(;CA[UTF-8]SZ[19]EV[China 5th Ahan Tongshan Cup final]DT[2003-11-30]PC[Beijing, China]PB[Gu Li]BR[7p]PW[Kong Jie]WR[7p]KM[7.5]RE[B+R]C[Commentary:Ma Xiaochun,Source:China Sports Weekly,Translation:GoGameWorld.];B[qd]C[Unconsciously here comes the final of 5th Ahan Tongshan Cup, both players are top-rated young players and also a pair old opponents, a fierce fight can't be avoided.];W[dc];B[pq];W[dp];B[de];W[ce];B[dd];W[cd];B[ec];W[cf];B[db];W[cc];B[jc]C[B11 and B13 seem to be Gu Li's new conception on opening.];W[gc]LB[qk:a]C[W14: White directly initiates a fight, showing young player's strong fighting will, to play the splitting move 'a' is steady.];B[fe];W[id]LB[jd:a][ge:b][gd:c][eb:d]C[The sequence following W16 is questionable, White helps Black take the opportunity to press at 'a'. It seems White should play at 'b', this way Black will probably wedge at 'c', preventing White from cutting at 'd'.];B[jd];W[ie];B[je];W[ig];B[jf];W[if];B[ic]C[In the game, Black has played four consecutive moves from B17 to B21, then turns at 23 to guard against the cut in sente, however White's shape is restricted, Black is already one step ahead.];W[ge];B[fd];W[fb];B[eb];W[gd];B[dg]LB[df:a][fg:b]C[B29: Black overly seeks the tempo of playing, being pushed and cut by White at 'a', Black's loss in territory is very big. Black should escape at 'b' instead.];W[df];B[ef];W[eg];B[fg];W[eh];B[fh];W[ei];B[fi];W[ej];B[fj];W[fk];B[ek]C[After the hane of W40, Black cuts with B41 and the game enters in to a fierce fight, it seems Black is favorable in the fight.];W[el];B[dk];W[ci];B[cj];W[bi];B[jh];W[hi];B[hj];W[ii];B[gk];W[fl];B[gl];W[jg];B[fm]C[When White pushes with W54, Black turns to fight somewhere else and has no assurance of success if directly blocking, but sooner or later Black has to handle here.];W[dl];B[cl]C[The sequence from B57 to W80 seems inevitable for both sides.];W[dm];B[dn];W[cm];B[cn];W[bm];B[bn];W[en];B[em];W[bl];B[eo];W[fn];B[gm];W[fo];B[bk];W[ck];B[fp];W[go];B[cl];W[dj];B[cp];W[ep];B[cq];W[fq];B[ho];W[hp];B[ip];W[iq]LB[lg:a]C[With the hane of W84, White tangles too much and lacks a view to the overall situation! Jumping out to 'a' is indeed very important!];B[hq];W[gp];B[jq];W[io];B[ir];W[hn];B[im];W[kp];B[kg];W[kh];B[ji];W[ij];B[ik];W[jj]LB[jk:a][il:b][hb:c]C[W98: White must play the hane at 'a', next Black cuts with W98, after the wedge and atari of W 'b', White can live by the diagonal's extension at 'c'.];B[ki];W[lh];B[li];W[jl];B[jk]LB[il:a][mi:b][lk:c]C[But in the game the push of B103 is a mistake! Black should simply connect at 'a', when White plays the hane at 'b', then Black can jump out at 'c'.];W[kk];B[il];W[mi];B[mh];W[lg];B[kf];W[mg];B[lj];W[nh]C[After White takes one stone with W112, the situation seems to have been turned around.];B[mj];W[kj];B[nj];W[nd];B[me];W[ne]LB[of:a]C[W118: White should make the knight's move at 'a'.];B[hb];W[ll];B[og];W[oh]LB[of:a]C[W122, For White to make the diagonal's hit at 'a' is the right shape.];B[nf];W[ph];B[pf];W[pj];B[nl];W[pm];B[nn];W[ok];B[ml];W[ln];B[oo]LB[jo:a]C[After B133, Black is left with a severe counterattack maneuver by the hane move at 'a', White is difficult.];W[qc]C[With the sequence following W134, White must live the corner.];B[pc];W[pd];B[od];W[oc];B[pe];W[pb];B[pd];W[rb];B[nc];W[ob];B[jo];W[jm];B[jn];W[kn];B[jp];W[mm];B[mn];W[lq];B[do]C[But with the sequence from B145 to B153, White's big group gets killed, White is already losing.];W[mc];B[md];W[nb];B[mf];W[qo];B[qp];W[po];B[gf];W[hf];B[nq]LB[mp:a]C[But next Black's several moves are not simple and clear: first with B163, Black should jump and peep at 'a'.];W[kr];B[mr]C[Second, B165 is also questionable.];W[mq];B[nr];W[in];B[jr];W[gg];B[ff];W[gr]C[When W172, the game already has been turned around.];B[er];W[kq]LB[dr:a][gn:b]C[However, in this crucial juncture, W174 is a very regrettable losing move! White only needs to attach at 'a', Black pushes and W 'b', both of White's two groups will live, White wins the game for sure.];B[hr]C[After B175, White already has lost the chance of winning.];W[dr];B[dq];W[eq];B[ko];W[lo];B[mp];W[np];B[mo];W[lp];B[ks];W[ls];B[js];W[lk]LB[op:a][nm:b]C[W188: If White saves one stone at 'a', Black will atari at 'b', in the capturing race White is one liberty short, with a lot of twists and turns, Gu Li luckily wins the champion and we hopes he can win the confrontation game between China and Japan in this event, Chinese already lost four confrontation matches in a row!];B[cr];W[gn];B[gq];W[fr];B[es];W[lr];B[gs];W[pp];B[op];W[qq];B[qr];W[rp];B[rr];W[rd];B[qg];W[rh];B[rg];W[fc];B[cb];W[ed];B[ee];W[bb];B[ba];W[ac];B[ea];W[kb];B[qh];W[qi];B[ri];W[rj];B[sh];W[re];B[sj];W[rk];B[sk];W[sl];B[si];W[pr];B[oq];W[fa];B[ca];W[sr];B[rl];W[sm];B[rm];W[sn];B[rn];W[so];B[rq];W[sq];B[ro];W[qs];B[qp];W[hm];B[hl];W[qq];B[ih];W[hh];B[qp];W[pg];B[qf];W[qq];B[nm];W[lm];B[qp];W[hs];B[sp];W[fs];B[ds];W[ng];B[oi];W[pi];B[qk];W[of];B[oe];W[nc];B[og];W[bo];B[co];W[of];B[lf])
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