(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[ ]PW[Iyama Yuta]PB[Gu Li]WR[9d]BR[9d]DT[2011-08-10]EV[24th Fujitsu Cup]RO[Round 1]PC[Japan]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[http://gogameguru.com/]RE[W+Resign]FG[259:]PM[2];B[pd]C[This is a commentary of the game between Gu Li (9p) and Iyama Yuta (9p) in the 24th Fujitsu Cup.They also played together in the final of the 1st Bosai Cup, in China May 2011.];W[dd]C[At that time, Iyama defeated Gu Li and took the title.Even though Iyama's play in that game was wonderful, lots of Go fans still thought the result was some sort of fluke. However, this time it should be different because Iyama's play seems to be even getting better.];B[pq];W[dp];B[qk];W[fq]C[Gu Li is a well known for loving fighting, and actually Iyama is good at it as well, but he doesn't generally start fighting, but rather waits for the right time to fight. ];B[jd];W[qf];B[qe];W[pf];B[nd];W[qi];B[oj];W[nh]LB[oh:A]C[A is also possible, but this one is lighter and faster. ];B[fc];W[cf];B[nf];W[ng];B[mp]LB[qk:B][po:A]C[Good sense. A is possible, but this move is proper with the stone B. ](;W[hc]C[So far, W is playing calmly, and this is good timing to come in. ](;B[hd]C[Most common answer. ];W[id](;B[ie]C[Right move. ];W[ic];B[gd];W[jc];B[kd];W[lb];B[nb];W[gb];B[fb];W[db]C[W lives on the top and defends the corner as well, but B has sente. ];B[ri]C[Nice move! B wants to strengthen the lower right area and put some pressure on W.](;W[je]C[Good timing to cut. ](;B[if]C[Right move. ];W[gf]C[Iyama's fighting spirit! ];B[gg];W[fg];B[gh];W[jf]C[Maybe, it's too much. ];B[ff];W[oc]C[This is a kind of a probing move, ](;B[lc]C[but, this is the best answer. ];W[od];B[mb](;W[pe];B[kb]C[This trade seems to be better for B. The corner isn't W's territory yet. ];W[rj]C[Now, W comes back here. ];B[qj];W[rk](;B[rh]C[This is Gu Li's style. ];W[ql];B[ph]TR[nf]C[As you can see, this move is the vital point for W's shape. The game is still favourable for B. ]MA[pf][qf][ng][nh];W[ok]C[Good tesuji. Iyama doesn't avoid fighting even against Gu Li. ];B[pl];W[qm]LB[pj:B][pk:A]C[Right answer. Cutting at A would only make W's shape heavy. ];B[pk];W[pp]LB[ok:A]C[Very good move. It's a good combination, aiming to use A later. ](;B[qq]C[B doesn't need to make the game complicated because B is ahead. ];W[qp]C[W settled on the right side. ];B[re]C[It's time for B to play here. This area hasn't become W's territory yet.];W[qd];B[rd];W[pc];B[qb]LB[rb:C][qc:B][rc:A]C[Good move. W can play at A to C later, but not now. W doesn't have enough ko threats.];W[ne](;B[mf]C[Proper move. ];W[md];B[of];W[ig];B[hg];W[le];B[og];W[me];B[kc];W[lf]C[The game's still going on, and though B is still better, it's not by a big margin. ];B[ih];W[jg];B[mg];W[ki];B[rp]LB[op:A]C[Mistake. You are going to see W's brilliant move order. This move should be at A. ];W[oq]C[Good start. ];B[op]C[Only move for B. ];W[ro];B[rq];W[ol]C[What a move! ](;B[nj]C[Right answer, but];W[pm];B[pj];W[oo];B[np];W[lq];B[nr];W[mi]LB[ol:B][pm:A][lq:C]C[Here, W takes the lead in the game. While W was playing at A, B and C in sente, black didn't get any profit.](;B[rg]LB[qc:D][rc:C][sd:E][rf:A][sf:B]C[B has to connect here, but the shape is incomplete. W can play at A to E and make it ko. ];W[mk]LB[rc:C][rf:A][sf:B]C[W is good enough with this. If B doesn't answer here, W's A~C would become very serious. ];B[mj];W[lj];B[lk]C[Gu Li loves to cut and fight, but the game is already not very favourable for him. ];W[oh];B[lh];W[li];B[pg];W[nk]LB[pi:A]C[Aiming at A.];B[mh]LB[pi:A]C[Necessary to defend against W A. ](;W[ii];B[oe];W[ni];B[pi];W[nc];B[ll];W[mn];B[kn];W[jl]LB[rp:A]C[W is playing perfectly since B's mistake at A.];B[ln];W[mm];B[kl];W[ip];B[lp]C[B wanted to play somewhere else, but if W plays here, B's marked stones'd be in danger. ]MA[lk][kl][ll][kn][ln];W[fe];B[ef];W[ge];B[hf];W[ee];B[he];W[hj]C[W is playing very carefully as he is ahead. ];B[bp];W[bn](;B[cq];W[dq];B[br];W[fj];B[eh];W[eg];B[qc]C[B can't fight properly with the bad aji of ko here.];W[kp];B[in];W[dr]C[Even though W is ahead, it's not by a big margin, and there are still many uncertain places, so W is still playing tightly. ];B[cn];W[co];B[bo];W[cm];B[dn];W[bl];B[fh];W[dg];B[dh];W[ch](;B[ek]C[Kind of do or die move. ];W[ej];B[gk];W[gj];B[dj]C[Gu Li is very good at this sort of local uncertain shape fighting, but Iyama wasn't afraid of him. ];W[di];B[ci];W[ei];B[bh];W[cg];B[ck];W[bj]C[The sequence here is so delicate. ];B[cj];W[dl];B[dk]C[B's shape doesn't look good, but it can't be helped. ];W[bk];B[jj];W[ji];B[el];W[hm];B[gm];W[hn];B[hl];W[il];B[bi];W[en];B[dm];W[cl];B[do];W[cp];B[an]C[The game's going for a last big battle. ];W[am]C[Big ko fight has begun, ];B[bm];W[fa]C[Fortunately, W has many ko threats here. ];B[ea];W[bn];B[im]C[On the other hand, B doesn't have enough ko threats. ];W[ao]C[W eliminates the ko, and B's only hope is capturing W's huge group in the center. ];B[ho];W[gn];B[fn];W[go];B[kk];W[hk];B[gl];W[jk];B[jm];W[ik];B[gp];W[fo];B[eo];W[fp];B[em]C[B is alive, and it's W's turn to live in the centre. ];W[ha]TR[ea][fb][fc][gd][hd][he][ie][hf][if][gg][hg][dh][eh][fh][gh][ih]SQ[nc][oc][pc][md][od][qd][je][le][me][ne][pe][jf][lf][pf][qf][ig][jg][ng][nh][oh][di][ei][ii][ji][ki][li][mi][ni][ej][fj][gj][hj][lj][hk][ik][jk][il][jl]C[It could become a capturing race between two big groups, but that would be good for white.];B[ga];W[jh];B[hh];W[mc];B[kj];W[ke];B[kg];W[fa];B[eb];W[jb]C[B has bad aji here, ](;B[ja];W[ia](;B[la];W[ob];B[ka];W[na]TR[ja][ka][la][kb][mb][nb][kc][lc][jd][kd]C[B chooses this one step ko, but W has so many ko threats to live. ];B[gc];W[oa];B[ga];W[rf]C[If B answers to this move, B wouldn't have any ko threats. So B doesn't answer and tries to make the game more complicated, but it was too late against Iyama. ];B[rn];W[qn];B[ap];W[fa];B[hb];W[ib];B[ga];W[lo];B[ko];W[fa];B[cc];W[dc];B[ga];W[mo];B[jp];W[fa];B[rm];W[sn];B[ga];W[kq];B[jq];W[fa];B[sm];W[so];B[ga];W[jo];B[iq];W[fa];B[ml];W[om];B[ga];W[lm];B[km];W[fa];B[qo];W[po];B[ga];W[hp];B[lr];W[fa];B[cb];W[cd];B[ga];W[kr];B[mq];W[fa];B[sp];W[qo];B[ga];W[ls];B[mr];W[fa];B[be];W[bd];B[ga];W[hq];B[jr];W[fa];B[ij];W[hi];B[ga];W[ks]LB[lc:B][oc:A][ek:D][ol:C][ao:E]C[B resigns here. It was a really interesting and exciting game to watch. Gu Li used to win this sort of slugfest, but as you can see, Iyama is also a genuine fighter, and he never avoids Gu Li's invitation for a fight. You can see lots of brilliant moves and ideas in this game, such as A to D. Eventually, Iyama won this game with accurate reading after winning the ko fight at E. Although Iyama was defeated by Park Jungwhan in the semifinal, he's already become one of the world class players. Commented by An Younggil 8p ](;)(;B[js];W[fa]LB[sf:A][fk:C][ir:B]C[Now, B doesn't have any ko threats, but W still has several of them. For example, A to C.]))(;B[ob]C[If B tries to connect now, ](;W[pb](;B[pa];W[oa];B[na];W[la]C[B can do nothing. ])(;B[la]C[If B takes this, ];W[qa]C[This corner is troublesome for B. ];B[ka];W[rf];B[sf];W[rb];B[rc];W[pd]LB[pf:A][og:B]C[This time, groups A and B are in seki. ]))(;W[ka];B[la]C[This is total failure for W. W shouldn't play this way.])))(;B[ob]C[B can connect here, but ];W[ja];B[la];W[ib]LB[hf:A][ig:B]C[W can live on the top, and the capturing race between A and B is nonsense for B.]))(;B[ci]C[If B hane here, ];W[dj];B[bh];W[cg];B[di];W[aq]C[It's easy for W. ]))(;B[co]C[If B plays here...];W[cq]LB[qc:D][rc:C][sd:E][rf:A][sf:B]TR[fb][fc][gd][hd][he][ie][hf][if][gg][hg][gh][co][bp]C[W might play here, then B has two weak groups W can still start a ko in the top right.]))(;W[pi];B[qh]LB[oi:A]C[Now white can't connect at A because there aren't enough liberties.]))(;B[rf]C[B wants to connect this way, but ];W[pg]LB[oh:A][qh:B]C[W can cut off B like this. A and B are miai.]))(;B[pm]C[If B goes out here, ];W[pn];B[om];W[np]C[Good tesuji. ];B[oo];W[on];B[no];W[nm]C[Painful for B. ];B[pj];W[nn]LB[nj:B][nq:A]C[W's outside becomes great, and even A and B are miai. ]))(;B[me]C[It's easy to play here, but then ];W[mf];B[oe];W[of];B[ne];W[oh]C[B's shape doesn't look very active. ]))(;B[qp]C[If B hane here, ];W[qq]C[W'd cut, and the game'd become messy. ]))(;B[rl]C[This is normal. ];W[rh];B[pi];W[qh];B[sk];W[si];B[qm]C[It's also conceivable up to here, but it's not Gu Li's style. ]))(;W[kc]C[This is not a good idea. ];B[ld];W[ka];B[oe]LB[oc:A]C[W didn't gain anything from A. ]))(;B[od]LB[mc:B][nc:A][fe:C]C[If B connects here, W can play at C right away as W can utilize A or B later. ])(;B[nc]LB[me:B][oe:C][mf:A]C[If B answers here, W'd utilize A or B later (aiming at C), so it was not easy for B to answer. ]))(;B[jf]C[If B ataris here, ];W[ke]C[W can go out, and B can't capture those W stones. ];B[le];W[kf];B[kg];W[lf];B[lg];W[mf];B[mg];W[me];B[ne];W[ld];B[if];W[rj]C[Now white will play here to make the right side group safe.]))(;W[rh]C[If W answers here, ];B[pi]C[Good follow ups, ](;W[qj];B[rj];W[qh];B[pk]C[B gets a good shape and W still needs to play on the right. ])(;W[ph]C[If W responds here, ];B[qj];W[qh];B[hf]C[The result is good enough for B. ])))(;B[ic]C[If B cuts here, ];W[ie]LB[jc:A][gd:B]C[A and B are miai for W. ]))(;B[jc]LB[hc:A]C[B can also think about this, but it's fairly rare to see this in pros' games because it's not tight enough. The exchange W A and B21 is beneficial for W. ]))(;W[jp];B[fe]C[If W plays on the bottom, this jump is good, and it's not easy for W to come into the top. ]))
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Iyama Yuta    Gu Li
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