(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]PW[Lee Sedol]PB[Yamashita Keigo ]WR[9d]BR[9d]DT[2011-12-14]EV[1st Sports Accord World Mind Games ]RO[Round 5]WT[Korea ]BT[Japan]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[This game is from the final (5th) round of the 1st Sports Accord World Mind Games. It's between Yamashita Keigo and Lee Sedol.]RE[W+1.50];B[pd]C[Lee Sedol is currently ranked number one in Korea, and Yamashita currently holds the Honinbo and Meijin titles in Japan.];W[dp]C[This tournament is brand new, and six teams participated in the competition.];B[pq]C[The six teams were America, China, the European Union, Japan, Korea and Taiwan.];W[dd]C[After round 4, Korea and Japan were tied at 3-1 each. China swept all rounds, so this Japan vs Korea match was the decider for the silver medal.];B[qk]C[This is the third time Lee and Yamashita have played. Lee won their last two games in 2005 and 2010.];W[mq]C[Anyway, B starts with Chinese opening, and W approaches on the lower side. ];B[po];W[jq]C[This is one possible way of playing against the Chinese opening.];B[cn];W[fp];B[cf]LB[ck:B][bp:A]C[This opening is rare. A or B instead is more common for B. ](;W[di]LB[cj:A][dj:B]C[Some people wondered why W doesn't pincer at A or B which are supposed to be right according to text books. You can have a look at the variations.];B[fc];W[df];B[dg];W[ef];B[cc]LB[cc:2][dg:1]C[Exchanging 1 and then playing 2 is generally considered bad these days. It's now more common to omit 1 and just play 2 directly. However, this opening is different...];W[ce];B[dc](;W[co]C[This move is typical of Lee Sedol.];B[cg]C[B has to fight here as W played elsewhere.];W[be];B[eg];W[ff];B[fg];W[gf];B[fi]C[Up to here, the opening seems to be better for B. ];W[hc];B[hd]C[Good move. B should go out here to separate W. ];W[id];B[he];W[gh]C[Good sense. Trying to get a rhythm. ](;B[ie]C[Right move. ](;W[gg]C[This is right as W can't fight properly around here otherwise.];B[ei];W[gc];B[fd];W[jd]C[W is busy and the opening is successful for B. ];B[je];W[kd];B[hj];W[jg];B[ke];W[ld];B[le];W[md];B[ji]C[B takes the intiative in the game. ];W[bc];B[bb];W[ab]C[What a tesuji! W'd be in deep trouble without this move. ];B[bd];W[ad];B[ac];W[fh];B[eh];W[bc];B[ib];W[ic];B[ac];W[gi];B[ae]LB[gj:A]C[B really wants to answer at A, but there's no following ko threat for B.];W[gj]C[W successfully comes out, but the game is still good for B. ];B[dn];W[ek];B[ck]C[W's center group is still weak, so it's hard for W to develop his lower side. ];W[hk]C[Right move. W can't fight properly without this reinforcement. ];B[fm];W[lg];B[ig];W[ih];B[kg];W[kh];B[jh];W[kf];B[ii]C[Yamashita plays very well when he takes the lead in the game. ];W[if];B[hh];W[hg];B[jf]C[Another ko fight. Actually, in this ko there's 'nothing to lose' for B. ];W[ih];B[eq]C[W can't answer this as W doesn't have any big ko threats. ];W[hi];B[ep]C[It was W's largest area, but it's destroyed now. ];W[dq];B[er];W[dr];B[do];W[bo];B[bn];W[br];B[lf]C[B is ahead by quite a lot.];W[qd]C[W is desperate. It's very hard for W to catch up with ordinary moves. ];B[qc];W[qe];B[pe];W[rc];B[pc];W[rb]LB[qg:A]C[Jumping at A is normal for W, but then B'd be happy to just play at 98. ];B[qf]C[It's still good enough for B. ];W[rf];B[rg];W[qg];B[pf];W[re];B[kg];W[af];B[dj];W[kf];B[rh]C[It's good enough for B. The game is simple, so it's hard for W to make anything happen. ];W[kg]C[Even though the game is almost hopeless for W, he has to patiently connect here and wait for a chance later.];B[nf]C[Thick and safe. Yamashita's play so far was practically perfect. ];W[qi]C[A probing move. ];B[mb];W[lb];B[mc];W[lc](;B[qh]LB[pl:A]C[This is no bad, but A would be proper. ];W[qm]C[Good invasion. W gets a good chance to catch up for the first time in the game.](;B[om]LB[qh:B][qi:A][qm:C]C[The exchange of A-B is useful to help C run away. ];W[pl];B[nk]C[B is still ahead, but the game is getting messy, and this is not a good sign for B. ];W[pk];B[qj];W[pj];B[ri];W[nj];B[mj];W[ni]C[While W is coming out, B doesn't gain any profit from attacking. ];B[pi]LB[mk:A]C[Questionable again. It'd be better to connect at A. ];W[nl]C[It's perfect timing for a counter attack. ];B[ol];W[ok];B[mk];W[on]C[Lee eventually catches up in the game after this.](;B[nm];W[pn]C[As W disconnects B, the game becomes even more complicated.];B[nn];W[oo];B[qo];W[oq];B[pr]C[So far, the result is very successful for W. W even takes sente. ];W[fn]C[A probing move. ];B[pm]C[B tries to cut W to get a chance, but it's a bit too late. ];W[ql];B[qn];W[mi];B[ln]LB[op:A]C[B can't atari A because B's center group is not settled yet. ];W[op]C[The game is still very close, but the mood is as if the game's already reversed. ];B[jk]C[You can imagine how much B was leading by before W came into the right side. ];W[kj]LB[li:A]C[Good answer. If W doesn't play here, B'd play A and make a hanging connection in sente. ];B[jo]C[So B keeps looking after his center group. ];W[hq];B[gp]LB[eo:A]C[Good. It's more active than at A. ];W[lj]C[Calm and nice. ];B[ll];W[or]C[Sente. ];B[rn];W[kl]LB[jl:A][km:B]C[Good attachment. If B answers at A, W'd go out at B. ];B[km];W[pp];B[qp];W[rm];B[rr];W[ad];B[ao];W[bp];B[bc](;W[lk]C[Accurate move order. ];B[ml];W[jl]C[W swallows B's center stones. At the same time, the game's reversed. ];B[qb]LB[kl:A]C[As a result, A should be the winning move. ];W[ra]C[It's very unfortunate for B because there're not many places have left to catch up. ];B[fb];W[jb];B[il];W[ik];B[jm];W[kk];B[gq];W[hp];B[gb];W[hb];B[go];W[qq];B[qr];W[hr]C[The game becomes simple again, but it's not good news for B this time. ];B[bf];W[em]C[Now W is trying to clean the game up and keep things simple.];B[fl];W[gn];B[lp];W[lq];B[el];W[ho];B[eo];W[ae]C[Lee's counting is very accurate. He must've been sure that W doesn't need to fight this ko.The game is still very close, but they both sense that W is winning by a little. ];B[ag];W[fk];B[dl];W[sn];B[so];W[sm];B[rp];W[rk];B[oi];W[oj];B[nh];W[mh];B[kp];W[kq];B[in];W[hn];B[ng];W[nc];B[nb];W[ob]C[Right endgame. ];B[oc];W[nd];B[oa];W[en]C[The endgame in this game is relatively simple and easy (for pros) compared to other normal games. ];B[rj];W[dk];B[cj];W[dm];B[cm];W[sj];B[mp];W[gr];B[os];W[ns];B[ps];W[nq];B[ed];W[no];B[mo];W[fo];B[fq];W[hl];B[im];W[ap];B[an];W[ma];B[pb];W[oe];B[of];W[jp];B[hf];W[ig];B[io];W[ip];B[si];W[sk];B[sf];W[se];B[sg];W[ga];B[fa];W[ha];B[ej];W[qa];B[ne];W[od];B[fs];W[gs];B[ds];W[cs];B[fj];W[gk];B[na];W[la];B[pa];W[fr];B[es];W[mg];B[cl]LB[kg:C][hi:B][hk:A][ep:E][eq:D]C[W won 1.5 points. Even though he was behind after the opening, Lee Sedol didn't miss his chances and eventually reversed the game. He showed us his patience with A, B and C, and he played perfectly after taking the lead in the game. On the other hand, Yamashita had a good start in the early stages of the game. It looked like he couldn't lose the game after D and E, but he made some questionable moves on the right side, and Lee seized the opportunity. I hope you enjoy this dynamic game, and if you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment.In the end, China swept the field in 1st Sports Accord World Mind Games, winning the gold medal. Korea claimed the silver medal and the bronze medal went to Japan.Thanks, An Younggil 8phttp://gogameguru.com/])(;W[jl]C[This move looks alright, but ];B[kk];W[lk];B[il];W[ml];B[jm]C[B'd trade like this, and this is not as good for W as the actual game. ]))(;B[pn]C[B can't fight like this. ];W[pm];B[nm];W[ml]C[Because B's center stones are in trouble. ]))(;B[pl]C[If B plays here, ];W[qp];B[pp];W[qo];B[qq];W[pm];B[om];W[rk];B[rj];W[rl]LB[qi:A]C[W A is working very well. ];B[qj];W[rn]C[W can easily live inside. ]))(;B[pl]LB[qh:A][ri:B]C[B can secure the right side with this, (A and B are miai now) and the game is clearly good for B. ]))(;W[fh]C[This move doesn't work. ](;B[ci]C[Good response. ];W[cj];B[gg]C[Right order.];W[hg];B[ei]C[Good sequence. ];W[eh];B[dh];W[dj];B[hh];W[gi];B[hf];W[ig];B[ih]LB[jg:A][gj:B][mq:C]C[A and B are miai. C can't break the ladder for white. ])(;B[eh]C[If B just blocks here...];W[ei];B[gg];W[hg];B[hh];W[gi];B[hf];W[ig];B[bi];W[bh];B[ch];W[ci];B[bg];W[bj];B[ah];W[ck]C[B is in trouble, so black shouldn't play this way.])))(;B[gg];W[hf];B[ie];W[hg];B[ei];W[jd]C[This is what W wants, so B shouldn't play like this. ]))(;W[bf]LB[eb:B][hc:A][ef:2][dg:1]C[Locally the result up to here is good for W. This variation used to be a joseki, but it's not anymore. Now this result is considered too good for white and white can play A (aiming at B) later, because of the 1-2 exchange.However, W doesn't play at 20 in the game, because...];B[bp]LB[ck:A][cq:B]C[If white plays another move in the top left this move becomes very good.A and B are miai next.]))(;W[dj]C[If W pincers here, ](;B[fc]C[The double approach here is good. ];W[df];B[dg];W[ef];B[cd]C[This is a proper move in this case. ];W[ce];B[be];W[de];B[bg];W[cc];B[bd](;W[eg];B[dh];W[eh];B[jd]LB[cn:A]C[B is happy with this result. The stone at A is still light. ])(;W[ic]C[If W pincers here, ];B[eg];W[ec];B[bp];W[cq];B[dl]C[This variation is still playable for B. ]))(;B[cc]C[This one is too normal. ];W[cd];B[dc];W[ed];B[bd];W[be];B[bc];W[ce];B[fc];W[co]C[This is what W wants. ]))(;W[cj]C[If W takes this lower pincer, ];B[fc]C[B'd still go here. ];W[df];B[dg];W[ef];B[cd];W[cc];B[ce];W[db];B[ch]LB[cj:A]C[This result is acceptable for B. W hasn't yet gained anything from A. ])(;W[fc]C[A week after this game. Lee Changho just answered at 12 as white. ];B[dj]LB[ch:A][di:C][dk:D][cl:B]C[Lee Sedol (playing black) played here. This seems to be better for B, but the game is still even. There're some weaknesses on B's left side (e.g. A-D).]))
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Lee Sedol    Yamashita Keigo
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