(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[6000]OT[5x60 byo-yomi]DT[2013-02-09]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[GottaGo [1d?]: Hello everyone!smonds3 [3d]: hellocolladay [4k?]: hello];B[jj];W[pd];B[qo];W[eq]LB[co:A][pq:B]C[A would have been better because it would be difficult for white to approach black corner at B (two lower stones for white)];B[cp]C[good point for black because if white take this shimari, it will be difficult for black to fight or to have influence (center)];W[cn]C[white should have take the open corner first](;B[do];W[dn];B[eo];W[en];B[fo];W[hq];B[cj]C[if black plays at the fourth line, white can play at the second line and can both make life and destroying black influence. Futhermore, we have to be carefull of not playing near opponent strenght];W[gm];B[ho](;W[jq];B[fk](;W[im];B[jo];W[km];B[lo];W[mq];B[mm];W[hj]LB[kk:A]C[white A is painfull because black single tengen stone is getting stronger when black nobi];B[hk];W[ik](;B[hl];W[gn];B[go];W[in];B[ij]C[black prefer to cut than connect his stones because it's more valuable];W[io];B[dq];W[er];B[dr];W[np]C[white should have connected his groups];B[ip];W[jp];B[hp];W[iq];B[kp];W[kq];B[nn]C[white hardky had about 16 points and has still a weak group];W[lk];B[lj]C[right direction to push white. the other side would help white to reduce black influence];W[mo]LB[kl:B]C[white can't nobi after black attachment because there's a cutting point at B](;B[mk];W[mn]C[white took about 10 points but black had moves outside stones (which are more valuable)](;B[dc];W[de];B[ce](;W[cf];B[cd];W[gf];B[gd];W[df];B[ed];W[ch];B[el];W[cl];B[ck];W[dl];B[ej];W[bo];B[fn]C[if black would have protect the corner, white would have played at the right side because he can make life (like next move 66). It's the good timing to push and white can't separate black because the left side groupe would suffer.];W[bm];B[hi];W[bi];B[bj];W[eh]C[all black stones are solide, it's time to attack white, which side is the more developable ?];B[qf];W[qh]LB[qj:A]C[White has to refuse black to have all of the right side, but white is a bit too near of black stone. A would have been better.];B[of];W[nc];B[qj];W[qe];B[rf](;W[oh];B[og];W[mh]C[black is getting solid and white weaker];B[lm];W[ln];B[mf];W[pj];B[qk];W[mj];B[kk];W[pk];B[ql];W[nj];B[lc];W[ld];B[md];W[mc];B[nd](;W[lb];B[kc];W[oc]C[time for black to attack weak group];B[pi];W[oi];B[qi];W[nk];B[ll];W[pl];B[pn];W[ng]C[white is alive];B[qc];W[kb];B[mg];W[nh];B[fg]C[white can live playing the tigger mouth, but black will enclose white group];W[ff];B[eg];W[dg];B[bg];W[gh];B[bf];W[gi];B[gj];W[he];B[hg];W[gg];B[jc];W[hd];B[ee];W[ef];B[hc];W[gc];B[ge];W[hf];B[ic];W[ig];B[lh];W[nf];B[oe];W[me];B[ne];W[mi](;B[rd]TR[hh]C[black can kill white but, he is ahead, so he can take all points left on the board];W[pb];B[jb];W[nb];B[pq])(;B[hh];W[je];B[jf];W[kf];B[jg];W[lf];B[lg];W[jh];B[kg];W[li]C[no problem for black];B[ki];W[kh];B[le]))(;W[kc];B[lb];W[kb];B[le];W[kd];B[oc];W[mb];B[nb];W[la];B[pb]C[black has a big corner !]))(;W[pf];B[pg];W[pe];B[qg];W[og];B[nf];W[ph];B[rh]C[still good for black]))(;W[dd];B[cd];W[ec];B[df];W[cc];B[db];W[bc];B[eb];W[fd];B[fe];W[gd];B[ef];W[ed];B[bd];W[cf];B[bf];W[cg];B[bb];W[bg];B[ac]C[difficult for white]))(;B[dd];W[cc]C[easy for white to reduce black potentiel inside and outside])(;B[cd];W[ec]C[black left side is not that big]))(;B[ln]C[seems the most natural move but ...];W[lm];B[mn];W[mj];B[li];W[ml]C[white escape easialy and black does not gain that much]))(;B[ij];W[gk](;B[hl];W[gl];B[gj];W[hi];B[il];W[jl];B[jk];W[hm];B[ik];W[fj];B[gi];W[ej]C[black spent too many stones on the center and gained small])(;B[gj];W[hl];B[hi];W[fj];B[hk];W[fl];B[gl];W[ek];B[gk];W[gi];B[hj];W[ej]C[still painfull for black])))(;W[dd];B[cf];W[fc];B[fm];W[fn];B[gn];W[fl];B[gl];W[em];B[hm]C[nice tessuji to seal white inside]))(;W[jp];B[in];W[gk];B[lq]C[difficult for white]))(;B[ep];W[fp];B[eo];W[dq];B[co];W[cq];B[cl];W[ec]C[white can play on the open corner because it's more valuable than trying to save that single stone];B[cd];W[de];B[ce];W[df];B[cg]C[black seems overconcentrated on the left side]))
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