(;CA[UTF-8]GM[1]FF[4]VW[]AP[Many Faces of Go:11.0]SZ[19]HA[0]ST[0]PB[Ryu Shikun]PW[Takemiya Masaki]DT[2006-12-21]KM[6.5]RE[W+5.5]EV[55th Japanese Oza primary tournament]BR[9p]WR[9p];B[pd]C[This is the game from the 55th Japanese Oza primary tournament. Black is Ryu Shikun, 9-dan. White is Takemiya Masaki, 9-dan];W[dd];B[pp];W[dp];B[fq];W[cn]C[The move is typical for Lee Changho, but it's strange to see Takemiya, using it];B[dr];W[nc];B[kd];W[qc]C[Another territorial-oriented move, which is not typical for Takemiya Masaki, 9-dan];B[pc];W[qd];B[pe];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb];B[oc];W[qf];B[cq];W[ck]C[An urgent move, preventing the pincer];B[fc];W[df](;B[nq]C[Black may extend actively at X -]MA[qh];W[qg]C[A very solid move, preventing the attack at X]MA[qh](;B[nd]C[Black is playing solidly too, but this move is quite slow -];W[ge]C[Now we may see, who is playing as White](;B[cc]C[The best answer -];W[dc];B[db](;W[cd]C[The right direction -];B[bb];W[bc];B[cb];W[gc](;B[ec]C[A solid answer -];W[jd]C[A good move, making Black overconcentrated on the right and defending the cutting point at X]MA[fe];B[kc]C[How about extending at X?]MA[ke];W[ke];B[jc]C[The vital point, but it looks passive];W[gk]C[A very good move, preventing the moyo-reducing plan at X]MA[dj];B[ip]C[In my opinion, the opening is favorable for White];W[qn];B[rp];W[on](;B[mn]C[The right answer -];W[nl];B[ll];W[je]C[A very solid move. White's position is extra-thick!];B[ik]C[This move is too soft. I would prefer to play the probe at X first]MA[dk];W[gm]C[White is happy to defend];B[ii];W[gi]C[White's territory on the left is huge. He has a clear lead!];B[hl];W[gl];B[ql]C[The invasion is standard, but it's probably better to play at X, putting more pressure on White's group]MA[pk];W[nn];B[mo];W[qo];B[qp](;W[pk]C[A careful answer -];B[rm];W[op];B[oq];W[qj]C[It's enough!];B[rn]C[Black's group is alive, but it's gote and he did not made any territory here];W[gp];B[gq];W[in];B[pl];W[ol];B[jo];W[jn];B[lj];W[nj];B[hh];W[gh];B[bo];W[jl];B[jk];W[kl];B[lh];W[lm];B[jg];W[hg];B[ig];W[hi];B[le];W[bd]C[A big move!];B[gb];W[gd];B[hb];W[ih];B[lf];W[bn]C[The largest place on the board];B[co];W[do];B[fp];W[hp];B[hq];W[fo];B[rk]C[Too passive. It's better to attach at X]MA[rj];W[ic];B[ib];W[ji];B[kk];W[rj](;B[eo]C[Black missed a very important probe -];W[ep];B[go];W[en];B[ho];W[cp];B[bp];W[ko];B[kp];W[oa];B[na];W[pa];B[nb];W[sk]C[Now the weakness at X has no meaning at all. If we count the balance, we may see that White is leading about 5 points.]MA[qe];B[nh];W[og];B[oh];W[ng];B[mh];W[ph];B[mm];W[ml];B[lk];W[gn];B[oj];W[oi];B[ni];W[pi];B[qe];W[re];B[hf];W[gf];B[if];W[ie];B[ro];W[np];B[mp];W[mj];B[sl];W[sj];B[il];W[hn];B[kn];W[km];B[ln];W[jm];B[mk];W[nk];B[ij];W[jh];B[kg];W[bq];B[br];W[ao];B[aq];W[ab];B[fd];W[fe];B[ed];W[ee];B[pf];W[pg];B[of];W[nf];B[ne];W[qk];B[rl];W[io];B[jp];W[eq];B[er];W[ki];B[li];W[mf];B[me];W[ba];B[hj];W[gj];B[eb];W[ac];B[ca];W[aa])(;B[qe];W[re];B[rd]C[I would prefer to cut here and ask]))(;W[rm];B[pj]C[It would be dangerous for White to fight like this]))(;B[bo];W[mp];B[np];W[mn]C[White would reduce the lower side a lot]))(;B[gb];W[fb];B[eb];W[fd];B[fa]C[This was White's plan]))(;W[eb];B[bb];W[da];B[cb];W[ec];B[bf]C[It's a joseki too, but now the position of the marked stone would be strange]TR[ge]))(;B[hd];W[he];B[id]C[It would be passive for Black to defend like this]))(;B[db];W[cc];B[hd]C[Is it better to defend like this?]))(;B[qh](;W[qg];B[ph]C[His construction would be ideal])(;W[pf];B[of];W[og];B[nf];W[ph];B[pi]C[This is another possibility])))
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Takemiya Masaki    Ryu Shikun
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