(;CA[UTF-8]CA[Windows-1252]LT[]RR[Normal]GM[1]NW[19]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]SZ[19]NB[18]GN[tomoaki3-reclevibal(B) IGS]EV[Internet Go Server game: tomoaki3 vs reclevibal]DT[2016-08-10]PC[IGS: igs.joyjoy.net 6969]PB[reclevibal]BR[11k ]PW[tomoaki3]WR[10k ]KM[-5.5]TM[60]RE[B+Time]US[Brought to you by IGS PANDANET]CP[ Copyright (c) PANDANET Inc. 2016 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice.]MULTIGOGM[1];B[qd]BL[54]C[Brown Stone played Black.];W[dp]WL[60];B[pp]BL[46];W[dd]WL[59];B[oc]BL[44];W[cj]WL[55]C[White C10 was new for Black. Somehow, White must be aiming for a battle of frameworks.];B[jq]BL[26]C[Black prevented one double-wing];W[fq]WL[53]C[White F3 looked slow.];B[pj]BL[884]C[Black made an ideal formation and double wing. Although, Black might have been better at Q9 in anticipation of the 3-3 invasion.];W[jd]WL[45]C[White got the double wing. Black was aiming at the invasion of C17. So far, this looked like a peaceful battle of two frameworks.];B[ej]BL[803]C[Black wanted to reduce White's framework first. Black's enclosure with 3-4 seemed good enough lead in this formation.];W[dj]WL[36]C[Black expected the standard knight's move at D12, but White made this weird move.];B[ek]BL[767]C[The formation on South West looked more stable, so Black played at E9.];W[ei]WL[31]C[Imagine if Blackplayed at E11 and White played hane at E9. Since White already had half of an enclosure on the South West corner, White E9 would almost give White a solid profit.];B[fi]BL[765];W[eh]WL[28];B[fh]BL[761];W[eg]WL[26];B[cc]BL[706]C[Black felt the E9 stone and suquence that followed appropriate in this situation because of Black C17. If the same squence happened on the South West, Black does not have a powerful 3-3 invasion in the South West corner.];W[dc]WL[819];B[cd]BL[703];W[ce]WL[817];B[be]BL[693];W[cf]WL[813];B[bf]BL[692];W[bg]WL[812];B[db]BL[690];W[eb]WL[811];B[cb]BL[690];W[fc]WL[810]C[Black lived in the corner. White's wall was almost useless. White laso looked very overconcentrated. ];B[lc]BL[588]TR[qc][bd][bc][ac][ab][bb][ba][aa][ca][mb][ma][na][nb][ob][oa][pa][pb][qb][qa][ra][rb][sb][sa][rc][sc]SQ[ch][dh][di][ci][cg][dg][bh][bi][ai][ah][df][de][ef][ee][ed][ec][dq][eq][er][dr]C[Black M1 aimed at sliding later at K18.CountingBlack (Triangle) PairsNW - 4NE - 8.5Total - 12.5White (Square) Pairs.NW - 8SW - 2Total -10 -5.5 Komi.With the big framewokr, Black felt very confident of the lead. Black actually did not counted at this part of the game. Black wanted to see what White would do inside Black's framework.];W[pq]WL[631]C[White's attachment at Q3 looked weird and inappropriate. Black would have been prepared with 3-3. ];B[oq]BL[553]C[Black wanted a wall instead of keeping the keeper. Black K3 and Q10 would have been ideal stones to develop Black's wall. Black expected White to cut and fight here. ];W[qq]WL[619]C[The descent of White R3 looked too passive. ];B[qp]BL[543];W[or]WL[617];B[nq]BL[542];W[nr]WL[616];B[mq]BL[540];W[rp]WL[614];B[ro]BL[540];W[rq]WL[613];B[qn]BL[540]C[The result looked as if White invaded 3-3.];W[mr]WL[599];B[lq]BL[532]C[Black was happy making a stronger wall because of White's added push.];W[ip]WL[592]C[White J4 was painful. It aimed at attacking the foating Black group. However, Black did not want White to flatten the wall.];B[jp]BL[441]C[Black pushed up at aimed at making a big center territory.];W[io]WL[556];B[jo]BL[437];W[in]WL[553];B[jm]BL[430]C[Black jumped to get ahead.];W[jn]WL[550];B[kn]BL[429];W[im]WL[548];B[jl]BL[426];W[fj]WL[545]C[White finally made the cut.];B[gk]BL[277]C[Black decided to surround the center and give up the F11 stones.];W[gj]WL[543];B[hj]BL[899];W[gi]WL[541];B[hi]BL[899];W[gh]WL[540];B[hh]BL[899];W[fg]WL[538];B[ki]BL[869]C[Black was delighted to surround such a big area in the center.];W[kf]WL[529]C[White L14 looked the proper move, aiming at reducing Black's area in the center.];B[if]BL[765]C[Black J14 aimed at cutting off White L14 and reducing White's area on the North West.];W[he]WL[521];B[hf]BL[735];W[ie]WL[897];B[ke]BL[630]C[Black found this beatiful tesuji to cut off White and secure another wall for the Apex.];W[kd]WL[893];B[le]BL[624];W[ld]WL[892];B[md]BL[590];W[me]WL[883];B[lf]BL[584];W[mc]WL[875];B[nd]BL[582];W[lb]WL[874];B[fk]BL[550]C[After securing the final wall of Black's Apex territory, Black saved the two stones at E9.];W[dl]WL[871];B[gf]BL[485];W[fe]WL[863]TR[ko][po][aa][kp][lp][lo][mo][mp][np][no][oo][op][pn][qo][on][nn][mn][ln][lm][km][kl][ll][pb][pc][qc][qb][pa][qa][rb][rc][sc][sb][sa][ra][rd][sd][bd][bc][ac][ab][bb][ba][ca][jg][kg][ig][ih][ii][ji][jh][kh][jj][ij][kj][lg][lh]SQ[ps][bh][bi][ah][ai][ci][di][dh][ch][cg][dg][df][os][ee][de][ed][ec][fd][gc][fb][gb][hb][hc][ib][ic][jb][jc][kc][kb][ka][ja][ia][ga][fa][ha][hd][id][dq][eq][er][dr][bj][aj][ak][bk][bl][al][pr][qs][qr][rr][sr][ss][rs][sq][ef]C[CountingBlack (Triangle) PairsNW - 4NE - 7SE - 10A - 7.5Total - 28.5White (Square) Pairs.NW - 8SW - 21SE - 5Total -33 - 5.5 KomiWhite was leading in solid territory. However, Black's big framework looked so solid, maybe Black would have been better playing at R10 and claim the easy win. Again, Black did not count at this stage, bad technique, because of the large framework.];B[bp]BL[430]C[Black was thinking about the invasion at B4. Black felt this was good timing.];W[qj]WL[859]C[However, maybe Black shoudl have defended at R10 instead.];B[qi]BL[420];W[rj]WL[856];B[pk]BL[415];W[ri]WL[854];B[qh]BL[414];W[rh]WL[852];B[qg]BL[409];W[rg]WL[849];B[qf]BL[376];W[rf]WL[847];B[rl]BL[375];W[rd]WL[844];B[rc]BL[341];W[qe]WL[838];B[pe]BL[340];W[re]WL[837];B[qc]BL[336];W[sd]WL[835]C[Black allowed White to live on the second line in gote. Black was happy with this result as the Apex territory became secured because of White's invasion.];B[cq]BL[323]C[Black used sente to gain from the invasion of Black B4.];W[co]WL[829];B[bo]BL[322];W[bn]WL[826];B[cn]BL[893];W[bm]WL[821];B[do]BL[881];W[dq]WL[815];B[cp]BL[871];W[eo]WL[809];B[en]BL[868];W[fo]WL[804];B[fn]BL[864];W[gn]WL[801];B[gm]BL[858];W[dm]WL[895];B[go]BL[828];W[dn]WL[891];B[hn]BL[789];W[co]WL[887];B[dr]BL[783];W[do]WL[884];B[er]BL[777];W[fr]WL[881];B[br]BL[770]TR[rn][ba][bb][ab][aa][ac][bc][bd][ca][ap][aq][bq][ar][as][bs][cr][cs][ds][qa][qb][pb][pa][pc][pd][od][oe][ne][mf][lg][mg][lh][mh][li][mi][ni][nh][oi][oh][pi][ph][pg][og][ng][of][nf][pf][jg][ig][hg][ih][jh][kg][kh][ji][ii][kj][lj][lk][kk][mj][nj][oj][ok][mk][nk][ol][pl][nl][ml][ll][kl][km][lm][mm][nm][om][pm][pn][on][nn][mn][ln][lo][ko][kp][lp][mp][mo][no][oo][op][np][po][qo][qm][rm]SQ[sq][se][sf][sh][sg][si][sj][pr][sr][rr][rs][ss][qs][qr][am][ps][os][ec][ed][fd][gc][fb][gb][ga][ha][hb][hc][hd][id][ic][jc][jb][ib][ia][ja][ka][kb][kc][ee][de][df][dg][cg][ch][dh][di][ci][bh][bi][ai][ah][bj][aj][ak][bk][bl][cl][cm][al]C[Black was satisfied living in the corner, although there might have been a better way.CountingBlack (Triangle) PairsNW - 4SW - 4.5NE + A - 41.5SE - 10Total - 59White (Square) Pairs.NW + W -21.5SE - 5E - 3Total -29.5 - 5.5 KomiBlack's big Apex framework resulted to a very big lead.];W[il]WL[875];B[ik]BL[768];W[hl]WL[873];B[hk]BL[764];W[gp]WL[868];B[je]BL[726]C[Black K15 was a mistake. Black wanted to push at G15 first before K15.];W[ff]WL[865];B[ge]BL[724];W[gd]WL[864];B[id]BL[498]C[Black played at J16 for sacrifice to take sente on O17.];W[ic]WL[783]C[White J17 was weird. Black could not see anything that made the sacrifice of two White stones necessary.];B[hd]BL[492];W[hc]WL[781];B[dk]BL[421];W[ck]WL[29];B[kc]BL[410];W[jc]WL[26];B[nc]BL[409];W[mb]WL[22];B[lr]BL[407];W[sl]WL[16];B[rm]BL[393];W[sk]WL[14];B[hr]BL[385];W[qk]WL[12];B[ql]BL[351];W[sm]WL[8];B[sn]BL[338];W[rk]WL[6];B[sc]BL[891];W[iq]WL[2];B[ir]BL[888];OS[tatsu55]C[Black won on timeout. This game was easy for Black because White helped Black build the framework. Black should be aware next time of the current score to make better decisions. Black also needs to be careful on reading sequences, that is playing forcing mvoes first before the move aimed at.])
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tomoaki3    reclevibal
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