(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.00]PW[Antti Törmänen]PB[Cornel Burzo];B[qd];W[dc];B[pq];W[oc];B[cp];W[ce];B[pe];W[qn];B[qp];W[qk];B[qi];W[kc];B[dj]LB[pl:B][on:A]C[Attacking at A or pressing down at B might be also possible.];W[eq];B[gp];W[eo];B[dn];W[ip];B[gn];W[gq];B[fp];W[fq];B[ep];W[dq];B[dp];W[cq]LB[lq:A]C[I would not play this move, it seems only an endgame move. Playing around A instead should give white a reasonable position.];B[on]C[This direction is not so appealing for black];W[ok];B[pm];W[ql];B[oi];W[ch]C[After this move black needs to attack white in the east very severely. But white is not that weak at all...];B[rm];W[qm];B[rn];W[mk]C[White seems to have an easier game now.];B[ec];W[dd];B[db];W[cb];B[ic];W[ke];B[gd];W[jc]LB[mc:A]C[This move defends against the invasion at A.];B[id];W[qb]LB[lq:A]C[This move is really huge, but I would prefere to play at A instead.];B[kq]C[This is the last big point on the board, so black stays in the game by playing here.];W[jq];B[kp];W[oo];B[no];W[qo];B[ro];W[op];B[kk]C[This attack is unreasonable. Black has no thickness to attack severely.];W[oq];B[nl];W[nk];B[jr];W[lo]C[This counterattack is severe];B[hq];W[lm];B[mp];W[lp];B[mq];W[ir];B[mn];W[kr];B[ln];W[pr];B[qq]C[this move is very painful, but black wants to take sente. Still, i couldn't find the reason behind. Simple block seems superrior.];W[nr];B[mr];W[pn];B[qr];W[om];B[hr]C[This aji complicates the game, but ];W[ko];B[kn]C[...this move is too easy. (K4 would show more fioghting spirit. see variation)](;W[lq];B[nn]C[Compared to the variation the difference in teritory is enormous. moreover, white has sente... White has a favorable game now.];W[kj];B[jk];W[lj];B[ii];W[jn];B[jm];W[hp]C[Antti takes profit again. he is not afraid for the eyeless white group... Still, this move is a bit risky.];B[od]LB[mc:E][md:B][nd:A][me:C][ne:D]C[This move is an aji keshi. Any move around A-D would have been sente. It is also possible to start a leaning attack by invading at E and aiming at a sacrefice. The move in the game makes it too easy for white. ];W[nc];B[kh];W[mh];B[in];W[ph];B[pi];W[if];B[eb];W[bj];B[jo];W[lr]C[This ia a life insurance for White, as the connection remains. This seems game over.];B[jp];W[iq];B[oh];W[rc];B[ps];W[re];B[pc];W[pb];B[mg];W[lh];B[lg];W[kg];B[kf];W[jg];B[md];W[ng];B[nf];W[nh];B[of];W[jh];B[mc];W[mb];B[lb];W[nb];B[le];W[lc];B[ji];W[ki];B[ol];W[pl];B[je];W[og];B[pg];W[qf];B[pf];W[eh];B[fh]C[This attack is too late. Black's attack has been a failure.];W[ni];B[eg];W[dh];B[oj];W[jj];B[ij];W[ik];B[jb];W[kb];B[ml];W[fi];B[gh];W[ih];B[gi];W[jf];B[kd];W[or];B[bk];W[gj];B[hk];W[ck];B[cj];W[bl];B[bi];W[ak];B[bh];W[ci])(;AE[kn]PL[B];B[jp]C[this move shows more fighting spirit.];W[iq];B[jo]C[This fight gives black a chance to complicate the game. Note that white's group in the east is not yet alive.]))
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Antti Törmänen    Cornel Burzo
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