(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]HA[4]KM[0.50]TM[1800]PW[aguilar]PB[herissondu]BR[1d]DT[2013-05-16]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]AB[dd][pd][dp][pp]C[herissondu [1d]: have a good gameaguilar [-]: let's enjoy]RE[W+13.50];W[qf]WL[1788.694];B[nc]BL[1794.088];W[qn]WL[1785.319];B[pj]BL[1787.529]C[aguilar [-]: you made a positive approach all along the fuseki];W[nq]WL[1782.497]C[awesome [4k]: a 1d beat me into pulp yesterday, so I hope this one gets a good thrashing];B[pn]BL[1773.471];W[pm]WL[1778.612];B[on]BL[1770.118];W[qp]WL[1776.445];B[qo]BL[1761.203];W[ro]WL[1773.332];B[po]BL[1759.835];W[rm]WL[1769.226];B[qq]BL[1748.791];W[rp]WL[1766.399];B[om]BL[1746.456];W[pl]WL[1762.944];B[ol]BL[1741.499];W[jp]WL[1759.991]C[aguilar [-]: I was satisfied to get this point, but this is playable for Black];B[hq]BL[1736.089];W[cn]WL[1756.218];B[cp]BL[1732.158];W[ck]WL[1752.647];B[ci]BL[1729.01];W[fq]WL[1743.673]C[mythical [1k]: so far so good](;B[ho]BL[1721.443]C[aguilar [-]: this is a bit easy for White];W[fo]WL[1739];B[dn]BL[1718.228]C[mythical [1k]: now going to get complicated];W[fm]WL[1728.07];B[cm]BL[1709.931];W[ek]WL[1725.343]C[herissondu [1d]: i thought the fight was better for baguilar [-]: I was satisfied to get the outer influence];B[hm]BL[1703.346];W[jq]WL[1715.814];B[gk]BL[1696.496];W[ei]WL[1705.805];B[cg]BL[1687.011];W[bm]WL[1690.957];B[bn]BL[1678.767];W[dm]WL[1688.145];B[co]BL[1670.629];W[cl]WL[1685.217];B[jm]BL[1641.674]C[Leothelion [1d]: go go herisson !aguilar [-]: this move took me by surpriseaguilar [-]: it was a very nice moveherissondu [1d]: ah thxherissondu [1d]: i had to strengthen my groupaguilar [-]: you link up your groups and get a strong position in the center];W[cn]WL[1662.64]C[aguilar [-]: I was counting on getting thickness hereaguilar [-]: but if you link up your groups, that thickness is not going to be so useful];B[dr]BL[1615.101];W[fc]WL[1658.243];B[dc]BL[1612.991];W[ic]WL[1653.492];B[kc]BL[1609.353];W[rd]WL[1643.278](;B[qg]BL[1582.282]C[anicca [2d]: r13 so badherissondu [1d]: maybe i should play r17aguilar [-]: this was a positive move too];W[qc]WL[1617.052]C[MrVache [1d]: good :)Marcelus [16k]: fan hui gave a lecture about it a year ago];B[qe]BL[1572.564];W[re]WL[1613.131]C[Marcelus [16k]: theres is a lot of possibilities there];B[pf]BL[1567.647]C[Leothelion [1d]: b gets influence];W[rf]WL[1610.68]C[anicca [2d]: b afraid of p9mythical [1k]: k 15Leothelion [1d]: now attack thos 2 stones on the top](;B[ie]BL[1549.92];W[jd]WL[1606.909];B[kf]BL[1547.799]C[mythical [1k]: hmmLeothelion [1d]: seems quite a good idea to me];W[pg]WL[1594.75];B[qh]BL[1543.492];W[of]WL[1589.825];B[pe]BL[1540.788];W[le]WL[1583.247]C[anicca [2d]: considering k7, probably, but corner is huge];B[kd]BL[1526.593]C[Tachaxa [18k?]: white is not so kingTachaxa [18k?]: kindLeothelion [1d]: gotta give it little whole boeard thinking :)anicca [2d]: giving someone 4 stones is very kind];W[ke]WL[1556.608];B[je]BL[1518.891];W[og]WL[1548.468]C[Leothelion [1d]: q17];B[pc]BL[1506.053]C[mythical [1k]: now we will se 6-7d powerawesome [4k]: this already looks spectacular];W[ok]WL[1534.784]C[anicca [2d]: still p9 :)Leothelion [1d]: now b can worry a bit :Daguilar [-]: the point is that I was aiming at this cutherissondu [1d]: yes i lost a lot hereaguilar [-]: if you can handle this cut, then everything is ok](;B[pk]BL[1484.356]C[awesome [4k]: tx](;W[oj]WL[1529.796];B[oi]BL[1482.573];W[ni]WL[1526.715]C[anicca [2d]: this fight looks good for banicca [2d]: but w 6d of ocurseatlbrandon [1d]: good for watlbrandon [1d]: unless b turns 5dmythical [1k]: q 9 was badmythical [1k]: unless he will manage to kill right sideTachaxa [18k?]: unless santa existsawesome [4k]: aguilar is anti-santaTachaxa [18k?]: maybe he is considering giving upKGSPlus [-]: the most speedy pedagogic game everTachaxa [18k?]: ttMarcelus [16k]: ^^Jhyn [3k]: i want to grab a KGS+ game someday, play the taisha, mess up and resign after 30 movesTachaxa [18k?]: isn't it what is happening here?Lowlander [2k]: what is the move for b q11?Tachaxa [18k?]: if b q11 white will connectLowlander [2k]: and then cut o10KGSPlus [-]: can't sacrifice right sidePhoenixGO [-]: O10 is the best ](;B[fe]BL[1249.885]C[awesome [4k]: b can't just give upaguilar [-]: this was a decisive point];W[pi]WL[1509.985]C[KGSPlus [-]: overmythical [1k]: wowaguilar [-]: well, I was relieved to get this moveKGSPlus [-]: :)aguilar [-]: Black gets a lot of territory, but White gets territory tooherissondu [1d]: i should add a mve in the centeraguilar [-]: yes](;B[hb]BL[1220.979]C[Marcelus [16k]: maybe he saw something in f15aguilar [-]: you gave me a chance hereherissondu [1d]: i was not sure to kill without h18KGSPlus [-]: little cash for w to live hereaguilar [-]: this move kills the group for sure, but the center is priority nowherissondu [1d]: yes];W[lm]WL[1480.735];B[ml]BL[1129.312];W[ll]WL[1472.021];B[lk]BL[1125.772];W[kk]WL[1466.102];B[lj]BL[1123.323];W[jl]WL[1461.643];B[il]BL[1119.805];W[kj]WL[1432.063];B[li]BL[1117.058];W[gi]WL[1410.404]C[aguilar [-]: you can see now that a Black stone here (G11) would be useful];B[fr]BL[1106.377];W[gp]WL[1403.952]C[mythical [1k]: no merci :)mythical [1k]: btw q 11 was great move , preperation for the m 7 attack](;B[jk]BL[1040.408]C[herissondu [1d]: yesaguilar [-]: this move seems to be aji-keshi];W[kl]WL[1396.462];B[ii]BL[1038.681];W[ki]WL[1390.398];B[lh]BL[1034.047](;W[df]WL[1379.217];B[cf]BL[1029.81];W[de]WL[1373.757];B[ce]BL[1028.385];W[ge]WL[1367.753];B[gf]BL[1016.781];W[ff]WL[1363.926]C[awesome [4k]: aguilar giveth and aguilar taketh it all away](;B[gd]BL[1005.833];W[gg]WL[1309.511];B[he]BL[1000.413];W[ih]WL[1301.778];B[gr]BL[882.321];W[hp]WL[1296.661](;B[ir]BL[880.239]C[aguilar [-]: this was slowherissondu [1d]: yes but i didn't see anything betterawesome [4k]: is b m6 still ok?];W[kh]WL[1269.097]C[awesome [4k]: was there really no way to save b center?];B[lg]BL[858.285]C[awesome [4k]: or is it alive?mythical [1k]: deadaguilar [-]: I was relieved to reinforce here in sente](;W[nd]WL[1218.795]C[shi [7k]: diddn't saw anyway to safe this center.. thought quite time about it :/Lowlander [2k]: herissondu likes to give ;-)shi [7k]: *any wayaguilar [-]: this was a makeshift, but nott good](;B[ob]BL[844.807]C[mythical [1k]: well , perhaps ignore some moves at the topaguilar [-]: this was good];W[qb]WL[1187.749]C[atlbrandon [1d]: w+aguilar [-]: finally, it was gote for White](;B[rq]BL[820.649];W[or]WL[1178.02];B[pr]BL[813.926];W[oq]WL[1172.052];B[pq]BL[808.676];W[mo]WL[1155.824]C[aguilar [-]: I think that White wins nowaguilar [-]: well, thank you very muchaguilar [-]: and thank you all for watchingherissondu [1d]: thanks for allawesome [4k]: thanks, great lecture as alwaysPsyche [5k]: thanks aguilaraguilar [-]: see you next timeherissondu [1d]: bye];B[kr]BL[736.126];W[jr]WL[1149.386];B[js]BL[727.308]C[mythical [1k]: r 11 not working for black?];W[oh]WL[1082.708]C[mythical [1k]: too late now lol];B[mk]BL[711.42];W[mm]WL[1075.528];B[nm]BL[697.1];W[md]WL[1067.439];B[mc]BL[690.964];W[jg]WL[1058.175];B[jf]BL[687.125];W[lq]WL[1045.247]C[PhoenixGO [-]: e13 big];B[bj]BL[638.356];W[en]WL[1038.093];B[cm]BL[635.849];W[nk]WL[1033.012];B[nl]BL[631.344];W[cn]WL[1030.601];B[ql]BL[626.749];W[qm]WL[1027.059];B[cm]BL[625.071];W[ld]WL[1013.443];B[lc]BL[613.164];W[cn]WL[1010.302];B[oe]BL[610.372];W[ne]WL[996.03];B[cm]BL[606.139];W[sq]WL[965.7];B[bl]BL[595.24];W[cn]WL[961.249];B[iq]BL[572.762];W[ip]WL[953.178];B[cm]BL[570.215];W[fg]WL[862.593];B[am]BL[551.183]C[PhoenixGO [-]: now is too late];W[rr]WL[846.666];B[dj]BL[526.99]C[mythical [1k]: good job seeing e 13 , great move];W[dk]WL[817.039];B[sp]BL[475.425];W[so]WL[800.107];B[qs]BL[468.35];W[eq]WL[787.694];B[er]BL[460.64];W[dg]WL[783.045];B[mg]BL[387.319];W[mf]WL[778.062];B[sr]BL[374.558];W[ss]WL[770.615];B[lr]BL[362.953];W[mr]WL[766.046];B[rs]BL[347.535];W[ee]WL[754.388];B[ed]BL[333.966];W[kq]WL[738.025];B[ks]BL[327.55];W[dh]WL[647.28];B[ch]BL[282.775];W[qj]WL[638.564];B[ej]BL[278.781];W[fj]WL[634.397];B[pa]BL[276.488];W[qa]WL[626.332];B[qr]BL[268.693];W[bk]WL[621.689];B[ak]BL[264.705];W[pb]WL[614.294];B[oa]BL[256.85];W[hf]WL[611.026];B[mn]BL[224.635];W[ln]WL[607.384];B[no]BL[222.048];W[mp]WL[602.89];B[ge]BL[179.179];W[if]WL[596.014];B[ep]BL[163.666];W[eo]WL[569.233];B[dq]BL[145.601];W[do]WL[559.734];B[cn]BL[140.837];W[ng]WL[546.708];B[mj]BL[93.345];W[nj]WL[539.542];B[mh]BL[91.046];W[ms]WL[518.997];B[os]BL[80.274];W[ns]WL[514.238];B[op]BL[73.324];W[nh]WL[508.867];B[nn]BL[68.835];W[fp]WL[492.06];B[sr]BL[61.534];W[sp]WL[472.411];B[di]BL[58.423];W[kg]WL[461.879];B[ps]BL[45.041];W[ls]WL[455.511];B[is]BL[43.14];W[qd]WL[449.089];B[oc]BL[40.671];W[]WL[449.079];B[]BL[40.664]TW[ra][sa][rb][sb][rc][sc][sd][me][se][ef][nf][sf][eg][hg][ig][qg][rg][sg][eh][fh][gh][hh][jh][ph][qh][rh][sh][fi][hi][ii][ji][oi][qi][ri][si][gj][hj][ij][jj][pj][rj][sj][fk][gk][hk][ik][jk][pk][qk][rk][sk][dl][el][fl][gl][hl][il][ql][rl][sl][em][gm][hm][im][jm][km][sm][fn][gn][hn][in][jn][kn][rn][sn][go][ho][io][jo][ko][lo][kp][lp][mq][nr]TB[aa][ba][ca][da][ea][fa][ga][ha][ia][ja][ka][la][ma][na][ab][bb][cb][db][eb][fb][gb][ib][jb][kb][lb][mb][nb][ac][bc][cc][ec][fc][gc][hc][ic][jc][ad][bd][cd][fd][hd][id][jd][ae][be][af][bf][ag][bg][ah][bh][ai][bi][aj][al][bm][an][ao][bo][oo][ap][bp][aq][bq][cq][ar][br][cr][hr][rr][as][bs][cs][ds][es][fs][gs][hs][ss]C[herissondu [1d]: thxaguilar [-]: thank youaguilar [-]: let's review the gameherissondu [1d]: yep])(;B[mp]C[aguilar [-]: perhaps Black should try for complications hereherissondu [1d]: rightherissondu [1d]: sorry i got to goaguilar [-]: I see]))(;B[oh]C[aguilar [-]: I had been conecerned about this];W[ph];B[nh];W[mh];B[ng];W[mg];B[nf];W[mf]SQ[nd]C[herissondu [1d]: really?aguilar [-]: this is the meaning of the O16 stoneherissondu [1d]: ah]))(;W[oh]LB[mk:A]C[aguilar [-]: I should have corrected the aji once and for allaguilar [-]: there is the cutting point at A, so Black has to be careful]))(;B[ln]C[aguilar [-]: this?awesome [4k]: yep];W[kn]C[aguilar [-]: and then?awesome [4k]: mabe go downawesome [4k]: m5];B[lo];W[jn]C[awesome [4k]: m3 awesome [4k]: oh I see...aguilar [-]: I see])(;B[hh]C[aguilar [-]: i was thinking of something like this];W[hi];B[jh]C[herissondu [1d]: w can just cutherissondu [1d]: yes];W[ij];B[ig]C[aguilar [-]: this is bigaguilar [-]: there is still bad aji for White];W[ir]C[aguilar [-]: this was not an urgent point, because it is gote for Whiteherissondu [1d]: yes];B[jj]C[aguilar [-]: this is the aji];W[ji];B[ik];W[hj];B[ln]C[herissondu [1d]: right]))(;B[gg]C[aguilar [-]: what about this?herissondu [1d]: this is really hard to me ^^'herissondu [1d]: too many things to care about];W[fd];B[hc]C[aguilar [-]: I think about letting White rescue a part of his groupaguilar [-]: and save the center black groupherissondu [1d]: mmm yesherissondu [1d]: and L8 is not very healthy]))(;W[ij]C[KGSPlus [-]: or upsaguilar [-]: I thought about playing hereaguilar [-]: but I was not confident of killing the groupherissondu [1d]: then i can liveaguilar [-]: it seems so, yes]))(;B[ln]C[herissondu [1d]: aaaaaah rightaguilar [-]: this would be interesteing for Blackherissondu [1d]: yes didn't see itherissondu [1d]: damn]))(;B[gi]C[aguilar [-]: for example, hereherissondu [1d]: i thought of a move around M4aguilar [-]: this move helps the position aboveaguilar [-]: in this way, it is harder for White to fight thereherissondu [1d]: yes])(;B[lp]C[herissondu [1d]: to get one more stone to avoid the cutherissondu [1d]: in senteaguilar [-]: I see];W[kn]C[aguilar [-]: I'd think about some kind of counterattackherissondu [1d]: maybe L7herissondu [1d]: just connect];B[km];W[ln]C[herissondu [1d]: m7];B[lm]C[aguilar [-]: this gives sente for Whiteherissondu [1d]: really?aguilar [-]: I think soherissondu [1d]: seems dangerousaguilar [-]: I'd tenuki now];W[df]LB[hr:A][pr:B]C[herissondu [1d]: then i would try to kill :-)aguilar [-]: I'd try to make something around hereherissondu [1d]: i seeaguilar [-]: in the lower side, White has several resources to liveaguilar [-]: A, B and so onherissondu [1d]: i would start with j2herissondu [1d]: yes surherissondu [1d]: but if b can connect at Q3 it's ok isn't itherissondu [1d]: it's a good exchange for b];B[ir];W[pr];B[pq];W[qr]C[aguilar [-]: I mean thisherissondu [1d]: then s2 p2 S3aguilar [-]: to enlarge the eye spaceherissondu [1d]: yes]))(;B[pi]C[awesome [4k]: couldn't b play p10 instead of q9?aguilar [-]: I think that you could connect hereKGSPlus [-]: " waiting the bad move"herissondu [1d]: well i didn't read thisKGSPlus [-]: this move was the game herissondu [1d]: maybe i should have plaayed slowerherissondu [1d]: yepaguilar [-]: I felt that this would be troublesome for me];W[nh]C[herissondu [1d]: yes i didn't see a good move for me so i played elsewhereaguilar [-]: let's see what happens here];B[ql];W[qm];B[rl]C[aguilar [-]: this is sente];W[sn];B[rj]C[aguilar [-]: so Black can live];W[mk];B[rq]C[aguilar [-]: this is sente too];W[sp];B[sl];W[sm];B[ln]C[aguilar [-]: Black can keep connected in the center];W[fe]C[herissondu [1d]: this seems too easy to be right :-)awesome [4k]: lolaguilar [-]: White still needs to attend this groupPhoenixGO [-]: o10 instead q11 ?aguilar [-]: if every group lives, then there is little territory left for either sideaguilar [-]: but Black still keeps the upper left cornerherissondu [1d]: w has 6 groupsherissondu [1d]: one should die imoaguilar [-]: I see :-)herissondu [1d]: :-)])(;B[nj]C[aguilar [-]: you mean this?PhoenixGO [-]: yesaguilar [-]: I can see that this was possible too, but I didn't fear it so muchherissondu [1d]: well i read this and i didn't like itaguilar [-]: I seeherissondu [1d]: but it's not so bad];W[nk]C[PhoenixGO [-]: 012aguilar [-]: and then?];B[nh]C[aguilar [-]: I thought about this](;W[pi]C[aguilar [-]: this was one possible plan];B[mi];W[oh]C[aguilar [-]: White has bad aji, but the ko fight seems to be possible for White])(;W[mj]C[aguilar [-]: this was another possibility];B[oh];W[mm]C[aguilar [-]: then attack herePhoenixGO [-]: oh i dont see this last moveaguilar [-]: I'd probably play this variationaguilar [-]: N7herissondu [1d]: then N8 for b i thinkherissondu [1d]: b can connect no];B[ml](;W[nl]C[aguilar [-]: then?herissondu [1d]: o7];B[nm];W[ll]C[herissondu [1d]: n6];B[mn];W[lm]C[herissondu [1d]: m6];B[ln];W[kn]C[herissondu [1d]: l7];B[km];W[jn];B[lk]C[herissondu [1d]: yepaguilar [-]: nice];W[kl]C[PhoenixGO [-]: w deadPhoenixGO [-]: n9];B[mk];W[gi]C[herissondu [1d]: b can sacrifice H7 ofr the upper sideaguilar [-]: I'd try to attack hereaguilar [-]: yes, this is good for Black])(;W[ll]C[aguilar [-]: maybe here?herissondu [1d]: hard to readherissondu [1d]: maybe o8];B[nl]C[herissondu [1d]: then cut evrywhere and seeaguilar [-]: yes, it is a playable fight for Blackaguilar [-]: I did not read all thisherissondu [1d]: i really missed ehaguilar [-]: I was waiting for your move before beginning to readaguilar [-]: I just had those two plansaguilar [-]: but I feared the solid connection at Q11 most]))))(;W[nk]C[aguilar [-]: if White playes here...](;B[oj]C[aguilar [-]: Black is not going to play hereherissondu [1d]: i would play o11])(;B[ni]C[aguilar [-]: this is better styleawesome [4k]: ah now I REALLY see :Daguilar [-]: ok])))(;B[oj]C[aguilar [-]: you mean this?awesome [4k]: yesaguilar [-]: it is bad style];W[nk]C[aguilar [-]: White is one step ahead in the way to the centerawesome [4k]: I see]))(;B[pg]C[aguilar [-]: you could still play for thickness hereherissondu [1d]: i wanted to attack, and i thought the Q10 stone helped me for the cutaguilar [-]: this also seem to be enoughaguilar [-]: yes, you are right]))(;B[qc]C[herissondu [1d]: yes but i can't attack very wellaguilar [-]: this was possible];W[pk]C[herissondu [1d]: r17 is mor or less sente, then i can attack the 2 top stones];B[ok]C[aguilar [-]: you can keep the game simple];W[qj];B[pi];W[qi];B[ph];W[qh];B[pf]C[aguilar [-]: just play something like thisherissondu [1d]: yes this is interestingaguilar [-]: I think that Black has enough territory];W[pg];B[og];W[qg];B[of];W[ie]C[aguilar [-]: just win on territoryherissondu [1d]: maybe];B[hd]C[herissondu [1d]: but kind of boring];W[id];B[gb]C[aguilar [-]: I see]))(;B[fp]C[aguilar [-]: the block would be powerful];W[eq];B[ep]LB[jq:A]SQ[jp]C[herissondu [1d]: yes w has no choiceaguilar [-]: the K4 stone is a bit off placeaguilar [-]: perhaps I should have played it at A to begin with];W[bq];B[bp];W[cr]C[aguilar [-]: White can live in the corner];B[gq]C[aguilar [-]: but this is senteherissondu [1d]: yes];W[es];B[ho]C[aguilar [-]: Black has still the initiative]))
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aguilar    herissondu
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