(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:2]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[1050]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]PW[Weems]PB[tartrate]WR[9d]BR[7d]DT[2004-01-03]PC[The Kiseido Go Server (KGS) at http://kgs.kiseido.com/]C[tartrate [7d?]: thanksWeems [9d]: have a good gameDameZumari [1d]: yessssssss!yodh [2d]: wowdougm [13k?]: oh babysageohissy [?]: why does tartrate take black?]RE[B+Resign];B[pd]BL[1032.55]CR[pd]C[sageohissy [?]: and who is weemslessdrunk [16k]: nice ;)];W[dp]WL[1046.679]CR[dp];B[qp]BL[1026.649]CR[qp]C[Happy [8k?]: yeahHappy [8k?]: this is nice :D];W[np]WL[1042.048]CR[np]C[Gangren [1d]: 2 prosGangren [1d]: im gonna faintHappy [8k?]: :Dlessdrunk [16k]: nice timesageohissy [?]: weems pro?sageohissy [?]: what proSuvi [-]: Gangren, is weems a pro?];B[pn]BL[1005.48]CR[pn];W[dd]WL[1037.924]CR[dd]C[ponta [5d]: noGangren [1d]: i dunnoGangren [1d]: no? never saw his game];B[lq]BL[990.768]CR[lq];W[gq]WL[1035.83]CR[gq]C[Tensaiji [3d]: At least he's as strong as a pro.ZeroKun [-]: weems said amaGangren [1d]: ssince he was 9d i assumed so. plus he has a good quantity of winssnowman [6d]: I thought you fainted, Gangren];B[nn]BL[978.495]CR[nn]C[Suvi [-]: ;)lessdrunk [16k]: hehezsb [6k]: both are shrouded in mystery ;)Gangren [1d]: i will snowman..i willsageohissy [?]: maybe weems can challenge tartrate for once thensageohissy [?]: no one else he ever played even the pros seemed to challenge himponta [5d]: weems is a top of japanese university playersageohissy [?]: i don't want him to lose, but any game where he might lose must be an amazing gameGangren [1d]: o7 strong movedougm [13k?]: The tartrate-redrose game was really interestingTensaiji [3d]: No stone at O7...Gangren [1d]: o6*DameZumari [1d]: closetabitha [18k?]: that was a weird game though tart vs rrGangren [1d]: white tenuki is not right];W[qq]WL[963.57]CR[qq]C[Gangren [1d]: and theres is not easy follow upPaperTiger [11k]: Here we go again :)Igo1 [5k]: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!sageohissy [?]: ahhh r3 is tartrate styleGangren [1d]: white is weems :)tubbs [6k]: weems played r3Gangren [1d]: also r3 is like only movelessdrunk [16k]: hahaZeroKun [-]: lolPaperTiger [11k]: Gangren: Saying "not right" about somebody 8 stones stronger that you *is* kinda silly.sageohissy [?]: it's not the only move at allyodh [2d]: at least gangren is talking about the game...Gangren [1d]: u mean the game before papertiger?PaperTiger [11k]: Well, both games.];B[rq]BL[895.154]CR[rq];W[pp]WL[959.794]CR[pp]C[Gangren [1d]: what did i say about this one?];B[qo]BL[882.458]CR[qo]C[Gangren [1d]: ahGangren [1d]: wellbubulle [2k]: "Gangren [1d]: white tenuki is not right"Gangren [1d]: white didnt tenukiBlueJays [6k?]: thye're both pros?ZeroKun [-]: paper....youre saying that hes wrong too :)Gangren [1d]: so i was rightBlueJays [6k?]: I'm so excited I can't typePaperTiger [11k]: Oh, my mistake then. I'm sorry.Gangren [1d]: aslo];W[rr]WL[937.017]CR[rr];B[qr]BL[880.4]CR[qr];W[pq]WL[936.33]CR[pq];B[sr]BL[879.362]CR[sr]C[Gangren [1d]: when i say that a move is bad or something i say something to back it upsageohissy [?]: i think his answer was funny, "why this move" and he just said he thought it's bettersageohissy [?]: hehe];W[lp]WL[923.93]CR[lp];B[kp]BL[876.447]CR[kp];W[lo]WL[923.039]CR[lo];B[mq]BL[875.029]CR[mq];W[no]WL[922.443]CR[no]C[sageohissy [?]: that means to me like, i can't even explain to you sageohissy [?]: hehe];B[iq]BL[863.91]CR[iq];W[jp]WL[915.502]CR[jp]C[PaperTiger [11k]: Yes, that was funny.PaperTiger [11k]: Though probably frustrating to Gangren.];B[ko]BL[827.256]CR[ko];W[jq]WL[914.45]CR[jq];B[kq]BL[825.71]CR[kq]C[sageohissy [?]: a big problem us amatures have is that we can't read even half as many moves or variations aheadmgoetze [3k]: i don't think gangren deserved any better];W[lm]WL[902.909]CR[lm]C[sageohissy [?]: while tartrate acn probably analaize things at a strong pro level];B[jr]BL[812.321]CR[jr]C[dougm [13k?]: W is getting chased badly, no?];W[qf]WL[871.75]CR[qf];B[qh]BL[808.026]CR[qh]C[Joorin [-]: to not agree is to say "I do not agree.", the question about who is right comes later.];W[nc]WL[860.935]CR[nc]C[sageohissy [?]: too soon to say, white got what he wanted i think];B[pf]BL[803.956]CR[pf];W[pg]WL[859.567]CR[pg];B[qg]BL[802.531]CR[qg];W[pc]WL[858.633]CR[pc]C[domi [4d?]: wasn't it a bit early for W to begin to move in the right bottom ?samantha00 [1d]: b play good at last game with jin6danPaperTiger [11k]: Do ranks go above 9d?sageohissy [?]: that's his style from gamesZeroKun [-]: nosageohissy [?]: he always invades like thatBlueJays [6k?]: yes and nogimpf [17k]: ranks not, ratings yesBlueJays [6k?]: you get titles in Japantubbs [6k]: q16 is to get sente?Pekkaman [13k]: S2 lives if white plays first, right?tubbs [6k]: *q17samantha00 [1d]: Zk is hunter in this room?BlueJays [6k?]: instead of 10 dan you get a title like royaltyPaperTiger [11k]: I mean on the server. Will tartrate go to 10d?PaperTiger [11k]: If he wins?BlueJays [6k?]: oh noCuda [9k]: noZeroKun [-]: nohappy777 [?]: weems is pro?PaperTiger [11k]: Hmm, how odd.Acolyte0 [11k]: 9d is maxbubulle [2k]: he will be shown as 9d, but his graph will go up higherCuda [9k]: he goes to 9klessdrunk [16k]: hahaCuda [9k]: err, 9dStormer [17k]: highest it goes is 9d, although the graphs can go higher cant they?samantha00 [1d]: joker is promgoetze [3k]: weems ia an amateurAcolyte0 [11k]: Actually, higher trhan 9d is 9d?. See joekersamantha00 [1d]: blackfast is prohappy777 [?]: eh? so strong?DU [8k?]: Rank are done with modular arithmetic. If you beat a 9d you get ranked back at 30kPaperTiger [11k]: Excellent.Happy [8k?]: :DDameZumari [1d]: the strongest amateurs overlap the prosZeroKun [-]: hmm the next move isnt hard, wonder what b's thinking ofsamantha00 [1d]: samantha is pro 20k];B[qc]BL[679.768]CR[qc]C[Tensaiji [3d]: It might be hardlessdrunk [16k]: eat];W[pe]WL[856.428]CR[pe];B[of]BL[678.626]CR[of];W[qd]WL[855.635]CR[qd];B[od]BL[677.45]CR[od];W[oe]WL[855.131]CR[oe]C[mgoetze [3k]: not hard to make a 10k move, anywayZeroKun [-]: this is new];B[ne]BL[676.116]CR[ne];W[qe]WL[854.122]CR[qe]C[sageohissy [?]: there aren't so many strong amatures to overlap a strong pro];B[nd]BL[675.132]CR[nd];W[nf]WL[853.401]CR[nf]C[DameZumari [1d]: wow];B[og]BL[674.077]CR[og];W[oc]WL[852.48]CR[oc]C[ZeroKun [-]: fastPimple [-]: eep fastDarkRecon [7k?]: look at the time];B[ld]BL[669.593]CR[ld]C[Stormer [17k]: im scaredDU [8k?]: Man, they both read that all out];W[lc]WL[844.586]CR[lc]C[Voltaire [9k]: lagminimax [4d?]: that is "joseki"calibra [16k?]: naa jsut a big big lag ;)ZeroKun [-]: no lag for usDameZumari [1d]: once the sequence started, it was one-waysai87 [1d]: thats a new josekidomi [4d?]: did someone write a sensei page about pro stuff and so ? it would avoid these so often repeated discussions hereZeroKun [-]: how new?Tensaiji [3d]: I think I saw this once before];B[rf]BL[640.123]CR[rf];W[rc]WL[841.395]CR[rc];B[qb]BL[638.452]CR[qb];W[re]WL[840.228]CR[re]C[BlueJays [6k?]: I think it's normal joseki no?];B[se]BL[636.83]CR[se];W[rd]WL[839.44]CR[rd]C[ZeroKun [-]: first time for meTensaiji [3d]: Not too normal...PaperTiger [11k]: The ratings page should mention that it gets capped at 9d.];B[mc]BL[628.718]CR[mc]C[Acolyte0 [11k]: Domi - it wouldn't. A lot of the people asking the questions don't read sensei's.];W[mb]WL[837.441]CR[mb]C[Tensaiji [3d]: Pretty rare, actuallyPaperTiger [11k]: The help for KGS I mean.];B[md]BL[623.454]CR[md];W[rb]WL[836.283]CR[rb];B[lb]BL[621.455]CR[lb];W[na]WL[835.269]CR[na];B[kc]BL[620.14]CR[kc];W[ph]WL[832.664]CR[ph];B[ng]BL[614.532]CR[ng];W[pi]WL[825.819]CR[pi]C[mgoetze [3k]: uhm... i played this against olli lounela 4d and he told me r17 is an overplay...];B[rj]BL[613.021]CR[rj]C[sageohissy [?]: is it true that tartrate get's paid to play on kgs?ZeroKun [-]: ?!Acolyte0 [11k]: probably notTensaiji [3d]: Isn't Olli a 3-dan?Tensaiji [3d]: Though a finnish one...dougm [13k?]: I've never heard that sageTimsi [1d?]: he used to be 4 danJoorin [-]: sageohissy: yes, and he gets massage too!mgoetze [3k]: oh, uh, yeah :) well 4d on igs...foo [1d?]: Isn't Olli an igs admin? ;-)Timsi [1d?]: yeahTensaiji [3d]: Oh, didn't know thatsageohissy [?]: it was a rumor a long time ago when he played more oftendomi [4d?]: :-) joorinlessdrunk [16k]: nosageohissy [?]: he said something like i play on kgs to combat igs and they pay me, or somethingniivram [2k]: kgs is non commercialZeroKun [-]: that was prolly a joke :PBlueJays [6k?]: looks like black is leading so farAcolyte0 [11k]: quality competition is its own rewardsnowman [6d]: so you are asking us if it's true what you say :)];W[ni]WL[722.74]CR[ni]C[foo [1d?]: No.ZeroKun [-]: but if i heard correctly i know that breakfast gets payed for playing on dashn];B[mk]BL[590.202]CR[mk]C[Acolyte0 [11k]: He does game commentaries for themsageohissy [?]: i know pros get paid on some serversAcolyte0 [11k]: For which I would expect them to compensate himZeroKun [-]: he said he gets his salary there luckyBlueJays [6k?]: hmm...getting paid for doing something you loveDU [8k?]: Hey, too bad he doesn't live in Europe. He could be a continental breakfast. HAHAHAHAHAHDU [8k?]: Asamantha00 [1d]: tartarte pc is scaerdwaaa [-]: zk - probably, cause he offers much weaker player s 9h games systematicallyDarkRecon [7k?]: wow, this game is packedZeroKun [-]: hes in europedougm [13k?]: N9 looks niceDU [8k?]: I thought he was in KoreaHalfling1 [1k?]: does breakfast get paid by KGS for coming here?];W[li]WL[671.62]CR[li]C[ZeroKun [-]: last time i talked to him he was in russiaStormer [17k]: 199 observers... ];B[mh]BL[586.292]CR[mh]C[waaa [-]: nobody would do it otherwise - it's making him weaker afterall - only playing much weaker players];W[mi]WL[669.008]CR[mi]C[mgoetze [3k]: kgs does not pay anyone to come to kgsJoorin [-]: mgoetze: that is what They want you to believe. ;)ZeroKun [-]: lollessdrunk [16k]: hahaDU [8k?]: KGS pays me to stay awaymgoetze [3k]: and breakfast has lost enough even games herewaaa [-]: 202 :)Monkgs [13k]: The Return Of Tartrate :)ZeroKun [-]: yes breaktast isnt as strong as you thinkfingon [4k]: popular event.];B[kk]BL[527.691]CR[kk]C[ZeroKun [-]: but still a strong playerPlutonium [8k]: tar is the bestevidence [-]: Lord of the stone : The return of tartrate ?sageohissy [?]: i can't follow this gamePsYiL [?]: good move];W[kn]WL[656.473]CR[kn]C[Acolyte0 [11k]: Would any strong players be willing to comment on the moves in this game?];B[mn]BL[523.103]CR[mn];W[ln]WL[655.669]CR[ln]C[Monkgs [13k]: hehe :P lol @ evidencewaaa [-]: zk - i know - he even said himself, that he wasn't between the stronger ppl in his group, and yet he became a pro..sageohissy [?]: it looks like black is winning but i can't be suretabitha [18k?]: nice splitting attack thoughZeroKun [-]: yupDameZumari [1d]: black does seem to be pushing white aroundcdude [1d]: b is winningfoo [1d?]: How do you call a spitting attack in japanese?Joorin [-]: "spitting"?! ;)];B[ji]BL[470.458]CR[ji]C[calibra [16k?]: spitting oOSuvi [-]: Nice typo :)foo [1d?]: splitting ;-)];W[lh]WL[642.313]CR[lh]C[cdude [1d]: *ptuisan*Joorin [-]: cdude: ;)DavidH [9k]: lolcdude [1d]: oh, you mean splittingwaaa [-]: :)DameZumari [1d]: mind:s a blank];B[lg]BL[446.227]CR[lg];W[kg]WL[640.482]CR[kg]C[BlueJays [6k?]: cut cutPeterL [7k]: karami, it seems];B[kh]BL[418.55]CR[kh];W[lf]WL[638.749]CR[lf];B[mg]BL[416.86]CR[mg];W[qj]WL[635.403]CR[qj];B[qk]BL[408.036]CR[qk]C[DameZumari [1d]: that would dotabitha [18k?]: s11Tensaiji [3d]: Perhaps K13 in sente, then tengen?foo [1d?]: Right. Should've rtfm'd it: http://senseis.xmp.net/?Karamisageohissy [?]: right situation heresageohissy [?]: tightwaaa [-]: white resignsmgoetze [3k]: don't see weems in trouble like this oftengimpf [17k]: i don't see trouble....Plutonium [8k]: b+ resgimpf [17k]: :)];W[mf]WL[564.65]CR[mf];B[kf]BL[404.836]CR[kf];W[jg]WL[563.536]CR[jg]C[waaa [-]: yup..];B[le]BL[402.812]CR[le];W[jj]WL[560.003]CR[jj]C[lessdrunk [16k]: heheTensaiji [3d]: Yay, I was right :)yodh [2d]: well, tensaiji's idea was worth trying outpaunoX [-]: lol, kibitzers know always so muchyodh [2d]: yeah :)foo [1d?]: Thats what you get for leaving weak groups laying around ;-)];B[in]BL[371.082]CR[in]C[Stormer [17k]: what about w s11?sageohissy [?]: hmmmNinjinka [1k]: "kiblitzers know"];W[jn]WL[547.067]CR[jn]C[sageohissy [?]: good timing];B[im]BL[359.143]CR[im];W[jo]WL[544.418]CR[jo];B[hp]BL[355.197]CR[hp]C[DU [8k?]: j6 == brillsamantha00 [1d]: b is killerDameZumari [1d]: yes, I would have pushed throughdomi [4d?]: tartrate wants to be 9d ?waaa [-]: probably :)gimpf [17k]: tartrate isTensaiji [3d]: Of course he wants to :)Radziol [3k]: no, 12d like beforeRadziol [3k]: :Dcdude [1d]: predict one of two groups must diesageohissy [?]: bleh tartrate is probably a real life 9pDameZumari [1d]: is, doesn:t have to want to beyodh [2d]: not a question of wanting, I thinkwaaa [-]: and than leave for another 6 months..];W[kj]WL[484.463]CR[kj]C[DarkRecon [7k?]: i think kgs need to make a rank especially for tartrateMoekki [2k]: tartrate remind's me of the star in home alone :)tabitha [18k?]: the tartrank?BlueJays [6k?]: so tartrate is stronger than his present 7d? rankingdomi [4d?]: why of course ? some players when they are so strong don't care at all about KGS rankngDU [8k?]: Xmas probably left him a little cash-poor. What better than some exhibition games to get more studentsmgoetze [3k]: yeah, tartrate [tartrate] would be good :)planar [3k]: I think tartrate just want to play. Being 9d? is just a side-effect.DarkRecon [7k?]: rank = tartrateMoekki [2k]: first he made himself popular and then he faded away fom the public eye :P];B[jl]BL[310.195]CR[jl]C[DameZumari [1d]: can:t see how white can excape thisMDGeist [10k?]: the kgs sai oOtabitha [18k?]: p7?Tensaiji [3d]: I don't think he's as strong as Sai...sageohissy [?]: i wonder maybe he's a student? winter break or somethingZeroKun [-]: lolTensaiji [3d]: No-one's as strong as Sai :)Dita [5k]: tart is strongersai87 [1d]: tyty :PDita [5k]: sai is inseilessdrunk [16k]: maybe has other nickDita [5k]: tart = proBlueJays [6k?]: oh come on tensaijiplanar [3k]: tartrate must be a child !DarkRecon [7k?]: or new year's party just over, then he came backplanar [3k]: LOLkellekolla [-]: p8?Qamal [9k]: alright HNG freakssageohissy [?]: tartrate can really party eh? 6 month party :)Qamal [9k]: stop daydreaming at nightPlutonium [8k]: is tar a pro?DarkRecon [7k?]: preparation is key for new years party ;)Happy [8k?]: HNG pwnz y0ur assBlueJays [6k?]: no there is a sai player here Happy [8k?]: :PTensaiji [3d]: It's not night yetBlueJays [6k?]: sai2004ZeroKun [-]: there isLungChing [3k]: 7 dan can be pro. Not sure about 6 danZeroKun [-]: sai is registeredDameZumari [1d]: depends where you aare, TensaijiBlueJays [6k?]: yes Qamal :) PaperTiger [11k]: So 7d = 1p?ZeroKun [-]: noTensaiji [3d]: Well, then you can always say "Stop daydreaming at night."];W[ho]WL[339.335]CR[ho]C[zsb [6k]: noQamal [9k]: papertiger : read some HNG];B[io]BL[304.544]CR[io]C[sageohissy [?]: we need to get him to play another tengen gameMaatissi [?]: huh :)mgoetze [3k]: aaaaargh not the xd = yp conversation againsageohissy [?]: i dreamed about that game for like a weekPaperTiger [11k]: Well, what kgs dan rating would correspond to a 1p?Plutonium [8k]: w lostDarkRecon [7k?]: the redrose one?ZeroKun [-]: 9dsageohissy [?]: yaplanar [3k]: d is a rating. p is a rank. There is a difference. Think about it.PeterL [7k]: papertiger: 1pmgoetze [3k]: 1p is not an indication of strength, therefore blah.PaperTiger [11k]: 1p is meaningless then?DameZumari [1d]: nopeDarkRecon [7k?]: yea that was quite a game, tengen O_Olessdrunk [16k]: heheTensaiji [3d]: Papertiger, you can't compare amateur rankings to professional rankingsDameZumari [1d]: just a different meaningIgo1 [5k]: white sure has tough timePeterL [7k]: 1p makes sense against other p playersdougm [13k?]: Pro ranks are only loosely related to strengthZeroKun [-]: in the handicap system, 1p and above count as 9dPaperTiger [11k]: What's it used for, if not strength?sageohissy [?]: if you're old and 1p, it means you're fairly weak for a procdude [1d]: 1p has a lot of variation, but probably 8d on averageplanar [3k]: 1p = "was strong enough at some point to pass the pro exam"murx [6k]: well .. H5 asked for that cut .. so why so much thinking now -.-sageohissy [?]: unless they're admitted without a testPeterL [7k]: p ranks are used for relative strength between pro playersPaperTiger [11k]: So it's a crappy rating system. Gotcha.roguehalo [11k]: cos it dont workPeterL [7k]: Why, because you don't have a nice maths formula in front of you ?mgoetze [3k]: right, PeterL. and then there was lee changho 3p always winning world championships and stuffNinjinka [1k]: weems searching for the right timing for resign...DameZumari [1d]: 243 obseversJoorin [-]: papertiger: i think this is the time where you go "Doh!" and grab another Duff. ;)planar [3k]: The pro ranks are not a rating system.Woodstock [6k]: don't get mad about ranks...better pay attention at the gameTensaiji [3d]: 243, is that a record?PaperTiger [11k]: PeterL: Because it doesn't correspond to strength.Moekki [2k]: they are more like titleslessdrunk [16k]: 246!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BlueJays [6k?]: white thinking so longDarkRecon [7k?]: 246, i think so];W[on]WL[175.618]CR[on]C[Qamal [9k]: do you guys know that lee chang ho was the prodigy in koreaDameZumari [1d]: lag?foo [1d?]: W is trying to loose on time ;-)];B[om]BL[298.646]CR[om];W[oo]WL[174.778]CR[oo]C[Qamal [9k]: so who cares if hes 3d as long hes th prodigy and he wins a lotsageohissy [?]: i'm sure if you ask tartrate about rank he doesn't even give you a respectful answerQamal [9k]: he is l337waaa [-]: ohh :)ORissei [?]: not as l337 as mePaperTiger [11k]: planar: If the pro ranks don't correspond to strength, what useful purpose to they serve?ORissei [?]: ^_^DarkRecon [7k?]: undefined?];B[nl]BL[275.537]CR[nl]C[Timsi [1d?]: papertiger, they are politics :Pplanar [3k]: PaperTiger, prestige.Qamal [9k]: whos o rissei? never heard of him.. does he play go?PaperTiger [11k]: Ok.lessdrunk [16k]: $PaperTiger [11k]: Thank you :)samantha00 [1d]: deaddougm [13k?]: Pro ranks started in Japan, which is very rank-consciousbubulle [2k]: O Rissei (the real one) is a well known proRadziol [3k]: w has little problemsDarkRecon [7k?]: little?ORissei [?]: im the real thing.....fear my skills];W[pm]WL[150]CR[pm]C[lessdrunk [16k]: hahaplanar [3k]: ORissei, prove it by winning against tartrate.Qamal [9k]: its " ph34r m4 sk1||zRadziol [3k]: yes a little ;Dmgoetze [3k]: qamal, the point is he just stopped playing in the promotion tournaments at some pointsageohissy [?]: we need to get PPV for kgs, and make a fund to get a tartrate vs "our favorite pro" gameORissei [?]: i lost to breakfast, no way i can beat tartrate];B[pl]BL[230.144]CR[pl]C[Daps [7k]: PPV?planar [3k]: pay per viewsageohissy [?]: pay per viewwaaa [-]: ohh, it's zk! :)Daps [7k]: thxTensaiji [3d]: No-one can win tartrate :)ZeroKun [-]: ?];W[ip]WL[150]CR[ip]C[Tensaiji [3d]: ...Except Sai :)];B[hq]BL[227.798]CR[hq]C[ZeroKun [-]: yes im hereBlueJays [6k?]: you really love sai, don't you tensaiji? :)waaa [-]: hm.. thought u were orissei ;))waaa [-]: lolsageohissy [?]: i want to see him play a true strong proZeroKun [-]: ohPlutonium [8k]: i would like to know who tar isQamal [9k]: well sai is an imaginary friend for evey hng fan out there that plays go :PTensaiji [3d]: Well, not reallyZeroKun [-]: no i dont stoop that lowplanar [3k]: zk is the next question after xd = yp ?];W[jm]WL[150]CR[jm]C[starline [6k]: w can live?ZeroKun [-]: id be takemiya XDfoo [1d?]: xd = yp?Happy [8k?]: oh..DameZumari [1d]: can white make eyes?DarkRecon [7k?]: hm, white might liveMaatissi [?]: white lives easilyWoodstock [6k]: N9 now?Jyrki [11k]: is weems just playing out hoping something would happen....?domi [4d?]: well better to die that to live on the knees no ?];B[il]BL[176.65]CR[il]C[Maatissi [?]: heh];W[kr]WL[150]CR[kr]C[lessdrunk [16k]: yes domi];B[ir]BL[169.734]CR[ir];W[nq]WL[150]CR[nq]C[Woodstock [6k]: no jyriki, there is a lot of potentialplanar [3k]: usually, it's "better dies on your feet than..."samantha00 [1d]: wowsamantha00 [1d]: live?];B[ii]BL[150]CR[ii]C[planar [3k]: If you die on your knees...Tensaiji [3d]: 1/3 of the people on KGS now are watching this gameNinjinka [1k]: w live inside...Moekki [2k]: well this is not muco of a success for white. w has nearly no territory and b has great influence];W[ij]WL[150]CR[ij];B[hi]BL[150]CR[hi];W[hj]WL[150]CR[hj];B[gi]BL[150]CR[gi];W[gj]WL[150]CR[gj];B[fi]BL[150]CR[fi]C[planar [3k]: "better live in sente than die in gote"DameZumari [1d]: still impressive to mmake life there];W[go]WL[150]CR[go]C[folk [7d]: even all white group alive, white lost at lastyodh [2d]: this is a great example of how a splitting attack works..];B[gp]BL[150]CR[gp];W[qm]WL[150]CR[qm]C[domi [4d?]: planar dying in gote is a kyu thing ;-)sageohissy [?]: folk why don't you comment morefolk [7d]: because i'm not strong enough^^MDGeist [10k?]: were too impressed to writeeat [8k]: dying in gote lessons.... $5 per hour.... msg eatsageohissy [?]: we non 7ds don't get half of what you get even f you don't get half of itlessdrunk [16k]: haha at folkDameZumari [1d]: not many understand the gametabitha [18k?]: nose?Igo1 [5k]: he doesnt get paid, i thinkDarkRecon [7k?]: i'll have a premium package if theres oneDameZumari [1d]: not nose....samantha00 [1d]: hello folk teacher^^];B[qn]BL[120]CR[qn]C[sai87 [1d]: -.-foo [1d?]: There's also a book "Get strong at gote" ;-)folk [7d]: hi, sam];W[rm]WL[150]CR[rm];B[rn]BL[120]CR[rn]C[pascalc [29k?]: hehe fooDU [8k?]: two empty triangles in two moves--B isn't so greatJoorin [-]: foo: i studied it, now im good at gote! ;)planar [3k]: My favourite is "get strong at nigiri"Ninjinka [1k]: i'll write a book.. get strong at "T" shape];W[fo]WL[150]CR[fo]C[Radziol [3k]: DU: bad shape good move.. :>Joorin [-]: du: playing "bad shape" to live is "good shape". ;)];B[lk]BL[120]CR[lk]C[yodh [2d]: there's also the 38 basic kibitzes, but people here don't seem to have read itZeroKun [-]: loltubbs [6k]: lolplanar [3k]: lol];W[kl]WL[150]CR[kl]C[sageohissy [?]: it is very weird seeing tartrate as blackBlueJays [6k?]: what is a kibitzes?Javaness [7k]: what a gameJoorin [-]: bluejays: you said it. ;)Qamal [9k]: sageo : he havnt got his 9d yet :P];B[fm]BL[120]CR[fm]C[ariel [2d]: only 280 people watching this game.. :)knotwilg [2d?]: Is maru16 the big game now ?DameZumari [1d]: kibitzer is someone who stands beside the game and comments];W[rk]WL[150]CR[rk]C[mgoetze [3k]: maru16 doesn't even have a question mark];B[ri]BL[120]CR[ri]C[mgoetze [3k]: dinner and joeker are ones to beat];W[fj]WL[150]CR[fj]C[nugatory [-]: especially dinner ];B[ei]BL[120]CR[ei]C[knotwilg [2d?]: ok];W[ej]WL[150]CR[ej]C[sageohissy [?]: tartrate said he had to goto bed, he must be so good he can play go in his sleepsageohissy [?]: heheBlueJays [6k?]: what about breakfast? :)Javaness [7k]: so who's winning?namtrance [11k?]: lol];B[dm]BL[120]CR[dm]C[DU [8k?]: Tartrate: It's who's for dinnerplanar [3k]: tartrate will just eat them alivedomi [4d?]: poor weems];W[fp]WL[150]CR[fp]C[BlueJays [6k?]: there's no player named lunch right?DarkRecon [7k?]: o yea, he said he's going to bedmurx [6k]: o.O how can you eat alife groups ^^knotwilg [2d?]: d10 ?mgoetze [3k]: yeah, what about breakfast?sageohissy [?]: breakfast might be able to beat tartrate in 1 of 10 games or so, evenly];B[gr]BL[120]CR[gr]C[DameZumari [1d]: 283...];W[dj]WL[150]CR[dj]C[lessdrunk [16k]: omgDarkRecon [7k?]: could break 300 if this kps up];B[gl]BL[120]CR[gl]C[Plutonium [8k]: breakfast lost to tar 3 timesZeroKun [-]: we need 20 or so people to break 800 people onBlueJays [6k?]: whos doing the attack now?];W[ok]WL[150]CR[ok]C[Igo1 [5k]: 293knotwilg [2d?]: I'll call my friends];B[ol]BL[120]CR[ol]C[tubbs [6k]: news must have spread fastZeroKun [-]: goodlessdrunk [16k]: heheBlueJays [6k?]: call your mum tooZeroKun [-]: wms will be really happyTensaiji [3d]: Nearly 300 observers...DameZumari [1d]: 789 people onlessdrunk [16k]: yeahnamtrance [11k?]: c3 looks so intimidatingMDGeist [10k?]: i wish they had more time ...Ninjinka [1k]: zero.. kick anyone not looking at this game... :)];W[nk]WL[150]CR[nk]C[ZeroKun [-]: lolJoorin [-]: this is the time when the cleaning lady should trip on the connector. ;)gedh [4k]: lolDarkRecon [7k?]: lolDameZumari [1d]: shhhhhhhHappy [8k?]: lol :D];B[ml]BL[120]CR[ml]C[DU [8k?]: B in danger?DarkRecon [7k?]: smth bad will happen to her, SAI will prob haunt hersageohissy [?]: all tartrates dojo logged on to watch their master massacare some n00bs to show them how to ownTensaiji [3d]: "You have been banned from KGS because you didn't watch Weems's and tartrate's game."Happy [8k?]: :Plessdrunk [16k]: hahaaNinjinka [1k]: b don't know the meaning of the word "danger"BlueJays [6k?]: what happened to sai tensaiji? :)Joorin [-]: ninjinka: then he would have died long ago. ;)DU [8k?]: I was wrong anyway--s7 too weakZeroKun [-]: b still has q10Tensaiji [3d]: Eh?-)pascalc [29k?]: puh 350 / 780 in that game :)drzewiec [2k]: what does q10 do?Ninjinka [1k]: joorin.. you call that life?? :Plessdrunk [16k]: :)awelux [8k?]: over 300 Observers now!DarkRecon [7k?]: 304ariel [2d]: cool!DarkRecon [7k?]: lol, lets wait for 400srjh [4k]: q10 - p12sageohissy [?]: didn't he have a nearly 400 game once?];W[qi]WL[90]CR[qi]C[Tensaiji [3d]: The amount sure rises fastZeroKun [-]: saying that the 4 stones are weak, and theres ajigedh [4k]: if i get 3 observers it puts me off ];B[rh]BL[120]CR[rh]C[BlueJays [6k?]: q10 q9?DarkRecon [7k?]: imagine the pressure herelessdrunk [16k]: haahawaaa [-]: 307 is quite a bit ndeed - about 300 more thna in my most interesiting gmae ;)Annoying [16k?]: B+Time probably at the endbadgo [-]: b better win];W[ch]WL[90]CR[ch]C[drzewiec [2k]: why s12?gimpf [17k]: i think, either B or W will lose.. or maybe they want to play jigo?drzewiec [2k]: never mindPeterL [7k]: "Oops, I self-atarid 30 stones in front of 300 people"Moekki [2k]: 800 user's online];B[fe]BL[120]CR[fe]C[ZeroKun [-]: lolStormer [17k]: whats the record?folk [7d]: b + resign, i believe^^MDGeist [10k?]: jigo with 6,5 komi is kinda ... impossible ^^Franco [18k]: would it lag this game if 300 observers ? :Pdavos [4d]: otherwise w s12 b s13 w t12Javaness [7k]: wow that's confident lookingPsYiL [?]: sure b+resignTensaiji [3d]: 314 observers...Wraith [8k]: 320 :)Tensaiji [3d]: 10 more per every 30 seconds...sageohissy [?]: tartrate gets feed laxitve from an enemy fan and W + timesJoorin [-]: if i ever got to play in front of so many i sure would like to do it here. in RL i can hear them smell and feel them make noises. ;)sageohissy [?]: poor tartrateZeroKun [-]: so close!!Tensaiji [3d]: ...or 15 seconds.ZeroKun [-]: 4 more peoplepatrickb [-]: poor?MDGeist [10k?]: they need more time goddammitdainius [11k]: please ONLY high DAN comments - no flood pleaseknotwilg [2d?]: I put a message on SLyodh [2d]: hear them smell?MDGeist [10k?]: like again 30min each ^^badgo [-]: want me to log on several times, derp?Annoying [16k?]: 323 observers WOWRasimate [2d?]: oh tartrate very strongZeroKun [-]: sure!ZeroKun [-]: lolJavaness [7k]: tartrate likes everyone to commentmgoetze [3k]: they have enough time];W[sn]WL[60]CR[sn]C[lessdrunk [16k]: lol ;)foo [1d?]: The se doesn't think it will be jigo ;-)Javaness [7k]: he reads through them allsageohissy [?]: we aren't commenting we are being lame and chattingDU [8k?]: The observer counting is fascinating. They should stop the game and we could just work on getting more and more people in here.snowman [6d]: you mean youDameZumari [1d]: what is white trying?];B[rp]BL[120]CR[rp]C[folk [7d]: the prefect ending is white k9, then reisgnJavaness [7k]: s4sageohissy [?]: we included memurx [6k]: buying timeDaps [7k]: s1 would be so easyZeroKun [-]: hurry sean!BlueJays [6k?]: okay everybody say something in 10 secsCocytus [7k?]: i could log on a few times, too ;)DarkRecon [7k?]: uh...lessdrunk [16k]: hehe];W[ql]WL[60]CR[ql]C[DameZumari [1d]: something in 10 secsJavaness [7k]: hello ashaDarkRecon [7k?]: 10 sec? thats hardplanar [3k]: why can't white cut at K9 ?knotwilg [2d?]: w tries koCocytus [7k?]: hi java];B[pk]BL[120]CR[pk];W[sl]WL[60]CR[sl]C[davos [4d]: preparing nowJoseki [-]: how many are we at?Ninjinka [1k]: b will have hard time trying to live with g8 if w k9...patrickb [-]: folks, It'd be nice if you'd try to limit yourself to game-related talk as opposed to just yammeringDameZumari [1d]: incredible kofoo [1d?]: b+t?Radziol [3k]: he can but what for? :>DU [8k?]: this is never going to workfighter [?]: say too muchPaperTiger [11k]: patrickb: Sounds like censorship.ZeroKun [-]: hmm already hit 801kellekolla [-]: k9 or t13];B[sj]BL[120]CR[sj]C[ZeroKun [-]: what a dayColonel [-]: how many are we at?Colonel [-]: ohColonel [-]: crapmimapl [?]: 333 magic number :)patrickb [-]: PT - I didn't say that I was making you do so; I was requesting it];W[sg]WL[60]CR[sg]C[knotwilg [2d?]: 3 step koZeroKun [-]: 797 give or takesageohissy [?]: it's way beyond me, we need to have kgs pay pros to comment on tartrate games if they don't pay him to play ];B[sh]BL[120]CR[sh]C[PaperTiger [11k]: An admin "requesting it" is heavy handed.];W[sd]WL[60]CR[sd]C[mgoetze [3k]: tough luck.planar [3k]: just shut up (and I'm not an admin)ZeroKun [-]: now nowpatrickb [-]: please be polite, planarknotwilg [2d?]: 2 step sorryPaperTiger [11k]: A nice feature would be "only see comments above n rank".];B[rg]BL[120]CR[rg]C[PaperTiger [11k]: And you avoid these issues.Radziol [3k]: one step :>paunoX [-]: this is exatclt the correct place to start talking about admins and censorshipJavaness [7k]: don't let the tension get to you];W[sf]WL[60]CR[sf]C[DU [8k?]: Just /ignore anyone you think is yammeringPaperTiger [11k]: And let people chat.];B[se]BL[120]CR[se];W[sf]WL[60]CR[sf]C[patrickb [-]: hard ko for w to winNinjinka [1k]: welcome in "ko zone"Paladin [11k?]: hello, zerpPaladin [11k?]: will you be my friend? :)flyheart51 [21k?]: 805 personssageohissy [?]: i feel nervous for tartrate but he must know how to winJoorin [-]: sageohissy: or, he will like so many others, lose.BLikeWater [3d]: OMGsageohissy [?]: tartrate does not loseMrMoto [8k]: k9 now?gedh [4k]: maybe he could do with losing to relieve the burden of expectation each time he playsDarkRecon [7k?]: foul words from JOORINBLikeWater [3d]: wow];B[co]BL[90]CR[co]C[planar [3k]: tartrate, lose ?BLikeWater [3d]: tartrate is back];W[cp]WL[60]CR[cp]C[ZeroKun [-]: heh];B[bo]BL[90]CR[bo]C[Radziol [3k]: tartrate is only human :>BLikeWater [3d]: i almost missed itIgo1 [5k]: lol];W[bp]WL[60]CR[bp]C[lessdrunk [16k]: ^^ariel [2d]: you noticed BLikeWater :))wiggin [8k]: radziol, tartrate is superhuman! :)DameZumari [1d]: well spottedakira [-]: hello, zeprRadziol [3k]: heheZeroKun [-]: 816....BLikeWater [3d]: lolsageohissy [?]: tartrate might only be human, but in go he is at the very least a demi godDarkRecon [7k?]: otherwise known as superman?akira [-]: will you be my friend? :)BLikeWater [3d]: 343 BLikeWater [3d]: is that everyone?Moekki [2k]: I'd play k9 to get rid of one threatZeroKun [-]: server crash close at handwiggin [8k]: hahaknotwilg [2d?]: how about T5 ?ariel [2d]: less than 50% of people on KGS are watching this game....DameZumari [1d]: shhhhhhhhhh!zsb [6k]: zero, that's the hand of god ;)akira [-]: i have five names open :3Maatissi [?]: just look at that t-lineJ45 [5d]: 訳のわからん碁や(´・д・`)];B[eq]BL[60]CR[eq]C[gimpf [17k]: i think wms would kil himself if KGS no crashes:)Thanakone [7k]: nuoooh];W[do]WL[60]CR[do]C[itso [1d]: 345 observersAnnoying [16k?]: I wish that I could understand some of these :'( Im so weaksageohissy [?]: there are 2 7ds palying, with only 13 obs, that is very rare :)DMXdawg [4k]: whoaDMXdawg [4k]: is this tartrateDarkRecon [7k?]: yepDarkRecon [7k?]: in the fleshMaatissi [?]: what if black plays t 5?FFLaguna [7k?]: TARTRATE!ZeroKun [-]: *hits print screen*ariel [2d]: wow, 822 max people now..Stormer [17k]: technically not flesh since its on the internet];B[cm]BL[30]CR[cm]C[FFLaguna [7k?]: I didn't notice earlier that it was Tartrate who was playing!sageohissy [?]: black in sdDarkRecon [7k?]: sry ;_;ZeroKun [-]: poor ffllessdrunk [16k]: :)knotwilg [2d?]: T5 T9 I think];W[er]WL[60]CR[er]C[FFLaguna [7k?]: I know, ZK ;_;MDGeist [10k?]: stupid time =(Plutonium [8k]: w in big dangerPsYiL [?]: the time..tubbs [6k]: againtabitha [18k?]: d2RebelAngel [?]: Is Tartrate someone big in tournament play?DarkRecon [7k?]: jus hope tartrate takes note of his timesageohissy [?]: my heart cannot take this, toooooo much coffeepascalc [29k?]: t9 should be enough shouldnt it?];B[dr]BL[30]CR[dr];W[dq]WL[60]CR[dq]C[PaperTiger [11k]: I hope black doesn't lag.DU [8k?]: tartrate always plays in SDplanar [3k]: Rebel, tartrate never lost an even game on KGS.tabitha [18k?]: yayMDGeist [10k?]: how many did he play?ZeroKun [-]: seems like foreverRebelAngel [?]: Exciting.];B[di]BL[30]CR[di]C[DMXdawg [4k]: tartrate has annihilated breakfast 1p proEnki [-]: there is always the first timeDarkRecon [7k?]: he played a lotEnki [-]: :)x [8k?]: and mymysageohissy [?]: i would hate to see tartrate lose on time i would be so sadFFLaguna [7k?]: DMX - and he started that game on tengen!calibra [16k?]: planar, you have to start sometime ;)pVeli [2d?]: as well as redroseTensaiji [3d]: ...And redrose 1p pro too];W[ci]WL[60]CR[ci]C[x [8k?]: my comp is lagging cause of this ;_;Soulbro [?]: :DDMXdawg [4k]: also mymy rumored to be 6p prolessdrunk [16k]: hahaa];B[bk]BL[30]CR[bk]C[FFLaguna [7k?]: The only games he lost were a couple simultaneous rounds, and that was because he chose too little of time for the humongous number of people he was playing at once.dougm [13k?]: FFLaguna: that was the redrose game cdude [1d]: does c2 work?];W[ck]WL[60]CR[ck]C[FFLaguna [7k?]: dougm - I stand corrected ^.^];B[bj]BL[30]CR[bj]C[BlueJays [6k?]: black making life in sente];W[cj]WL[60]CR[cj]C[MKSukiyaki [4k]: yes i think soFFLaguna [7k?]: DMX - I dunno, on IGS and here he's 6d tops, right?];B[so]BL[30]CR[so]C[Javaness [7k]: isn't making life in sente rude?Soulbro [?]: omgDameZumari [1d]: finalluMKSukiyaki [4k]: i think white can dieDMXdawg [4k]: mymy is 6d?liopic [8k]: time to ko lessonx [8k?]: its fun though, javanamtrance [11k?]: lolDU [8k?]: hot double ko action!x [8k?]: mymy is 6p i thought];W[fc]WL[60]CR[fc]C[sageohissy [?]: i think white is hoping for a time victory hereFFLaguna [7k?]: DMX - Wrong mymy, nevermind. ^^;DMXdawg [4k]: mymy is 6pJavaness [7k]: yes mymy is 6p according to urban legendNinjinka [1k]: c17 still playable...BlueJays [6k?]: you mean mumu?ZeroKun [-]: ffl thinking of mymasterMKSukiyaki [4k]: B c2,WF3 , B E1 what happen?FFLaguna [7k?]: Yes, ZK got it. :)x [8k?]: dup zpre];B[hd]BL[30]CR[hd]C[ZeroKun [-]: hehDarkRecon [7k?]: the time sure scares me];W[se]WL[60]CR[se]C[lessdrunk [16k]: yesJavaness [7k]: score estimator is loving blacksageohissy [?]: god, my screen said "0" i almost diedPaperTiger [11k]: If pro ranks are not a good indicator of strength, why do people constantly use them as such?];B[sm]BL[30]CR[sm]C[FFLaguna [7k?]: Heh, sage.knotwilg [2d?]: I count +30Daps [7k]: a ko battle in 30 secondsBlueJays [6k?]: why t15??x [8k?]: because theyre stupid, paperx [8k?]: why else?Soulbro [?]: -_-mgoetze [3k]: papertiger, i guess you just hang out with the wrong peopleDaps [7k]: w is trying to win by timeLungChing [3k]: pro ranks differ by a relatively small amountDameZumari [1d]: T15 aims at T13Tensaiji [3d]: White's in SD now toodougm [13k?]: both in sd nowpatrickb [-]: w in sudden death now, tooDarkRecon [7k?]: hm, down to the final 30secplanar [3k]: pro ranks are not completely unrelated to strengthMDGeist [10k?]: wowTensaiji [3d]: 4 people said the same thing :)BlueJays [6k?]: i see thank dame!arjuna [?]: w lostkellekolla [-]: L11wiggin [8k]: b+timewiggin [8k]: :)];W[hc]WL[30]CR[hc]C[lessdrunk [16k]: heeheawelux [8k?]: uhm. can someone comment on this double ko ?PsYiL [?]: b+resign i thinkdrzewiec [2k]: ?sageohissy [?]: black wins no matter what imoIgo1 [5k]: killdrzewiec [2k]: what kind of ko threat is that?mgoetze [3k]: what double ko?ZeroKun [-]: take!];B[gd]BL[30]CR[gd];W[sn]WL[30]CR[sn]C[FFLaguna [7k?]: It's not a double ko.knotwilg [2d?]: if W wins ko and connects it is sekiZeroKun [-]: hehMDGeist [10k?]: hmmmmmSplit [-]: b t9ariel [2d]: the ko is very complicated....cdude [1d]: not a double komurx [6k]: well .. aiming to caputr 11er stones ...Split [-]: yehJyrki [11k]: win by time tastes always bad.ariel [2d]: was that a good comment?Split [-]: not..lessdrunk [16k]: yeswiggin [8k]: not sekiwaaa [-]: white can't connectMrMoto [8k]: is P12 a good ko threat for W?awelux [8k?]: I mean if w takes and b plays T9.];B[nr]BL[30]CR[nr]C[wiggin [8k]: untill T13Tensaiji [3d]: The time...awelux [8k?]: ohwaaa [-]: he needs it twice..];W[or]WL[30]CR[or]C[planar [3k]: if white connects, he dies. this is an approach-move komgoetze [3k]: ariel, it would have been a decent comment, but it was wrong :)PaperTiger [11k]: Black is just one lag away from losing.flyheart51 [21k?]: Who win this game please?Tensaiji [3d]: Scary!];B[gc]BL[30]CR[gc]C[sageohissy [?]: *knocks on woodFFLaguna [7k?]: Give the fans what they want! More time!ZeroKun [-]: you think we know?DameZumari [1d]: wait and see, flylessdrunk [16k]: heheTensaiji [3d]: +20 minutes for both players!flyheart51 [21k?]: ok ariel [2d]: good ko for black....MrMoto [8k]: is P12 a good ko threat for W?arjuna [?]: gg];W[sg]WL[30]CR[sg]C[Javaness [7k]: i say make em play faster];B[sm]BL[30]CR[sm]C[Tobamf [8k]: i dun believe it - tartrate playing an opponent he could lose toDarkRecon [7k?]: ?sageohissy [?]: he can't lose unless it's timekellekolla [-]: L11ariel [2d]: difficult for black to lose I thinkTobamf [8k]: given the starting conditionspatrickb [-]: tobamf - when? :)MDGeist [10k?]: and not the threat?!];W[mr]WL[30]CR[mr]C[sageohissy [?]: i'm just worried about him lagingJoorin [-]: tobamf: it *does* happen than one or the other lose in a game of go. ;)];B[lr]BL[30]CR[lr];W[sn]WL[30]CR[sn]C[x [8k?]: they should add eachother timeTensaiji [3d]: EehFFLaguna [7k?]: 381 observers....MDGeist [10k?]: damn m1 again a nice threatNinjinka [1k]: n2 bad threatZeroKun [-]: check the server stats fflTobamf [8k]: no no, tartrate usually plays 7d even even, and surprise surprise, he winsRadziol [3k]: n1?DU [8k?]: tartrate would just use it up again--he likes to play in SD];B[cr]BL[30]CR[cr]C[Radziol [3k]: nah];W[fq]WL[30]CR[fq];B[sm]BL[30]CR[sm]C[Radziol [3k]: blahSplit [-]: 7d isn't god tobamfFFLaguna [7k?]: 825 current users?sageohissy [?]: i don't think anyone likes to play in sdZeroKun [-]: record high!x [8k?]: tarts way better than 7d];W[ns]WL[30]CR[ns]C[Tobamf [8k]: seems my point is falling on deaf earsBlueJays [6k?]: what does sd mean?ZeroKun [-]: take!MDGeist [10k?]: ohx [8k?]: sudden deathwaaa [-]: sudden deathSoulbro [?]: !!!BlueJays [6k?]: thxMDGeist [10k?]: so his group lives];B[fr]BL[30]CR[fr];W[es]WL[30]CR[es]C[x [8k?]: LOLarjuna [?]: but its not suddenZeroKun [-]: hehesageohissy [?]: stop typing reduce the lag.sageohissy [?]: ----ZeroKun [-]: someone take!];B[fs]BL[30]CR[fs];W[ep]WL[30]CR[ep]C[Suvi [-]: :-)];B[rl]BL[30]CR[rl]C[sageohissy [?]: ahhhMDGeist [10k?]: ahhhStormer [17k]: actually since kibitsers text wouldnt go to the client, no danger of lag ariel [2d]: yes!calibra [16k?]: sage, not if u hve enough bandwidth ;)Javaness [7k]: at last !DarkRecon [7k?]: phew, can take a restBLikeWater [3d]: ohBLikeWater [3d]: otx [8k?]: i think tart was being a hotdogIgo1 [5k]: oookyuzo [12k]: yay!BLikeWater [3d]: it's over];W[ao]WL[30]CR[ao]C[ZeroKun [-]: i wonder how big this sgf will bex [8k?]: im keeping it ;)FFLaguna [7k?]: Heh, ZK.waaa [-]: lol :)Tyjet [16k?]: heh];B[an]BL[30]CR[an]C[BLikeWater [3d]: not big cause it get cutx [8k?]: like my kirara mymy sgfDameZumari [1d]: can:t play it through on a PalmJavaness [7k]: it's getting bigger];W[ap]WL[30]CR[ap]C[knotwilg [2d?]: can you see how he refuses to connect at K9 ?waaa [-]: yup :)FFLaguna [7k?]: BLike - No, the client has a screen buffer, but saves the entire comments into the fileariel [2d]: up to 385 observers.....];B[bm]BL[30]CR[bm]C[calibra [16k?]: FFLaguna it doesntJavaness [7k]: where is deft?waaa [-]: it used to be 387 :)x [8k?]: should we build it up to 400? :D];W[ce]WL[30]CR[ce]C[calibra [16k?]: i replayed a game and most was missingZeroKun [-]: yes poor deftJavaness [7k]: we need himto kibbitzpatrickb [-]: he doesn't want to play a dame in gote, I guess, knotcalibra [16k?]: of the commentswaaa [-]: can u? :)Javaness [7k]: anyone know deft's phone number?];B[df]BL[30]CR[df]C[waaa [-]: it hink i can - all it takes is for us to use our other nicks! ;)blindgoer [11k]: why after ba6, w dont go b6?cdude [1d]: didn't expect an endgameMDGeist [10k?]: (why didnt white cut at b6?)ZeroKun [-]: all of the comments are saved, but dont appear when watchingx [8k?]: 867-5309];W[cf]WL[30]CR[cf]C[ZeroKun [-]: lolwaaa [-]: wait... can't be done - 822 max users..x [8k?]: but i cant remember the area code];B[ec]BL[30]CR[ec]C[Javaness [7k]: i'll give him a ring nowpatrickb [-]: x- hehZeroKun [-]: funny if everyone was watching];W[eb]WL[30]CR[eb]C[Joorin [-]: x: +(46) 8FFLaguna [7k?]: Heh, Java.];B[dc]BL[30]CR[dc]C[Igo1 [5k]: b winssssssss];W[ed]WL[30]CR[ed]C[DarkRecon [7k?]: i feel bad for other games, getting neglectedZeroKun [-]: 840 O_Ox [8k?]: tart rox];B[fb]BL[30]CR[fb];W[db]WL[30]CR[db]C[x [8k?]: B)_];B[fd]BL[30]CR[fd];W[cc]WL[30]CR[cc]C[ariel [2d]: juicy game..ZeroKun [-]: poor wms hes missing it allNinjinka [1k]: b about +20knotwilg [2d?]: b11sageohissy [?]: if jesus played go his name would be tartrate];B[dg]BL[30]CR[dg]C[ZeroKun [-]: lolwaaa [-]: lol - the max raised! :)];W[bi]WL[30]CR[bi]C[x [8k?]: ooohh burnTobamf [8k]: no sageohissyMDGeist [10k?]: btw. who is weems?arjuna [?]: tartrate a sandbagger?];B[fc]BL[30]CR[fc]C[waaa [-]: it was just 822 when there were 820 users.. o.OBLikeWater [3d]: i thought max was 1000Tobamf [8k]: Jesus would let a group die for our Go sinscdude [1d]: I have b by 20ishx [8k?]: im jesus];W[aj]WL[30]CR[aj]C[ZeroKun [-]: max onwaaa [-]: wierdFFLaguna [7k?]: The LIMIT is 1000 people, but the maximum EVER was 840.x [8k?]: its one of my accountsJoorin [-]: sageohissy: i thought hed say "I cant reach the goban, please un-nail me.".ZeroKun [-]: not limitDameZumari [1d]: some sandbagger!MDGeist [10k?]: can you sandbag a 9d=planar [3k]: Skillful sacrifice, TobamfMDGeist [10k?]: ?ariel [2d]: 398...];B[bl]BL[30]CR[bl];W[cn]WL[30]CR[cn]C[FFLaguna [7k?]: The LIMIT is 1000 people, but the maximum EVER was 840.];B[bn]BL[30]CR[bn];W[dn]WL[30]CR[dn]C[niivram [2k]: not "ever"waaa [-]: ohh - max means the record!FFLaguna [7k?]: To end the argument/convo];B[jk]BL[30]CR[jk]C[waaa [-]: limit is 2000patrickb [-]: the limit is 2000sageohissy [?]: he already died for our sins once, he doesn't have to do it _again_FFLaguna [7k?]: Yes, waaa. :0RebelAngel [?]: What's a sand bagger?FFLaguna [7k?]: ^.^Soulbro [?]: he connected :oWeems [9d]: thxDMXdawg [4k]: wowgodEcho [-]: wowFFLaguna [7k?]: sangbagger =- someone who plays lower-rated people and always winsPsYiL [?]: endlich..murx [6k]: wowDameZumari [1d]: oh wowtartrate [9d?]: thxIgo1 [5k]: oooTensaiji [3d]: Sugoi yo!ariel [2d]: thanks very much players.....FFLaguna [7k?]: Nice job, Weems!DarkRecon [7k?]: phew, good game guysNinjinka [1k]: thx bothBLikeWater [3d]: oh my mykyuzo [12k]: wow!!lottimus [15k?]: uuDameZumari [1d]: what a gamedougm [13k?]: Great game!ZeroKun [-]: *dies*FFLaguna [7k?]: Good job, Tartrate! ^.^Taalaan [-]: over 400 observerpatrickb [-]: Thanks tol both players for the interesting game!Korni [?]: o_Ocimarrand [6k]: w0w!yodh [2d]: congrats tartrate!! you helped set new attendance records too!kyuzo [12k]: thanks to both!!touka3 [10k]: greatAchHerrje [3d?]: great game, thx bothflyheart51 [21k?]: good gamegogurt [9k]: thanks for a great gamekyuzo [12k]: incredible!!waaa [-]: lol - the max raised a couple of times, during this game..way to go..lolKorni [?]: respectpascalc [29k?]: grat game!!FFLaguna [7k?]: Tartrate *** We broke a new server user record **DarkRecon [7k?]: 401!Maatissi [?]: why was that k 9 so delayed?Ashburnie [5k?]: =^_^=Daps [7k]: nice game.awelux [8k?]: 403 Observers Peak. Impressive Game.pascalc [29k?]: 403 ppl ;)knotwilg [2d?]: K9 neutral pointpatrickb [-]: Maatissi - because it was unnecessary - living directly and connecting were miaiStormer [17k]: no need to connect until the bottom cant live?FFLaguna [7k?]: Right, Stormer.samantha00 [1d]: verry cool gameknotwilg [2d?]: as long as there is a way to live with points, no K9Maatissi [?]: yea, guess I dont see it all :)BLikeWater [3d]: another!ZeroKun [-]: 46kbFFLaguna [7k?]: Tartrate - Any words from you? :)BLikeWater [3d]: ANOTHERmaher [7k]: thx playersnamtrance [11k?]: tartrate as white now ^_~ yodh [2d]: let's hear it for Weems too for putting up a great fightFFLaguna [7k?]: Lol, nam.ZeroKun [-]: thx alotroguehalo [11k]: its called playing on the edgeFFLaguna [7k?]: Check out Tartrate's rank. :)mgoetze [3k]: tartrate, do you think r17 is the best move locally?Tensaiji [3d]: We want more!patrickb [-]: Great game from bothDameZumari [1d]: thank you, WeemsJavaness [7k]: brilliant match !tartrate [9d?]: i never thought there might be somthing in right sideroguehalo [11k]: us kyu players dont like the 'edge' muchroguehalo [11k]: it frightens usDarkRecon [7k?]: yea, cause we tend to forget :)DarkRecon [7k?]: or misreadDameZumari [1d]: setting up that ko on the right was impressiveStormer [17k]: yeah that ko fight with the SD, on the edge of my seat, heheJavaness [7k]: i miss the fridge pictureWoodstock [6k]: me tooTobamf [8k]: lolFFLaguna [7k?]: Me too, Java.whisper [4k]: another ?FFLaguna [7k?]: This was a no handicap game, too. Wow.FFLaguna [7k?]: Another! =^.^=tartrate [9d?]: see you later Weemstartrate [9d?]: it was a really nice gamesageohissy [?]: don't pressure him i don't wanna see him leave for 6 months againWeems [9d]: see you & thankstartrate [9d?]: thanksBlueJays [6k?]: not going to play again?sageohissy [?]: tartrate, please don't leave us again ! :)BlueJays [6k?]: we all gathered here for another gameMDGeist [10k?]: gone with the winds=(MrMoto [8k]: ...FFLaguna [7k?]: He left ;_;mgoetze [3k]: tartrate and weems are polite enough to say more than "thx cu" - that's great :)mgoetze [3k]: all the other top players should take note ;)MrMoto [8k]: and all the non-top players too :)mgoetze [3k]: yeah :)])
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