats for white and black has several ko threats (starting with A). If black wins this ko, black will be able to kill white's corner group with C later on, so this ko is too risky for white.]))(;W[dr]C[If white connects here, as in the actual game, ];B[cn];W[co];B[bo];W[dn];B[cm]C[Black can answer in the same way as in the game, then](;W[dm]C[If white pushes here, ];B[ir]C[Black happily captures these two stones,. ];W[cl]C[If white continues like this,];B[bl];W[bk];B[bm];W[ck];B[ic]LB[fm:A]C[Black would rather take this big point than waste a move at A, like he did in the game.])(;W[jp];B[jo];W[ir]C[If white comes back here, ];B[dm];W[fm];B[mr]C[Black's winning now.]))))(;W[hm]LB[jm:B][kn:A][nn:C]C[If white plays here, which looks more normal, black can play A later, aiming to play B or C next.]))(;W[bq]C[This hane would be tighter for white.];B[dp];W[co];B[br]C[This double hane is a good tesuji. ];W[cr](;B[dr]C[If black makes a ko, ];W[dq]C[White can fight this ko, and it's more complicated than in the actual game. This would be good for white, because white's behind.])(;B[dq]C[If black connects here, ];W[ar];B[do]C[Black can push here and escape.](;W[cn]C[If white answers here, ];B[dn];W[cm];B[fn]C[This cap is nice, but];W[kr];B[lr];W[ks]C[White can live. ];B[hm]C[Up to here, black's still ahead, but it's better for white than in the actual game.])(;W[fn]C[If white jumps, ];B[cn];W[bs];B[bn]LB[hm:A][jm:D][kn:C][nn:E][kr:B]C[This is good for black. Even if white caps at A, black can descend at B, and it's impossible to kill this group because white's outside isn't strong enough. Note that black also has a tesuji at C, which makes miai of D and E.]))))(;B[oe]C[If black blocks here,];W[pd];B[qe];W[ob]C[White captures two stones and lives comfortably. This is what white wants.]))(;B[do]C[Black should seize the opportunity to tenuki and play here now. If black had done this, it would have been very hard for white to catch up.](;W[dp];B[ep];W[eo]C[If white tries to fight here,];B[fo];W[en];B[fn];W[dn];B[gq];W[hq];B[ho];W[gp];B[fp];W[gr];B[fr]C[White's in trouble. ])(;W[co]C[If white answers here, ];B[dn];W[cm];B[ho];W[gp];B[gr]C[This is the vital point, and ];W[hr];B[gq];W[hq];B[go];W[fp];B[dp]C[This white group is in danger. ])(;W[od]LB[do:A]C[If white gets sente to play here later (after answering around A),];B[ob];W[nc];B[nb]C[Black can answer like this, and ];W[mc];B[mb];W[jc];B[jd];W[ic];B[ld];W[oe];B[kb]C[There isn't much that white can gain by attacking this group.])))(;W[pc]C[If white connects here, ];B[rb]C[This extension is good, and ];W[oe];B[od];W[pd];B[qe];W[nc];B[mc]C[White can't fight like this. ]))(;W[ri]C[White could save the stones like this, but];B[qj];W[sj];B[ni]LB[oc:A]TR[qf][og][oh][qh][ri][sj][pk][qk][rk][pl][rl]C[White's right side group is floating, and now white probably won't get any chances to set the stone at A in motion.])(;W[qj]C[If white plays like this now,];B[qi];W[ri];B[rh]C[Black can cut white's stones, and];W[sj];B[qg](;W[ph];B[rf]C[White has two weak groups.])(;W[rg]C[If white plays here, which isn't good,];B[ph];W[sh];B[pf]TR[nj][ll][ml][km][nm][jn][on][mo][oo]C[It's good enough for black to just play here. Black's group becomes thick and white's center stones are still weak.])))(;B[ni]LB[qf:A][ni:B][fp:C]C[White might have hoped to exchange A for B so that he could take sente to play C, but black didn't follow white's plan.]))(;W[qi]LB[rg:A]C[White should still play here (or at A), but];B[qf]C[Black can harrass white like this, and];W[qg];B[ni](;W[ng];B[lh];W[mg]C[White will have to keep fighting like this now.])(;W[fp]C[It's not so easy for white to take sente to play here anymore, because](;B[mf]C[This is a simple way for black to play.];W[rf];B[re];W[sf]C[White can live, but];B[ho];W[fq];B[hm]TR[nj][ll][ml][km][nm][jn][on][mo][oo]C[The game's still favorable for black.])(;B[rg]C[Black could also chase white's group into the center like this. This is a more severe way of playing. The game will be good for black either way.]))))(;W[qf]LB[nj:A][oj:B]C[If white wants to play as in the game, it would be better to just jump here now, without making the exchange of A for B first.]))(;W[fp]TR[io][ko][ip][lp][mp][np][op][kq][oq][or]SQ[ll][ml][km][nm][jn][on][mo][oo]C[The groups at the bottom are still unsettled, so getting sente to play first in this area is important.];B[qf]C[If black attacks white,];W[oh](;B[nh];W[pi]C[Now white can play like this](;B[ni];W[rg]C[And live like this.];B[ri]C[If black plays here,];W[pj]C[White's alive after defending like this.])(;B[og]C[If black ataris,];W[oj]TR[ok][ol][ql][om][pm][qm][rm][po][qo][ro]C[White will counter-atari, and now black's lower right group is in danger.]))(;B[pi]C[Black could try to keep attacking like this, but];W[ph];B[ni]C[Black's lower right group isn't that strong either.];W[rg];B[rf];W[nh];B[mh];W[mg];B[lg]C[So black can't attack too severely,];W[mi];B[lh];W[mj]C[Because white could counter-attack, like this for example.])))(;W[oq]C[If white plays here, which is what black wants,];B[nq];W[pr];B[mr]C[Black can make a better shape like this. ](;W[qm]C[White really wants to capture this stone, but it doesn't work well. ](;B[pn]C[If black connects here, ];W[os]C[White would be happy with this. But black wouldn't play like this.])(;B[qq]C[Because this move is very good, and];W[qr];B[ns](;W[pn];B[ro]LB[qn:A][sr:B]C[A and B are miai, and white's in trouble. ];W[sr]C[If white plays here, to fight a capturing race,];B[qn]LB[ql:A][sn:B]C[Black will atari here. If white connects at A, black can live with B, so...];W[sm]C[White has to resist with a ko,];B[ql]C[But white doesn't have any ko threats that are big enough.])(;W[qp];B[rp];W[ro]C[If white tries to fight like this, ];B[rn](;W[so];B[sn];W[pn];B[sp];W[qn];B[ro];W[sr]C[It's seki, and];B[ps];W[sl];B[qs];W[rs];B[os];W[sm];B[do]C[Black takes sente to play here. The result is better for black.])(;W[pn]C[This move is interesting.](;B[qn]C[Black would connect here, and];W[so];B[ql]C[There are no ko threats for white.];W[sq];B[rk](;W[qm];B[sl]LB[qj:B][ql:A]C[White can't connect at A because of the ladder starting with B. This result is good for black as well.])(;W[sl]C[White can't extend like this,];B[qj]C[Because, even though one of black's stones is in atari, this is a special kind of ladder and it favors black.];W[pj]C[For example...];B[pi];W[oj];B[nj];W[qm]C[Eventually white would have to capture here, then];B[oi];W[ql];B[sk]C[Black can squeeze and capture all the stones.]))(;B[so]C[Black shouldn't capture this stone. ];W[qn];B[ro];W[sr]C[This is a good move, and black's group will die now.])))))(;W[os]C[If white just takes this stone, ];B[qm]LB[mo:A]C[Black defends against A in sente and come back to connect here. This is ok for black.])))(;W[jp]C[White can't cut black. ];B[jo];W[io];B[hp];W[jq];B[or];W[oq];B[nq]LB[mr:A][pr:B]C[A and B are miai for black now.];W[pr];B[mr];W[os];B[kr]TR[jp][iq][jq]C[White's marked stones are in trouble. ]))(;B[ll]C[If black comes out here,];W[ln];B[mn];W[mm]TR[mn]C[White can cut here and black can't fight properly now. ]))(;W[ln]C[If white tries to cut directly,];B[mn];W[mm];B[kn];W[km];B[lo];W[ll];B[jm];W[ln];B[or];W[oq];B[lm];W[kl];B[jo];W[in];B[io]LB[rp:B][nq:A]C[Black gets out and this is ok for black. Black can utilize the aji in the lower right with A or B later.])(;W[ll]C[This push is what black wants white to play. ];B[km]C[Black's happy to move out smoothly like this.])(;W[mj]TR[lm][lp][np][op]C[This jump seems to be the right move. It's hard to find a good move for black to manage the marked stones after this.];B[oi]C[If black jumps out here, ];W[kl]C[Sealing black in like this is nice. Black can still live on the inside, but white will become strong on the outside. ]))(;W[ko]C[If white plays here, ];B[mr]C[This attachment is sente. ];W[or];B[jp]C[And this is white's weakness.];W[kp]C[If white keeps going, ];B[jq];W[kq];B[kr];W[lq];B[ir];W[lr];B[ls];W[mq];B[cn]TR[lp][np][op]C[This is result isn't good enough for white.])(;W[mo]C[If white peeps here, ];B[mr];W[or];B[jp]TR[np][op]C[Black can play like this. Capturing the marked stones is small.]))(;B[pk];W[pj];B[ok]C[If black plays like this, ];W[ql]LB[pl:B][om:C][pn:A][mo:D]C[There are two weaknesses for black now (A and B). If black defends with C, white can peep at D.]))(;W[om];B[pl]C[Black would be happy if white just pushed from behind like this.]))(;W[oq]C[White shouldn't push here in this case. This is what black wants.];B[np];W[mq];B[nq];W[nr];B[mr];W[lr];B[mp];W[lq];B[or];W[ms];B[qq];W[pr]C[Black's happy with this result because white's stones at the bottom are over-concentrated. Black has sente too.]))k has sente too.]))
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