(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[ ]PW[Gu Li]PB[Lee Sedol]WR[9d]BR[9d]DT[2011-04-28]EV[3rd BC Card Cup]RO[Game 5]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Lee Sedol vs Gu Li - 3rd BC Card Cup Game 5]RE[B+Resign]FG[259:]PM[2];B[pd]C[This game was the last one of the BC Card Cup Final. ];W[dd]C[Lee Sedol took Black, and Gu Li played for White.Lee Sedol was leading the last game, but Gu Li reversed the game at the endgame fighting, and people expected Gu is in good shape. ];B[pq];W[dp];B[qk]C[This Chinese is really popular nowadays. ](;W[jp]LB[mp:A][mq:B][nq:C]C[W can also play A-C, but after W6, W could choose his next move on the bottom. This move is simpler and easier. ];B[nc]C[You can see this move a lot recently. ];W[fc]C[Same meaning. ];B[cn](;W[fq]C[This is Gu's choise. Simple one. ](;B[bp];W[mq]LB[cl:C][cm:B][cq:A]C[W doesn't need to answer at A because W can choose between A to C later. ](;B[np]LB[po:A]C[Good answer. ];W[mp];B[nq]LB[no:A]C[Fighting spirit. Extending at A is also possible. ](;W[no]C[Fighting spirit too. As you might already know, Gu and Lee never avoid fighting. ];B[mo];W[oo](;B[mn]C[This is not normal, but ok. ](;W[mr]C[Good answer. Looks small, but very important. It's hard to play though. ];B[qp];W[pl];B[pk];W[nl](;B[ok]C[Lee's style of move. ];W[qo]C[Good timing. ](;B[ro];W[pp]C[Good tesuji. Lee might have thought that this variation was not bad for B. ](;B[qn];W[po];B[rq]C[Best choice for B. ];W[oq];B[pr];W[or];B[qd]C[It's big but not an easy move to play because there're lots of big moves on the board. The opening so far seems a bit better for W. ];W[mj]C[Right direction. In this game, centre is very important for both. ];B[os]C[Wow, beautiful timing. ];W[ns]LB[nr:A][ns:B][os:A]C[It's not easy to understand the exchange B's A and W 38. B fills W's one more liberty by exchanging that, so answering at A should be right. Maybe it'd be too submissive for Gu Li. ];B[nm]LB[ns:B][os:A]C[Very good as B can link easily because of exchanging at A and B.](;W[pn]C[Right move. ];B[ol];W[qm];B[rn];W[om];B[mk]C[Good tesuji. ](;W[rm]LB[rj:B][rr:A]C[This block seems small, but it's a big endgame, and W can play lots of annoying moves in the future such as A and B. ];B[lj]C[Anyhow, the result so far seems better for B. ];W[kd]C[To reduce B's moyo. Not deep or shallow. ](;B[be]C[Right choice. ];W[bd](;B[ce]LB[cd:A]C[Proper one. These days, it's getting rare to see B's wedge at A. ];W[cd];B[ci]C[B settles on the left side successfully, and it's W's turn to play on the top. ];W[md];B[nd];W[mc]C[This move is not common, but good in this case. ](;B[gd]C[Good choice. Sometimes, you'd better reduce your opponent's influence than saving yours. ];W[gc];B[id]C[And now white is reduced too. ];W[jf]C[];B[hg](;W[df]C[Gu Li's style of playing. He didn't want to give up attacking. ];B[mf]TR[gd][id][hg]C[Multipurpose move. Enlarging his territory and attack W's top. This move helps B's three stones on the top as well. ];W[me](;B[lf]LB[ne:A]C[This move surprised me. I can see it's a good move now, but when I saw this move at first, I couldn't believe my eyes because W's A is too obvious.];W[ne]C[No other options. ];B[ke]TR[gd][id][ke][lf][mf][hg]C[This is what B's plan. Try to connect his stones, and the centre area suddenly become B's. ];W[nb];B[ob];W[lb]C[Try to get a rhythm from this ko fight. ];B[na]C[Most of cases, this sort of atari is must. ];W[ma];B[mb];W[rr]C[Good ko threat, but not big enough. Actually, W couldn't win the ko, but Gu Li didn't seem to find any better option. ];B[la]C[black just ignored it.](;W[jd]C[Inevitable connection. ];B[je];W[ic];B[ps]C[There're some bad aji in this corner, and W could make it seki. ](;W[lk]C[This seems a bit late, but W is trying to make the game messy. ];B[kj]C[Right answer. When you are leading, you'd better try to make it simple. ];W[nf];B[ie]C[Sente. ](;W[kb]C[Necessary. ];B[ng];W[og];B[of]C[Lee doesn't avoid fighting as I said. ];W[rj]LB[sm:A][sp:D][qq:C][qs:B]C[This move is surprising, but as W's A is sente for the corner, this is available. If B doesn't answer to W's A, W'd play B-D and could capture the corner. ];B[rk]LB[qi:A]C[B should have played at A. ];W[sp];B[rs]LB[rj:D][rm:A][rp:B][sr:C]C[W's A seemed so small for it to not have meant something. This is right answer for B. If W cut at B, B'd answer at C, and W's D would cut off. W should leave the corner now. It's not easy to explain the whole situation because there're so many difficult variations which they didn't play, but thought in their mind. You can now see there're so many moves in every single move. I may only explain one tenth of their thought. ];W[qi]LB[pf:B][qf:C][nh:A][sm:D]C[W is trying to make alive inside of B's territory. W can use so many moves to live. ];B[qg]C[Everything that happened in the lower right. It seemed very complicated. B changed his original plan, and the game is still favourable for B. ];W[qf]C[W is desperate. Good tesuji. ](;B[oh]C[It seems that black was already planning to give up most of this area, but it was his alternative plan. ];W[pg];B[ph];W[pf];B[qh]C[It just looks likeblack has a ton of influence, but locally, it was successful for W. ];W[oe];B[rp]C[Big move. It's far bigger than it looks. The game is almost even, but still a bit better for B. When I look back this game, I couldn't find any good chance for W afterwards, but when I was watching this live, I thought W caught up. ];W[cq];B[cg]C[Right move. W can't come into the left side because of B's centre influence. ];W[dm]C[Good sense. ];B[cm];W[dl];B[cl];W[dk];B[ck]C[The game is close, but B is still leading a little. ];W[ml]C[Big move. W was aiming this for a long time, and eventually got a right time. ];B[nk];W[kl];B[jl]C[It doesn't seem quite so important anymore as long as black can reduce white and expand his centre though. ];W[km];B[jm];W[kn];B[kk];W[ll]C[The game became closer. ];B[go]LB[eo:A][gq:B]C[Good sense. A and B are miai. ](;W[dn]C[Right answer. ];B[gq]C[B played as he planed. ];W[fp](;B[io]C[Good shape. ];W[di]C[W is trying to get a right time to reduce the centre. ];B[hj]C[Black sealed off the center and now, W has to get some points on the left side. ];W[ch]C[Good tesuji. ];B[bi]LB[bh:A][cj:B]C[Right answer. If B atari at A, W'd atari at B. ];W[bh]C[This is what W planed. ];B[dh]LB[bg:A]C[Cool. B could save those stones with A, but this cut is simpler. Lee seemed to know B was leading a tiny bit, and he showed that clearly with this moves afterward. ];W[dg];B[eh]C[];W[bg];B[rf]C[This is not the biggest endgame, but make the game simple. There's no aji on the right side anymore. I think in this stage, Lee was certain of his winning. His moves afterward were clear. ];W[re];B[rg];W[qe];B[rd];W[sd];B[sc];W[se];B[rb];W[bq]C[Biggest one. ];B[dj]C[It's necessary now. ];W[fg];B[ei]C[Thick and solid. Lee was sure B was still in the lead. Maybe 1.5~2.5 point. It's not easy to trust yourself in this very close game. ];W[gl]LB[gp:A]C[This move could be a mistake. It'd be better played at A. ];B[fn];W[fk];B[jo];W[ko];B[jq]C[Good tesuji. ];W[kp];B[fr]C[Beneficial exchange again. B's endgame was excellent in this game. ];W[gp];B[hq];W[er];B[hm]C[B successfully reduced W's territory on the bottom. ];W[hl];B[ik];W[gf]LB[ef:B][ff:C][eg:A]C[Avoiding cut from A-C. ];B[hc];W[hb];B[hd];W[ib];B[ah]LB[co:A]C[Sente endgame, but playing A first should be easier. ];W[im]C[A delicate timing. ];B[il]LB[jn:A]C[Just connect at A was right. ];W[gm];B[hn];W[ag]C[Now, W is trying to make the game complicated. ](;B[ai]LB[gm:B][co:A]C[If B's A is sente, there's no problem, but it doesn't sente anymore because of W's B. ];W[de]C[W gets two points here, and the game became very close. B is still winning 0.5~1.5 points though. ];B[co];W[gh];B[hi];W[hp]C[There was a trade from this move, and the result was unbelievably the same. No one gains a point, and the game was still good for B. ];B[gn];W[ip];B[do];W[jn];B[in]C[Afterwards, there was nothing special and B was leading 1.5 points. ];W[cp];B[bo];W[hh];B[ih];W[le];B[hf];W[od];B[oc];W[nh];B[mg];W[mh];B[lh];W[kf];B[lg];W[li];B[kh];W[ig];B[jh];W[eo];B[en];W[ap];B[ao];W[aq];B[gi];W[fd]LB[gg:A]C[W should connect at A, but maybe Gu Li wanted to find out a good place to resign. ];B[gg]LB[ff:B][fh:A][ns:C]C[A and B are miai. W resigned here. Lee Sedol won the BC Card Cup 3-2. It was a great game. It wasn't as much exciting as their previous games, but more subtle and delicate. The opening was ok for W, but C was a mistake, and the game became good for B. There was not a whole game fighting, but some local ones. There were lots of variations which players only thought in their mind, and it's nice to see a little bit of them. I hope you can feel their spirits through the game. AN Younggil 8p ])(;B[cf];W[ai];B[af];W[de];B[aj]C[It'd become ko fight, and it looks like very good for B, but ];W[bj]LB[nh:B][sr:A]C[W has more ko threats on the right side and the corner. ]))(;B[gp]C[This connection seems a bit heavy. ];W[gm]C[W would play here and reduce B's centre. ];B[io]LB[gm:B][gp:A]C[Exchanging at A and B is better for W. ]))(;W[hn]C[W could think of this sort of counter attack, but ];B[eo]C[This is a good answer, and W is in trouble. ]))(;B[pf]C[If B answers here, ];W[nh];B[mg];W[pg];B[rf];W[qh];B[rg];W[nk];B[ml];W[nj]C[Big trouble on the right side. ]))(;W[pf]C[If W doesn't answer on the top, ];B[hc];W[hb];B[jc]C[Cut off. ]))(;W[qs];B[qq];W[sq];B[sp](;W[sr];B[rs];W[ss];B[sn]C[This is seki. ])(;W[ss]C[This is one step ko, but B is alright as he already gained some points on the top and centre. ])))(;W[qr]C[If W captures the corner, ];B[jd]C[B would capture those stones as well, and this one is bigger than the lower right corner. ]))(;B[ne]C[If B answers here, ];W[lf];B[mg];W[cl]C[This is what W wants. ]))(;W[mf]C[Jumping here is also very good, but ];B[ef]C[W must have been worried of this knights move. B can connect his groups and make a good shape on the left side. ]))(;B[me];W[le];B[mf]C[If B plays like this which seems normal, ];W[lf];B[lg];W[kg];B[lh];W[dg];B[ch];W[ei]C[W's top area would become too big to reduce. Good for W. ]))(;B[cd]C[B could think about this as well, but ];W[ce];B[cc];W[bc];B[de];W[cf];B[dc];W[ed];B[bf];W[bb];B[cg];W[df];B[eg];W[ef];B[ff];W[dg];B[dh];W[ee]C[W's territory is pretty big, and];B[ch];W[md]LB[eh:A]C[Cutting point at A has left. Not a satisfactory result for B. ]))(;B[mf]C[If B tries to secure the right side, ];W[cl];B[cq];W[ce]C[W can develop the top left area like this. ]))(;W[lj]C[If W extends to the centre, ];B[nj]LB[rm:A]C[B'd answer here, and B'd sente after W's blocking at A. ])(;W[nk]C[Moving from here isn't a good idea. ];B[nj];W[ml];B[lk];W[ll];B[kl];W[kk];B[lj];W[km];B[jl];W[lm];B[jm];W[kn]C[W could capture B's three stones, but];B[mi]C[B's influence over the centre is far better. W can't choose this variation. ]))(;W[ol]C[If W connects here, ];B[pn]TR[mj][nl][ol][pl]C[B can also connect, and W's four stones in the centre would be floating. ]))(;B[op];W[po];B[rq]C[B could save the two stones, but ];W[nr];B[oq];W[rn]C[The corner isn't happy. ]))(;B[po]C[If B wedges here, ];W[pn];B[pp];W[om]C[W'd get a good shape. ]))(;B[ol]C[This is normal, but];W[om];B[ok];W[nm]C[W's outside becomes stronger. ]))(;W[pp]C[Here's typical vital point, but ];B[mr];W[lr];B[or];W[ms];B[nr]C[After this, W needs one more move on the bottom. ]))(;B[lo]C[This is normal direction, but ];W[kp];B[qp];W[nm]C[W's centre stones are stronger than B's. ]))(;W[mo];B[no];W[mn];B[nn]C[W doesn't seem good as B's right side is getting bigger than W's lower side. ]))(;B[po]LB[qm:A]C[Jumping here is plain, and W'd get sente. W could invade at A later. ]))(;B[ck]LB[ci:A][bp:B]C[Thinkable. If W plays at A, B'd slide at B. ];W[co]C[If W attaches here, ];B[bo]LB[ci:B][dn:A]C[This hane is good. If B extends at A, W'd approah at B. ];W[bp];B[ch]C[This is available. ]))(;W[cl]C[This pincer is thinkable, but it could lead a simple game. ];B[cq];W[dq];B[cp];W[do];B[bn];W[em];B[lp];W[jd];B[kn]C[The game looks too simple, and this is not Gu's style of game. ]))(;W[gq]C[This move is pretty common as well. ]))
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Gu Li    Lee Sedol
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