.>ennuistic [1k]: white in better shape so faruncola [9k]: an admin turned it into an event gameconover [12k]: what sir saidShinato [-]: ohCimmerian [2d]: P4 seems awfulconover [12k]: u guys abuse chat >.>kelevra [2k?]: is w pro?Javaness [-]: I hope everyone is enjoying watching the gameRakeliem [1k]: tartrate likes to leave stones cuddled like q7 seemsslinky [5k]: Yes sir java!Shinato [-]: yes sirWriZZ [2k]: it was javaconover [12k]: yes iam :)];W[om]WL[214.456]C[ennuistic [1k]: i dunno.chrono3450 [1d]: we definetly are, javacakesCimmerian [2d]: has anybody else seen P4 b4ennuistic [1k]: seems okappelsap [7k]: yes milordslinky [5k]: I cloned this];B[qn]BL[113.684]C[blizzard [?]: of course, thanks JavaCardCaptor [1k]: nopeCimmerian [2d]: allowing N4 seems awfulslinky [5k]: o.O I will show it to my children and my childrens childrenkencabbit [1d]: I don't recall seeing P4 beforemeuns [6k]: tartrate is so niceChuky [3d]: i did but seems mistakes to meCimmerian [2d]: i think it's normal to play P7 or Q6 firstslinky [5k]: Tartrate talked to me before his gentlerain game he is real nice];W[ro]WL[187.378]C[chrono3450 [1d]: <_..>];B[bk]BL[30]OB[3]C[NekoFang [14k]: :DDocWario [2k]: is this really the famouse tartrate ?Zureiyaa [-]: a11mike2096 [6k]: 57 for blackVade [6k]: b has some right side aswellmeuns [6k]: D12 ?Desent [15k]: black has no territory on the leftgentil [6d]: b 50 pointstoun [4k]: a14 kencabbit [1d]: on the one hand I want to cound, but on the other hand I'm trying to see what the good moves areRakeliem [1k]: c13 or a14];W[af]WL[30]OW[1]C[Zureiyaa [-]: a11ennuistic [1k]: so many weak groupsderPlumps [-]: docwario, no one will ever knowkencabbit [1d]: but I think white is not really in bad shape?Zureiyaa [-]: well this one works toodsaun [1k]: merci a gentilFrancisco [3d]: 56 top?lepore [2d]: dead?];B[lq]BL[30]OB[3]C[ennuistic [1k]: black gains a few more points by taking the bottom away from d4 groupuncola [9k]: the fact that w made so many weak groups gives me hope for my gamesDesent [15k]: Tartran makes bad shape into good shapeappelsap [7k]: no time for counting, so just play some random movesketchup [6k]: 30 sec is enough for countingchrono3450 [1d]: lol];W[bn]WL[30]OW[1]C[kartopu: m8?ennuistic [1k]: super big move];B[nk]BL[30]OB[3]C[Rakeliem [1k]: which?ennuistic [1k]: b6 >> m3Ijime [4k]: 30 sec is not enough for high level counting];W[kl]WL[30]OW[1]C[ketchup [6k]: as far as i knowsilverodon: b gave up on trying to kill somethingketchup [6k]: there is just countingShinato [-]: that's why u just estimate :Dennuistic [1k]: black is done.ebene: how could not be tartrare? it s is name...];B[im]BL[30]OB[3]C[mike2096 [6k]: black has lostennuistic [1k]: no spirit.Desent [15k]: IUtaware [2d]: its closeShinato [-]: how has black lost?Cimmerian [2d]: i love this. kgs is the best];W[ml]WL[30]OW[1]C[ketchup [6k]: lol];B[nl]BL[30]OB[3]C[gentil [6d]: w 10 points aheadSlain [1k]: Any highdan counted?mike2096 [6k]: black is merely trying ot sotp wmike2096 [6k]: not growingsirbakaro [12k]: ketchup!Slain [1k]: kketchup [6k]: cimmerian, i know your other account name dont i?powerchord [10k]: was the tartrate account erased in the meantime? so it is possible that this is not tartrateCimmerian [2d]: probablyketchup [6k]: just making sure it's you :)gentil [6d]: w 70 with komi];W[rl]WL[30]OW[1]C[Utaware [2d]: :0];B[ql]BL[30]OB[3]C[toughnak: p11 Stormer [3k]: ebene, kgs accounts expire after 6 months of being unused, people are speculating if this tartrate is the same one that played 5 years agogentil [6d]: b 50 maxichrono3450 [1d]: does T9 here work?Unvite: only high dans can count?Shinato [-]: exactlypowerchord [10k]: thx Stormer];W[nm]WL[30]OW[1]C[mike2096 [6k]: no];B[ai]BL[30]OB[3]C[Desent [15k]: s8?Ashurai [3k]: as much as people talk about tartrate and how amazing he is.. this doesn't seem like.. i dunno, legendary play, but i'm weak so woteverSlain [1k]: Unvite: Their counting is more accurate ^^ennuistic [1k]: ?gal [7k]: A12];W[bd]WL[30]OW[1]C[saxo [2d]: c13asap [5k]: hmmmKhouphrane [5d]: in ordre to play B18ketchup [6k]: ashurai, that's because the level of play in kgs has risenennuistic [1k]: hahZureiyaa [-]: hmmmmmmmmmm??Ashurai [3k]: i cChemBoy613 [-]: yeah i agree with ketchupGay [4d]: roflennuistic [1k]: more easy pointsChemBoy613 [-]: top KGS players are now very strongZureiyaa [-]: isn't this a very bad moveGay [4d]: b16 ^^omgimbored: uh ohHarmony [-]: why would it be ?Gay [4d]: hahaDesent [15k]: black is doneZureiyaa [-]: ah, nomstarsup5 [-]: this tartrate is not the same (even if the account is still the same) that played gentlerain 4 months ago];B[ae]BL[30]OB[2]C[Prodigious [3d]: Doesn't seem like a bad moveennuistic [1k]: threatens to connect instead zureiyaaCardCaptor [1k]: im glad everyone is strongerStormer [3k]: it is good timing, answer a force with a force];W[cg]WL[30]OW[1]C[omgimbored: deadZureiyaa [-]: i missed c13 kill4fun [2d]: top kgs players only prosZureiyaa [-]: yesSinger [10k]: Bad moves are not a feature of tartrate!Gerrit1 [1d]: it's aliveZureiyaa [-]: then it looks like a good move :)ketchup [6k]: kill4fun no..appelsap [7k]: w livesketchup [6k]: there are a few amateurs that are 9d on kgs..];B[kn]BL[30]OB[2]C[markwebb [5k]: w+resParadize [2k]: A11 rlly nicemike2096 [6k]: arpund 60 for black.... about 66.5 for blackGay [4d]: b16 nice moveDesent [15k]: white was alive a long time ago methinksennuistic [1k]: very few.kill4fun [2d]: saichina and hyang are prosGay [4d]: me missed it too];W[ln]WL[30]OW[1]C[ToWeak [-]: maby it is tartreketchup [6k]: ennuistic, very few that are 9d in general :Pchrono3450 [1d]: hyang is pro? since when?ketchup [6k]: retired 1pchrono3450 [1d]: ahketchup [6k]: or something of that sortIceborg [6k]: hyang 1 dan proKhouphrane [5d]: close game];B[nh]BL[30]OB[2]C[Francisco [3d]: EvenSlain [1k]: clsnow also proketchup [6k]: at least the AGA bio i read on him stated retired 1p, a long time ago..saxo [2d]: o12 hugeDesent [15k]: big moveZureiyaa [-]: looks even game to mekgs1d [1k]: sususu=hyang=somerville???ennuistic [1k]: white is still ahead.alexs2: s7?slinky [5k]: who is mouton?ChemBoy613 [-]: hyang was 1pmike2096 [6k]: white + komiChemBoy613 [-]: retiredkill4fun [2d]: ttp://senseis.xmp.net/?YangHuirenShinato [-]: it is close];W[lj]WL[30]OW[1]C[powerchord [10k]: i think the real tartrate is a strong korean proslinky [5k]: is he an old pro?Zureiyaa [-]: black might even be ahead....];B[mi]BL[30]OB[2]C[mike2096 [6k]: ah w reduced in sentemike2096 [6k]: nicelapindix [6k?]: Q13Francisco [3d]: Yesketchup [6k]: p15];W[of]WL[30]OW[1]C[cdaugustin [8k]: is 1p stronger than 9d kgs? (just a curiosity)];B[pg]BL[30]OB[2]C[Ashurai [3k]: ialways thought tartrate was japanese...Shinato [-]: yesmike2096 [6k]: mostlychrono3450 [1d]: wowNekoFang [14k]: yes];W[jp]WL[30]OW[1]C[slinky [5k]: 7dkgs = 1pchrono3450 [1d]: B just made a ton];B[jq]BL[30]OB[2]C[Khouphrane [5d]: b2waya91 [-]: 1p= 7-8d kgs];W[mj]WL[30]OW[1]C[ketchup [6k]: k9 cut soon?miao [5d]: lol];B[nj]BL[30]OB[2]C[Zureiyaa [-]: b2 is hugeslinky [5k]: there is a 7d kgs that is 1-kill4fun [2d]: dont have many diference betwen 1p and 9p];W[br]WL[30]OW[1]C[slinky [5k]: a0miao [5d]: 9d 1p];B[bs]BL[30]OB[2]C[Ijime [4k]: 9d can be indefinately strongappelsap [7k]: tartrate is just a go program executed by a quantum computer...limestruck [1k]: 9p kgs 9d, because 9d highest kgs rankDesent [15k]: then why aren't all the 7d+ pro?];W[ar]WL[30]OW[1];B[dh]BL[30]OB[2];W[eh]WL[30]OW[1]C[meuns [6k]: insanely strong meuns [6k]: :Dslinky [5k]: Takes time desent :PAshurai [3k]: and a pro exam];B[qb]BL[30]OB[2]C[Eoan [2k]: better things to do than play goZureiyaa [-]: r18 gal [7k]: HAVE 9Palexs2: wasnt e12 wasting a ko threat?];W[pb]WL[30]OW[1]C[Zureiyaa [-]: wingal [7k]: jujo no?Melancholy [1k]: special event tonight ?Xynosis [2k]: t7?alexs2: d12, sorrywilibald [6k?]: would be interesting if the strength of pro dan question only happens 1 time per game];B[rb]BL[30]OB[2];W[sm]WL[30]OW[1]C[Utaware [2d]: S6 is bigennuistic [1k]: its a pointXynosis [2k]: :D];B[rk]BL[30]OB[2]C[ketchup [6k]: g7 then k9?Farouche [-]: is this tartrate real?mike2096 [6k]: 544 obs... man w is makign close gameZureiyaa [-]: a16 silverodon: and kgs 7d certainly not enough to become pro... some of the 9ds here didn't managemike2096 [6k]: tooXynosis [2k]: yes real tartrateDesent [15k]: good reductionkmr [1k]: 9p should be [9d?] until he meet other 9p or aboutkgs1d [1k]: K6Zureiyaa [-]: a16 must!];W[jn]WL[30]OW[1];B[jm]BL[30]OB[2];W[km]WL[30]OW[1];B[in]BL[30]OB[2]C[Zureiyaa [-]: b17 !];W[eq]WL[30]OW[1];B[er]BL[30]OB[2]C[mike2096 [6k]: g10 ];W[jo]WL[30]OW[1]C[miao [5d]: 10 friends in this gameZureiyaa [-]: b17 now :.
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