(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]GN[Lee-Sedol-vs-Qiu-Jun-20120330]PW[Qiu Jun]PB[Lee Sedol]WR[9d]BR[9d]DT[2012-03-30]EV[9th Chunlan Cup]RO[Round 2]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]C[This game is from the second round of the 9th Chunlan Cup. It's between Lee Sedol (9p) and Qiu Jun (9p).Lee Sedol is ranked number 1 in Korea and Qiu Jun is number 13 in China.This is their second game together. In 2011, Qiu defeated Lee in the quarter finals of the Fujitsu Cup. Qiu took the second place in that tournament.]RE[B+Resign];B[pd];W[dd];B[qp](;W[dq]C[If you don't want your opponent to play the Mini Chinese opening, this 3-4 point is a good idea. ];B[do];W[co];B[cn];W[cp];B[dm];W[fq];B[cf]C[This move is becoming popular these days. ](;W[cl]C[I've never seen this move before in this opening, but it seems as if Qiu had already researched it. ](;B[fc]C[This double approach is reasonable, because white didn't answer black in the top left.];W[fd];B[gd];W[fe];B[ec];W[dc](;B[ge]LB[cl:A]C[Usually you don't want to let your opponent play a double approach like this, but in this game white already occupied A, so white isn't bad either.];W[ce];B[df];W[ed];B[ff]C[This is another possible variation from the double approach. ];W[gf];B[fg];W[gc];B[hc];W[gb];B[hb];W[eb];B[ga];W[fb];B[ie]LB[ge:A]C[Up to here, the variation's done. It's white's turn to play somewhere else. ];W[dl]TR[cf][df][ff][fg]C[Very good place. The game's still even with this move. Black's wall (marked stones) is limited by white's two stones on the left.];B[gp]TR[dm][cn][do]C[Proper move. Black should try to utilize black's marked stones. ];W[fl]C[Nice jump. Qiu thought the center was more important than the bottom. ];B[fp];W[gq];B[dp]LB[hp:B][cq:A]C[Probing move. If white answers at A, black would be happy to play B. ];W[bn]C[White doesn't want to follow black's plan. ](;B[bo]C[Good sense. The alternatives to this cut are all wrong.](;W[bp]C[Right answer. ];B[bm];W[ao];B[eq];W[er];B[ep];W[dr](;B[el]LB[cm:A]C[Black doesn't want to connect A, so wedges here instead.];W[ek];B[em]LB[fk:A][bl:C][cm:B]C[White can also connect at A now. Black would come back at B, then stop after C. ];W[cm]C[This is Qiu's style. He likes to get some points during a battle.];B[fk];W[dn];B[ej];W[dk];B[en];W[fj];B[gk];W[gj]LB[ei:B][gl:A]C[Good move. White's plan is to play B if black plays at A. White would be happy with that.];B[dj]LB[ei:A][cn:B]C[This is Lee's style. A instead would be common, but Lee wants to take B in sente to help with the fight in the center.];W[cj];B[ci];W[hk];B[gl];W[fm]C[Good sequence. It looks as if black can't save all of his stones. Qiu Jun is very good at this sort of untidy fighting. ];B[hl];W[fn];B[cn];W[di]C[White has ko threats here...];B[ei];W[dn]C[...but black doesn't have any.];B[ik]C[There are no other options for black.];W[eo]C[White took black's stones, but black takes sente. ];B[nc]C[Big move. Black's framework from the center to the top is fabulous. White took some points from the first battle on the left side, but if you look around the whole board, you can see the game's still well balanced between territory and influence. ];W[qi]LB[qh:B][qj:A]C[Right place. If white splits at A instead, black would play at B and black's framework at the top would become even bigger.](;B[qk]LB[qg:A]C[Extending at A is also possible for black.];W[qf];B[og]LB[ph:B][oi:A]C[Good place. White can't easily jump to A now, because of the peep at B.];W[qd];B[qc];W[pe]C[This is Qiu Jun's style of play again. Persistent and sticky.];B[rd];W[re]C[White welcomes a ko fight.];B[qe];W[hj]C[White has lots of ko threats here. On the other hand, black still doesn't have any. ];B[il];W[qd];B[od];W[rc];B[qe];W[eh];B[dh];W[qd];B[ji]TR[fj][gj][hj][hk]C[Reinforcing here is a good idea. White can't move the marked stones anymore. ];W[fi];B[di];W[qb]C[Wow, white even plays atari here. It makes the ko even bigger.];B[qe];W[bi]LB[qb:C][di:B][fi:A]C[White's moves are meticulous. White exchanged A for B (before playing C) to make this ko threat bigger.];B[dg]C[Lee's being paranoid. No ko threats left here now.];W[qd];B[pc]C[It's inevitable, as there's nothing else black can do.];W[sd](;B[nf]C[It's also necessary, though black is not happy with this.];W[ki]C[Another move typical of Qiu's style. I can't say whether it's good or bad, but it looks nice. ];B[mi]C[Lee can't be calm anymore. Attack! ];W[md]C[Vital point. It doesn't cost white anything to play here, because it's deep inside black's area. ];B[oe];W[mb];B[nb]LB[ob:A]C[If black doesn't answer here, white could connect under with A.];W[je]C[This sort of attachment is very good when're in your opponent's area. ];B[id]LB[jd:A][jf:B]C[Right answer. The hane at A or B would just give white rhythm. ];W[if];B[hf];W[jh];B[jj];W[kf]C[Qiu Jun specializes in this sort of sabaki. ];B[ih]C[On the other hand, Lee Sedol is one of best attackers in the world. He's very strong at life and death.];W[lh]C[As you can see, the tiger's mouth is good for making eye shape.];B[le]C[Vital point. The life and death of this white group becomes the main issue of the game.];W[ig];B[hg];W[ii];B[hh];W[kg]C[White tries to live inside, and that makes black rather desperate. ];B[jf];W[jg];B[ke]C[Lee goes all out here. If this white group lives, black will be short on territory. ];W[jd]LB[jd:B][lf:C][mg:D][lj:A]C[White B is a mistake. White should leave it and go out at A. Instead of B, white could play C or D later.];B[lf]LB[me:A]C[This turn is good. All of a sudden white's eye shape is all gone. ];W[lj]C[As white can't live inside, white has to go into the center. ];B[mj];W[lk];B[lm];W[km];B[ln]C[It's normally very hard to kill this kind of big group.There's a Korean proverb, 'big groups never die'.];W[mk];B[nk];W[nl];B[ok]C[In this case though, it doesn't look easy for white to make two eyes.];W[mm];B[no];W[pm];B[ol]LB[om:A][nn:B]C[Good move. If white answers at A, black will peep at B. ];W[nn]C[Proper move. ];B[om];W[on];B[nm]C[Black makes a ko shape here, to make things clearer. ];W[mn];B[ml];W[ll];B[lo];W[nl];B[mo]C[Black doesn't have any intention of winning this ko though.];W[ml];B[pp]TR[lm][ln][lo][mo][no]C[Black's outside is getting solid and stronger. ];W[qn];B[rm];W[rn];B[qm];W[jl];B[jn];W[li];B[jm];W[oi]C[Good jump. It's tricky for black to answer correctly. ](;B[pi]C[Correct answer. ];W[pl];B[pk](;W[lg](;B[oh]LB[lg:A]C[This move is necessary after A.];W[kb]C[White tries to make another eye here. ];B[lc]LB[lf:A]C[Lee's responses were all accurate, so white didn't have any visible chance to live after black A.];W[kl];B[jk];W[ld];B[mc];W[kd];B[mg];W[pj];B[ni];W[pg]LB[ne:A][mf:B][of:C]C[Sente. If black doesn't answer, white would cut with A to C and make a ko.];B[me];W[sm];B[rk];W[ib];B[jc];W[kc];B[jb];W[rp]C[This is white's last hope.];B[rq];W[qo];B[sp](;W[op];B[oo];W[po];B[ro];W[oq];B[pq]LB[jd:A]C[White resigned here. White's enormous center group died. I can't say for sure what white's last losing move was, but it seems as if Qiu didn't expect black's hardcore attacking after A.It's really rare to see such a huge group get chased and captured in top pros' games, so I hope you to enjoyed watching it.You can also feel both players' unique styles of play and concepts of the game.If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment.Thanks, An Younggil 8phttp://gogameguru.com/])(;W[so]C[White can also think about this ko, and...];B[ro];W[ja];B[ic];W[rp];B[sq];W[op];B[oo];W[qq]LB[pq:A][qr:B]C[This cut looks nice. If black plays atari at A, white would descend at B. ];B[po]LB[pn:B][qr:A]C[But black doesn't have to kill everything. Black can just connect here and wouldn't have any problems. A and B are miai for black.]))(;B[mc]LB[oh:A]C[If black doesn't answer at A, ];W[nh]LB[ph:B][nj:A]C[This diagonal move is good. Now A and B are miai for white.]))(;W[ph]C[If white plays atari here, ];B[ni]C[Now black can come back here.];W[nh];B[oh]LB[mh:B][oj:A]C[White can't cut black off (A and B are miai).]))(;B[ni]C[If black answers here, ];W[nh];B[mh];W[mg];B[nj];W[pl];B[pk];W[oh]TR[mh][mi][ni][mj][nj][nk][ok][pk][qk][ol][nm][om][qm][rm]C[Black would die instead.]))(;B[oj]LB[nf:A]C[If black doesn't play at A...];W[nf];B[of];W[oe];B[ne];W[me];B[nd];W[jc];B[id];W[mf]C[So much bad aji here. ];B[lc]C[Black has to answer at the top, ];W[oi]C[Good tesuji. ];B[ni];W[oh]C[Black can't stop white. ];B[ng];W[nh];B[mg];W[mh]C[There's so much aji like this and other moves, so black played a solid move for 105.]))(;B[qg]C[This is also conceivable. ](;W[ql]C[If white plays normally, ];B[pk];W[qk];B[pi];W[pj];B[oj];W[qj];B[ph];W[ok];B[nj]C[Black's top is so huge. ])(;W[oi]C[Jumping's a better idea for white. ];B[qk];W[og]C[Another game. ])))(;B[cm]C[If black tries to cut white off, ];W[bl];B[am];W[hl];B[ip];W[jl]C[White would just jump into the center. Black's influence in the top left is being erased naturally. This is far from what black wants.]))(;W[cm]C[If white plays atari here, ];B[cq];W[dn];B[eq];W[dr];B[er];W[cr];B[jq]TR[cl][dl][fl][cm][dn]C[Black can play like this. This result is satisfactory for black as white's left side's over concentrated. ]))(;B[cq]C[If black cuts here, ];W[eq]C[White would connect here. ];B[bo];W[bp];B[bm];W[ao];B[cm];W[bl]LB[cq:A][eq:B]C[It's similar to the actual game, but the exchange A and B helps white. ]))(;B[dg]C[This is more common, but];W[ce];B[be];W[df];B[bf]C[After the exchange, ];W[id]LB[bd:A]C[White would play here instead of A. Lee wouldn't like this variation because he likes to play more actively. ]))(;B[bm]C[If black answers here, ];W[ci]C[White's happy with this. ];B[fc];W[df];B[cc];W[ce];B[dc];W[ek]C[White is active. ]))(;W[fc]C[If white answers here, ];B[di]C[Black would extend here. Black's left side is quite a good shape. ];W[cl]C[If white come in here later, ];B[bm];W[ek];B[ck]C[Black can connect under without any damage. ]))(;W[dp]C[If white plays here, ];B[fq];W[cn];B[kq]LB[lq:A]C[Black can easily make this Mini Chinese opening. A is also possible for black here.]))
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Qiu Jun    Lee Sedol
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