(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[Dang-Yifei-vs-Park-Younghun-20120416]PW[Park Younghun]PB[Dang Yifei]WR[9d]BR[4d]DT[2012-04-16]EV[4th BC Card Cup]RO[Quarter finals]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Dang Yifei vs Park Younghun – 4th BC Card Cup]RE[B+Resign];B[pd]C[This is a game between Park Younghun (9p) and Dang Yifei (4p) from the quarter finals of the 4th BC Card Cup.Park Younghun defeated Hong Seongji (8p) and Lee Wonyoung (3p) (both are Korean) in the main tournament before this game. He's ranked number 3 in Korea, and he's very good at the endgame and counting. On the other hand, Dang Yifei is a new face. He was ranked number 54 in China before this tournament, but he beat Lee Sedol (9p) and Tan Xiao (7p) before this game. Lee and Tan are number one in Korea and China respectively, so it was very sensational. Lots of Go fans started to keep an eye on him.His style of play is not clear, as he's still young, but his moves are sharp and solid at the same time.Let's have a look at the game.];W[dd];B[qp];W[dp];B[oq];W[qf];B[nc]C[It's routine so far. ];W[qj]LB[rd:A]C[Sliding at A is more common, but this is simpler. ];B[cn]LB[nc:B][qf:A]C[On the right side, the exchange of A for B is ok for white. ];W[cl];B[qh]C[Dang tries to lead things towards a fighting game, because Park prefers a peaceful game where he can win in the endgame.];W[qo]LB[rh:A][qm:B]C[A or B are more common, but this attachment is getting more popular recently.](;B[ql]C[I've never seen this one before. It seems as if Dang's already researched this move. ];W[rp];B[qq];W[rn]C[Making a good shape. ];B[qm]LB[rl:A]C[Very strict. If black doesn't play here, white would connect under by attaching at A. ];W[oo]C[Only move. ];B[mp]C[Good flow. ];W[mo];B[lp]C[Black feels good. ];W[pj]LB[oj:A][rj:B]C[Park hardly ever plays these sorts of inflexible moves, but white has to play more aggressively than normal, because black already got some profit on the bottom.If white jumps at A, black can attach at B later. ];B[om];W[pp]LB[po:A]C[This exchange prevents black A. ];B[pq];W[mm];B[ml];W[ll];B[nl];W[lo]LB[nn:A]C[This push is necessary now, to prevent black's peep at A.];B[ko];W[kn];B[lk]C[The flow of the stones is favorable for black. ];W[kk];B[lj];W[ph]C[Right move. White can't fight without this reinforcement. ];B[pg];W[qg];B[oh];W[pi];B[fp](;W[co]LB[dn:A]C[A is more common locally, but white doesn't want to lose the corner easily in this game.];B[jo]LB[ql:A]C[Very good place. Black's lower side's pretty big, and the opening seems to be better for black. That means black's new move at A was successful.];W[kl];B[kj]C[Black should keep playing here as it's still the most important area on the board. ];W[jj];B[ji];W[ii]C[White tries to develop his left side. ];B[ij];W[jk];B[jh]LB[jh:B][ij:A]C[Right move. The cut at A and extension at B are the right technique.];W[ih];B[ig]C[Hane at the head of two stones.];W[jg]C[A nice cut. ];B[lh]LB[ki:A]C[Right move. If black doesn't play here, white can cut at A. ](;W[hg]LB[jg:A]C[Right choice. Park likes tidy games, so he chooses to sacrifice the stone at A. ];B[if];W[hf]C[White's left side is bigger than black's top, but black can invade. ];B[ie];W[he];B[id];W[hd];B[hj];W[gi];B[ic];W[hc]C[The result up to here looks pretty even. White's top left is more valuable then black's top, but black already has a big territory on the bottom. ];B[dn]C[Good move. If white got to play 67 first it would be hard for black to do anything on the left side. ];W[eo];B[dl];W[dk];B[el];W[ek]C[For white, the left side's very important. ];B[fk]LB[fl:A]C[Good move. Even if white can cut at A, it's better than extending at A. ];W[fl];B[en]C[Good sequence. ](;W[gl]TR[hj][ij][fk]C[Black's marked stones are dead, but black can utilize them later. ];B[fo];W[ck]C[Good move. This move can save both the corner and the left side. Black can't invade the left side anymore, but the game's still even.];B[cq];W[bn](;B[dq]C[Right choice. ];W[bo]LB[fn:C][ep:A][eq:B]TR[dl][el][cn][dn][en]C[Right move. White can play A to C later. ];B[cc]C[Good timing, asking white how he'll answer. ];W[cd];B[bd];W[be]C[There're no other options for white here. After these exchanges, some aji's left in the corner. ];B[hl]C[Black started to move the center stones. ];W[hm];B[il]C[Dang already knew that black can't save these stones, but black can get some other profit from them.];W[im];B[gm];W[gn]TR[hm][im]C[Good move to get some more liberties for the marked stones. ];B[fm];W[gk];B[jm]C[Good tesuji. ](;W[jn];B[ln]LB[in:B][mn:A]C[Good combination with 95. If white answers at A, black would cut at B.];W[km]C[It's inevitable for white. ];B[mn]TR[rn][lo][mo][oo][qo][pp][rp]C[Black eventually captured this white group, and black started to lead the game. ];W[io];B[ip]C[Even though white's left side's so huge, there's still some aji in the top left corner. ];W[hp];B[ho];W[in];B[no]LB[jp:B][iq:A]C[Proper answer. This is better than answering at A or B. ];W[fn]C[So white captures some black stones here, and the game's still well balanced. ];B[rk]C[You might think this looks small, but you should know this is a double sente endgame, so this should be bigger than any other moves at the moment.];W[og]LB[rj:A]C[Good answer. This cut is better than A. ](;B[do]C[This endgame's gote, but very big. ];W[cp];B[ep];W[em];B[hq]C[No aji's left on the bottom now.](;W[gb]C[Right move to protect the corner. Park is well known for his accurate endgame skills. Normally, this sort of move means 'W is winning,' but not in this game. ];B[rd]C[Big move. ];W[of]C[Park must have thought the game was slightly better for white, but Dang saw a wonderful move. ];B[ib]C[Reverse endgame. In general, we can count this sort of reverse endgame move as being twice as valuable as it looks.];W[ne]LB[ha:A]C[White's best answer should be A, but Park didn't think there was still aji in the top left corner.];B[fb]C[What a move! Brilliant!](;W[eb]TR[fb]C[White still can't capture these stones without a ko fight.];B[db];W[bb];B[ea](;W[bc];B[ga];W[ha];B[hb]C[It's miserable for white, and the game's practically finished, because black gets one free move now.];W[fa];B[hh];W[hi];B[ga];W[rq];B[rr];W[fa];B[pe];W[pf];B[ga];W[qr];B[pr];W[fa];B[bm];W[cm];B[ga];W[qs];B[ps];W[fa];B[ap]LB[an:A]C[Good ko threat. If white doesn't answer, black would play at A and capture white's five stones. ];W[am];B[ga];W[sr];B[rs];W[fa]C[Black has run out of ko threats now.](;B[nh]LB[md:A]C[There're no more ko threats for black, so he played here. This threatens white's right side group, but it was very risky because if white lives black's territory at the top could be destroyed. That's why it's better to simplify the game and win by a small margin with A.];W[fc]C[No other options for white. ];B[rh]C[This is the last important part of the game. If this attempt to capture fails, white would still have a chance now.];W[re]C[Good start. Even if white's group doesn't have any eye shape, black's corner's not strong enough, so white can try to counter attack. ];B[rj]C[Necessary. ];W[oc]C[Park's good at this sort of sabaki. I have no idea about Dang's attacking skills because I haven't had many chances to watch his games yet.It looks as if Dang didn't consider the possibility of white's counter attack seriously enough.];B[pc]C[Right answer, but you can feel there's a bad smell in the corner. ];W[rc]LB[oc:A]C[Good combination with A. ](;B[qd]C[A serious mistake. It'd be the losing move if black lost the game. ];W[od];B[ob];W[nb]C[Very good sequence, and it doesn't seem to be possible for black to capture this big group. ];B[qb]C[Right move for the corner eye shape, but ];W[oa];B[pb];W[mc];B[sd]LB[qd:A]C[Now black needs one more move in the corner and A is wasted. It's white's turn to play first and, as I already mentioned, Park specializes in saving groups like this. ](;W[nd]LB[lb:A]C[White should have played at A, but this is still ok for white. ];B[lb];W[kd];B[le];W[ke];B[lf](;W[kb]C[Losing move. ](;B[jb]C[Winning move. ](;W[ka];B[lc];W[ld];B[kc]LB[ka:B][jb:A]C[Now, black's top group's alive, due to the exchange of A and B. ];W[kf];B[jd]C[It's very rare to see Park misread such easy moves. This situation's not really easy for everyone, but it should be fairly easy for top pros.];W[mg]C[White's desperately looking for another eye, but black doesn't make any more mistakes.];B[lg];W[mh];B[ni];W[mb];B[la];W[rg];B[sg];W[ri];B[si];W[qi];B[sh];W[sj];B[sk];W[sf];B[sj];W[pl];B[pm];W[rb];B[sc];W[qk];B[rl];W[ra];B[sb](;W[ok];B[nj]LB[kb:A]C[Black's responses after white's mistake at A are all accurate, so there weren't any chances for white afterwards.];W[nk];B[mk];W[nm](;B[mi]LB[fb:A][kb:D][nd:C][qd:B]C[Right answer, and white resigned here. Dang Yifei advanced to the semifinal.It was quite an exciting game, especially after black's brilliant attachment at A. The game seemed to be practically finished after that, as black could get one free move in a close game, but Dang wasn't that careful and tried to capture white's whole group.In addition, Dang made a serious mistake at B, so the game was completely reversed. Furthermore Park's very good at settling stones in this sort of position, so most Korean pros who were watching this game didn't doubt that Park would win after B.However, Park wasted very good chances with C and D, and Dang could luckily get a last chance to win. Dang's play was perfect afterwards, and white's huge group finally died. After this game, Dang defeated Piao Wenyao in the semifinal, and proceeded to the finals against Baek Hongseok. It was very sensational, so even though Dang is a very new face, he made Baek Hongseok the underdog.The finals of the BC Card Cup will be very interesting and exciting to watch, so please have a look at their games.I hope you enjoy this game even more with the commentary.Thanks, An Younggil 8p http://gogameguru.com/])(;B[lm]C[If black cuts here without thinking carefully, ];W[ki];B[kh];W[mi];B[mj];W[ol]C[White can play like this and,];B[oj];W[li]C[Now white can connect here without trouble. ];B[ng];W[mf]LB[nf:A]C[Black can't push through at A because he doesn't have enough liberties, and the game would be reversed again.However, Dang was careful enough this time.];B[pk];W[nf]TR[le][lf][lg][jh][kh][lh][ji]))(;W[mi];B[nj];W[ki]C[If white cuts here, ];B[kh];W[li];B[ng]C[Black can play like this, and ];W[mf]C[White can capture black's seven stones, but ];B[nf];W[me];B[oe]C[Black can capture the right side instead. It's not a fair trade though. Black wins.]))(;W[kc]C[If white connects here, ];B[kf]C[Then black can come back here, and ];W[ka];B[md]C[Vital point. White can't make life now.]))(;B[lc]C[Park might have expected black to answer here. ];W[ld];B[kc];W[jb]C[White can play here first, and ];B[jc];W[jf]LB[ig:A][jg:B]C[This is a big capturing race between groups A and B, and white has more liberties. ]))(;W[ld]C[If white plays here, white would still win the game. ];B[kf]C[Black has to answer here to save the top group. ];W[kb];B[ka];W[mb];B[jb];W[lc];B[kc];W[me]C[White can make two eyes, and that's good enough to win now.]))(;W[lb]C[This move should be best now.];B[oe]C[Black would try to cut white. ];W[nd];B[nf]C[White can't save the big right side group, but ];W[mf];B[ng];W[kf]C[White can trade and capture black's group at the top instead. Unbelievably, white's winning now.]))(;B[sd]C[Black should have played here. ];W[od];B[ob];W[nb];B[qb]C[Right answer for the life & death. ];W[oa];B[pb];W[mc];B[lb]C[Black can play here first, and white can't make two eyes. ]))(;B[md]C[This move should be easy and right. ];W[fc];B[lf]C[Black is surely winning now, though it's not by a big margin. ]))(;W[ga]C[If white plays here, ];B[bc];W[ec];B[ab]C[White still cannot capture them. ]))(;W[dc]C[If white answers in the corner, ];B[ga]C[Black can make a ko. ];W[ha];B[hb];W[fa];B[gc]C[White is in trouble. ])(;W[fc]C[If white answers here, ];B[db]C[Good follow up. ];W[bc];B[bb];W[ad]C[It looks as if black's dead, but ];B[ea]LB[ga:A][ab:B]C[Black can play here, and A and B are miai. It's at least a ko now.]))(;W[hb]LB[gb:A]C[If this descent is possible, it's better than at A, but ];B[bb]C[Black can do something inside. ];W[db];B[cb];W[ac]LB[ac:B][ad:A]C[If white plays atari at A instead of this, black would make it ko by answering at B. If white tries to capture all of them like this...];B[ad];W[ca];B[ba];W[ab];B[dc];W[eb];B[ec]LB[gb:B][hb:A]C[If A were at B instead, white wouldn't have to respond at the top now.];W[fb];B[ce]C[Big problem for white. ];W[bf];B[cf];W[cg];B[ee]LB[hb:A]C[Black can live. Therefore, white A doesn't work. ]))(;B[pf]C[Saving this stone isn't a good idea. ];W[pe];B[of];W[oe];B[nf];W[qd]C[The corner's damaged and it's bigger than the center.]))(;W[jl]C[If white cuts here, ](;B[ln]C[This cut doesn't work well now. ];W[mn];B[in];W[hn];B[ho]C[If black keeps going, ];W[hk];B[ik];W[gj]C[White can capture black's center stones, but see the other variation.])(;B[hn]C[This cut's right. ];W[in];B[jn];W[io];B[ip];W[ho];B[lm];W[km];B[hp]LB[ik:A]TR[hm][im][gn][in][ho][io]C[A is sente for black now, so white can't save the marked stones.])))(;B[bm]C[If black blocks here, ];W[bp]C[Good answer. ];B[an];W[bo];B[cm];W[dq]LB[cq:A]C[Black can't do anything with A. ]))(;W[fo]C[If white comes out here, ];B[gl]C[Good tesuji ];W[fm];B[fn];W[gm];B[gn];W[hm];B[go]C[White needs to save the corner, then black would get sente. ]))(;W[jf]C[It's not a good idea for white to fight here. ];B[hg];W[gh];B[he]TR[jf][jg]C[Black's position is far better than white's, so white won't gain anything by fighting like this. ]))(;W[dn]C[If white attaches here, ];B[dm]C[Black can play like this later. ];W[cm];B[dq]C[Good move. ];W[co]LB[do:B][cq:A]C[If white blocks at A, black would play at B and white would be in trouble. ];B[cq]LB[dn:A]C[It's too easy for black to get the corner, so white didn't play at A in the game. ]))(;B[qm]C[This invasion is normal. ];W[pp];B[pq];W[pm]LB[qn:A]C[A is also possible for white. ];B[rp];W[ql]C[White would answer like this, and the result is playable for both. ]))
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Park Younghun    Dang Yifei
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