(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[Gu Li]PB[Kim Jiseok]WR[9p]BR[7p]DT[2011-04-03]EV[3rd BC Card Cup]RO[Quarter Finals]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Kim Jiseok vs Gu Li – 3rd BC Card Cup]RE[W+Resign]FG[259:]PM[2];B[pd]C[This is the quarter final, and Gu li is the last player from China, and other three of semi final players are from Korea. ];W[dd]C[Gu Li takes W, but he doesn't really care for the colour. ];B[qp]C[They both are well known as infighters. Gu Li's career so far is far better than Kim Jiseok, but Kim is far younger and is a rising star in Korea. ];W[dp];B[oq]C[One of today's most popular openings.];W[cj]C[I've never seen this move before. It may be researched by Gu. I have no idea about this one. ];B[nc]LB[pj:B][qj:A]C[Playing at A or B is also possible for B. ];W[fq]C[Wow, W doesn't split on the right side! ];B[pj]LB[fc:A]C[B could approach at A first. ];W[fc]C[It looks symmetry.];B[jp]TR[qp][oq]C[Lower side is slightly worth playing that the top because of bottom right. ];W[lc]LB[jd:A]C[A is normal, but this is Gu Li's style. ];B[ej];W[le]C[This jump is calm and good. It helps W's top and reduce B's right side.. ];B[dh]C[It's natural for B to keep playing here. ];W[ch]LB[cg:A][dg:B]C[If B hane at A, W'd cut at B. This fight'd be playable for W as there're more of W's stones around there.];B[cd]C[Trying to get a rhythm. ];W[ce];B[cg]C[It looks a good tesuji, but it's still hard to continue. This part of fight is really difficult even for me. Kim is good at this kind of local fighting. ];W[dg];B[eh]C[When I was watching the game, I didn't have any idea for B to continue. ];W[bg];B[dc]C[B is very busy here. ];W[ed];B[ci];W[cf]LB[eg:B][bh:A]C[This ponuki is right. If W connects at A, B can atari at B later. ];B[bh]LB[bi:A]C[It's a fighting spirit. I don't know how to explain this sort of moves in English. Descending at A instead is slack and heavy. ];W[bi]C[It's unnecessary for W to make this ko right away, but it's Gu Li's style; Plays very tightly, and loves complicated fighting. ];B[cg];W[pp];B[pq]C[B has to answer. ];W[ch];B[kd]C[Good ko threat. ];W[ld];B[cg];W[qd]C[B can't answer to this because B doesn't have enough ko threats. ];B[ch];W[qc]C[Right move. The game is still pretty even. ];B[pf]C[Try to take sente here. ];W[od]C[Good tesuji. ];B[pc];W[pe];B[oe];W[qe];B[ne]C[Sacrificing strategy. ];W[oc];B[pb];W[ob];B[nb];W[qb];B[nd];W[pa];B[qf]C[The result so far looks playable for both. ];W[kn]C[It's time for W to come into B's right side. ];B[lp];W[ql]C[Bomb! ];B[qk];W[qo];B[po];W[pl]LB[po:B][qo:A]C[Their playing around here is too hard to understand. It's alright, but the problem is I can't fully understand their move either. :( ];B[nk]LB[qn:A]C[If B plays at A, W'd play at 61, and could escape without any trouble. ];W[rp];B[op];W[qq]C[Wow, what a Gu Li's style of playing. W has more ko threats because W is thicker than B. ];B[qn];W[pp];B[cp]C[B can only get ko threats form this area. ];W[co];B[qp];W[qi];B[pi];W[pp];B[dq];W[ep];B[qp];W[ro];B[rn];W[rk];B[qj];W[pn]C[The fight hasn't finished yet. They love fighting, and it's really enjoyable to watch, but at the same time, it's hard to explain their moves. ];B[pm];W[on];B[om];W[oo]C[Good move. ];B[pp];W[nm]LB[ol:A][qm:B]C[It looks as if A and B are miai and B is in trouble, but];B[rl]C[This cut is brilliant, and as I mentioned, Kim is really good at this sort of fighting. ];W[ol];B[rm]C[B could save the right side. ];W[qr]C[W defends the corner, and the game is still even. There're some aji in the corner. ](;B[lm]C[B starts to attack W's group. ];W[mo]C[Good response. ];B[mp]C[It's inevitable. B can't fight without answering here. ];W[ln]C[It's hard to keep attacking this W's group, so ](;B[bo]C[Playing on the bottom left. This double hane is rare to see. They haven't finish fighting yet, but they just changed the battle field. ];W[bp];B[cq];W[bn];B[do];W[cn];B[bq];W[ao];B[fr];W[gr];B[er]C[B lives in the corner, but there's a ko aji later. ];W[hp];B[in];W[kl]C[Good move. ];B[fo]C[The game looks a bit better for W, so B should play tightly. ];W[jq]C[To get a rhythm. ];B[ip];W[gq]LB[eo:B][iq:A]C[A and B are miai for W. ];B[dn];W[kq];B[lo]LB[kp:A][iq:B]C[Good move. If B just connects at A, W'd be happy with B. ];W[ll];B[iq];W[ir];B[hr]TR[jq][kq]C[B can capture W's two stones on the bottom with this. ];W[hq];B[jr];W[hs];B[kr];W[hn];B[im];W[fn]C[I can't say who is leading the game because it's not easy to guess. ];B[dl];W[cl];B[eo]C[B should attack W's bottom group to gain some profits. ];W[dk];B[hm];W[go];B[fp];W[eq];B[el]C[B's corner is not yet completely alive, but B is too busy to reinforce there. ];W[aq];B[ar];W[br]C[W starts the ko right away, it's also Gu Li's style of playing. He could have thought W was not bad. ];B[ap];W[ek];B[fk]LB[fl:B][em:A]TR[dn][do][eo][fo][fp]C[Oh, W could capture B's marked stones with A later, but it can't be helped. B can't play the game extending at B. ];W[aq];B[mm]C[B is trying to attack this group again. The game is really complicated, but they both like this sort of game, and they both must have been confident of the game. ];W[mn];B[ml];W[km];B[lk];W[kk];B[lj];W[kj];B[ki];W[qm];B[no];W[ji];B[jh];W[ih]C[Good move. ](;B[ap];W[em];B[ii]C[This cut is right. ];W[jj];B[kh];W[hi];B[ij];W[ik];B[hj];W[il]C[W lives the centre. ];B[id]C[This is the last hope for B, but Kim is also well known for his resistability. He reverses games a lot in the second half.];W[ib];B[kb]C[B is desperate. ];W[kc];B[jc];W[jb];B[lb];W[if]C[Good move. W is leading, so doesn't need to play tightly any longer. ];B[gd];W[ke];B[ic];W[gf];B[hb];W[hh]LB[gc:A]C[This connection is big a mistake. A is right. ];B[hk]LB[hl:A][dm:B]C[This is sente. If W doesn't answer, B could connect at B. (A is sente for W's centre group) ];W[fl];B[fe]C[It's troublesome for W. ];W[eg];B[ee]LB[de:A][fg:B]C[If W connects at A, B's B and W's top centre group'd be in deep trouble. ];W[df]C[What a terrible shape. The game is in chaos. ];B[de](;W[gc]C[Very good move. ](;B[np]C[They both are in byoyomi situation, and this is to save time. ];W[kp]LB[np:A]C[What a brilliant idea! It's unbelievable to read this in time trouble. B just played at A, and W tried to do something with a very short time reading. ];B[ko]LB[io:A]C[After this exchange, W gets a powerful ko threat at A. ];W[hl];B[gl];W[gm];B[fm];W[io];B[jo];W[fl];B[cc]C[No ko threats, so connect here. ];W[gk];B[hd]C[It's a trade, and the result is slightly better for B. W can't capture B's group on the left. The game is still very messy. ];W[bd];B[bc];W[aj];B[jf]C[Good tesuji. B chose to capture W's five stones rather than saving B's left side. It's because B can live with ko on the left. ](;W[fg]C[No other options for W. ];B[ie]C[B takes the lead of the game, and it's maybe the first time in this game. ];W[rj];B[ri];W[rh]C[Tesuji again. ](;B[qh]C[The game is still going on. You can see that it's really hard to win a single game. ];W[si]LB[qi:A][sl:B]C[It's ko. If B connects at A, W can go at B. ];B[sk];W[qi];B[so];W[sq];B[ri];W[na];B[ma];W[qi];B[nn]C[Great move. B seems to be greedy, but this move works very well, and could be a winning move. ];W[aq]C[Oh, this ko hasn't finished yet. I almost forgot about it. It's really hard to follow this game, but it might still interest you. ];B[rr];W[rs];B[ap];W[li];B[mi];W[aq];B[ri]C[B is winning without ko fight on the bottom left. ];W[as];B[pr];W[qi];B[rf];W[ph];B[ri];W[lh];B[lg];W[qi];B[dj];W[ck];B[ri];W[mb];B[mc];W[qi];B[ok]C[Good move, and there's nothing W can do on the right. ];W[sr];B[sc]LB[qg:A]C[As a result, this move seems to be losing move. B was winning more than 10 points on the board with A. ];W[mh]C[Gu Li's magic starts with this. ];B[nh];W[og]C[It looks so tricky, and it's very hard to find a right answer in byoyomi situation. ](;B[qg];W[mg]C[I can smell a bad smell here. ];B[ng];W[mf];B[ig];W[oh]C[What an excellent move! Gu Li is being Gu Li. His reading is so quick and accurate. See. ];B[nf];W[oi]C[It's still not easy to understand, and I'm sorry about that as a commentator. -.-; ];B[ri];W[oj](;B[pk];W[qi];B[gj];W[fj];B[ri];W[la];B[gi]C[This is to make ko threats, but unfortunately not sente. ];W[mb];B[fi];W[hf];B[je];W[bf];B[ma];W[mj];B[mk];W[mb];B[fk];W[gl];B[ma];W[qi];B[hg];W[gh]C[B resigned here. Now, it's double ko, and B can't continue the game. I was excited to watch this game, and I hope you feel so too. I cannot explain well enough of their thoughts and invisible plans because their reading is far deeper than I can do. Anyhow, it's such a pity for Kim to miss a great chance to reach international title, but on the other hand, it's not happy to see all Korean players on the semi final. Thanks. AN Younggil 8p ])(;B[sj]C[If B plays here, ];W[mj];B[mk];W[pk];B[nj];W[ni]C[It's ko and W has more ko threats. ]))(;B[ng]C[If B answers here, ];W[qg];B[pg];W[sg];B[rg];W[re]C[W can make it ko. ];B[sf];W[of];B[qh]C[It looks like double ko, but it's not. ];W[mk];B[mj];W[qg];B[sh];W[se]C[It's ko. ]))(;B[si]C[B can capture W's with this, but ];W[qh];B[sk];W[rf]C[This is big, and ];B[ph];W[nn]C[Now, the game'd be reversed again. ]))(;LB[je:A];W[je]C[If W answers here, ];B[ie];W[jg];B[hf];W[kf];B[fg];W[ff];B[ef]C[W'd be in trouble. ]))(;B[hc]C[If B answers here, ];W[cc];B[bd];W[db];B[bc];W[cb];B[fg];W[ff];B[ef];W[ge]C[B can't cut at 197. ])(;B[hd]C[If B connects here, ];W[cc];B[bd];W[be]C[W could play here, and it's much better for W than the previous one.]))(;W[cc]C[If W plays in the corner, ];B[bd];W[db];B[bc];W[cb];B[fg];W[ff];B[ef]C[This cut is good, and ];W[fh];B[bf];W[gg];B[be]C[The game'd be reversed. ]))(;B[jj]C[If B cuts here, ];W[ii];B[ij];W[hj];B[ik];W[li];B[kh];W[mi];B[nj];W[jg];B[kg];W[kf];B[lg];W[mf];B[mg];W[ng];B[jf];W[ig];B[lf];W[ke];B[nf];W[me];B[nh];W[og];B[mh];W[ni];B[oh];W[mk];B[mj];W[nl]C[W can live like this. There might be an easier way for W. ]))(;B[bq]C[This is normal, but];W[bo];B[er];W[fr];B[cr];W[cl]C[It's easy to W. ]))(;B[sq]C[This is the vital point, and ];W[sr];B[rr];W[rq];B[ss];W[pr];B[or];W[rs];B[qs];W[ps];B[os]C[Up to here, it becomes one step ko. ])(;B[so]C[B can also think about this one. ];W[sq];B[sn]C[This is a tesuji, and](;W[rs]C[If W answers here which is normal answer, ];B[rq]C[This is good for black in this case. ];W[rr];B[sp];W[pr];B[or];W[ps];B[rq];W[rp]C[The result is very good for B, as B can take W's three stones in sente, and attack W's centre, but ])(;W[qm]C[W can take those two, and B can't capture the corner. ];B[pr];W[sl];B[rj];W[rr]C[Like this. As there's no way for B to capture the corner, it's failed.The one step ko is the best for B later. ])))
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Gu Li    Kim Jiseok
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