(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[Choi-Cheolhan-vs-Lee-Sedol-20121114]PW[Lee Sedol]PB[Choi Cheolhan]WR[9d]BR[9d]DT[2012-11-14]EV[17th Samsung Cup]RO[Semfinal]PC[Taejon, Korea]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[This is the second game of the semifinal match between Lee Sedol 9p and Choi Cheolhan 9p at the 17th Samsung Cup (2012).The semifinals of the Samsung Cup are played as a best of three match.Lee Sedol won the first game, so if he wins this one he'll proceed to the final. At the time when this game was played, Lee Sedol was ranked #2 in Korea (behind Park Junghwan) and Choi Cheolhan was ranked #3.In the quarter finals, Lee beat Chen Yaoye and Choi beat Fan Tingyu. Lee and Choi have played 42 games together so far, and their head to head record stands at 25-17 in Lee's favor.]RE[W+Resign];B[pd]C[Choi Cheolhan plays black.];W[dd];B[qp](;W[dq]LB[lq:A]C[Black doesn't want to play at A without an approach in the lower left corner.];B[oq];W[ck]LB[qf:A]C[Playing at A now is quite popular these days, but white chose the Chinese opening. ](;B[fc]C[Black chose to approach here.];W[df];B[db];W[qf];B[nd];W[cc];B[ic](;W[qj]C[This is a good, balanced move.];B[ql];W[oj](;B[gq]LB[qh:A]C[Black played at the bottom, but it would be better for black to play at A first.];W[do];B[jp];W[qc]C[This is Lee Sedol's style. He doesn't miss his opponent's tiny mistakes.];B[qd];W[rd](;B[re]C[Black has to block here to fight. ];W[rc];B[qe];W[ob](;B[pf]C[This is right the move for black, but black doesn't feel good because white took the corner first.];W[hd];B[hc];W[ol];B[qn];W[fd]LB[hd:A]C[This move's a nice follow up after A. Up to here, white's stones are more lively and the opening seems to be favorable for white as well.](;B[pk]LB[pj:A][ok:B]C[It's very unusual to see this sort of peep in top pros' games. It looks like A and B are miai though.];W[ni]C[This response looks very amateur, but nobody will criticize it because it was played by Lee Sedol. It seems to be a good response.](;B[cm]C[Choi might have thought there was no special attacking move on the right, and jumped in here.];W[dl];B[jm]C[This move is ambiguous and questionable.](;W[lq]LB[ok:A][dm:B]C[Lee's next move was here, and it was very well timed. This kind of move is typical of Lee Sedol. Black was aiming to play A or B next, but Lee chose another path.](;B[ok]C[Black plays here to find a rhythm, but it was another mistake.];W[nq]C[White doesn't answer. ](;B[pj]TR[ni][oj][qj][ol]C[This move is motivated by fighting spirit, but those stones are light, and it doesn't affect white.];W[or]TR[pj][ok][jm][lq][nq][or]C[White plays here again, and this trade is obviously better for white. White three moves are superior to black's three moves. ];B[oi]C[Black even needs to spend one more move to dominate this area. ];W[dm]C[White can come back here now, and the game is good for white. ];B[kr]TR[jm][jp][gq]C[Black has to look after his marked stones, because white's left side become solid and strong. ];W[pq];B[op];W[pp];B[po];W[qq](;B[np]C[This is the right move here.];W[mq];B[rp]C[Black's behind, but black still has to wait patiently for the right time to fight and catch up.];W[lo];B[lm];W[ec];B[fb];W[id]LB[hi:A]C[This push is good. Playing somewhere around A is also possible here, but that's a bit loose.];B[jd];W[je];B[ii]LB[kd:A][ii:B]C[Good instinct to reduce white's influence. If black answers at A, white can play at 61 (B), and that's what white wants.];W[kd];B[jc];W[kf]C[White doesn't need to rush. ];B[dg]C[Black goes all out here. Choi might have thought that it wasn't easy to catch up with normal moves, so he invaded deeply.];W[eg];B[dh];W[eh]C[White shouldn't let black live inside. If black can save these stones, the game could be reversed.](;B[ei]C[Black wants to get a rhythm, but];W[di]C[This cut is good, and it's not easy for black to go on. ];B[qr]C[This is a nice attachment to steal white's eye shape in the corner.];W[pr];B[rr];W[jq];B[kq];W[kp];B[iq];W[jo];B[jr];W[mp]C[Good move. This move looks small and slack, but it's a vital point and this white group's practically alive now.];B[cp]C[Black is still behind, so he tries to make something happen in the corner.];W[cq]LB[dp:A][cq:B]C[This is the right answer. If white connects at A, black can play at 82 (B) and play to live in the corner.];B[dj];W[ci];B[cj]C[Black's desperate. ];W[ej];B[bi];W[fi](;B[ch](;W[bk]C[Right answer.];B[cf];W[be]C[It doesn't look like black can live, but white should be very careful to capture the whole black group. ];B[ei];W[di];B[de];W[ef];B[ce];W[bd]LB[bf:A][bg:B]C[Black can't live inside. A and B are miai. ](;B[ie]C[Black tries to make the game complicated since he's behind on territory. ];W[gd]LB[gd:B][if:A]C[Right answer. If white ataris at A, black can atari at 100 (B), and there will be some bad aji on the left side. ];B[if];W[kc];B[eb]LB[dc:A]C[It's sente, aiming at A.];W[ed](;B[kb];W[lb](;B[nb]TR[kb][lb]C[What a move! Black all goes out again. Black's top left group's alive because of the exchange of the marked stones.];W[jb];B[ib];W[ka];B[cb];W[bb];B[ia]C[Attacking white's top group's is black's only hope now.];W[oc];B[bf]C[Black seems to be in byoyomi situation, so plays here (time limit: 2 hours each with 5 x 1 min byoyomi).];W[bg];B[nc];W[od]C[This is Lee's fighting style. Even if he's being attacked, he still thinks about how to counter attack and fight.](;B[oe]C[Black has to block here and fight. ];W[ne];B[me];W[nf];B[mf];W[of]C[This atari is good. ];B[pg]C[This extension is necessary for black. Otherwise, white can atari here. ];W[pe];B[kn];W[ns]LB[ko:A][ns:B]C[White's completely alive with this move. If white connects at A instead, black can play at 128 (B) to make many ko threats against this group.];B[oe];W[ng];B[md]C[Choi's playing his best, but it's still very hard to reverse the flow of the game. ];W[pe];B[ko];W[ps];B[oe];W[oh];B[pi];W[pe];B[lr];W[mr];B[oe];W[mg];B[pe]C[Black can't resist in the ko fight anymore, so eliminates it now.](;W[na]C[Lee might have thought that white was far enough ahead, so he chose the most certain move. ];B[ma];W[oa]C[Black can't fight against white's center now because white filled one of black's liberties.];B[jf];W[lf]C[White tries to simplify the game.];B[pc]C[This is the compensation, but it's not enough for black. ];W[mb];B[pb];W[la];B[co];W[dn];B[bq];W[br];B[pa];W[ma];B[ar]LB[ap:B][bp:A]C[Choi doesn't give up yet. This is also Choi's style of play. If white cuts at A, black can make a ko with B. ];W[dr];B[dp];W[ep];B[cn]LB[dk:A]C[This connection is sente because it aims at A next.];W[cl];B[eq];W[fq];B[cr]C[What a move! ];W[cs];B[bs]C[This is wondeful tesuji to make a ko. The game becomes a bit complicated again.];W[as];B[ls];W[rq];B[sq];W[ms];B[bs]LB[cr:A][er:B]C[White can't connect at A because of B. ];W[er];B[cr];W[ph];B[qh];W[br];B[ke];W[le];B[cr];W[qo];B[ro];W[br];B[fe];W[gf];B[cr];W[hp]C[This is a nice ko threat. It's hard for black to answer.];B[gp];W[br];B[ge];W[he];B[cr];W[hq];B[hr];W[br];B[ek];W[fk];B[cr];W[ip]LB[kp:B][lp:A]C[This is a good followup ko threat. If black takes at A, white can use this ko threat again by recapturing at B later.];B[fr]C[Choi's playing at his best, but Lee's moves are very solid and accurate.];W[br];B[fp];W[eo];B[cr];W[jq];B[ds]C[Black can't fight the ko anymore.];W[ir];B[is];W[eq];B[es];W[go]C[Black survived in the corner, but white's still ahead on territory.Lee maintained his composure and wasn't shaken by Choi's aggressive, strong moves.];B[bm]C[10 points endgame move.];W[nn];B[hl];W[nj];B[gj];W[fj];B[iq]LB[js:A]C[Black prevents white from starting a ko to capture with A.];W[jk];B[jp];W[fo];B[gr];W[ij]C[White wants to divide black's center stones and attack them. ];B[ho];W[jq];B[hf];W[ee];B[jp];W[ji];B[io]C[Black takes three white stones, and the game looks getting closer. ];W[je];B[ih];W[il]C[Very good move. Black wants to save all of his stones in the center, but that's really hard. ];B[hj];W[hm]LB[ke:A][hk:B]C[If black takes at A, white can atari at B and white's still winning. ];B[gl]C[Black's desperate. ];W[ke]C[It's the finishing blow. There's no way for black to connect the center group.];B[gn];W[gm];B[fm];W[im];B[bj];W[aj];B[ai](;W[fl]C[This was a good decision. ];B[ak]C[Black could eventually make it ko on the left, but black is short of ko threats. ];W[al];B[bl];W[aj];B[ag];W[bh];B[ak];W[ca];B[gb];W[aj]LB[da:B][ha:C][cd:A][qh:E][pj:H][ok:G][jm:F][lq:I][ar:D]C[Black resigned here.Black has one ko threat at A, but white has more at B and C.Choi tried his best to catch up after D, but Lee didn't give him any chances.In the opening, black should have played at E earlier and F was questionable. Black's G and H were mistakes and after that it was hard to catch up against Lee Sedol.Lee showed his free and lively style from I onwards. After he took the lead in the game, his defense against Choi's aggressive moves was perfect.I hope you'll enjoy Choi's aggressive and tricky moves and Lee's perfect defense and counter-attacks.Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions.Thank you, Commented by An Younggil 8phttp://gogameguru.com/])(;W[ak]C[White should be very careful not to connect here. ];B[ag];W[bh];B[fl]C[If black connects here, the things are not easy for white anymore. ];W[fn];B[hn];W[dk];B[el];W[ae]C[Even if white tries to capture this group, ];B[al];W[af];B[cg];W[cd];B[ah];W[bg];B[bl]C[Black wins the race, and the game's reversed.]))(;W[lf]C[This move should work too, and it's even better, but there're many tricky variations.](;B[pc]C[This move doesn't work very well for black.];W[pb];B[oa];W[qb]C[Black can't win the capturing race against white's corner stones.];B[ra];W[se]C[This hane is good. ](;B[sd];W[sf];B[sg];W[sc];B[rf];W[mb]C[White can win the race. ])(;B[sf];W[sd]LB[sb:A][rf:B]C[A and B are miai next. ]))(;B[oa]C[This move is trickier. ];W[pb];B[pa];W[qa];B[na];W[se]C[This hane is still good. ](;B[rf];W[qb]C[White can win the race.])(;B[qb];W[rb];B[pc];W[qb];B[sb];W[sc];B[sa];W[sf]C[This doesn't work for black either.])(;B[sd];W[sf]C[This is the same as the previous variation. It doesn't work for black.])(;B[sf];W[sd];B[sb];W[rf];B[rg];W[sg];B[sh]C[If black plays severely, like this.];W[qg]C[This atari is good and black can't stop white. ];B[sf];W[qh]LB[ph:A][rh:B]C[A and B are miai.])(;B[sb];W[sf];B[sc];W[rb];B[rf];W[sd];B[pc];W[qb];B[sa];W[rg]C[Black can't stop white. ];B[rh];W[qh];B[qg];W[sg];B[ph];W[qi]C[Black can't fight anymore.]))))(;B[ne]C[This isn't possible. ];W[oe];B[of];W[nf];B[mf];W[ng];B[le];W[oh](;B[pi];W[qg]C[Black can't play like this. ])(;B[qh]C[If black answers here, ];W[pi];B[qi];W[mg];B[ke];W[jf]C[Black's in deep trouble. ])))(;B[jb]C[This is common, but];W[mc]C[There's nowhere to catch up now. ]))(;B[nb]C[Black wants to cut white off, but ];W[gc];B[gb];W[jb];B[ib];W[ia];B[hb];W[lb]TR[db][eb][fb][gb][hb][ib][fc][hc][ic][jc][jd]C[Black's top can't make two eyes.]))(;B[ee]C[If black moves out. ];W[ed];B[fe];W[ge];B[ff];W[gg]C[There's no way to escape.]))(;W[ei]C[If white connects, ];B[bk];W[dk];B[bj]LB[bg:A][co:B]C[A and B are miai for black, and white's in trouble.]))(;B[bk]C[If black hanes here, ];W[dk];B[bj];W[bl];B[ch];W[cf]C[Black can't live inside. ];B[bg];W[ah];B[cl];W[bm];B[cn];W[bn];B[co];W[dn];B[bq]C[If black keeps trying. ];W[dp];B[bp];W[br];B[ar];W[ao]LB[bo:A]C[This is a good move (A is also possible for white in this case).];B[cr];W[bs];B[cs];W[ap];B[as];W[br];B[bs];W[aq]C[Black can't save the cutting stones.]))(;B[di]C[Black shouldn't play this sort of 'no strategy' move. ];W[ei];B[dj];W[fk]C[There's nothing black can try now.]))(;B[nr]C[Black wants to cut and fight, but];W[pr];B[mr];W[lr]C[This poke is good. ](;B[mq];W[np];B[oo];W[mp]C[It doesn't work for black.])(;B[ls]C[If black plays here,];W[ms];B[ns];W[mq]LB[oo:C][kq:A][os:B]C[Black ends up miserable, with so many problems. ])))(;B[op]C[If black answers here, ];W[nk]C[White can come back. ];B[nl]C[Now this cut doesn't work well anymore.];W[ml];B[nm];W[mk];B[mm];W[or];B[pr];W[jr]C[White can easily settle down.]))(;B[kq]C[This is a common answer, but];W[nq]C[Attach when you're in trouble. ];B[op];W[ko];B[jo];W[kn]C[Sente. ];B[jn];W[kr];B[jr];W[dm]C[White can come back here now, and it's hard for black to attack white's lower side group.](;B[mo]C[If black attacks here, ];W[kp];B[jq];W[mp];B[mm];W[mr]C[White can easily live. ])(;B[mp]C[This peep is more severe, but ];W[mo];B[np];W[ll]LB[ll:B][dm:A]C[White can sacrifice the lower side. Now white's managed to defend at both A and B.];B[lp];W[ec];B[fb];W[id];B[jd];W[je]C[The game's better for white.])))(;W[dm]C[If white reinforces on the left, ];B[ok]LB[jm:A]C[This move becomes good in combination with A.];W[nk];B[nl];W[ml];B[nm];W[mk];B[mm]C[All of sudden, black builds a huge territory in the bottom right.])(;W[mm]C[If white reinforces this group,];B[cp]C[Black can come back here. ];W[dp];B[dm];W[em];B[bk]C[This sequence is worth learning. ];W[bj];B[bl];W[cj];B[bq]LB[jm:A]C[This is what Choi might have expected. As you can see, black A erazes white's center influence.]))(;B[pj];W[pi];B[ok];W[nk];B[oh];W[oi];B[mj];W[nj]C[Black can make white's shape look bad, but when you look carefully, this group's still quite flexible, and it's not easy to attack it.]))(;B[mj]C[Black wants to attack like this. ](;W[ml]C[If white responds here, ];B[pk];W[nj];B[pj];W[pi];B[oi]C[It's troublesome for white, but (see the variation)])(;W[rm]C[This is a good tesuji. ](;B[qm];W[pg];B[qg];W[qh];B[rf];W[og]LB[rg:C][mi:A][mk:B][rl:D]C[This white group is flexible, and it's hard to attack it. White can play moves like A-D later, for example.])(;B[rl]C[If black answers here, ];W[ml]LB[pl:A]C[White can jump here now. Black can't easily cut white, because A is sente for whtie.]))))(;B[nb]C[Black wants to block here first, but];W[oc];B[nc];W[od];B[oe];W[ne]C[White will push and cut.];B[of];W[me];B[kc];W[rf]TR[me][ne][oj][qj]C[It's hard for black to fight properly.]))(;B[pc]C[This is wrong in this case.];W[rb];B[qb];W[rc]C[White's right side is settled and it's too easy for white. ]))(;B[qh]C[It should be a good time to invade here now.](;W[pg]C[If white answers here, ];B[rd]C[This jump is sente, and];W[ph];B[gq];W[do];B[jp]C[The game's still playable for both. ])(;W[qc]C[If white goes into the corner, ];B[qd];W[rd];B[re]C[Blocking on this side is the right move for black here.];W[rc];B[qe];W[ob];B[nb];W[oc];B[nc];W[od];B[oe];W[pc];B[pf]TR[oj][qj]C[The result so far isn't bad for black. White's marked stones become weaker.])))(;W[rd]C[If white slides here, ](;B[qg]C[This attachment is good. ](;W[pg];B[qh];W[ph];B[rf];W[qe];B[qi];W[qc];B[pi]C[This result is better for black.])(;W[rg];B[rf]C[This is another joseki.];W[pg];B[qh];W[rh];B[qe];W[pf];B[re];W[qi]C[White can capture black's two stones in ladder, but];B[fp]LB[ph:A][do:B]C[This is a good ladder breaker, and A and B are miai. ]))(;B[qc];W[qi]C[Black shouldn't play like this. It's too easy for white. ])))(;B[pj]C[If black plays on the right, ];W[nc];B[pf];W[jd]C[White would develop the top. It's another game. ]))(;W[dp]C[If white plays the star point,];B[fq];W[cn];B[lq]LB[dp:B][dq:A]C[Black might have played like this. Recently, Choi seems to like this opening, so Lee chose A instead of B.]))]))
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Lee Sedol    Choi Cheolhan
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