(;FF[4]CA[UTF-8]GM[1]DT[2020-12-05]PC[OGS: https://online-go.com/game/28887085]GN[Дружеский матч]PB[burdakovadina]PW[gojigs]BR[?]WR[?]TM[3600]OT[30 fischer]RE[B+R]SZ[19]KM[6.5]RU[Japanese]C[gojigs: have a nice gamegojigs: onegaishimasu!burdakovadina: have a good game];B[pd]C[gojigs: have a nice gamegojigs: onegaishimasu!burdakovadina: have a good game](;W[dq](;B[cd](;W[ec](;B[de](;W[qp](;B[co](;W[cl](;B[ep](;W[dp](;B[do](;W[eo]C[S_Alexander: boom let's watchLyre: Where is the Koba announcement?torusle: Ohai, showtime!](;B[fp](;W[fo](;B[gp](;W[go]C[NeonLights: I don't know this joseki](;B[hp]C[b3n: Are you sure it is joseki](;W[dn]C[S_Alexander: redmond was showing something like it](;B[cn]C[NeonLights: If it isn't a joseki, why are we watching this game](;W[cm]C[Lyre: http://josekipedia.com/#path:qdoclcpepdodoepfofpgogphndncmc](;B[bq](;W[br]C[Dosai: https://eurogofed.org/women/2020.htmlLyre: Analysis and conditional moves enabled in this game](;B[en](;W[dm](;B[ho](;W[fm](;B[hn]C[Rocco: lel](;W[gm]C[Rocco: Cheating enabled.](;B[cr]C[dlpigozzi: tenukiOhnonononono: good game!ben0: I dont even know about those analysis and stuffawaytoplay: correspondence feature](;W[bp]C[ben0: they also probably dont](;B[ar]C[awaytoplay: this atari?Tlina: a2 looks weird to me](;W[bn]C[Tlina: gote life with 3 pointsawaytoplay: this was whites corner thoughawaytoplay: black has a lot of cash and is not behind in influence](;B[oq](;W[pn]C[NeonLights: I love how we have tournament games on a server which gives you an analysis window in the game.froglife: ribbitShinkenjoe: you can disable it](;B[hc]C[NeonLights: nobody cares though, in a chess tournament they'd probably be both banned or something :)torusle: what a mess of a corner down there](;W[qf]C[dlpigozzi: only members can use the analysisdlpigozzi: no troubleawaytoplay: is linking up the groups small?NeonLights: there are so many big moves for each side to play here, i have no idea which to choose](;B[pf]C[NeonLights: F16 is really big for black now, but M3/4 also seems urgent](;W[pg](;B[of](;W[qd]C[froglife: Why is this being advertisedfroglife: is she famouskeg4: It's a tournament game NeonLights: well it is the third round of the group stage of the european women's online go championshipfroglife: oh so they are the best europen girlsfroglife: thats neatNeonLights: well they are just babies actuallyNeonLights: gojigs still has a tetine](;B[qe](;W[re](;B[pe]C[Tlina: some of the best, but yes, they're strong, especially Manja](;W[rg]C[froglife: thats preety coolNeonLights: I think perhaps that Dina has a higher ratingfroglife: alright im out peace](;B[og]C[Rocco: especially manja? dina is 5d ](;W[qc](;B[ph]C[NeonLights: but Manja has a Go school, can you guess what it is called](;W[qg]C[keg4: Manjago?](;B[pc]C[Lyre: Mango?](;W[pj](;B[ie]C[Shinkenjoe: j15 was a hard choiceNeonLights: I was expecting F16 with white being so strong outsideShinkenjoe: isnt there aji in the corner anywaysRocco: there's always aji in the cornerShinkenjoe: and it never rains in southern californiaFree Tibet: B strongShinkenjoe: what.s the aji. i guess koFree Tibet: C18 and E15 I guessWaterDancer: C17 rather, koNeonLights: well white can just live directly there already](;W[lp]C[NeonLights: I prefer white in this game so far. Tlina: I didn't know Dina before :) while I've been destroyed by Manja in a gameTlina: so I guess I want her to be the strongest :Dawaytoplay: [object Object]WaterDancer: @away I was about to post these
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