Sides > Center.];W[qe]WL[1465.05]C[Bad move.];B[qd]BL[1412.71];W[rd]WL[1462.05];B[rc]BL[1407.62];W[re]WL[1458.35](;B[nd]BL[1402.01];W[qk]WL[1455.23];B[cf]BL[1388.04];W[lc]WL[1451.6]C[There it comes, making it a little more complicated.You'll probably have to deal with some reduction of your corner.In exchange for not having played low, it will be easier to run out and keep White's right side small.](;B[nc]BL[1365.99]C[A bit too humble.];W[ic]WL[1447.7];B[cc]BL[1363.52]C[Your other good choice was to enclose at C6.];W[cd]WL[1445.11];B[dc]BL[1360.11];W[ec]WL[1439.67];B[ed]BL[1359.11]C[You surely like to make it complicated!Both upper corners could have safely been yours, while the lower right one holds only 2-3 points for White if White doesn't play the Ko once you atari.With that said, I'm not familiar with any Jouseki deriving from this situation, so let's see what happens.];W[fc]WL[1420.55];B[de]BL[1335.07](;W[bd]WL[1414.33];B[bc]BL[1328.46];W[ee]WL[1410.88];B[fd]BL[1325.61];W[gd]WL[1401.05];B[fe]BL[1323.71];W[ef]WL[1399.48](;B[be]BL[1312.47];W[gf]WL[1386.8];B[gc]BL[1291.84]C[Ah, your mentioned blunder. Yikes];W[ge]WL[1382.16](;B[fb]BL[1290.07];W[eb]WL[1377.71];B[cn]BL[1270.44];W[ad]WL[1373.73]C[White sealed the deal quickly because you forgot to connect and feels ahead now.Territory for now favours White nicely.];B[ac]BL[1263.86]C[Did you forget that White can just take your 3?Or are you hoping to live in the corner if White ignores you?](;W[db]WL[1365.72];B[cj]BL[1216.06](;W[fq]WL[1353.98]C[Possible, but doesn't feel so good to me.However, in the end, White's goal now has to be to crush enough of your influence to take it home.];B[eq]BL[1172.51];W[fo]WL[1343.06];B[io]BL[1163.53];W[fm]WL[1339.34](;B[dl]BL[1150.98];W[eo]WL[1336.74]C[That doesn't really do anything for White.The thought looks correct, because White needs some shape, but has to find actual forcing moves.](;B[do]BL[1147.81]C[So scared! White couldn't cut you.];W[fr]WL[1334.2](;B[rl]BL[1104.59]C[First, why Tenuki?White has a stick on the left side that you can chase around to make profit.Do -not- expect to kill it or anything, but you can build a very nice amount of points.Second, you played on the second line against a group that has a double two space extension.White can just ignore you, this group is safe.Were you worried about the clamp S7 or Peep R7?While the peep is a nice move, you simply connect. White then jumps out.The clamp will might let the corner connect to the side - but both groups were alivei n their own right already, so White doesn't gain anything from doing so.];W[rk]WL[1327.92];B[fk]BL[1045.47]C[I'd say that's the worse side maybe (gut feeling).A cap is nice and grants you momentum, but you can not expect to gain any more points on that side.Attacking from the right would enlargen your moyo bombastically. White would have an easy time connecting up, but won't really make points with the stick.];W[hn]WL[1323.68];B[in]BL[1042.62];W[im]WL[1319.86];B[jm]BL[1038.84];W[il]WL[1317.33];B[gl]BL[1027.48];W[gm]WL[1314.03];B[jl]BL[1007.87](;W[hl]WL[1290.93]C[... Empty triangle that makes a false eye.];B[jk]BL[950.097]C[Simple and correct answer. Stay ahead of your opponent.];W[hj]WL[1286.84](;B[dh]BL[921.97]C[No! White couldn't disconnect them simply, funnily enough.];W[cs]WL[1281.09](;B[cq]BL[854.918]C[Now you've given away quite some points very easily. At least make White defend the Monkey Jump.];W[sc]WL[1262.29];B[rb]BL[832.941];W[is]WL[1254.18]C[I'd be a bit worried about Black ruining the remaining shape of the stick...](;B[jr]BL[720.072]C[Passive.];W[mb]WL[1247.96]C[You need to read if it is forcing.](;B[nb]BL[713.731];W[na]WL[1243.93];B[oa]BL[709.04];W[ma]WL[1242.02](;B[pb]BL[707.274]C[Was this move necessary?];W[ok]WL[1238.68];B[pl]BL[688.666];W[pk]WL[1236.04](;B[nm]BL[685.081]C[Very humble again.];W[ql]WL[1233.55];B[qm]BL[679.257];W[sl]WL[1231.71]C[Is it really that time yet to fight over 2 points?](;B[rm]BL[671.168];W[ol]WL[1227.67];B[om]BL[662.735];W[of]WL[1222.89]C[Let's do a count at this point.BlackCorner upper right: ~8Left side: ~32Bottom right: ~30WhiteUpper side: ~45 + some potentialRight side: ~19 + some potentialCorner lower right: ~5Stick lower left: ~2So for now it is approximately 70b vs 71w - you'll have to do some work. simply defending won't work.];B[js]BL[533.42];W[hs]WL[1219.04];B[ho]BL[517.6];W[go]WL[1215.2];B[gp]BL[456.319];W[fp]WL[1208.54]MA[lc][ic][gd][ge][gf][hj][of][qh][ok][pk][mk][ji][me]C[Ok, you squeezed out some forcing moves for now.But you have to be aware that the marked area is incredibly important for the remainder of the game (and Q1 forcing).](;B[gq]BL[455.113]C[This stone is not actually worth enough.];W[gr]WL[1202.79](;B[hr]BL[445.396]C[The next very small move.];W[gk]WL[1196.77];B[fl]BL[441.766];W[fj]WL[1192.8];B[ik]BL[410.959];W[hk]WL[1188.96](;B[em]BL[382.6]C[That's the wrong way.](;W[en]WL[1185.29];B[gn]BL[344.747]C[This will always be an eye (as long as White connects out). At best, you wasted a Ko threat.];W[fn]WL[1177.09];B[dn]BL[342.883];W[ek]WL[1170.8];B[el]BL[340.357];W[ej]WL[1167.24];B[gi]BL[294.528](;W[gj]WL[1161.45]C[I don't think White had to answer so obediently."Even a fool connects against the peep" though!];B[hi]BL[291.81];W[eh]WL[1152.57];B[ii]BL[186.907];W[di]WL[1146.3](;B[ch]BL[166.028];W[eg]WL[1135.78];B[dj]BL[88.719];W[dk]WL[1129.91];B[ck]BL[86.901];W[ni]WL[1124.07];B[mk]BL[68.279];W[nk]WL[1118.87](;B[ml]BL[63.987];W[mj]WL[1114.74]C[Now White sealed you in, the game is done.Current points are about even but White is the only player actually having potential to really make some more.];B[mc]BL[54.946];W[kb]WL[1111.52];B[ld]BL[51.754];W[kd]WL[1108.56];B[le]BL[48.114];W[ke]WL[1106.23];B[kf]BL[40.622];W[jf]WL[1103.57];B[kg]BL[26.458];W[mg]WL[1099.06]C[Now White should be ahead by five.];B[mf]BL[9.158];W[nf]WL[1095.39];OB[5]B[ne]BL[30]MA[ps][ae][df][jg][lg][lj][ci][br][er][dr][cr]C[Biggest moves left I think are around the marked areas / points.];W[pe]WL[1089.5];OB[5]B[jg]BL[30];W[if]WL[1084.11];OB[5]B[mh]BL[30];W[nh]WL[1078.11];OB[5]B[lg]BL[30];W[ng]WL[1073.71]LB[nd:A][lo:B][al:C][rh:D][sq:E][gn:F][hb:G]C[about... (mostly reference for myself now)Black 75A - 9B - 41C - 25White 80D - 25E - 5F - 2G - 48];OB[5]B[hg]BL[30]MA[ps][br][ae][dg][ci]C[You're still overlooking the nice points at the other locations.Maybe someone with actual endgame knowledge can calculate things somewhat reliable, I've yet to study anything related to it.];W[hf]WL[1069.81];OB[5]B[gg]BL[30]C[That move only made one point. Maybe two if you consider E13 as follow-up.];W[lh]WL[1064.07];OB[5]B[li]BL[30];W[mi]WL[1061.11](;OB[5]B[ki]BL[30]C[That's definitely a mistake though.];W[lj]WL[1058.58];OB[5]B[lk]BL[30](;W[ps]WL[1050.68]C[That one hurts too.];OB[5]B[os]BL[30];W[dg]WL[1042.15];OB[5]B[cg]BL[30];W[kj]WL[1038.34];OB[5]B[ji]BL[30];W[kk]WL[1031.81];OB[5]B[kl]BL[30];W[ig]WL[1021.6];OB[5]B[fg]BL[30];W[ff]WL[1017.52];OB[5]B[sb]BL[30];W[sd]WL[1009.17];OB[5]B[ir]BL[30];W[gs]WL[1004.05];OB[5]B[dr]BL[30];W[ds]WL[999.353];OB[5]B[er]BL[30];W[es]WL[995.972];OB[5]B[br]BL[30];W[bs]WL[991.634];OB[5]B[ar]BL[30];W[ce]WL[987.335];OB[5]B[bf]BL[30];W[df]WL[982.365];OB[5]B[ep]BL[30];W[ae]WL[967.919];OB[5]B[af]BL[30];W[ih]WL[964.036];OB[5]B[ci]BL[30];W[ei]WL[960.471];OB[5]B[oe]BL[30];W[hh]WL[954.73];OB[5]B[gh]BL[30];W[so]WL[948.628];OB[5]B[sm]BL[30];W[sk]WL[944.896];OB[5]B[as]BL[30];W[fs]WL[902.166];OB[5]B[cr]BL[30];W[mh]WL[890.325];OB[5]B[pm]BL[30];W[nl]WL[878.23];OB[5]B[mm]BL[30];W[]WL[878.229];OB[4]B[sq]BL[30];W[sr]WL[873.551];OB[3]B[]BL[30];W[]WL[833.638]TB[pc][qc][md][od][me][lf][ag][bg][ah][bh][ai][bi][aj][bj][ak][al][bl][bk][cl][ll][am][bm][cm][dm][km][lm][an][bn][jn][kn][ln][mn][nn][on][qn][ao][bo][co][jo][ko][lo][mo][no][oo][po][ap][bp][cp][hp][ip][jp][kp][lp][mp][op][aq][bq][sa][dq][hq][jq][kq][lq][mq][nq][kr][lr][mr][nr][ks][ls][ms][ns][pa][qa][ra][np][ob][qb][oc]TW[aa][ba][ca][da][ea][fa][ga][ha][ia][ja][ka][la][ab][bb][cb][fb][gb][ib][jb][lb][ac][bc][cc][dc][gc][hc][jc][kc][ed][fd][hd][id][jd][de][fe][he][ie][je][se][pf][qf][rf][sf][og][pg][qg][rg][sg][oh][ph][rh][sh][oi][pi][qi][ri][nj][oj][pj][qj][rj][sj][hm][gn][sp][rq][sq][qr][qs][rs][ss][si][hb]C[White gave you a good chance to recover from your mistake in the top left, and you almost took it.Q1 made 2 points difference (+ the stone you threw into it), and maybe defending your center points better would have swung it around for this game.White would (hopefully) have taken other large points like B2 in response though (we should at least assume our opponent does their best), so the result was not made in endgame!])(;W[kj]C[Just to play it out locally and compare to the 10 points you made in the center if you had blocked the other point.Since you don't need to worry about anything dying, Q1 and B2 and A15 are still the biggest.];B[kk];W[jj];B[ji];W[ig];B[ih];W[kh];B[jh];W[mh];B[gh]MA[hh][lf][kl][ll][km][lm][mm]C[3 point loss.]))(;B[lj];W[kh];B[jh];W[ki];B[kj];W[ji];B[jj];W[mh];B[ig];W[fh];B[gh]MA[kk][lk][kl][ll][km][lm][mm][hh][ih][lf]))(;B[mj]C[This is completely fine, White can't cut.];W[ml];B[nl]))(;B[ci]C[This would be fine.];W[dg];B[ch]))(;W[eh]))(;W[ej]C[Now this is forcing.];B[];W[dk](;B[ck];W[el];B[ek];W[el])(;B[el];W[ck])))(;B[ej](;W[em];B[dm];W[ek];B[el];W[ei];B[dj];W[fi])(;W[el];B[ek];W[em];B[fi]C[That's why it would be bad for White to do what I showed.];W[gi];B[fh];W[gh];B[fg];W[ff];B[gg];W[hg])))(;B[];W[hq];B[hp];W[hr]))(;B[ps];W[qr];B[ij];W[gk];B[fl];W[fj];B[ej];W[fi];B[hi]C[Now that looks like something.];W[ei];B[di])(;B[];W[hp];B[hq];W[gq]C[It's not even an eye.]))(;B[ij])(;B[gp])(;B[ps]C[Now this might appear as only fighting over 2 points as well, but it actually...- is absolutely forcing- asks White if Ko shall be played for life of the corner]))(;B[ol];W[mk];B[nl];W[lj])(;B[nl];W[ol];B[om];W[nk];B[ml]))(;B[pl];W[ob];B[pa];W[pb];B[qa];W[qb];B[ra];W[sb];B[qc];W[of];B[ld];W[kd];B[le];W[ke];B[lf];W[oj];B[mc];W[kb]C[It's still easy for you to make another eye.]))(;B[pl];W[nb];B[ob];W[oa];B[pb];W[sb];B[pc]C[Worst case. Of course you would run out first.But N18 was -not- forcing.]))(;B[hr];W[hp];B[ip];W[hs];B[jr]))(;B[dr]C[White might just leave it like that for now.The right half of the board is more important now.];W[ds];B[cr];W[es]))(;B[ij]C[You can pressure more and ruin more leftover White potential in the upper and right areas.](;W[ch];B[dg])(;W[dh];B[ch]C[All your stones are connected.]))(;B[pl]C[Or maybe it's time to cash in.]))(;W[ik]C[White might even build some points like this because the stick is ahead of yours now and might get the opportunity to hane.]))(;B[im];W[qm]))(;B[im];W[do];B[co];W[cp];B[cq];W[bp];B[bq]))(;B[en]C[I don't directly know why, but I'm sure I heard that this helps nicely against the still somewhat open 3-3.And because it also is a good peep, play this first.]))(;W[jp])(;W[io])(;W[dr]))(;W[ff]C[Feels better.];B[db];W[bb]))(;B[ad]C[This is necessary so you at least stay connected.];W[ff]C[Your stones on the upper left will live, so go on to take the next large point.]))(;B[ge]MA[bd][cd][dd]C[I don't think White's three stones can escape even if you take this powerful move instead.If they can not, then your corner is both alive and connected to the stick running out into the center.Remember that usually there should be an exchange of corner for influence. If the corner additionally gets out too easily, it's probably very good for the player who got the corner.]))(;W[ee];B[fd];W[be];B[bf];W[bc];B[bb];W[ab];B[ce];W[bd];B[ae];W[cb]C[Now that doesn't look so pretty anymore.];B[gd]C[Staying connected would be basic, but White technically doesn't have to respond G17, since ther corner is alive and the two space extension can escape.];W[ef]C[Complicated fight ensues.]))(;B[mb])(;B[mc];W[ld])(;B[fc])(;B[jc]C[I'm not sure how plausible this would be, maybe not my first choice, getting the corner surrounded as White runs out.])(;B[ld];W[kd](;B[le])(;B[mc];W[le];B[md])))(;B[mc]C[This would be better maybe, because White can't threaten you from the side - you extend your corner towards the side, usually low to be safe.]))(;B[qf]C[Push the White group towards your strength.From this side, your wall doesn't have as good a shape, but it'll be profitable nonetheless.];W[qk]MA[pi][pj][ri][rj]C[You can aim for the shoulder hits later to build or in some cases eat away White's base completely.];B[jp]))(;B[ps];W[qs];B[qr];W[nc];B[rs])(;B[nq]C[Better shape (eyeshape and White could never connect the corner to something on the side ever.).]))(;W[qr]))(;B[qn]C[You can also just connect because the cutting point is a bad choice for White even though the ladder works.You should have a very acceptable time in spreading along both sides, should White cut.]))(;B[qn]))(;B[qn])(;B[po]))" class="wgo_block" style="width : 700px" >
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