(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[ ]PW[Park Jieun 9p]PB[Rui Naiwei 9p]WR[9p]BR[9p]DT[2011-02-28]EV[9th Jeongganjang Cup]RO[2nd stage, final game]WT[Korea]BT[China]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil (8p)]C[Rui Naiwei vs Park Jieun – 9th Jeongganjang Cup]RE[W+Resign]FG[259:]PM[2];B[pd]C[This is the final round of the 9th Jeongganjang Cup. Rui beat three Korean female players in a row and faced to Park Jieun. They both are the captain of their national team, and it's real final. The record between them so far is good for Rui; 13:8, but recent 10 games is 5:5. They both are the great female players, and especially, Rui has been dominating female Go world for about 20 years. ];W[dd]C[Rui took Black, and she plays better for B. ];B[qp];W[dq];B[oq]C[This is one of Rui's favourite openings. ];W[co]C[Park tries to lead a peaceful game with this enclosure. ];B[qj];W[jq]C[Black 7, and White 8 are miai. ];B[cf]LB[fc:A]C[Approaching at A is also possible. ](;W[ci]C[Pincer is good, and this one is pretty popular today. ];B[fd]C[This double approach is popular too. ](;W[ce]LB[df:A]C[This is proper here. ];B[df];W[ee];B[de];W[ed];B[cd];W[cc];B[be]C[Normal sequence. ];W[bd]LB[bc:A]C[This atari is necessary. Decending at A is not tight enough. ];B[ei]C[Good move. They both are considering W's potential on the left. ];W[dh]C[Forcing move. ];B[ef]LB[eh:A]C[B has to push here. If B blocks at A, W'd push at 23 and cut. ];W[fe]C[W gets a good shape here. Thanks to W22. ];B[eh];W[ck]LB[cj:B][dk:A]C[This jump is more solid than A. If W plays at A as normal, B can attach at B and squeeze later. ];B[jd]C[Big place. ];W[qc]LB[nc:A][qf:B]C[Approaching at A or B is no good in this surroundings. Come into the corner is better. ];B[qd]C[Right direction as B's right side is better than the top. ];W[pc];B[nc]C[When you want to take sente, you can play here. ];W[nb];B[el];W[dm](;B[lq]C[Big move. ];W[mc];B[nd];W[rd]C[Good sequence. B has to answer to this move as right side is more important than the top. ];B[re];W[rc];B[qf];W[oc];B[od]C[The result here looks favorable for W. ];W[jo]C[Good move, and the game is still well balanced. ];B[ln]C[Good move too. B should develop his right hand side, and attack when W comes in.];W[lj]C[W comes shallowly, Park might have thought the game is alright for W. ];B[mb]C[Tesuji. ];W[lb];B[lc](;W[ma]C[Right answer. ];B[md]C[This is Rui's style of attacking. It looks slow, but heavy and strong. ];W[kc];B[mb];W[jj]LB[ob:A]C[B wants to cut at A and starts the ko, but there's no big ko threats. Park is confident of the game, so she jumped back here. ];B[mk]C[B's bottom right area is still hugg with this move though. ];W[mc];B[ld];W[pq]C[It's time to annoy B. This sort of probing move is hard to play and answer to it. ](;B[pr];W[op];B[pp];W[nq];B[or]C[These exchanges here is profitable for W. ];W[mj]LB[lo:B][lp:A]C[W can attach at A or B later to reduce B's territory. ];B[jn]C[B doesn't answer to W's push on the right. This is Rui's fighting spirit. The game is getting exciting. ](;W[lo]C[Counter attack! ](;B[ko]C[Right.];W[kp];B[kn];W[lp];B[io]C[B is proud of this atari. ];W[hq];B[nj]C[It's time to come back. B's bottom centre's become stronger.];W[ni];B[oj](;W[oo]C[W must play here, or ];B[mh]C[The vital point to attack. ];W[lh]LB[mi:A]C[This attachment is right. If W connects at A, B'd extend at 78, and W's centre group'd become in danger. ];B[mi];W[mg];B[nh];W[li];B[lg]C[B gains some points here, but it doesn't mean B takes the lead of the game. ];W[jg]C[Good sense. ];B[lf];W[gg]C[W's playing in this area is beautiful, and the game becomes favourable for W. ];B[gf]C[B has to cut off W, and keep fighting here because this is B's hope. ];W[ff];B[fg];W[hg];B[gi]LB[ii:A]C[This jump is good, and aims peeping at A. ];W[hj]C[Good response.];B[hi];W[ii];B[ik];W[ij];B[ge]C[This is Rui's typical style of playing; Endless fighting.];W[gd];B[if];W[ig];B[ie];W[ce];B[dj];W[cj];B[cd];W[fc]C[The game is still close, but as W's centre group is not in urgent danger, the game is slightly better for W. ];B[bc]C[B starts the ko right away, but it didn't succeed. As a result, it was too early. ];W[ce];B[dl];W[cl];B[cd];W[oh];B[oi];W[ce];B[em]C[There's no good ko threat for B.];W[cd]C[W is happy with elliminating ko. If W's centre group is ok, W'd win the game. ];B[dn];W[fj]C[Good timing. ](;B[fi];W[cm];B[hp]LB[gl:A]C[B wants to exchange here before attacking the centre, but it wasn't a good timing. B should have played in the centre at around A. W didn't give B any chance afterwards. ];W[gm]C[Very good move. It's not only for attack, but also helps W's centre group in sente. ];B[gl];W[hl];B[hm]C[B played here for a fight, but it was a misjudgement. ];W[fl]C[B is in trouble. ](;B[fm];W[gk];B[gn];W[dg]C[A winning move. Rui doesn't seem to see this move. ](;B[gq];W[hr];B[mq];W[gr]SQ[de][cf][df][ef]C[If B can't save the marked stones, the game'd be over here. ];B[dp];W[fq];B[eg]C[Do or die move. ];W[im];B[gl];W[ng];B[ni];W[gm](;B[cn]C[There's no ko threat for B. ];W[hn]C[The game's practically over.];B[bn];W[dk];B[ek];W[ej];B[di];W[fk]LB[bg:A][en:B]C[A and B are miai for W. ];B[ch];W[en]C[Finish blow. ];B[fn];W[eo];B[go];W[ho];B[in];W[hm];B[jp];W[gp]C[B resigned here. It was interesting to watch this final game. Rui played a bit aggressively with her style, and Park played calmly. Rui made a small mistake in the middle game (B121) and W didn't miss the chance. Park tried to lead the game not too messy, and avoided any difficult fighting because it's Rui's favourite. She finished the game with one shot, and it was exciting to watch. Commented by AN Younggil 8p])(;B[hn]C[If B answers here, ];W[ej]C[W can capture them with this. ];B[di];W[dk];B[ek];W[gj]))(;B[eg]C[If B connects here, ];W[ej];B[di];W[dk];B[ch];W[bg]C[B can't live inside. ]))(;B[gk]C[B can't save it because ];W[gj]LB[ej:A][fk:B]C[A and B are miai for W. ]))(;B[gj];W[gk];B[fk]C[If B comes through and cut like this, ];W[fh];B[eg];W[fi]C[W can capture them.]))(;W[mh]C[If W takes care of them, ];B[oo]C[This atari is good and right side is big. ]))(;B[mo]C[If B answers here, ];W[kn];B[km];W[ko]C[B is in trouble. W would be able to take sente and play on the right side. ]))(;W[in];B[jm]C[This is what B wants. ]))(;B[pp]C[If B answers here, ];W[or];B[pr];W[nq];B[op];W[lp]C[W can utilise them with this. ]))(;W[md]C[If W comes out, ];B[me];W[ld];B[le];W[kc];B[jn]LB[lj:A]C[W's A becomes lonely. ]))(;B[mc]C[This is calm and thick, but];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qf];W[oc];B[od];W[nk]C[W takes sente and go around here to reduce B's moyo. ]))(;W[df]C[If W attaches here, ];B[cc]C[B'd come in here first, and];W[dc];B[dg]C[Hane here. ];W[ce];B[ef];W[de];B[bg];W[eg];B[dh];W[ff];B[be];W[bd];B[di];W[ee];B[ck]C[We can expect this variation, and this is good for B. W's left side is destroyed. ]))(;W[fc]C[Answering here is not very good in this situation. ];B[bd];W[cc];B[ci]C[Because B can settle easily, and it erases W's bottom. ]))
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Park Jieun 9p    Rui Naiwei 9p
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