(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[Iyama-Yuta-vs-Yamashita-Keigo-20120624]PW[Yamashita Keigo]PB[Iyama Yuta]WR[9d]BR[9d]DT[2012-06-24]EV[67th Honinbo Title Match]RO[Game 5]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]RE[B+Resign];B[pd]C[This is the 5th game of the 67th Honinbo final between Yamashita Keigo (9p) and Iyama Yuta (9p).In this series Yamashita is the Honinbo title holder and Iyama is the challenger. Iyama won first two games, but Yamashita won the next two. So this is a very important game in the series. Yamashita was well known for his very creative and bold openings when he was young. He likes fighting and complicated games.On the other hand, Iyama's style of play is thick and solid. He beat Lee Sedol and Gu Li at the 1st Bosai Cup in 2011, and lots of Go fans from China and Korea were shocked. He's a top player in Japan and he's still quite young. He's the future hope for Japanese Go.];W[dp];B[qp];W[dd];B[fq];W[dn]LB[cn:A]C[A is more common, but this jump is better for fighting because it places more emphasis on the center.];B[kq]C[Mini Chinese opening.];W[iq]LB[dn:A]C[This is a good combination with A.];B[ko]LB[dn:A]C[Black doesn't want to start a running fight in the bottom left, because of white's stone at A, so black plays here.](;W[eq]C[It looks small, but it's necessary. ];B[pj];W[io]LB[fp:A]C[Nice jump. It's more active than A. ](;B[op]C[As white's stones are getting stronger, black needs to play here.];W[nc]C[Biggest place on the board. ];B[lc]LB[jd:B][pf:A]C[If B just answers at A, white would extend at B. ];W[qc];B[qd]LB[pj:A]C[This is the right direction because there's a black stone at A. Black's aim is to build a large framework across the right side of the board.];W[pc];B[od](;W[nd]C[This move is one variation in this joseki.];B[oc];W[ob](;B[pb]C[Right sequence. ];W[qb];B[nb];W[pa](;B[ne]C[Proper move. ];W[mb]LB[md:A]C[If white comes out with A, then black would play at 28 and the situation is more favorable for black than in the previous variation.];B[md];W[na](;B[of]LB[me:A]C[Iyama's more concerned about the right side than the cut at A. ](;W[pq]C[White probes to see how to play on the right side.];B[pp]LB[pn:B][qo:C][mq:E][oq:A][qq:D]C[This is the most solid answer for protecting black's right side position, but as you'll see, white can now play to live in the corner later.Instead of 33, if black plays A, white gains sente moves like B and C, so it would be easier for white to invade the right side. And if black plays 33 at D, white can aim at moves like E later.];W[mk]LB[pp:A]C[A good reducing move. After black plays A, it's not easy to invade the right side, so white chooses to play more lightly and reduce now. White has already gained something in the lower right corner. Now black needs to plan a response to white's reducing move.];B[co]TR[fq]C[First black probes white's corner. You'll see why black plays here now in a moment.];W[do]LB[fo:A]C[White connects solidly, which is the normal move.];B[in]LB[mk:A]C[Black is indirectly preparing to attack A.];W[hn];B[jn];W[hm]LB[hm:4][cn:C][hn:2][in:1][jn:3][co:A][do:B]C[In this case, the exchange of A for B will be useful for black later, so black played there before making white stronger with 1-4. Later in the game, if white's position is stronger, white might not answer A with B. For example, white could play C instead.];B[ho];W[hp];B[go]LB[mk:A]TR[hm][hn]C[With these moves, black is still preparing for the attack against A by cutting off and reducing the liberties of the marked stones.];W[gp];B[kk]LB[mk:A]C[Black starts to attack white's stone at A directly.];W[pk]C[Good attachment. When your stones are in trouble you should attach to help them settle more quickly.](;B[qk]C[Right answer. ](;W[ok];B[ql];W[oj];B[pi];W[kj];B[jj];W[ki]C[White goes out into the center. The game's still even.];B[mi]TR[ki][mi][kj][kk][mk]C[Vital point. ];W[lj]C[White needs to be patient here, otherwise white could end up in danger. ];B[cf]C[Big move. Black can see how the game develops and attack white's center group later. ];W[fd];B[bd];W[jk]C[White takes care of his center group. ];B[hl]C[What a tesuji. ](;W[ik]C[Right answer for white. ];B[cc]C[Big move again. ](;W[id];B[eb]LB[le:C][me:A][lf:D][mf:B]TR[lc][md]C[Sliding here looks small, but it makes the cut at A smaller because white won't gain as much by capturing the two marked stones now (after A-D etc).];W[dh]C[Yamashita's style of play.];B[il]C[Black comes back and cuts white.];W[jl];B[im];W[cn]LB[cl:B][cp:A]C[Big move. If white doesn't play here, black can move out with 70, white A, black B.];B[gm]C[Capturing two stones looks small, but it erases white's thickness in the center. ];W[fo];B[gn];W[qq]C[Good timing to make this exchange. ];B[oq];W[rp];B[ro]LB[rr:A]C[White can play at A and make a ko at anytime now.];W[me]C[The game is still even, and it becomes more interesting after this cut. ];B[mf];W[le];B[lf];W[ke];B[gc]C[Big move. It's hard for white to answer.](;W[ng];B[nf];W[ee]LB[gb:A][ef:B]C[An interesting move. If black answers around A, the exchange will be useful for white. That's because now black can't jump at B as easily as before](;B[je]LB[jd:A][kf:B]C[Iyama's counter tesuji. This is motivated by fighting spirit. If white answers at A, black would be happy to play B, so];W[kf]C[White must come out here. ];B[jd];W[jf];B[ie];W[hd]C[The game becomes complicated and more interesting. It's actually the first serious battle in the game.];B[jc];W[ib]C[White doesn't want black to connect easily. ];B[if];W[og]C[A wonderful move! It's hard to see this sort of move in a lightning game, but the Honinbo gives the players plenty of thinking time. You'll soon see why this move is amazing.](;B[lh]C[Right answer. ];W[kh];B[gd]LB[oi:A]C[Black really wants to play at A, but then black's stones at the top would be in danger.];W[he];B[hg];W[ge];B[gb]LB[ic:A]C[Good move. It removes the ko aji at the top while threatening to connect at A.];W[ic];B[gh]LB[ff:A][eg:B]C[This diagonal move looks slow, but it aims at A and B. ];W[gj]C[Yamashita is confident in this battle. ];B[eg]C[Counter attack. ];W[fg];B[fh];W[eh]C[Reverse counter attack! It's the most crucial part of the game. ](;B[fj]C[Right move. Black can't start a capturing race here (see the variation).];W[dg]C[White has to come back here now. ];B[mc];W[nb];B[hj]C[Black's ensures his connection.];W[ij];B[hk];W[hi];B[gi];W[qg]LB[og:A]C[This jump is what Yamashita has been aiming at since A.];B[oi];W[pf]LB[mh:A]C[A good follow up. White makes a good shape here. Black can't try to capture this white group because white can play the angle wedge at A to cut black's group in half. If a capturing race starts in the top left, white will win, so...];B[lg]C[Black has to answer here.];W[rd]C[White can connect under with some points. The result is very good for white as black's right side has been destroyed. White takes the lead in the game.];B[ih]C[Black has to attack white's center group for compensation. ];W[jh](;B[gg]C[Black can't attack white's center properly without reinforcing here first.];W[nj];B[ni](;W[kc]C[A brilliant idea. ];B[kd];W[kb](;B[jb]C[Proper move for black. ](;W[ef]C[Right choice for white. ];B[lb];W[ii]TR[kb][kc]C[Up to here, black's caught up a little bit by capturing two stones at the top, but the game is still favorable for white. ];B[nl];W[ml]C[White's center is completely alive. ];B[cq];W[dr];B[fp];W[fr](;B[rq]C[A big move, but it was a mistake.];W[ri]LB[rh:A]C[Big sente endgame. Now black has lost the opportunity to play A.];B[rj];W[qi];B[qj]LB[rh:A];W[bg]C[Big endgame move. ];B[dj];W[bi]LB[be:A]C[White can attach at A after this jump. ];B[bj];W[dc];B[db];W[ek];B[ci];W[bh];B[ej];W[ck];B[bk];W[cl];B[cj];W[be]C[Big. White is still ahead by a small margin. ];B[bf];W[cd];B[bc];W[af];B[an];W[bm];B[am];W[ao]LB[al:A]C[Right answer. It's a bit better than at A for the endgame. ];B[ce];W[ae];B[ff];W[fe];B[eg];W[ec];B[fc](;W[cg]C[White has to defend here.];B[gq];W[hq]LB[fn:B][eo:A]C[Black can't save those three stones. If black plays atari at A, white can escape at B and there's no way for black to capture the cutting stones.];B[kl]C[Endgame tesuji. ](;W[mm]C[Losing move. ];B[km]C[All of a sudden, white's center group dies and the game's over. ](;W[om]LB[mj:B][on:A]C[If white plays at A instead, black can play B now (see the variation).];B[nm];W[nn];B[mj];W[lk];B[on]LB[ol:A][mn:B]C[White resigned here. White can't live now because A and B are miai.It's really rare to see this sort of simple mistake in a two day game. Yamashita played the whole game beautifully, but one simple mistake ruined the game.On the other hand, Iyama was very lucky to win this game, and he went ahead 3-2 in the title series.I hope you enjoy this game and the commentary. If you have any questions about the game, feel free to leave a comment.Thank you, An Younggil 8p http://gogameguru.com/])(;W[on]C[Unlike in the variation, this move doesn't work anymore, because...];B[mj]LB[lk:A][ol:B]C[Now black can play here, and A and B are miai.];W[lk];B[ol]TR[nl][ol]C[White can't stop black from saving the marked stones, so white dies.]))(;W[km]C[White should hane here first. ];B[lm](;W[mm]C[This move is important. ];B[ln];W[on]LB[mj:A][lk:B]TR[kk][kl]C[White can live, and is winning now. It's quite close though. White's not worried about A, because black's marked stones don't have enough liberties to cut at B.])(;W[ll]C[White shouldn't cut here. ];B[mm];W[jm]C[W can still live, but ];B[mj];W[nk];B[ol]C[Black gains a lot of points in the lower right center and the game would be reversed. ])))(;W[jr]C[White can't play somewhere else...];B[ag];W[ah];B[ad];W[ag];B[de];W[ed];B[df]C[White would die.]))(;B[rh]LB[rq:A]C[Black should play here before playing at A. ];W[qh];B[ri](;W[qe]C[White has to answer, and ];B[rq]C[Black can come back here. The game's quite close, though it's still slightly better for white. ])(;W[rr]LB[qe:A]C[If white doesn't answer at A. ];B[re];W[qe];B[rc]C[Black can cut here, and...];W[oe];B[sd];W[pe];B[rd](;W[rg];B[rb]LB[qa:C][ra:A][sb:B]C[This is sente because black can play A next. If white lets black play A, black will be alive because B and C will be miai for black.];W[ra];B[sf];W[sg];B[rf]C[Black can make an eye. ];W[sb];B[pg];W[ph];B[qi]C[It's one eye vs no eye. White can't win this capturing race.])(;W[rf]C[If white blocks here, ];B[rb];W[ra];B[sf];W[sg];B[rg];W[se];B[sh]C[White is dead. ]))))(;W[ld]C[This cut would be an overplay. ];B[ka];W[lb];B[ff]C[White is in trouble. ];W[df];B[dj]LB[fe:A]C[White's whole group is in trouble. And even if white can live, black can still cut at A. ]))(;B[ld]C[If black connects here, ];W[ii]TR[ib][kb][mb][kc]C[White is happy with this. White's group at the top is already connected by the marked stones. White's center group is alive.]))(;W[ef]C[If white takes a stone like this,];B[kl];W[ii];B[nl]C[White's center group would die.]))(;B[kl]C[It's premature for black to attack like this.];W[ii];B[nl]C[White can't make the second eye inside, but ];W[hh]LB[gg:C][ig:B][ih:A]C[W can atari and capture the stone at A in sente (B and C are miai for white). ]))(;B[dg]C[If black tries to fight here...];W[gg];B[hi];W[fi]C[It'd become a capturing race. There's no possibility of a compromise anymore. ];B[jb];W[ja]C[This sort of hane on the first line is important in a capturing race.];B[ka];W[ia]LB[kb:A]C[White has one more liberty if black just connects at A. So...];B[hj];W[hk];B[ei]C[Black's only option is to try to get more liberties or capture some stones with this cut.];W[di];B[ej];W[dj]C[This push is good. ](;B[ek];W[gk]C[Now white can connect.];B[dk];W[ck];B[cl];W[bk]C[White's left side is more flexible than it looks. ](;B[bl];W[bi]LB[bg:A][dl:B]C[A and B are miai for white. ];B[kb];W[ih];B[hh];W[de]TR[ia][ja][ib][ic][dd][fd][hd][id][de][ee][ge][he][fg][gg]SQ[ka][jb][kb][jc][jd][ie][je][if][hg][fh][gh][hh][hi][hj]C[White has more liberties. ])(;B[bi]C[It's a vital point, but ];W[cj];B[bl];W[al];B[am];W[ak];B[bm];W[dl]C[White can win this capturing race too.]))(;B[fj]C[If black plays atari here. ];W[gk];B[gi];W[ek]C[Black doesn't actually gain any extra liberties, so it fails])))(;B[pg]C[If black answers here, ];W[pf]C[This cut is good. ](;B[oh]C[If black tries to capture them all,];W[qg];B[ph];W[rd]C[This is a good followup tesuji for white.];B[re];W[qe];B[rc];W[lg]LB[oe:B][mg:A]C[Black can't atari at A now because white would play the double atari (and snapback) at B.];B[sd]C[So black has to capture, but];W[mg];B[oe];W[ih]LB[rf:B][nh:A]C[The result up to here is satisfactory for white. A is big later, and white can play at B later for extra points in the endgame. This works because white could force black to fill in his territory in a capturing race.])(;B[qf]C[Black can't play here. ];W[ph];B[qg];W[oi];B[qh];W[lg];B[mg];W[mh];B[pe];W[lh]C[This result is good for white. There's nothing for white to worry about now because the right side group is settled and becomes thick. White only has to manage the stones in the top left and black has a weak group to worry about too.])))(;B[rq]C[If black doesn't answer at the top,];W[fb];B[fc];W[db];B[dc];W[ec]C[There's aji for white to make a ko like this. White needs to have more ko threats though.]))(;W[ic]C[This move looks passive ];B[kf];W[je];B[rq]C[If this happens, the game looks a bit better for black.]))(;W[im]C[This is also possible. White's center becomes strong and thick, and the game would still be playable for white. But Yamashita might have thought the game was not good enough with this.]))(;W[im]C[If white comes out here, ];B[jl];W[ik];B[il]C[Black can make a good shape. White shouldn't play like this. ]))(;W[ql]C[This counter hane would be an overplay in this situation.];B[ok]C[This atari is good. ];W[pl];B[qj];W[ol];B[nl];W[nk];B[oj]LB[nl:A]C[White can't fight like this because there's no good way to capture the cutting stone at A or make shape.]))(;B[ok]C[If black plays a hane over here,];W[qj]C[This counter hane is good. ];B[pi];W[ol]C[Its hard for black to attack these white stones as white's shape is flexible.]))(;W[me]C[Cutting here is not a good idea right now. ];B[mf];W[le];B[lf];W[ke];B[jf];W[je];B[ie]TR[lc][md]C[Even if white can capture black's two stones at the top, the result is better for black, because black gains power in the center.]))(;B[mf]C[If black connects here, which is more common...];W[qg]LB[pf:A][rj:B]C[This is a good follow up for white. If black answers at A, white would slide to B and it would be hard for black to attack.];B[qi]C[This answer is usual, then ];W[rd];B[re];W[qe]LB[rc:A][oe:B]C[This is a good tesuji combination. Black can't cut at A because white could play B.];B[pe]C[This atari seems to be good, but ];W[rf]LB[qf:A]C[This atari is another good tesuji. If black plays atari at A instead of 7, white would still play this counter atari at 8.];B[qf];W[se];B[pg];W[qe];B[pf]C[The result up to here is a kind of joseki after the joseki. In this game, it's good for white because black's stones are all on the right side.]))(;B[mb]C[This is also conceivable, but not proper in this case. ];W[ne];B[pg]TR[le];W[le];B[ic];W[mh]C[Black's influence is easily erased. It's not what black wants. ]))(;B[nb]C[This cut is wrong, ];W[mb];B[pb];W[na];B[qb];W[nf]LB[lc:A]C[The result up to here is better for white. Black's stone at A becomes useless.]))(;W[nb]C[This move is more common. Then,];B[me]TR[od][pd][qd][me][pj][ko][op][qp];W[qq];B[pq];W[qo];B[rq];W[ql]C[It's also possible for white, but Yamashita might have thought it was too straightforward.]))(;B[fc];W[cf];B[jd]C[Playing on the top is big, but ];W[op]C[This approach is good. ];B[pn];W[on];B[om];W[qq];B[rq];W[po](;B[qo];W[pm];B[qn];W[nn];B[ol];W[pq];B[rr];W[lp]LB[io:A][fp:B]TR[ko][kq]C[Black's marked stones are getting weaker, so it's favorable for white. Now you can see more clearly why white played A instead of B.])(;B[qn]C[If black plays like this...];W[qo]C[White can play some forcing exchanges, and];B[ro];W[pp];B[rp];W[mn]LB[nn:A][io:E][no:B][pp:C][rp:D]TR[ko][kq]C[Then jumping out here is the best shape. White can answer A with B because the exchange of C for D made white's shape stronger than before.Black's marked stones are weak now and you can see the value of white E.])))(;W[qj]C[If white splits here, ];B[hp]LB[iq:A]TR[ko][hp][fq][kq]C[Enclosing like this is good. It's not good for white A now.])) white A now.]))
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Yamashita Keigo    Iyama Yuta
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