(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]TM[60]OT[5x20 byo-yomi]PW[Magister]PB[stakeout]BR[9d]DT[2018-03-09]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Magister [-]: GTP Engine for Magister (white): AlphaGo Zero version v43 Built on Mar 01 2018 03:24:27 (2349244421)]RE[B+Resign];B[pd]BL[51.393]C[Epsilion [5k]: omgButcher [3k]: this is funEpsilion [5k]: i have been waiting for this moment my whole life];W[cp]WL[39.872]C[Mecal [4d]: wtflowiq50 [2k]: yay! stakeout is playing!];B[pp]BL[39.082]C[kmr [1d]: whie gained some psychological advantage - black consider option that white is real AGZsprouts [1d]: do you even know stakeout personallylowiq50 [2k]: prepare for the 3-3 invasionsprouts [1d]: or AGGoRoGoRo [8k?]: wow! Great news on KGS!Mecal [4d]: Alpha go ?sprouts [1d]: ?];W[dc]WL[21.699]C[mafutrct [4d?]: i bet 50$ that this is fakeFirst [1k]: calm yo titsMecal [4d]: I think stakout is byflash betweenlowiq50 [2k]: btw ppl this is most likely a fakekmr [1d]: double 3-4 looks very leelishGoRoGoRo [8k?]: famous fox player rocks KGS];B[eq]BL[20.06]C[mafutrct [4d?]: anyone can edit the string the bot submits to kgs];W[dn]WL[7.089]C[lowiq50 [2k]: in fact I suspect it's leela zero];B[ce]BL[15.888];W[fd]WL[20]OW[5];B[di]BL[9.625]C[First [1k]: you fangrills are embarrassing the humanoids];W[qc]WL[20]OW[5]C[kmr [1d]: at least Stakeout was warned its in most probability not real AGMecal [4d]: alpha go doesn't play komoku as White but double hohis...GNSSS [2d?]: Let find out by this gameGNSSS [2d?]: Not sure];B[pc]BL[20]OB[5]C[sprouts [1d]: Mecal but thats former AG version];W[qd]WL[20]OW[5];B[qf]BL[20]OB[5];W[qe]WL[20]OW[5]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Maybe she is an update of AGZ XD];B[pe]BL[20]OB[5]C[Mecal [4d]: usually B doesn't play very seriously, we'll see playing "normal" moves here I guess x)kmr [1d]: anyway, LeelaZero can be very strong on good hardware, one look at how good leelazero is doing on fox is enoughButcher [3k]: GNSS you are the dark master of this bot?GNSSS [2d?]: Like to play komoku again];W[rf]WL[20]OW[5]C[lowiq50 [2k]: GNSS this is not alpha go zero];B[qb]BL[20]OB[5];W[rb]WL[20]OW[5];B[rg]BL[20]OB[5];W[pf]WL[20]OW[5];B[qg]BL[20]OB[5]C[Epsilion [5k]: i think it miht be test of commerical version ag0lowiq50 [2k]: P14First [1k]: epsi is the biggest fangrilllowiq50 [2k]: would be niceGNSSS [2d?]: It is not LZ too];W[pb]WL[20]OW[5]C[First [1k]: in size that isMecal [4d]: for instance not mistakesMecal [4d]: for the moment*];B[ob]BL[20]OB[5]C[Nils [3d]: probably AQ clone ];W[qa]WL[20]OW[5];B[of]BL[20]OB[5]C[kmr [1d]: either AQ or Leela, 99,9999% ];W[qp]WL[20]OW[5]C[lowiq50 [2k]: well we know leela zero doesn't run the ladderlowiq50 [2k]: in even gamesMecal [4d]: wowMecal [4d]: ag played that once];B[qq]BL[20]OB[5]C[YungCarl [6k]: ahh finally a good player to play magister :DGNSSS [2d?]: Leela more weaker than LZ nowlowiq50 [2k]: in handicapped games LZ would run Q14 ];W[qo]WL[20]OW[5]C[lowiq50 [2k]: but very convenient today Magister is declining handicapped games];B[rq]BL[20]OB[5];W[on]WL[20]OW[5];B[op]BL[20]OB[5]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Is Stakeout a pro?];W[qk]WL[20]OW[5]C[Mecal [4d]: for those wondering, B is a top amateur in Korea who has beaten several prosblackhawk [1d]: noEpsilion [5k]: he's top 20 amateur in korea];B[ip]BL[20]OB[5]C[GNSSS [2d?]: I see];W[kq]WL[20]OW[5]C[Mecal [4d]: b plays so fast 1s a move??lowiq50 [2k]: we should have Leela Zero checking];B[qm]BL[20]OB[5]C[lowiq50 [2k]: to see if leela zero agrees w/ white's moveskmr [1d]: i wonder if he is real top 20, or he is top 5 or so, but wnated to be modest, on fox he is one of strongest amateurs, both korean and chineseShinichi56 [-]: I prefer human checking, use it you will see :)];W[pm]WL[20]OW[5];B[ni]BL[20]OB[5]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Use AQ to checkMecal [4d]: I think he's very modest, srsly last time he has beaten a 4p on fgs lol];W[qn]WL[20]OW[5]C[lowiq50 [2k]: like if leela zero agrees w/ white's moves very often, then it probably is leela zero];B[mq]BL[20]OB[5];W[mr]WL[20]OW[5];B[nq]BL[20]OB[5]C[mafutrct [4d?]: looks like an even game so far];W[hq]WL[20]OW[5]C[Mecal [4d]: i don't really like o11];B[iq]BL[20]OB[5]C[mafutrct [4d?]: would you capture it?];W[ir]WL[20]OW[5]C[GNSSS [2d?]: I wish deepmind notify this is real AGZ XDkmr [1d]: O11 is AG styleMecal [4d]: i would play c7 or h17, tenuki anyway];B[hp]BL[20]OB[5]C[Mecal [4d]: c8 sry];W[gr]WL[20]OW[5]C[lowiq50 [2k]: is GNSSS the only person who strongly believes Magister is alphago?lowiq50 [2k]: i wonder if GNSSS is part of the "Magister" teamkmr [1d]: deepmind wouldnt choose such a nem for secret test, its not real AG almost for sure];B[gq]BL[20]OB[5]C[kmr [1d]: name*];W[hr]WL[20]OW[5];B[cq]BL[20]OB[5];W[dp]WL[20]OW[5]C[mafutrct [4d?]: c3 does not look like a happy moveGNSSS [2d?]: What do you think when you can play against your idol and find out she is fake?];B[dq]BL[20]OB[5]C[kmr [1d]: i wonder what black thinks now about position, do he thinks black is leading?Mecal [4d]: d4 surprising move];W[ck]WL[20]OW[5]C[mafutrct [4d?]: d4 is good shape, isnt it?GNSSS [2d?]: :(( too bad if she is not realMecal [4d]: yes but usually b3 hane is commonmafutrct [4d?]: i like white a bit better];B[hc]BL[20]OB[5]C[rats [?]: what does a happy move look like?];W[cd]WL[20]OW[5]C[mafutrct [4d?]: b3 makes less sense given that w has g2, i thinkGNSSS [2d?]: W lead the gamekmr [1d]: Marcin do you think its Leela?];B[ge]BL[20]OB[5]C[mafutrct [4d?]: a move that you want to play, not a move that you have to play];W[de]WL[20]OW[5];B[dk]BL[20]OB[5]C[Epsilion [5k]: byflash beats leela easily];W[dl]WL[20]OW[5];B[cl]BL[20]OB[5];W[bl]WL[20]OW[5]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Complex situation];B[cm]BL[20]OB[5];W[dm]WL[20]OW[5]C[GNSSS [2d?]: We will find out who she is :(( (still hope she is real)];B[df]BL[20]OB[5];W[cf]WL[20]OW[5]C[Butcher [3k]: barbie also is real:-)GNSSS [2d?]: Nice];B[be]BL[20]OB[5]C[GNSSS [2d?]: W is leading :))Butcher [3k]: she cannot dance sadlyGNSSS [2d?]: B has a hard time now];W[dg]WL[20]OW[5]C[kmr [1d]: Byflash lost on fox with Zerohuman, i guess it could be LeelaZero clone, bad sign :/];B[ef]BL[20]OB[5];W[cg]WL[20]OW[5];B[eg]BL[20]OB[5];W[fq]WL[20]OW[5]C[Mecal [4d]: b building a big moyo heheGNSSS [2d?]: Maybe he lost to some pro learn about AGZ?mafutrct [4d?]: i think w leads by komi, the moyo is too thinGNSSS [2d?]: W dont care about moyo :))Mecal [4d]: w is very territorial... as AGZGNSSS [2d?]: Yeah];B[ep]BL[20]OB[4];W[gp]WL[20]OW[5];B[go]BL[20]OB[4]C[kmr [1d]: you need to have very strong faith to believe white is real AG, reallyJIeBuc [5d?]: who is agz?GNSSS [2d?]: 2 games I played, feel like play against a real thing];W[ek]WL[20]OW[5];B[bk]BL[20]OB[4]C[kmr [1d]: AGZ=AlphaGoZeroJIeBuc [5d?]: ohi got itGNSSS [2d?]: Mistake of b?mafutrct [4d?]: no offense but i dont think anyone below high dan can tell the differenceJIeBuc [5d?]: yea];W[cj]WL[20]OW[5];B[dh]BL[20]OB[4]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Really a mistake];W[bf]WL[20]OW[5];B[bj]BL[20]OB[4]C[dukobi [2d?]: real white is AGZ?GNSSS [2d?]: Dk];W[bm]WL[20]OW[5]C[JIeBuc [5d?]: for sure];B[dj]BL[20]OB[4]C[rats [?]: w the real slim shadyGNSSS [2d?]: Let stakeout find out];W[cn]WL[20]OW[5];B[fp]BL[20]OB[4]C[kmr [1d]: please stand upMecal [4d]: Magister is the name Alpha Go took firstly on Tygem];W[lq]WL[20]OW[5]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Too bad];B[nc]BL[20]OB[4]C[GNSSS [2d?]: W make b like ...];W[jh]WL[20]OW[5]C[Shinichi56 [-]: :)GNSSS [2d?]: Agz moveGNSSS [2d?]: YoloMecal [4d]: really plays as AG...GNSSS [2d?]: Break that moyojigen [5k?]: SaiMecal [4d]: hear reddening move lolEpsilion [5k]: god move? hehepet [2k]: lz would also domafutrct [4d?]: i thought k11 is enough, why k12?];B[jj]BL[20]OB[3]C[JIeBuc [5d?]: w plays quite strong i thinkMecal [4d]: B suddenly lost 1 byo after this moveGNSSS [2d?]: W have yose everywhere];W[if]WL[20]OW[5]C[rsun [2d]: that's the shallowest invasion of a moyo I've seen by strong bots lolrats [?]: j14 is confidentGNSSS [2d?]: And b only hope is that moyoButcher [3k]: alphago steps from the mountain with two tables in his hands a claimed:"this are the rules!"];B[hg]BL[20]OB[3]C[JIeBuc [5d?]: tbh i think ag d play more passive with lead];W[id]WL[20]OW[5];B[je]BL[20]OB[3]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Even top pro can't beat Stakeout easily like thisShinichi56 [-]: so if w dies it's not agz right?];W[hf]WL[20]OW[5]C[Epsilion [5k]: w inside the lion's denMecal [4d]: right lolmafutrct [4d?]: i think agz would have made b resign already ;)GNSSS [2d?]: Go go w :))Liedzeit [1d]: if w lives it is not necessarily AGkmr [1d]: if white wins, it still can be Leela, just very powerfull hardwareMecal [4d]: lol mafu, b is not anyone u know ];B[hd]BL[20]OB[2];W[ie]WL[20]OW[5]C[gruvik [3k]: so ag entered as magister to shatter stakeouts pride?mafutrct [4d?]: but presumably b is a human, so ...Fecal: [4d]: hear reddening move egain];B[hi]BL[20]OB[2]C[Epsilion [5k]: b is top amateur korean mafuMecal [4d]: now I see it K12 seems too deep...Epsilion [5k]: aka byflashmafutrct [4d?]: im awareslowdirect [4k]: Heir reddening?GNSSS [2d?]: How can she alive now :3];W[ic]WL[20]OW[5]C[GNSSS [2d?]: WowGNSSS [2d?]: NiceMarcin [8k]: LeelaZeroT is waiting for Magister];B[kc]BL[20]OB[2]C[Liedzeit [1d]: I would certainly dieGNSSS [2d?]: Maybe we a more strong bot];W[gg]WL[20]OW[4]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Like AQmafutrct [4d?]: g15 connection is thinMecal [4d]: how do you live pleaseNils [3d]: I think w can live GNSSS [2d?]: I dont think LeelaZeroT can win this bot];B[gh]BL[20]OB[2];W[ig]WL[20]OW[4];B[hh]BL[20]OB[2]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Too strong];W[kd]WL[20]OW[4];B[ke]BL[20]OB[2]C[Shinichi56 [-]: some aji with h18 g18 g17 ];W[ld]WL[20]OW[4]C[blackhawk [1d]: l15 is a angry move];B[le]BL[20]OB[2]C[Butcher [3k]: you have some religious attidude GNSSSGNSSS [2d?]: Make me remember 3 games between Ke Jie and AlphaGo Master];W[hb]WL[20]OW[4];B[gb]BL[20]OB[2]C[GNSSS [2d?]: AGZ is my idol XD];W[ib]WL[20]OW[4]C[lowiq50 [2k]: GNSSS is working with Magister probablyButcher [3k]: and you his slaveGNSSS [2d?]: NahGNSSS [2d?]: Res?mafutrct [4d?]: i dont think b can killMecal [4d]: b is strugling to kill];B[fc]BL[20]OB[1]C[kmr [1d]: white looks eyeless to me lol :D];W[ed]WL[20]OW[4];B[gd]BL[20]OB[1]C[Mecal [4d]: bots are unfair... no humans would have invaded so deep haha];W[lc]WL[20]OW[4]C[GNSSS [2d?]: What if she is the real thing?GNSSS [2d?]: Alive];B[rm]BL[20]OB[1]C[Epsilion [5k]: b as strong as 2p at leastLilou [-]: let us the doubt, its better when u dk];W[nr]WL[20]OW[4];B[or]BL[20]OB[1]C[lowiq50 [2k]: if she's the real thing, it means AG0 thinks invading 3-3 in a 4 stone handicap game is a good idea];W[ok]WL[20]OW[4]C[Gaspacho: skateout not in shape?];B[nm]BL[20]OB[1]C[GNSSS [2d?]: I dont hear anything that she can play handicap games];W[ql]WL[20]OW[4]C[Magister [-]: GTP Engine for Magister (white): AlphaGo Zero version v43 Built on Mar 01 2018 03:24:27 (2349244421)Butcher [3k]: its a bot , so don´t talk about female plslowiq50 [2k]: still this is the highest level game you will on KGS for a whilelowiq50 [2k]: *seemafutrct [4d?]: by the way, anyone who thinks he can tell the strength of the player by watching the game, have a look at https://kyudan.net/ ;)];B[sp]BL[20]OB[1]C[kmr [1d]: if i remember correctly, real AG in 5 stones games approached 4-4 in 3-4 not 3-3....but it was 5 stones];W[mb]WL[20]OW[4]C[GNSSS [2d?]: She is a using word for something invisible];B[pj]BL[20]OB[1]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Like softwareGNSSS [2d?]: :3];W[oj]WL[20]OW[4];B[oi]BL[20]OB[1]C[Butcher [3k]: keep dreamingGNSSS [2d?]: "It" you can touch it];W[nn]WL[20]OW[4]C[GNSSS [2d?]: It is english grammar if i remember right];B[mm]BL[20]OB[1];W[mn]WL[20]OW[4]C[lowiq50 [2k]: kmr how do you know what alphago plays in handicapped games?];B[pl]BL[20]OB[1]C[Isla [?]: it should be a strong bot but might not be AGZ, 2349244421 isn't a correct timestamp since 1970-01-01];W[pk]WL[20]OW[4];B[ol]BL[20]OB[1]C[kmr [1d]: because i saw it :)lowiq50 [2k]: i thought deepmind didn't release any handicapped games?];W[mj]WL[20]OW[4]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Hash?lowiq50 [2k]: kmr you work for deepmind?GNSSS [2d?]: Wow];B[om]BL[20]OB[1];W[pn]WL[20]OW[4]C[kmr [1d]: Oh, how you knew that?Damn, must go, cyaGNSSS [2d?]: You viewed the handicapped games, kmr?];B[lm]BL[20]OB[1]C[Isla [?]: AlphaGoBot used a timestamp in its version];W[ln]WL[20]OW[4];B[km]BL[20]OB[1];W[lk]WL[20]OW[4]C[Epsilion [5k]: w isn't alphago, it's Godblinky [3k]: wow w is alphagoMecal [4d]: Ag never played handi games...JIeBuc [5d?]: we cant say];B[ki]BL[20]OB[1]C[JIeBuc [5d?]: there are many strong botslowiq50 [2k]: well i'm sure ag played handicapped games];W[lh]WL[20]OW[4]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Ag played beforelowiq50 [2k]: they just weren't released to public];B[lp]BL[20]OB[1]C[Mecal [4d]: yes public];W[kp]WL[20]OW[4]C[GNSSS [2d?]: How can deepmind know master can give 3 stones AlphaGo Lee?Mecal [4d]: srlsy w can save all his groups? Oo];B[kh]BL[20]OB[1]C[GNSSS [2d?]: W just yoseMecal [4d]: yess you're right lol I meant public handi games ];W[kg]WL[20]OW[4];B[lg]BL[20]OB[1]C[kmr [1d]: There was incident in KGS, AJahuang runned AG in 5 stones, but after one move he terminated game - but one move was done, and it was 3-4 contact play to hoshi - thats how i know what AG would play, assuming it was real AG, and not prank by AjahuangFecal: [4d]: if W wins, quite sure B will lose];W[jk]WL[20]OW[4]C[Epsilion [5k]: good observation FecalMecal [4d]: if B plays S15 he could say later:" I killed a group against AG" lolisotropy [2d]: lol];B[li]BL[20]OB[1]C[kmr [1d]: you can still find this game in KGS archievesgruvik [3k]: nah if w wins b also winslowiq50 [2k]: oh okay];W[ij]WL[20]OW[4]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Wow];B[jl]BL[20]OB[1]C[lowiq50 [2k]: would alphago zero really play a 3-3 invssion in a 4 stone handicap game?GNSSS [2d?]: W reverse killlowiq50 [2k]: skeptical];W[kj]WL[20]OW[4]C[Lilou [-]: b on the left getting dead?GNSSS [2d?]: W counter];B[ji]BL[20]OB[1]C[GNSSS [2d?]: :)))GNSSS [2d?]: Too damn strongMecal [4d]: what about B L5];W[ik]WL[20]OW[4]C[JIeBuc [5d?]: if ag database doesnt have many handi gamesJIeBuc [5d?]: then it can be any move];B[hl]BL[20]OB[1]C[JIeBuc [5d?]: doesnt mean the best tho];W[gk]WL[20]OW[4]C[Butcher [3k]: b strongMecal [4d]: ofc];B[ii]BL[20]OB[1]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Top 5 amatuer in koreaGNSSS [2d?]: Nah];W[il]WL[20]OW[4];B[im]BL[20]OB[1]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Super strongmafutrct [4d?]: i thought top 20?kmr [1d]: first time game AG try to give 5 stones might be not so good, however after several millions of games, it will reach "proper" levelrats [?]: l5 i guessEpsilion [5k]: somwhere top 20 gnssssGNSSS [2d?]: IdkMecal [4d]: k5?];W[hm]WL[20]OW[4];B[lj]BL[20]OB[1]C[Mecal [4d]: l5?GNSSS [2d?]: Top 5 or top 20];W[in]WL[20]OW[4];B[jm]BL[20]OB[1]C[First [1k]: takeGNSSS [2d?]: HmFirst [1k]: takePiem [1k]: i think the way ag works 4 hc is a position where ag has no doubt it is losing and therefore does "crazy things". that being said i dare not make a guess what ag would try to reverse from such a deficit.];W[kk]WL[20]OW[4]C[lowiq50 [2k]: well we don't know if deepmind really trained AG0 to play handicapped gamesmafutrct [4d?]: looks like w+r soon];B[ko]BL[20]OB[1]C[Mecal [4d]: my move :pJIeBuc [5d?]: even top10000 should be extremely strong, because there are like 10-15 millions of players in korea?];W[jo]WL[20]OW[4]C[lowiq50 [2k]: so we know leela zero will invade all 4 3-3's in a 4 stone gameMecal [4d]: w can't save everything u_uFirst [1k]: must takelowiq50 [2k]: but leela zero often loses 4 stone gamesrats [?]: neither can black];B[kn]BL[20]OB[1]C[First [1k]: take];W[lo]WL[20]OW[4]C[kmr [1d]: top10000 player in Korea will be weaker than egf 4d for sureGNSSS [2d?]: Res now?Mecal [4d]: hum maybe he can];B[hn]BL[20]OB[1];W[gm]WL[20]OW[4]C[First [1k]: k4Mecal [4d]: it is so frustrating playing against W, he can handle every groups];B[jp]BL[20]OB[1]C[Liedzeit [1d]: ko?];W[mp]WL[20]OW[4];B[mk]BL[20]OB[1]C[GNSSS [2d?]: B catch 2 stones :))Mecal [4d]: except this one lolkmr [1d]: Q9 died];W[gn]WL[20]OW[4]C[Butcher [3k]: hehe];B[ho]BL[20]OB[1];W[fo]WL[20]OW[4]C[First [1k]: now is koach];B[gq]BL[20]OB[1]C[mafutrct [4d?]: n8 works in ko, doesnt it?];W[fi]WL[20]OW[4]C[zumeo [-]: great gameredreoicy [4d]: ko is big];B[gf]BL[20]OB[1]C[GNSSS [2d?]: The way to beat 9d];W[gp]WL[20]OW[4];B[jn]BL[20]OB[1]C[First [1k]: now no longer koredreoicy [4d]: still koredreoicy [4d]: for botto left ];W[eh]WL[20]OW[4]C[Mecal [4d]: Alpha once played on KGS under a guest account "Godmoves" hehe];B[ee]BL[20]OB[1];W[dd]WL[20]OW[4]C[First [1k]: I can ko no more];B[fj]BL[20]OB[1];W[ej]WL[20]OW[4]C[kmr [1d]: imho Godmoves was human];B[af]BL[20]OB[1]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Really?Epsilion [5k]: it was the CIA kmrButcher [3k]: i hope b will not lose by timeredreoicy [4d]: look at the time used in those gamesGNSSS [2d?]: I thought a botredreoicy [4d]: and say again it is human ^.^];W[bd]WL[20]OW[4]C[rats [?]: ermMecal [4d]: lol sorry but no, he played exactly as AG and also using 5s a move...GNSSS [2d?]: Godmove even handi 2 DeepZen that time];B[ch]BL[20]OB[1]C[First [1k]: it was me];W[ae]WL[20]OW[4]C[lowiq50 [2k]: deepzen wasn't amazing back thenredreoicy [4d]: only as strong as 9p];B[ei]BL[20]OB[1]C[First [1k]: b no want lower leftredreoicy [4d]: since it beat blackie 3 times in a rowGNSSS [2d?]: In that time strong as 9p or top proFirst [1k]: it dead for sure];W[bh]WL[20]OW[4];B[kb]BL[20]OB[1]C[kmr [1d]: Godmoves gave Zen 2 handi?Id ont remember thatEpsilion [5k]: omg];W[ma]WL[20]OW[4]C[Mecal [4d]: I can swear Godmoves was AlphaGo, he played exactly the sequence of AG and alos it was just before he started to play the 60 games on TygemButcher [3k]: final blow];B[jd]BL[20]OB[1];W[jc]WL[20]OW[4]C[redreoicy [4d]: it's wasn't 2 handi, it was first 2 moves in the center shimari];B[lb]BL[20]OB[1];W[mc]WL[20]OW[4]C[Mecal [4d]: the 2 moves on the center were Aja playing it];B[nb]BL[20]OB[1];W[nd]WL[20]OW[4];B[na]BL[20]OB[1]C[rats [?]: this is interestingredreoicy [4d]: ?lowiq50 [2k]: so if w loses, will Magister disappear?redreoicy [4d]: gave ko];W[ka]WL[20]OW[4]C[isotropy [2d]: ko];B[ha]BL[20]OB[1]C[rats [?]: dead shaperedreoicy [4d]: black gave a ko];W[oc]WL[20]OW[4]C[redreoicy [4d]: i don't know why];B[od]BL[20]OB[1]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Ko?Epsilion [5k]: b about to get spanked];W[oa]WL[20]OW[4];B[pa]BL[20]OB[1]C[kmr [1d]: top is damn huge];W[jb]WL[20]OW[4];B[qb]BL[20]OB[1]C[rats [?]: but this ko is good for blackkmr [1d]: OVER];W[lf]WL[20]OW[4];B[ra]BL[20]OB[1]C[kmr [1d]: hands up fake AGlowiq50 [2k]: lolIsla [?]: welllowiq50 [2k]: what will Magister do?];W[mg]WL[20]OW[4]C[GNSSS [2d?]: SigjShinichi56 [-]: it's okay for w bro];B[mi]BL[20]OB[1]C[GNSSS [2d?]: SighLiedzeit [1d]: Maybe AG had a bad dayisotropy [2d]: corner wasnt so bogisotropy [2d]: i*];W[fh]WL[20]OW[4]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Not the real one?];B[fg]BL[20]OB[1]C[lowiq50 [2k]: lol lowiq50 [2k]: the real one wont' lose even games ];W[gq]WL[20]OW[4];B[gi]BL[20]OB[1]C[Bouillon [2d]: the real ones wins by 0.5 to 5.5 ptsBouillon [2d]: let see what will be the final score];W[os]WL[20]OW[4];B[ps]BL[20]OB[1]C[First [1k]: I am already done countingisotropy [2d]: ?Liedzeit [1d]: there will be no countingGNSSS [2d?]: Intense move now];W[jq]WL[20]OW[4];B[io]BL[20]OB[1]C[lowiq50 [2k]: how could w win?isotropy [2d]: why p1?mafutrct [4d?]: i have b winning by 3];W[np]WL[20]OW[4];B[oq]BL[20]OB[1]C[redreoicy [4d]: it's a white winFirst [1k]: come on peopleFirst [1k]: no need for race wars];W[fs]WL[20]OW[4];B[er]BL[20]OB[1]C[Bouillon [2d]: lower left is dead, it compensates top right , so I guess w has a slight leadEntity [2d]: f1 is creative];W[br]WL[20]OW[4]C[Butcher [3k]: f6];B[bq]BL[20]OB[1]C[zumeo [-]: f1 is destructivelowiq50 [2k]: okay nvmlowiq50 [2k]: w will still win];W[ap]WL[20]OW[4]C[lowiq50 [2k]: i shouldn't even try to evaluate the gameMecal [4d]: :o];B[ar]BL[20]OB[1]C[Mecal [4d]: never seen a bot played one line move as this];W[cr]WL[20]OW[4]C[Epsilion [5k]: yes ur iq only 50kmr [1d]: how black could lose lower left, i feel bad];B[bs]BL[20]OB[1]C[isotropy [2d]: a3redreoicy [4d]: he made a ko];W[aq]WL[20]OW[4]C[Nils [3d]: lower left was like this for more than 50 movesGNSSS [2d?]: Or ];B[bp]BL[20]OB[1]C[redreoicy [4d]: well g3 was only connected recentlyredreoicy [4d]: then black took d11Shinichi56 [-]: e2 was killing for sure hmmm];W[as]WL[20]OW[4]C[redreoicy [4d]: instead of defendkmr [1d]: nope Nils, at 209 moves it was till a ko at G4redreoicy [4d]: d2 d2 and then ];B[ao]BL[20]OB[1]C[isotropy [2d]: why p1?redreoicy [4d]: e2 d2 and then*];W[cs]WL[20]OW[4]C[Shinichi56 [-]: b2];B[ds]BL[20]OB[1];W[eo]WL[20]OW[4]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Strange killisotropy [2d]: w should take d11 isnt he?theolddan [1d]: still ko];B[ar]BL[20]OB[1];W[aq]WL[20]OW[4]C[Marcin [8k]: white secured 5 stones placelowiq50 [2k]: this game has a "sai vs toya koyo" feel to it];B[an]BL[20]OB[1]C[theolddan [1d]: b takes firstShinichi56 [-]: okay it was to save j9, but b could have took those.. can't get it];W[rh]WL[20]OW[4]C[redreoicy [4d]: looks dead indeed like thatGNSSS [2d?]: Resrats [?]: tesujiButcher [3k]: poor bot];B[qh]BL[20]OB[1]C[kmr [1d]: who should resign GNSSS?Entity [2d]: so it's a leela zeroGNSSS [2d?]: Wblackhawk [1d]: nice b!Bouillon [2d]: I guess it is not the real alphago];W[qi]WL[20]OW[4]C[Marcin [8k]: white had bottom leftkmr [1d]: ah ok :DJIeBuc [5d?]: it was obv];B[pi]BL[20]OB[1]C[JIeBuc [5d?]: ag doesnt play games, specially on kgsgruvik [3k]: yea hard slaping the filthy cheeks of tha filthy bot XD];W[rj]WL[20]OW[4]C[Isla [?]: should have known it is a fake since it uses an incorrect timestamp in its version :-)YesMan [7k]: ag play in kgs?GNSSS [2d?]: Sighlowiq50 [2k]: most likely a fake];B[rl]BL[20]OB[1]C[lowiq50 [2k]: def a fake it losesMecal [4d]: so it's lz theolddan [1d]: ag account hacked?Butcher [3k]: or another bot];W[rn]WL[20]OW[4];B[sn]BL[20]OB[1]C[profan [4k]: only 2 options? leelaaz or ag?lowiq50 [2k]: probably leela zero on a good computerJIeBuc [5d?]: but still pretty strong];W[sg]WL[20]OW[4];B[sd]BL[20]OB[1]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Ohtheolddan [1d]: or something completly new];W[so]WL[20]OW[4];B[ro]BL[20]OB[1]C[theolddan [1d]: maybe based on genetic algorithms...];W[sm]WL[20]OW[4];B[sl]BL[20]OB[1]C[Butcher [3k]: can also be a zen version or crazy stonerats [?]: b killed clean is very impressiveprofan [4k]: gemetic of wich species?GNSSS [2d?]: Maybe minigo?];W[sk]WL[20]OW[4]C[YesMan [7k]: that explain why everyone train with ai nowadays];B[so]BL[20]OB[1]C[GNSSS [2d?]: Some what project same like LZ?];W[nk]WL[20]OW[4];B[ml]BL[20]OB[1]C[zumeo [-]: overJIeBuc [5d?]: we can see its probably botlowiq50 [2k]: will Magister play more games on KGS?];W[rp]WL[20]OW[4];B[sq]BL[20]OB[1]C[lowiq50 [2k]: or will it hide in shameButcher [3k]: heheprofan [4k]: if read ladders is not leelaz? ^^];W[rd]WL[20]OW[4]C[rats [?]: b can even n15 later];B[sb]BL[20]OB[1]C[lowiq50 [2k]: leela zero reads ladders in even gamesGNSSS [2d?]: Depend on her owner];W[pg]WL[20]OW[4];B[ph]BL[20]OB[1]C[gruvik [3k]: bruuuuutal stakeout];W[rc]WL[20]OW[4]C[Mecal [4d]: no one can deal with the number one player of KGS];B[sc]BL[20]OB[1]C[redreoicy [4d]: w is losing on the trheats for the imopssible ko];W[rk]WL[20]OW[4]C[Butcher [3k]: stakeout plays great];B[sm]BL[20]OB[1]C[JIeBuc [5d?]: he was losing at start for surelowiq50 [2k]: Magister exposed big time];W[qr]WL[20]OW[4];B[rr]BL[20]OB[1]C[Butcher [3k]: nice to watch him];W[ns]WL[20]OW[4];B[lr]BL[20]OB[1]C[Lilou [-]: ^^rats [?]: wheeGNSSS [2d?]: Should have known that she is not the real one :((kmr [1d]: ouchEpsilion [5k]: wowstakeout [9d]: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lowiq50 [2k]: exposed!Mecal [4d]: lolButcher [3k]: great gameAllysters [2k]: wowredreoicy [4d]: congrats, new strongest playerIsla [?]: gggruvik [3k]: magnificentPiem [1k]: thank you stakeout!TG2010 [?]: GOOD GAME!kmr [1d]: excellent!JIeBuc [5d?]: ggzumeo [-]: best game for the weekgruvik [3k]: thrilling since the begginigEpsilion [5k]: thanks stakeout for saving humanityprofan [4k]: she... ag is a she?Vanlash [5k]: VERY GOODButcher [3k]: pls more on kgsstakeout [9d]: It feels like flyingWelvang [7d]: at least we know that's not alphago ^^ Mecal [4d]: lolstakeout [9d]: yesGNSSS [2d?]: YeahBouillon [2d]: Maybe a not fully trained version?stakeout [9d]: not alphagoButcher [3k]: you land wellTG2010 [?]: OH I NEVER SEE 9D PLAYING BEFORE! GREAT!JIeBuc [5d?]: but quite stronggruvik [3k]: hope stakeout´s son beats alpha go in futurepassstab [?]: That was fun while it lasted.lowiq50 [2k]: i think leela zero on a strong computerTG2010 [?]: NO NO NOYesMan [7k]: another human victory hahaIsla [?]: but its still fascinatingkmr [1d]: MArcin set game LeelaZeroT vs MagisterYesMan [7k]: hope for mankindstakeout [9d]: it is not alphagoIsla [?]: even if it is not alphagoGNSSS [2d?]: AGz is not that weak :((TG2010 [?]: KE JIE AND LEE SEDOL EVEN CAN'T BEAT ALPHAGOMecal [4d]: stakeout why did you create another account?gruvik [3k]: but you played on the edger so greatstakeout [9d]: I wanted to start with a new feeling.lowiq50 [2k]: i think Magister will stop playingkmr [1d]: when black set big moyo my heart rate incresed to 200 beatsrats [?]: think againrats [?]: he is playing right nowMecal [4d]: lol you're number one ranked now so good jobGNSSS [2d?]: Butzumeo [-]: another game, plsTG2010 [?]: OH CAN YOU BEAT DEEP ZEN GO?GNSSS [2d?]: 9d really plays differently from 8dTG2010 [?]: 9PTG2010 [?]: BOTrsun [2d]: strong like king kongYesMan [7k]: i didnt like bot winning hu.. sad truth])
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