(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]TM[14100]OT[5x60 byo-yomi]GN[Lee-Sedol-vs-Gu-Li-20140831]PW[Gu Li]PB[Lee Sedol]WR[9d]BR[9d]DT[2014-08-31]EV[MLily Gu vs Lee Jubango]RO[Game 7]PC[Lhasa, Tibet]SO[https://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Black: Lee SedolWhite: Gu LiThis is game 7 of the MLily Gu vs Lee Jubango. It was played in Lhasa, Tibet, on August 31, 2014.Lee Sedol was leading 4-2 going into this game, so it was very important for Gu to win. If he lost, Lee would extend his lead to 5-2, meaning that Gu could only hope for a 5-5 draw in this 10 game match.In game 6, Gu had a good chance near the very end, after Lee allowed him to complicate the game. However, he failed to grasp it and his prospects declined from a possible three all score, to being two games behind.Like game 5, which was played in Shangri-La, this game in Lhasa was played at high altitude. Some journalists and Go fans were concerned that the players would suffer from altitude sickness again, but both players learned from game 5 and traveled to the venue several days earlier to acclimatize.Anyway, let's have a look at the game!]RE[B+Resign];B[pd]C[Lee Sedol plays Black.];W[dp];B[qp];W[dc](;B[fq]LB[dc:4][pd:1][dp:2][qp:3][fq:5][oq:A]C[Approaching at Black 5 and enclosing at A are both popular openings these days.];W[cn];B[op](;W[jq]LB[cn:6][op:7][fq:A][jq:8]C[Black 7 was an unusual move and White played White 8 to reduce Black's potential at the bottom. He wanted to make Black A into a bad exchange in the process.](;B[de]LB[de:9]C[Approaching at Black 9 was natural.];W[ce](;B[dd]LB[dd:11][ce:10][cn:A][jq:B]C[The headbutt at Black 11 was the right choice in this opening, because the upper side is more valuable than the left side. That's because White's already played at A and B, whereas the top right area is open and untouched, so it has more potential.];W[cd];B[ec];W[cf](;B[nc]LB[ec:13][nc:15][cd:12][cf:14][pj:A]TR[pd][op][qp]C[The tenuki and enclosure at Black 15 was typical of the modern style of play.Black regarded Black 9 to Black 13 as forcing moves and treated them lightly for the time being.In the old days, this knight's enclosure from the star point wasn't played very often in the early opening, because players thought that it wasn't as good as a knight's enclosure based on the 3-4 point.With respect to the right side, Black A (instead of Black 15) would form an ideal shape with the marked stones. However, the modern game focuses more on creating balance across the whole board, and less on creating formations that used to be regarded as ideal.Playing at A is still good for Black, but then White will approach at 15 and Black doesn't have any particularly strong continuations. This is something that's hard to explain succinctly, so we'll discuss it in more detail when we publish the book about this match.](;W[qj]LB[db:A][qj:16]C[Splitting on the right side was more important than playing at A in this opening.];B[qh](;W[db]LB[db:18][qh:17][qj:A]C[White came back to the top left corner after exchanging White A for Black 17.Even though he tenukied, the exchange was still worthwhile for White, because it prevented Black from making an ideal formation on the right side.](;B[dr]LB[dr:19]C[Lee chose to slide at Black 19, but it was somewhat questionable.](;W[mq]LB[mq:20]TR[op][qp]C[Extending at White 20 was very big and nice.Black's enclosure in the lower right corner became weaker after this move.](;B[id]LB[id:21][mq:B][dr:A]C[Playing at the top with Black 21 was quite important in this opening. The exchange A for B became better for White, because White's next move was good in combination with B.](;W[qo]LB[qo:22][mq:A]C[The attachment at White 22 formed a nice combination with A.](;B[ro]LB[po:A][ro:23]C[The hane underneath at Black 23 was very unusual. Lee didn't expect a good result from the hane at A, so he chose this move instead.](;W[po]LB[po:24]C[Extending at White 24 was the right response.](;B[rn]LB[rn:25]C[The extension at Black 25 was unexpected. I've never seen this variation before.];W[pp](;B[pq]LB[pp:26][pq:27]C[Blocking at Black 27 was natural.];W[qq];B[rp];W[oq];B[pr](;W[oo]LB[oo:32][rp:29][oq:30][qq:28][pr:31]C[The atari at White 32 was the right move.](;B[or]LB[or:33]C[The atari at Black 33 was also the right response.];W[np];B[nr](;W[gq]LB[np:34][gq:36][nr:35]C[Extending on the 2nd line at Black 35 looks small, but it was quite important. Now Black can still aim to attack this White group later.White's influence is difficult to use effectively, but Black's corner territory has been greatly reduced.The result up to Black 35 was slightly better for White, because he took sente. Attaching at White 36 was a nice move to utilize his thickness at the bottom.];B[gp](;W[fr]LB[gp:37][fr:38]C[The hane underneath at White 38 was a good move in this situation, but it's rarely seen.](;B[gr]LB[eq:A][gr:39]C[Cutting at Black 39 was the right response, because extending to A instead was what White wanted.];W[hq](;B[ep]LB[ep:41][hq:40]C[Black's tiger's mouth at Black 41 was a nice response in this situation.](;W[er]LB[eq:A][er:42]C[The bumping at White 42 was more sophisticated than playing atari at A, but the end result was the same.](;B[dq]LB[cp:A][dq:43][eq:B]C[Black 43 was the right response in this case, and there are two possible options for White now.](;W[eq]LB[cp:A][eq:44]C[Since extending at A isn't good enough for White, cutting at White 44 was the right choice.];B[fp];W[hr](;B[do]LB[do:47][fp:45][hr:46]C[The atari at Black 47 was the right direction of play.Sometimes, it's better to sacrifice stones, rather than saving them and losing points. This is especially true, when your stones are already in danger.];W[cp];B[co](;W[bp]LB[co:49][bp:50][cp:48]C[Extending at White 50 was the right move.];B[bo](;W[cr]LB[bo:51][ap:A][cr:52]C[Attaching at White 52 was the correct move in this case.The hane at Black A is a big endgame move, but it's gote.];B[cl];W[qf](;B[rd]LB[rd:55][qf:54][cl:53]C[Black needed to reinforce his unsettled group with Black 53, and White's invasion at White 54 was well timed.The result up to Black 53 was even, locally speaking, but the game was still slightly better for White because of the earlier result in the lower right.Black chose to save the corner territory with Black 55, and it was the right decision.](;W[ph]LB[qf:A][ph:56]C[White 56 showed a good technique for sacrificing White A.](;B[pi]LB[pi:57]C[The hane at Black 57 was the right move.];W[qi];B[pg];W[oh];B[qg];W[og];B[pf];W[nj];B[hp]LB[pf:63][og:62][pg:59][qg:61][oh:60][qi:58][nj:64][fn:A][gn:B][hp:65]C[The trade up to White 64 was acceptable for both players.However, pushing at Black 65 was questionable. Reinforcing at A or B would have been better.By the way, the game was still slightly better for White at this point. I couldn't find any mistakes or questionable moves from White so far, but that's not very surprising because Gu Li's sense of play in the opening is outstanding.](;W[bn]LB[bn:66][cn:A]C[Moving White A out with White 66 was very well timed.](;B[an]LB[an:67]C[The hane under at Black 67 was the right response.](;W[ap]LB[ap:68]C[Extending on the first line at White 68 was an incredible move. It's very hard to come up with this kind of clever jab in the midst of a larger battle. White consolidated his lead with this move.](;B[dn]LB[dn:69]C[Blocking at Black 69 was unavoidable, and the game became even better for White at this point.];W[ao];B[jp];W[kc](;B[ic]LB[ic:73][kc:72][ao:70][jp:71]C[Black 71 was a good move, which reinforced his weak group while reduces White's potential at the bottom. Invading at White 72 was also nice.Black didn't want to help White to make shape, so he answered stubbornly at Black 73. It was the right response, but White had another plan when he invaded at White 72.];W[dm];B[cm];W[am];B[em];W[dl](;B[ek]LB[kc:B][dk:A][ek:79][dl:78][am:76][cm:75][dm:74][em:77]C[The hane at White 74 was an unexpected and nice move.The ladder starting with A doesn't work for Black (because White B is a ladder breaker!) so he chose to sacrifice his two stones with Black 79. This was a very good choice, which minimized Black's loss.];W[dk];B[dj](;W[ck]LB[dj:81][ck:82][dk:80]C[White 82 was inevitable, but White wouldn't complain about this result.];B[el](;W[bk]LB[bk:84][el:83]TR[cl][cm]C[Descending at White 84 showed good technique. Black's left side potential was all gone, and White gained some points by capturing Black's marked stones.This was another success for White, and the game was still better for Gu.];B[eg];W[kf];B[mf];W[je]LB[kd:E][je:88][kf:86][mf:87][eg:85][ei:C][fi:D][ej:A][fj:B]C[The knight's move at Black 85 was a light way of defending the cutting point at A, while also developing Black's potential at the top. If White cuts immediately at A, Black plans to sacrifice with B-D.White also played lightly with the two space jump to 86. Black 87 aimed to cut at E, so the kosumi at White 88 became necessary.];B[ki];W[ie];B[he];W[hf];B[ge](;W[ih]LB[ge:93][he:91][ie:90][hf:92][ih:94][ki:89]C[The knight's move at White 94 was the right haengma in this situation, and it's hard to attack this group now.];B[ij];W[kh](;B[eb]LB[eb:97][kh:96][ij:95]C[Blocking at Black 97 was very big. It wasn't just a big endgame move, it also strengthened Black's group at the top.];W[jm];B[lm];W[kn](;B[iq]LB[eb:A][hm:B][jm:98][lm:99][kn:100][iq:1]C[White 98 was an appropriate reducing move. However, it's also probably what Lee hoped for when he defended at Black A, because now Black has a chance to attack and catch up.Black could consider responding at B instead, but since Black was slightly behind, attacking at Black 99 was the proper move.];W[ir];B[ip];W[kq];B[ln](;W[jk]LB[jk:6][ln:5][ip:3][kq:4][ir:2]C[Black wanted to attack White's center stones with Black 105, but jumping at White 106 was a good response.];B[lh];W[lg];B[jh](;W[ji]LB[lg:8][jh:9][lh:7][ji:10]C[It was hard for Black to respond to White 106 directly, so he haned at Black 107 to shift the field of battle to the top.];B[kg];W[jg];B[kh];W[jj];B[lf](;W[ke]LB[ke:16][lf:15][jg:12][kg:11][mg:A][kh:13][jj:14]C[White 112 and White 114 were the right moves to connect White's center stones.Cutting at Black 115 was strong, because White couldn't easily save his cutting stone with A.The empty triangle at White 116 was a special technique which protected all of White's weaknesses at the same time.];B[ii];W[hh];B[ik];W[il];B[gj](;W[lk]LB[hh:18][ii:17][gj:21][ik:19][lk:22][il:20]TR[ji][jj][jk][lm][ln]C[The extension at White 118 was necessary, and pushing at Black 119 was a nice move which filled the liberties of White's marked stones.Jumping at White 122 was a good way to isolate Black's two marked stones, and the game was still going smoothly for White.];B[nh];W[gl];B[gk];W[ng];B[mg](;W[mc]LB[mc:28][mg:27][ng:26][nh:23][gk:25][gl:24]C[Reinforcing at Black 123 was efficient and interesting, and it made the bad exchange of White 126 for Black 127 necessary.The attachment at White 128 was also an efficient move for making another eye at the top.];B[pm](;W[nd]LB[mc:A][nd:30][pm:29]C[The knight's move at Black 129 was a good reduction. It looked very innocent and normal, but it concealed the possibility of a razor sharp attack.The hane at White 130 also seemed natural, and may have been motivated by fighting spirit after Black ignored White A. However, it was actually a very big mistake, and the flow of the game suddenly changed here.](;B[mk]LB[mk:31]C[Black's sudden haymaker at Black 131 caught White off guard. The game was unexpectedly reversed with this single blow and it became very difficult for White from this point forward.](;W[mj]LB[mj:32]C[Responding at White 132 didn't seem promising, but White didn't have any good options.];B[lj](;W[ml]LB[lj:33][mk:A][ml:34]C[I couldn't find any good responses for White after Black's attachment at A (131).Gu didn't seem to realize that he was in deep trouble yet, so he still played fairly quickly at this point. However, even if he'd realized, it was already too late to fix the problem.Black's stones are strong and solid everywhere, so it's very hard for White to exploit Black's weaknesses.];B[kk];W[nk];B[kl];W[jl];B[kj];W[ko];B[kp];W[lo];B[lp];W[mo];B[nn](;W[mr]LB[kj:39][kk:35][nk:36][jl:38][kl:37][nn:45][ko:40][lo:42][mo:44][kp:41][lp:43][mr:46]C[After the atari at Black 135, the sequence up to White 144 was a one way street.Black struck at the vital point with Black 145 and the game was practically over at this point.];B[nm](;W[rr]LB[oi:B][nm:47][mp:A][rr:48]C[The bamboo joint at Black 147 made the situation clear; A and B are miai for Black next.White 148 was a tricky way to reinforce the weakness at A.](;B[oi]LB[oi:49][rr:A]TR[ng][og][oh][ph][qi][mj][nj][qj][lk][nk][ml]C[Black 149 was the correct move, and the marked stones on the right side were practically captured now.Black made the right decision in ignoring White A (148).](;W[hk]LB[hk:50]C[The situation was desperate for White, but he wasn't ready to give up yet. Gu shifted his attention to attacking Black on the left side with White 150.];B[hj];W[gm];B[fn];W[fi];B[hl];W[hm];B[gi](;W[gh]LB[gh:58][fi:54][gi:57][hj:51][hl:55][gm:52][hm:56][fn:53]C[White 154 was a good way to attack, but Black's counter at Black 157 was precise.];B[fh](;W[qm]LB[fh:59][qm:60]C[White didn't have any good moves on the left side after Black 159. So he switched back to the right side with White 160.];B[ql];W[fd](;B[ch]LB[fd:62][ch:63][ql:61]C[White 162 probed another of Black's weaknesses, but Black dodged to Black 163 and didn't have any significant worries.];W[fe];B[gc];W[gd];B[hd];W[ff];B[fg];W[dg];B[dh];W[ef];B[hb];W[jb];B[ib];W[ea];B[fa]LB[ea:76][fa:77][fb:A][hb:73][ib:75][jb:74][gc:65][gd:66][hd:67][fe:64][ef:72][ff:68][dg:70][fg:69][dh:71]C[The moves from White 164 to White 176 were the best that White could do, but he still couldn't find any opportunities to catch up again.Instead of Black 177, falling back to A would be safer and easier, but Black 177 was typical of Lee Sedol's uncompromising style.];W[gg];B[eh];W[fb];B[fc];W[ga](;B[df]LB[ga:82][fb:80][fc:81][df:83][gg:78][eh:79]C[a];W[ed];B[cg];W[gb](;B[qr]LB[gb:86][ed:84][cg:85][qr:87]C[The position in the top left was still unsettled, but Lee wanted to resolve things in the bottom right in sente, before continuing in the top left and losing sente.Lee had plenty of time left in this game, and he'd already read everything out in the top left and bottom right, so Lee thought that Black 187 was the natural way to punish White for getting distracted in the top left.However, this was nerve-wracking for spectators, because it looked like Lee was taking unnecessary risks.](;W[rq]LB[rq:88]C[White's response at White 188 was necessary.];B[rs];W[qs];B[hc];W[rm];B[qn];W[rl];B[pl];W[rk];B[mp];W[no];B[pn](;W[ss]LB[hc:91][rk:96][pl:95][rl:94][rm:92][pn:99][qn:93][no:98][mp:97][qs:90][rs:89][ss:00]C[Capturing at White 200 was necessary, so White didn't have time to save his right side group.];B[ri](;W[gf]LB[gf:2][ri:1]TR[ed][fd][gd][fe][ef][ff]C[White's right side group was clearly dead after Black 201, so White defended his cutting stones in the top left with White 202.];B[cc];W[cb];B[bc];W[bb];B[bd];W[da];B[ab];W[ba](;B[sq]LB[ba:10][da:08][ab:09][bb:06][cb:04][bc:05][cc:03][bd:07][sq:11]TR[eb][hb][ib][ec][fc][gc][hc][ic][hd][id][ge][he]C[White traded his territory in the top left for Black's marked stones with White 206. Locally speaking, this trade was better for White, but it wasn't enough to catch up.];W[nq];B[sp];W[pc];B[qc];W[oe];B[of];W[ee];B[dg];W[ne];B[nf];W[pb];B[pe](;W[oc]LB[pb:22][oc:24][pc:14][qc:15][ee:18][ne:20][oe:16][pe:23][nf:21][of:17][dg:19][sp:13][nq:12];B[qb];W[ns];B[sr];W[qa];B[ra];W[pa];B[bi];W[rb];B[rc];W[ac];B[bf];W[sa];B[in]LB[pa:30][qa:28][ra:29][sa:36][qb:25][rb:32][ac:34][rc:33][nd:A][bf:35][bi:31][mk:B][nm:C][in:37][ap:E][hp:D][sr:27][ns:26]C[White resigned at Black 237, because Black was already comfortably ahead and White had exhausted all his possibilities for reversing the game.This was another regretful game for Gu Li, because his play in the opening and early middle game was masterful, but the game turned to ashes after a single mistake at White A. Lee Sedol's attachment at Black B was devastating and his play afterwards was unrelenting.From a professional perspective, the game was clearly over when Black defended at Black C, but it was too important, so Gu couldn't resign so early. Gu needed to try his best to reverse the game and clear his mind, so that he wouldn't have any regrets going into game 8.On the other hand, Lee Sedol was slightly behind in the early part of the game, after defending improperly at Black D and absorbing a blow with White E (which was a very clever move on White's part). However, he didn't overplay in a hasty attempt to catch up and bided his time until he saw a good opportunity.After taking the lead with C, Lee's play was fastidious - in stark contrast to game 6 - and Gu didn't have any chances to catch up.Now that Lee Sedol is ahead 5-2, it's impossible for him to lose this 10 game match. At worst, he can only draw. This should relieve Lee's mind of the prospect of losing and allow him to play more freely in the remaining three games.Ni Zhanggen - the CEO of MLily - did mention earlier that the match could be extended by three games if the final score was 5-5. However, no final decision was made about this earlier on, and it's looking less and less likely that amending the rules would be acceptable this late in the match.In any case, Gu will face a kadoban (a match deciding game) for all three of the remaining games, so his prospects are looking dim at this stage.I hope that Gu Li's able to win the next game so that the jubango will be more interesting and well balanced.If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment.Thanks,Commented by Younggil An 8p.https://gogameguru.com/])(;W[od];B[md];W[me];B[le];W[ld];B[oc];W[md];B[qb];W[nb];B[pa];W[ob];B[bi]LB[pa:10][nb:9][ob:11][qb:8][oc:6][ld:5][md:2][od:1][le:4][me:3][bi:12]C[White can't gain more points by playing at White 1, because Black can squeeze with Black 2 to Black 10.(White 7 at Black 2)])(;W[rb];B[qb];W[qa];B[oc]LB[qa:3][qb:2][rb:1][oc:4][od:A]C[Jumping to White 1 is an overplay because Black will counter with Black 2 and Black 4. White can't cut at A because he's short of liberties.]))(;B[ha];W[fa];B[ac];W[be];B[bf];W[jc]LB[fa:2][ha:1][ac:3][jc:6][be:4][bf:5]C[Black can't win the capturing race with Black 1 to Black 3, because White 4 is a tesuji which gains one more liberty for White.]))(;W[rj];B[rh];W[ni];B[of];W[mh];B[nf];W[nh];B[sj];W[ll];B[nl];W[km];B[sq];W[nq];B[sp]LB[nf:6][of:4][mh:5][nh:7][rh:2][ni:3][rj:1][sj:8][ll:9][nl:10][km:11][sp:14][nq:13][sq:12]TR[qq][rq][rr][qs][ss]C[White can't start a capturing race with White 1 to White 11 anymore, because Black can capture White's marked stones firmly with Black 12 and White still doesn't have two eyes on the right.]))(;W[ni];B[nq];W[ss];B[ps];W[op];B[rs]LB[nf:A][of:B][ni:1][ri:C][op:5][nq:2][ps:4][rs:6][ss:3]TR[ji][jj][jk][gl][il][jl][gm][hm][jm][kn][ko][lo][mo][no][oo][po][qo][np][pp][oq]C[White can't cut at White 1 now, because Black can start a picnic ko for the life of White's center group up to Black 6.This ko is huge and White doesn't have many big ko threats, whereas Black has ko threats on the right side, starting with A, B and C. Furthermore, this is a one-step ko for White.]))(;W[hc];B[mp]LB[hc:1][no:B][mp:2][nq:A]TR[ji][jj][jk][gl][il][jl][gm][hm][jm][kn][ko][lo][mo]C[If White removes the aji in the top left, Black will wedge at Black 2, making miai of A and B, and White's marked stones will die.]))(;B[hc];W[gf];B[cc];W[cb];B[bc];W[bd];B[bb];W[ba];B[ca];W[da];B[ha];W[ac];B[fa];W[ab];B[gb];W[rm]LB[ba:8][ca:9][da:10][fa:13][ha:11][ab:14][bb:7][cb:4][gb:15][ac:12][bc:5][cc:3][hc:1][bd:6][gf:2][rm:16]C[Black still has aji in the top left starting with Black 1. If White protects his top left territory with White 6, Black can live up to Black 15.However, after that, White will come to the lower right with White 16, which is what Lee wanted to prevent in the game.]))(;B[gb];W[ed];B[fa];W[da]LB[da:4][fa:3][ha:A][gb:1][ed:2]C[a]))(;B[fe];W[hb];B[ib];W[ed]LB[hb:2][ib:3][gc:B][ed:4][ee:A][fe:1][ch:C]C[Responding directly with Black 1 is what White wants. White 2 and White 4 make miai of A and B, and the game becomes more complicated. Black didn't need to play so tightly, so he dodged at C in the actual game.]))(;W[ei];B[ch];W[dh];B[dg];W[ci];B[di];W[eh];B[fg]LB[dg:4][fg:8][ch:2][dh:3][eh:7][ci:5][di:6][ei:1][ej:A]C[If White extends to White 1, Black will enclose him with Black 2. White can't cut at A after Black 8, and there's no other way for White's cutting stones to escape.])(;W[eh];B[fg];W[di];B[dh];W[ei];B[ci];W[ch];B[ej];W[dg];B[fj];W[dh];B[fl]LB[dg:9][fg:2][ch:7][dh:4][eh:1][ci:6][di:3][ei:5][ej:8][fj:10][fl:11]C[White can pull his cutting stone out with White 1 and White 3, but Black can make two eyes up to Black 11. This isn't enough for White to catch up again.]))(;W[fh];B[gh];W[gg];B[fg];W[di];B[ei];W[eh];B[dh];W[ej];B[fj]LB[fg:4][gg:3][dh:8][eh:7][fh:1][gh:2][di:5][ei:6][ej:9][fj:10]C[Falling back at White 1 ends in failure, because Black 6 is a tesuji and White's cutting stones will be captured up to Black 10.]))(;W[ni];B[of];W[mh];B[nf];W[nh];B[pk];W[pj];B[rj];W[qk];B[ql];W[rl];B[rm]LB[nf:4][of:2][mh:3][nh:5][ni:1][ri:A][pj:7][rj:8][pk:6][qk:9][rk:B][ql:10][rl:11][rm:12]C[White can't save his group with White 1 to White 5, because Black 6 and Black 8 are severe. Up to Black 12, A and B are miai for Black and White's dead.])(;W[qr];B[ql]LB[ql:2][rq:A][qr:1]C[Reinforcing White's position with White 1 isn't good enough. Black can calmly remove aji with Black 2 and the entire right side belongs to Black.Black can still win the capturing race in the corner with A too.]))(;B[mp];W[no];B[nq];W[qr]LB[no:2][mp:1][nq:3][lr:B][qr:4][sr:C][ms:A]TR[pq][nr][or][pr]C[If Black still tries to cut off White's center group with Black 1 and Black 3, White will play at White 4 to attack the marked stones.It will still be a ko after Black A to C, but fighting a ko is an unnecessary risk for Black.])(;B[qr];W[rq];B[rs];W[qs];B[ps];W[nq];B[oi];W[qm];B[ql];W[rm];B[qn];W[rl];B[pl];W[rk];B[ri];W[rj];B[rh];W[ni];B[of];W[mh];B[nf];W[nh];B[sj];W[ll](;B[km];W[nl]LB[nf:21][of:19][mh:20][nh:22][rh:17][ni:18][oi:7][ri:15][rj:16][sj:23][rk:14][ll:24][nl:26][pl:13][ql:9][rl:12][km:25][qm:8][rm:10][jn:A][qn:11][nq:6][rq:2][qr:1][ps:5][qs:4][rs:3]TR[ji][jj][jk][gl][il][jl][jm]C[If Black responds locally with Black 1 and Black 3, White will come back and defend with White 6 (which also reduces Black's liberties).Black 7 is a nice move to attack White's right side group, but White can try to save the group with White 8 to White 14. After that, White can make two eyes up to White 26.Black can still cut at A to capture the marked stones in the center, but it's a far smaller in scale than the right side group.])(;B[nl];W[pn];B[km];W[sr];B[sp];W[sn]LB[nf:21][of:19][mh:20][nh:22][rh:17][ni:18][oi:7][ri:15][rj:16][sj:23][rk:14][ll:24][nl:25][pl:13][ql:9][rl:12][km:27][qm:8][rm:10][pn:26][qn:11][sn:30][sp:29][nq:6][rq:2][qr:1][sr:28][ps:5][qs:4][rs:3]C[Trying to capture with Black 25 doesn't work, because White 26 makes miai of 27 and 28. Black's bottom right group dies up to White 30.])))(;W[ql];B[mp];W[no];B[nq]LB[ql:1][no:3][mp:2][nq:4]C[If White looks after his right side group with White 1, Black can cut off and capture White's big dragon with Black 2 and Black 4.]))(;W[nm];B[mn]LB[nm:1][mn:2][mp:B][lq:A]C[The attachment at White 1 doesn't help. A and B are still miai for Black, and there's no way for White to save all of his stones.]))(;W[ll];B[ml];W[ko];B[nm](;W[kj];B[li];W[kl];B[oi];W[ni];B[of];W[mh];B[nf];W[nh];B[pk];W[pj];B[ok];W[oj];B[rj]LB[nf:12][of:10][mh:11][nh:13][li:6][ni:9][oi:8][kj:5][oj:17][pj:15][rj:18][ok:16][pk:14][kl:7][ll:1][ml:2][nm:4][ko:3]C[White 1 is also conceivable, but Black will connect his center stones up to Black 4.If White takes care of his center group with White 5 and White 7, Black can squeeze, starting with Black 8, and then the tesuji at Black 18 is a fancy way to put White out of his misery.])(;W[ol];B[om];W[nf];B[kl];W[kk];B[oi](;W[ni];B[ne];W[mh];B[of];W[nh];B[md]LB[md:16][nd:A][ne:12][nf:7][of:14][mh:13][nh:15][ni:11][oi:10][kk:9][pk:D][kl:8][ll:1][ml:2][ol:5][km:B][nm:4][om:6][ko:3][kp:C]C[If White tries to counter-attack with White 7, Black can push at Black 10 and capture White A up to Black 16.Neither of White's groups are completely safe yet - Black still has good moves at B, C and D.])(;W[me];B[ni];W[mi];B[mh];W[pk];B[nk];W[oj];B[pj];W[ok];B[qk]LB[me:11][nf:7][mh:14][mi:13][ni:12][oi:10][oj:17][pj:18][kk:9][nk:16][ok:19][pk:15][qk:20][kl:8][ll:1][ml:2][ol:5][nm:4][om:6][ko:3]C[Defending at White 11 doesn't work either, because White can't save all his stones after Black 12. If White persists up to White 19, Black 20 crushes him.])))(;W[kj];B[li];W[ml];B[nk];W[ll];B[ok];W[oj];B[kl];W[km];B[mm];W[nl];B[pk];W[pj];B[nm];W[jl];B[ol];W[kk];B[nf];W[rh];B[rg];W[si];B[ko]LB[nf:18][rg:20][rh:19][li:2][ri:D][si:21][kj:1][oj:7][pj:13][kk:17][nk:4][ok:6][pk:12][qk:B][rk:C][jl:15][kl:8][ll:5][ml:3][nl:11][ol:16][rl:A][km:9][mm:10][nm:14][ko:22][lp:E]C[If White ataris at White 1 and moves out up to White 5, Black 6 and Black 8 form a good combination. Black can squeeze White up to White 17, and then seal White in with Black 18.White can save the right side group up to White 21, but his center dragon will die after Black 22.If White resists with A, instead of White 19, his group won't be alive yet, because Black can still play B-D later. In addition, Black E is sente, so White can't seriously threaten to cut Black.]))(;W[lj];B[mj];W[mi];B[ni];W[oi];B[mh];W[nk];B[ml]LB[mh:6][mi:3][ni:4][oi:5][lj:1][mj:2][nk:7][ml:8][nn:F][ko:A][lo:C][mo:E][kp:B][lp:D]C[Extending at White 1 doesn't work well either. Black can still cut with Black 2 and Black 4, and it's impossible for White to manage both his weak groups.If White plays at A next, Black can play continue with B to F and it will be very similar to the actual game.]))(;B[oi];W[ni];B[of];W[mh];B[nf];W[nh];B[mk];W[mj];B[lj];W[li];B[kj];W[kk];B[mi];W[ml];B[nk];W[li];B[lg];W[ok];B[nl];W[ol];B[nm];W[om];B[ko];W[nn];B[mm];W[lo]LB[nf:5][of:3][lg:16][mh:4][nh:6][li:10][mi:13][ni:2][oi:1][kj:11][lj:9][mj:8][kk:12][mk:7][nk:15][ok:17][ml:14][nl:18][ol:19][mm:24][nm:20][om:21][nn:23][ko:22][lo:25]C[If Black squeezes first with Black 1, it will be difficult to fight in the center later.Black can still cut White with Black 7 and Black 9, but White can fight back with White 10 and White 14. Up to White 26, Black's cutting stones will be captured.(Ko: White 16 at White 10)]))(;W[ni];B[nd];W[gf];B[ff];W[fh]LB[nd:2][ff:4][gf:3][fh:5][ni:1][pm:A]C[White should have defended at White 1.Coming back to play at Black 2 is necessary next, and White can take care of his weak group with White 3 and White 5 now. This variation is the best option for White, and he still maintains his lead.However, the exchange of Black A for White 1 is still profitable for Black, so Black would catch up a little with this variation.]))(;W[if];B[gg];W[hg];B[pm]LB[if:1][gg:2][hg:3][pm:4]C[White can also make two eyes with White 1 and White 3, but it's too passive and Black can catch up with Black 4.The game would become very close again, so White needs to try harder.]))(;W[mg];B[kk];W[ko];B[kj];W[jl];B[nk];W[ok];B[ni];W[oi];B[mj]LB[mg:1][ng:A][ni:8][oi:9][kj:4][mj:10][oj:B][kk:2][nk:6][ok:7][jl:5][ko:3]C[It's a bit too late to save the cutting stone with White 1, because the attachments at Black 2 and Black 6 are strong counters. Black can manage his center group without any significant trouble up to Black 10. A and B are miai for Black next.]))(;W[mg](;B[ig];W[hg];B[jf];W[ke];B[mj];W[mh];B[nk];W[oj];B[lk];W[mi];B[li];W[ii]LB[ke:5][jf:4][hg:3][ig:2][mg:1][gh:B][hh:A][mh:7][hi:C][ii:13][li:12][mi:11][gj:D][mj:6][oj:9][lk:10][nk:8]C[White could also think about saving the cutting stone with White 1. Black can manage his center stones up to Black 12, but White will be fine after connecting at White 13.Black can't cut at A, because White can create a net with B-D.])(;B[ke];W[jf];B[jd];W[le];B[kd];W[nf];B[me];W[ne];B[md];W[hg];B[pm]LB[jd:4][kd:6][md:10][ke:2][le:5][me:8][ne:9][jf:3][kf:A][nf:7][hg:11][mg:1][ii:C][ok:B][pm:12]TR[lm][ln]C[When White extends at White 1, Black should atari immediately at Black 2. White can't afford to connect at 4, because capturing White A would make White B and White 1 worthless.The trade up to Black 12 is slightly better for Black, so the game would become even again if this happened.It's hard for White to capture the marked stones and Black has useful aji around B and C, so Gu didn't choose this variation.]))(;W[ii];B[ig];W[hg];B[ke];W[jd];B[jf];W[if];B[pm]LB[jd:5][ke:4][if:7][jf:6][hg:3][ig:2][ii:1][pm:8]C[Connecting at White 1 is slack. Black will become strong with Black 2 to Black 6 in sente, before taking a big point at Black 8.The game would be reversed if this happened.]))(;W[jg];B[ji];W[mg];B[lk];W[ko];B[ok];W[oj];B[pk];W[pj];B[kp];W[lo];B[lp];W[mo];B[lq]LB[jg:1][mg:3][ji:2][oj:7][pj:9][lk:4][ok:6][pk:8][ko:5][lo:11][mo:13][kp:10][lp:12][lq:14]TR[jk][jm][kn]C[Responding at White 1 seems normal, but it's wrong in this case. White's marked stones will be isolated up to Black 4.If White walks out with White 5, Black can exchange Black 6 and Black 8 in sente, before coming back to Black 10.White's dragon in the bottom right will be harassed and White will lose his territory at the bottom up to Black 14. The game would be reversed if this happened.]))(;W[ko];B[gs];W[cq];B[kp];W[lo];B[lp];W[mo];B[lq]LB[ko:1][lo:5][mo:7][kp:4][lp:6][cq:3][lq:8][jr:C][kr:B][lr:A][gs:2][js:D]C[If White tries to escape with White 1, Black will exchange Black 2 for White 3, before breaking through White's shape up to Black 8. White's territory at the bottom will be destroyed.Black can play A in sente at any time, and he can even play B-D if he's prepared to fight a ko.]))(;B[kq];W[jr];B[ln];W[ko];B[kp];W[lo]LB[ln:3][ko:4][lo:6][kp:5][kq:1][jr:2]C[If Black tries to isolate White's center stones with Black 1 and Black 3, White can connect through to White 6.]))(;B[li];W[mg];B[iq];W[ir];B[ip];W[kq];B[km];W[fc]LB[fc:8][mg:2][li:1][km:7][ip:5][iq:3][kq:6][ir:4]C[If Black tries to build a big territory in the center up to Black 7, White can attach at White 8 to destroy Black's top left area.The game is still slightly better for White, and Black didn't choose this variation because the game would become too easy for White. Black would have fewer chances to catch up in this sort of simple game.]))(;W[ii];B[jh];W[ih];B[ig];W[hg];B[jg];W[if];B[hh]LB[if:7][hg:5][ig:4][jg:6][hh:8][ih:3][jh:2][ii:1]TR[ek][el][em][dn][do][ep][fp][gp][hp][jp]C[Flying out with White 1 is too thin. Black can separate White's stones with Black 2 and Black 4, and the context of this fight is highly favorable for Black.Black's marked influence will be very helpful in any fight that starts here.]))(;W[cj];B[ci];W[di];B[ej];W[bi];B[ch];W[bh];B[mf]LB[kc:A][mf:8][bh:7][ch:6][bi:5][ci:2][di:3][cj:1][ej:4]C[Pushing at White 1 is also conceivable, but then Black can exchange some moves up to White 7, before taking sente.Black 8 is a nice place to develop his top area, and it'll be hard for White A to move out now. This isn't as good as the actual game for White.]))(;W[en];B[eo];W[el];B[fl];W[ck];B[bk];W[cj];B[ci];W[fm];B[bj]LB[ci:8][bj:10][cj:7][bk:6][ck:5][el:3][fl:4][fm:9][en:1][eo:2]C[White wants to break through into Black's center, but White 1 and White 3 are too greedy. Black 4 and Black 6 are a nice combination, and no matter where White turns, he's trapped in a ladder.]))(;B[ck];W[el];B[fm];W[fl];B[gm];W[dj]LB[dj:6][ck:1][el:2][fl:4][fm:3][gm:5]C[If Black extends at Black 1, the fighting will become very difficult for Black. White can push at White 2 and White 4 in sente, and press Black's three stones with White 6.Black is in trouble after White 6.]))(;B[ke];W[mc];B[nd];W[le];B[ld];W[kd];B[lf];W[me];B[md];W[je];B[kf];W[jd];B[ic];W[ie];B[gd];W[ig]LB[fc:B][ic:13][mc:2][gd:15][jd:12][kd:6][ld:5][md:9][nd:3][ie:14][je:10][ke:1][le:4][me:8][kf:11][lf:7][nf:A][ig:16]C[If Black attacks at Black 1, White can break out with the attachments at White 2 and White 4.Black 7 and Black 9 are a nice haengma, but White still walks out into the center without any worries.After White 16, A and B are miai for White, and the result is good enough for Gu.])(;B[je];W[mc];B[nd];W[le]LB[mc:2][nd:3][je:1][le:4]C[If Black plays the kosumi at Black 1, White can easily run into the center with White 2 and White 4.]))(;B[ao];W[eo];B[en];W[fo];B[dn];W[fn];B[fm];W[gn]LB[fm:7][dn:5][en:3][fn:6][gn:8][ao:1][eo:2][fo:4][ap:A]TR[ep][fp][gp][hp][fq]C[If Black answers at Black 1, White will cut at White 2. Black has to come back to defend at Black 5 eventually, because the ladder favors White.So White can save his cutting stones. Black's marked stones are in trouble.]))(;W[am];B[ao];W[bl];B[dn];W[ck];B[dk];W[cj];B[dj]LB[cj:7][dj:8][ck:5][dk:6][bl:3][am:1][dn:4][ao:2]TR[bn][cn]C[Moving the marked stones out with White 1 and White 3 is a bit too heavy. Black will be satisfied with his strong wall up to Black 8.]))(;B[ap];W[dm]LB[dm:2][ap:1]C[If Black hanes on the other side at Black 1, White won't answer, and will walk out towards the center with White 2.Black will find it difficult to manage his weak groups.])(;B[dn];W[ao];B[dm];W[kc]LB[kc:4][dm:3][dn:1][ao:2]C[Falling back to Black 1 is too soft. White will be happy to connect under with White 2, and Black needs to spend another move at Black 3 to connect his stones.Black gained nothing on the left side, so it's bad for Black.]))(;W[eo];B[en];W[fo];B[gn]LB[en:2][gn:4][eo:1][fo:3][hp:A]C[Cutting at White 1 doesn't work anymore after Black A.])(;W[ip];B[io];W[jo];B[in];W[jn];B[im]LB[im:6][in:4][jn:5][io:2][jo:3][ip:1]C[Answering at White 1 is wrong. Black will be very happy to enlarge his left side up to Black 6.As you can see, Black's position on the left is bigger than White's territory at the bottom.]))(;B[pg];W[qg];B[pi];W[oh];B[qi];W[of];B[oi];W[nh]LB[kc:A][of:6][pg:1][qg:2][nh:8][oh:4][oi:7][pi:3][qi:5]TR[oo][po][qo]C[The hane on the other side, at Black 1, is the wrong choice. Black can't easily build territory on the right side, because of White's marked influence and Black's potential at the top is reduced once White's center group becomes strong.It will be easy for White to invade (e.g. around A) later.]))(;W[of];B[oh];W[mf];B[mh]LB[mf:3][of:1][pg:D][mh:4][oh:2][rh:C][qj:A][pm:B]C[Jumping out with White 1 isn't a good idea. Black can jump as too, and White's three stones will be floating in the center. White A will be isolated after Black plays at B, but White doesn't have time to defend.If White attaches at C at any time, Black can counter with D.])(;W[rh];B[rg];W[qg](;B[ph]LB[rf:A][qg:3][rg:2][ph:4][rh:1][ri:B]TR[rd]C[Attaching underneath with White 1 is more common, and also aims to sacrifice a stone. However, because of the marked stone, Black can resist with Black 2 and Black 4, which makes miai of A and B.White will end up with a heavy group no matter where he plays next.])(;B[ri];W[ph];B[qi];W[pi]LB[qg:3][rg:2][ph:5][rh:1][pi:7][qi:6][ri:4]C[The atari at Black 4 is what White wants, but it's too passive in this case. White will be happy to play forcing moves at White 5 and White 7 while Black crawls on the second line.])))(;B[pf];W[qe](;B[pe];W[qd];B[qc];W[qg];B[pg];W[rh]LB[gc:B][kc:A][qc:5][qd:4][pe:3][qe:2][pf:1][pg:7][qg:6][rh:8]C[If Black attaches at Black 1, White can easily connect under with White 6 and White 8.Black's influence isn't that useful or powerful, because it's hard to enlarge his moyo at the top. White's influence at the bottom limits Black's potential in the center, and White can also invade easily at A or B later.])(;B[qd];W[pe];B[oe];W[pg];B[of];W[qg];B[og];W[ph]LB[qd:3][oe:5][pe:4][qe:2][of:7][pf:1][og:9][pg:6][qg:8][ph:10][qh:A]C[Blocking at Black 3 is also conceivable, but White will be happy to swallow up Black A through to White 10.])))(;W[br]LB[ao:A][ap:F][aq:E][bq:B][cq:C][br:1][cr:D]C[White can also consider jumping at White 1, but then descending at A will be sente for Black later (aiming at B-F). Gu didn't play there because of that.]))(;W[bq];B[bo];W[cq];B[cl]LB[cl:4][cn:B][bo:2][bp:A][bq:1][cq:3]C[Occasionally the diagonal move at White 1 is a nice tesuji, but not in this situation. White still has to defend at White 3 and Black's position is better than the actual game because Black has one more liberty at A and it's hard for White B to move out.])(;W[bo];B[bp];W[cq];B[bn];W[eo];B[dn];W[en];B[ao];W[bq];B[em];W[dm];B[cm];W[fm];B[el];W[fn];B[fl];W[hm];B[gl];W[in];B[oi]LB[oi:20][el:14][fl:16][gl:18][cm:12][dm:11][em:10][fm:13][hm:17][bn:4][dn:6][en:7][fn:15][in:19][ao:8][bo:1][eo:5][bp:2][bq:9][cq:3]TR[dq][dr]SQ[ep][fp][gp][fq]C[You might think that White 1 is good in terms of shape, because it's similar to the situation we discussed in the bottom right earlier. That's true, however, it doesn't work well in this case, because Black can capture White 1 with Black 2 and Black 4.Even if White aims to cut from behind with White 5, eventually he'll have to repay his loan in the corner with White 9. This gives Black time to sacrifice in good style up to Black 18 and take sente to play Black 20.It's ok for Black to sacrifice another four stones (marked), because White was already strong at the bottom and he only gained about 15 points by capturing the extra stones. Meanwhile, Black's group became incredibly thick and White's lower left moyo became Black's territory.This is an excellent result for Black.]))(;B[cp];W[do];B[bq];W[bo];B[bp];W[fn]LB[fn:6][bo:4][do:2][bp:5][cp:1][bq:3]TR[ep][fp][gp][fq]C[Black can live in the corner with Black 1, if he wants to. However, the result up to White 6 is good for White, because Black's four stones in the center are paralyzed.White's influence over the center is overwhelmingly better than Black's corner territory in this variation.]))(;W[cp];B[hr];W[ir];B[hp];W[iq];B[eq];W[hs];B[en]LB[en:8][cp:1][hp:4][eq:6][iq:5][hr:2][ir:3][hs:7]C[If White takes care of the corner stone with White 1, Black will push at Black 2. Even though White captures Black's two stones at the bottom, Black's satisfied with the forcing exchange at Black 4.]))(;B[eq];W[hr];B[do];W[cp];B[co];W[bo];B[eo];W[bq];B[dq];W[dm]LB[dm:10][bo:6][co:5][do:3][eo:7][cp:4][dp:A][bq:8][dq:9][eq:1][hr:2]C[Responding directly at Black 1 is wrong in this case. The hane at Black 3 looks nice, but White can still save the key stone (White A) with White 6 and White 8. Black's group is still floating after White 10, and the result is good for White.]))(;W[eq];B[fp];W[er];B[dq];W[hr];B[do];W[cp];B[co];W[bp];B[bo];W[cr];B[cl]LB[cl:12][bo:10][co:8][do:6][bp:9][cp:7][fp:2][dq:4][eq:1][cr:11][er:3][hr:5]C[If White ataris at White 1 first, Black will break through the left side with the moves through to Black 10, and the result up to Black 12 is exactly the same as the actual game.This is an even result.]))(;B[eq];W[hr]LB[eq:1][gr:A][hr:2]C[If Black extends at Black 1, White will capture the cutting stone with White 2. Exchanging Black A for White 2 is good for White, so Black shouldn't play like this.]))(;B[eq];W[hr];B[cq];W[cp];B[er];W[hp]LB[cp:4][hp:6][cq:3][eq:1][er:5][hr:2]C[If Black extends at Black 1, White will connect with the tiger's mouth at White 2. Black's corner group isn't yet completely alive, and this is different to the previous variation.]))(;W[hq];B[cq](;W[fr];B[eq];W[cp];B[er]LB[cp:5][cq:2][eq:4][hq:1][er:6][fr:3]C[Extending at White 1 is normal, but it's not the best move in this situation. Black will be satisfied after settling down easily up to Black 6.])(;W[fp];B[fr];W[fo];B[eg]LB[eg:6][fo:5][fp:3][cq:2][hq:1][fr:4]C[Cutting at White 3 can be good when White wants to create thickness, but since White loses sente, Black has time to reduce White's potential with Black 6. Moreover, White's potential at the bottom is already fairly limited, so cutting isn't a good idea in this game.])))(;W[cq];B[hq]LB[cq:1][hq:2]TR[oo][po][qo][np][jq][mq]C[If White defends the corner with White 1, Black will be happy to extend at Black 2.This reduces White's thickness at the bottom so Gu didn't play at White 1.]))(;B[cq];W[qr];B[or];W[nr];B[nq];W[np];B[rr];W[oq];B[rq];W[qf]LB[qf:10][np:6][cq:1][nq:5][oq:8][rq:9][nr:4][or:3][qr:2][rr:7]C[If Black tenukis with Black 1, blocking at White 2 and squeezing up to White 8 is a good combination and White can create perfect thickness in sente.As you can see, Black's lower right corner is very low and flat, so Lee didn't like this variation.]))(;W[or];B[qr];W[no];B[cq]LB[no:3][cq:4][or:1][qr:2]C[Blocking first at White 1 is wrong, because Black can take sente to play at Black 4.]))(;B[qq];W[pq]LB[op:A][pq:2][qq:1]TR[po][pp][qp]C[Falling back with Black 1 is too soft. White can establish a very nice position at the bottom with White 2.In terms of the fundamentals of shape, Black A has been wasted, because White drilled straight through Black's shape with the marked stones. Black shouldn't allow White to have such a nice result.]))(;B[pp];W[rn];B[rp];W[qm]LB[qm:4][rn:2][pp:1][rp:3][or:A]C[If Black connects at Black 1, which is normal, White will come back to White 2 and settle down comfortably on the right side.Black's lower right corner is smaller than it looks, because White can slide at A whenever he wants.]))(;W[rn];B[qn];W[po];B[rp]LB[qm:A][pn:B][qn:2][rn:1][po:3][rp:4]C[The hane at White 1 doesn't work well, because the ladder starting at White A doesn't favor White.]))(;B[po];W[qn](;B[rp](;W[pn];B[on];W[om];B[nn];W[nm];B[mn];W[pq];B[pp];W[oq]LB[nm:8][om:6][mn:9][nn:7][on:5][pn:4][qn:2][po:1][pp:11][rp:3][oq:12][pq:10]C[If Black hanes at Black 1 and descends at Black 3, White will be happy to push Black around up to White 8, before gouging out the corner territory with White 10 and White 12.])(;W[or];B[ql];W[pn]LB[ql:5][pn:6][qn:2][po:1][rp:3][or:4]C[As an alternative to the previous variation, White can also slide with White 4. If Black invades at Black 5, White will fight back with White 6. This variation is playable for White and is more severe than the previous variation, because Black's corner group isn't yet settled.]))(;B[pq];W[pn];B[on];W[om];B[nn];W[nm];B[mn];W[gq]LB[nm:8][om:6][mn:9][nn:7][on:5][pn:4][qn:2][po:1][gq:10][pq:3]C[Black can also consider playing at Black 1 and Black 3. Black can defend the corner territory effectively, but White can settle his group on the right up to Black 9. White can then take sente and return to the bottom with White 10. This result is satisfactory for White.])))(;W[qm];B[nr]LB[qm:1][nr:2]C[Extending at White 1 is normal, but it's too pedestrian. Black will be happy to secure the corner territory with Black 2.]))(;B[ql];W[id]LB[id:2][ql:1]TR[ec][dd][de]C[If Black extends on the right side at Black 1, White will play at the top with White 2.Black's marked stones start to feel a little heavy as White surrounds them on a large scale, because the area is too large for Black to simply discard them.]))(;W[cq];B[hq];W[mq]LB[cq:1][gq:A][hq:2][mq:3]C[Exchanging White 1 for Black 2 helps Black and weakens White's group in the bottom right. White isn't yet sure whether he'll prefer to have played at White 1 or A later, so he should defer that decision until later if he can.]))(;B[lq];W[eq](;B[fp];W[hq];B[go];W[jo]LB[go:5][jo:6][fp:3][eq:2][hq:4][lq:1]C[If Black extends at Black 1, White will still kick at White 2 and attack Black's group in the bottom left.Black's group is a bit heavy, so Lee didn't play at Black 1.])(;B[id](;W[qm];B[pl];W[ql];B[pj]LB[id:3][pj:7][pl:5][ql:6][qm:4][fp:A][eq:2][lq:1]C[However, Black could also think about playing at the top with Black 3. If White extends at White 4, Black can develop the top right area with Black 5 and Black 7.This is another game, and Black can aim to come back to A later.])(;W[fp];B[ql];W[oj];B[oh];W[mj];B[kj]LB[id:3][oh:7][kj:9][mj:8][oj:6][ql:5][fp:4][eq:2][fq:A][lq:1]C[Suppressing Black A with White 4 is also very big, but it's a bit too slow.Black will pincer at Black 5, and the flow up to Black 9 is active for Black.])))(;B[ql];W[id];B[nj];W[lc](;B[lq];W[qf]LB[lc:4][id:2][qd:A][qf:6][rh:B][nj:3][ql:1][lq:5]C[If Black tries to punish White immediately, at Black 1, White will tenuki and take the big point at White 2. Black 3 is a good continuation, but White 4 is also big, because it reduces Black's moyo while dangling a lifeline which White can use at White 6.Because White still has aji around 6 (A and B are miai, for example), this result is slightly better for White.])(;B[qe];W[mq]LB[lc:4][id:2][qe:5][nj:3][ql:1][mq:6]C[If Black reinforces his corner with Black 5 instead, White will reduce the moyo with White 6, which is also a big point. Black's stones are over-concentrated, so Black won't be satisfied.])))(;W[qm];B[db];W[cc];B[fd]LB[db:2][cc:3][fd:4][oj:A][pj:D][pl:B][ql:C][qm:1]C[If White extends at White 1, which is normal, Black will develop the top with Black 2 and Black 4.This another game, but Gu might have thought that the actual game was better for White. If White doesn't reinforce at A next, Black plans to continue with B-D.]))(;W[db];B[pj]LB[db:1][pj:2]TR[nc][pd][op][qp]C[Extending at White 1 is very big and important. However, Black will be happy to play on the right side at Black 2.]))(;B[df];W[dg];B[cc];W[db];B[bc];W[cb];B[cg];W[ch];B[bb];W[eb];B[bg];W[bf];B[bh];W[bd](;B[fc];W[fb];B[ci];W[dh];B[di];W[fh];B[fe];W[ei];B[dk];W[gc];B[gd];W[hc]LB[bb:9][cb:6][db:4][eb:10][fb:16][bc:5][cc:3][fc:15][gc:24][hc:26][bd:14][gd:25][fe:21][bf:12][df:1][bg:11][cg:7][dg:2][bh:13][ch:8][dh:18][fh:20][bi:B][ci:17][di:19][ei:22][bj:A][ck:C][dk:23]C[Continuing at Black 1 is also possible, but it's very rarely seen in pros games these days. The result up to White 26 is slightly better for White, because White can easily remove Black's eye shape on the left with A to C.This large avalanche joseki was very popular in the late 90s and early 2000s, but not anymore. That's because most of the possible moves and variations have been researched and played. Pros prefer to study and play new moves and patterns.])(;B[ci];W[eg];B[fe];W[fc];B[ff];W[fg];B[he];W[ck];B[ei];W[hg]LB[bb:9][cb:6][db:4][eb:10][bc:5][cc:3][fc:18][bd:14][fe:17][he:21][bf:12][df:1][ff:19][bg:11][cg:7][dg:2][eg:16][fg:20][hg:24][bh:13][ch:8][ci:15][ei:23][ck:22][cn:A]C[The variation up to White 24 is also slightly better for White. Since White A is already on the board, White can play at 22 in sente and Black ends up with two weak groups.])))(;B[cf];W[cd];B[dg];W[fc];B[ck];W[eq];B[fp];W[mq]LB[fc:4][cd:2][cf:1][dg:3][ck:5][fp:7][eq:6][mq:8]C[The hane at Black 1 isn't ideal in this opening. After the joseki up to Black 5, White can kick at White 6 and extend to White 8. White can develop rapidly, and that's not what Black wants.]))(;B[lq];W[eq];B[fp];W[hq];B[go];W[jo]LB[go:5][jo:6][fp:3][eq:2][hq:4][lq:1]C[If Black extends at Black 1, White will kick at White 2 to make Black heavy.If play continues up to White 6, White's three stones at the bottom are more active than Black's. That's why Lee didn't play at Black 1 in the game.]))(;W[qi];B[qk];W[qf];B[qe];W[pf];B[nc];W[oj]LB[nc:6][qe:4][pf:5][qf:3][qi:1][oj:7][qk:2]C[Splitting at White 1 is also possible. The result up to White 7 is playable for both.])(;W[qf];B[pi];W[nc];B[pf];W[pg];B[of];W[qd];B[qc];W[qe];B[pc];W[og];B[md];W[qh]LB[nc:3][pc:10][qc:8][md:12][qd:7][qe:9][of:6][pf:4][qf:1][og:11][pg:5][qh:13][pi:2][cn:B][fq:A]C[If White approaches at White 1, Black will pincer at Black 2. This is the same as the variation we saw earlier, except that Black's already exchanged Black A for White B.This is another game, but since Lee (as White) played like this in the final of the 26th Asian TV Cup about a fortnight before this game, Gu probably didn't want to follow this opening. Gu would expect that if he followed this opening, Lee might have researched and prepared some new moves.])(;W[qj];B[de];W[ce];B[dd];W[cd];B[ec];W[cf];B[qh];W[qm];B[pl];W[ql];B[pj];W[pk];B[ok];W[qk];B[pi];W[ol];B[nk]LB[ec:6][cd:5][dd:4][jd:B][ce:3][de:2][cf:7][qh:8][pi:16][pj:12][qj:1][nk:18][ok:14][pk:13][qk:15][ol:17][pl:10][ql:11][om:A][qm:9]C[Splitting at White 1 is also possible, but it's rarely seen these days. Black would probably continue at Black 2. If play continues up to White 7, as in the actual game, Black would approach at Black 8 to develop a large framework at the top.The shoulder hit at Black 10 is a nice continuation, and the result up to Black 18 is favorable for Black. A and B are miai for Black next.]))(;B[op];W[qf];B[pi];W[nc];B[pf];W[pg];B[of];W[qd];B[qc];W[qe];B[pc];W[og];B[md];W[qh]LB[nc:4][pc:11][qc:9][md:13][qd:8][qe:10][of:7][pf:5][qf:2][og:12][pg:6][qh:14][pi:3][cn:B][op:1][fq:A][hq:C][jq:D]C[Lee Sedol played like this as White in the final of the 26th Asian TV Cup, against Kono Rin 9p on Aug 19. 2014.It seems that Lee liked Black's opening in that game. In addition, he might have thought that exchanging A for B would be better for Black. If Black approaches at A after playing this variation, White might pincer at C or D instead.]))
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Gu Li    Lee Sedol
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