(;CA[UTF-8]ST[2]RU[Japanese]KM[6.50]TM[60]OT[4x30 byo-yomi]PW[Albert Yen]PB[Franรงois Gonze]WR[7d]BR[4d]DT[2019-06-11]EV[WAGC]RO[3]BT[Belgium]RE[W+35.50]C[World Amateur Go ChampionshipWhite: Albert Yen, 7DBlack: Franรงois Gonze, 4DJune 3, 2019, in Matsue, Shimane Prefecture, JapanCommentary: Albert Yen, 7DGame editors: Kiren Polara, Myron SourisAlbert Yen placed an outstanding 4th in this year's World Amateur. Albert graciously gives us an enlightening commentary of his 3rd round win against Belgium's Franรงois Gonze. For the game moves, Albert also includes LeelaZero's (AI) winrates.This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.];B[cq]C[45.9% (-0.6%)1.0k playoutsNote: LeelaZero's winrate percentage above is the winning estimation for the player who just moved. The parenthesized percentage is how much the winning estimation increased (or decreased) as a result of the given move. The playout count (in this case 1000) indicates the number of Monte Carlo runs in the game tree search - very roughly speaking, the more playouts the better the estimation.Be warned that the winrates in this game may not be completely accurate, because WAGC uses Japanese rules, which has a 6.5 point komi rather than LeelaZero's 7.5 point komi. In a normal game this would barely make a difference, but because the margin of lead in this game is very small throughout one point can make a big impact. In other words, Black's position is always better than what the winrate indicates.];W[pd]C[54.1% (0.0%)1.0k playouts];B[cc]C[45.1% (-0.8%)1.0k playouts];W[pq]C[55.0% (0.0%)1.0k playouts];B[qo]C[45.1% (0.1%)1.0k playouts];W[pm]C[54.4% (-0.4%)1.0k playoutsMy favorite pincer to play as White.];B[on]C[45.2% (-0.3%)1.0k playouts];W[np]C[54.0% (-0.7%)1.0k playouts];B[om]C[45.0% (-1.0%)1.0k playouts](;W[qp]LB[pk:A]C[54.6% (-0.4%)1.0k playoutsA is also possible for White.](;B[rp]C[47.3% (1.9%)1.0k playoutsNot the joseki move.];W[ro]C[55.2% (2.5%)1.0k playouts](;B[pp]LB[rn:A]C[39.7% (-5.1%)1.0k playoutsMistake. The AI suggests A instead.];W[qq]C[60.3% (-0.0%)1.1k playouts];B[qn]C[42.0% (2.2%)1.0k playouts];W[rn]C[58.1% (0.0%)1.1k playouts];B[rm]C[41.9% (0.0%)1.1k playouts];W[rq]C[58.1% (0.0%)1.1k playouts];B[pl]C[41.6% (-0.3%)1.0k playouts];W[qf]C[59.0% (0.6%)1.0k playoutsWhite comes out slightly better in the exchanges on the lower right side.];B[fd]C[39.4% (-1.6%)1.0k playouts](;W[hc]LB[de:C][ci:B][cj:A]C[57.9% (-2.7%)1.0k playoutsThis was a directional error on my part. Playing on left side would have been better (A, B, or C).];B[dn]LB[cj:A]C[38.9% (-3.2%)1.0k playoutsBlack should have taken A.];W[ec]LB[ci:A]TR[fc][ed]C[59.3% (-1.8%)1.0k playoutsI was too fixated on Black's shape weakness here. Invading on the left side is much more urgent.I was prepared to engage Black locally if he blocked at E16 or F17, so Gonze needed to come up with a different move. Take a second to see if you can spot it.];B[de]TR[de]C[40.5% (-0.2%)1.0k playoutsBlack played the light move at D15 almost immediately, a pretty nice move. Gonze must have done some research on this shape. If you saw this move in under three seconds maybe you are 4 Dan :P];W[fc]C[59.6% (0.0%)1.0k playouts];B[dj]LB[ci:A][cj:B]TR[cd]C[40.9% (0.5%)1.0k playoutsThe direction of this move is correct but it is too close to the bottom left. Playing at A or B better protects Black's weakness around C16.];W[cg]LB[gd:A]C[58.7% (-0.4%)1.0k playoutsThis exchange is probably unnecessary. I should have played at A.](;B[ci]LB[cf:A]TR[ci]C[42.1% (0.8%)1.0k playoutsPlaying at A is the proper shape for Black. This move at C11 creates opportunities for me to punish Black severely.](;W[nc]TR[dd][gd]C[54.9% (-2.9%)1.0k playoutsVery slack move. Even if I missed the cut at D16 I still should have at least played G16. Takemiya 9P reviewed the game and said that G16 was the "kyusho" (vital point) of the game.](;B[jp]LB[gd:A][hp:B]C[41.4% (-3.6%)1.0k playoutsThis move is bad in 2 ways:a. Too close to bottom right, which is a very strong group.b. A is still the vital point.A and B are both better moves.];W[hq]LB[gd:A]C[57.1% (-1.5%)1.0k playoutsA is still the vital point.];B[ho]LB[fq:A]C[40.6% (-2.3%)1.0k playoutsI was surprised to see this move. Normally Black will approach from A to deny White the chance to make a 2 space extension.];W[eq]C[59.3% (-0.1%)1.0k playouts];B[dp]LB[dq:A]C[37.8% (-2.9%)1.0k playoutsPlaying at A puts more pressure on White.];W[cr]C[63.4% (1.2%)1.0k playouts];B[br]C[37.7% (1.1%)1.0k playouts];W[dq]C[63.3% (0.9%)1.0k playouts];B[cp]C[36.8% (0.1%)1.0k playouts];W[fp]LB[gd:A][ff:B]C[60.0% (-3.2%)1.0k playoutsSlow move. I should instead go back to the top immediately (A or B).];B[fn]LB[gd:A]C[35.2% (-4.8%)1.0k playoutsBlack should have come back to A.];W[gd]C[65.1% (0.3%)1.0k playoutsNow White takes control of the game with this move.];B[eg]C[32.5% (-2.3%)1.0k playouts];W[hg]C[66.2% (-1.3%)1.0k playouts];B[ir]C[32.9% (-0.9%)1.0k playouts];W[hr]C[67.3% (0.2%)1.0k playouts];B[jg]C[33.9% (1.1%)1.0k playouts];W[hi]C[67.5% (1.4%)1.0k playouts];B[md]C[32.0% (-0.5%)1.0k playoutsThis shoulder hit is a nice move to reduce White's territory in the upper side. It harmonizes well with the K13 stone.](;W[mf]LB[ei:A]C[62.8% (-5.3%)1.0k playoutsThis is a direction of play mistake.Black is very light here so playing more moves locally only helps to strengthen Black.I should reduce the left side with A.];B[mc]C[37.5% (0.3%)1.0k playouts];W[nd]C[63.0% (0.5%)1.0k playouts];B[ke]LB[kc:A][id:C][me:B]C[32.2% (-4.8%)1.0k playoutsIn the game I thought this was a good move as it made A and B miai, but actually it was still better to play at B or C directly (according to LeelaZero).];W[cb]C[69.8% (2.1%)1.0k playoutsI wasn't sure what to do about the top Black group so I played here to create some trouble for Black. This turned out to be very successful.](;B[dc]LB[bc:A]C[25.9% (-4.3%)1.0k playouts It is better for Black to defend at A.];W[db]C[74.2% (0.0%)1.1k playouts];B[bb]C[26.5% (0.7%)1.0k playouts];W[ed]C[74.6% (1.1%)1.0k playouts];B[ce]C[23.9% (-1.5%)1.0k playoutsWhite gained a lot of points in sente here and is still in the lead.];W[pi]C[75.5% (-0.6%)1.0k playouts];B[hf]LB[jc:A][me:B]C[21.4% (-3.1%)1.0k playoutsBlack should remain cool headed and play at A or B in wait of an opportunity to complicate the game. This move leads directly to defeat.];W[gf]C[78.8% (0.2%)1.0k playouts];B[gg]LB[if:B][gh:A]C[21.4% (0.1%)1.0k playoutsThis is Black's do-or-die move, but both A and B work for White.](;W[if]C[77.2% (-1.5%)1.0k playouts];B[hh]C[21.6% (-1.2%)1.0k playouts];W[ig]C[80.2% (1.8%)1.0k playouts];B[ih]C[19.9% (0.1%)1.0k playouts];W[jf]C[80.5% (0.4%)1.0k playouts];B[jh]LB[gh:A]C[17.4% (-2.0%)1.0k playoutsConnecting at A is thicker and eliminates aji in the center.];W[kf]C[82.5% (-0.0%)1.0k playouts];B[mo]LB[lh:A][mj:B]TR[ei][fi][gi][hi][ii][ji][ej][fj][gj][hj][ij][jj][ek][fk][gk][hk][ik][jk][el][fl][gl][hl][il][jl][em][fm][gm][hm][im][jm]SQ[ia][ja][ka][la][ma][na][ib][jb][kb][lb][mb][nb][ic][jc][kc][lc][mc][id][jd][kd][ld][md][ie][je][ke][le][me][ne]C[13.5% (-4.0%)1.0k playoutsIf the top is dead then the trade is clearly better for White.Both sides gained approximately 30 points, but White has many forcing moves in the center (around N10 and M12), so the right side will become much larger.White was already ahead before the trade, so the position is almost hopeless for Black now.](;W[ki]LB[lh:A]C[86.4% (-0.1%)1.0k playoutsThis move is risky and unnecessary. Simply playing at A ensures a 20 point win for White.];B[lg]C[15.7% (2.1%)1.0k playouts];W[kg]C[82.2% (-2.2%)1.0k playouts];B[kh]C[18.2% (0.4%)1.0k playouts];W[lh]C[81.9% (0.1%)1.0k playouts];B[li]C[19.8% (1.7%)1.0k playouts];W[mh]C[80.2% (0.0%)1.1k playouts];B[gh]C[19.9% (0.1%)1.1k playouts];W[mj]LB[lj:A]TR[li][mi]C[79.6% (-0.5%)1.0k playoutsI was afraid to play at A because the ladder favors Black. I wasn't sure if I could kill Black's stone at M11 here so I backed off at N10. However, N11 would have better addressed the aji in my territory.];B[lj]C[19.4% (-1.0%)1.0k playouts];W[lk]C[80.2% (-0.4%)1.0k playouts];B[kj]C[18.9% (-0.9%)1.0k playouts];W[nk]C[79.1% (-2.0%)1.0k playouts];B[kk]C[19.7% (-1.2%)1.0k playouts];W[ll]LB[mi:A]C[76.5% (-3.8%)1.0k playoutsSame as before. White is ahead by 20+ points, so Black needs to make something happen in White's territory.However, it's better for me to defend at A right now. There's bad aji in White's territory. I actually knew that playing at A would be enough in the game but I just couldn't make myself play such a defensive move.];B[he]C[26.0% (2.5%)1.0k playouts];W[ge]C[64.2% (-9.8%)1.0k playouts];B[mi]C[37.0% (1.2%)1.0k playouts];W[ni]C[60.7% (-2.3%)1.0k playouts];B[nb]C[24.4% (-15.0%)1.0k playouts];W[ob]C[75.6% (-0.1%)1.1k playouts];B[lb]C[23.1% (-1.4%)1.0k playouts];W[kc]LB[le:A]C[77.9% (0.9%)1.0k playoutsMistake. I should have made an exchange at A first.];B[mg]C[24.6% (2.4%)1.0k playouts];W[nh]C[75.4% (-0.1%)1.0k playouts];B[lf]C[37.5% (12.9%)1.0k playoutsNow the aji is very bad.];W[le]C[52.5% (-10.0%)1.0k playouts];B[pb]C[47.8% (0.3%)1.0k playouts](;W[oc]LB[oa:A]TR[ne]C[44.2% (-8.0%)1.0k playoutsThe descent is better. I didn't read out all of the variations here and thought that giving Black the O15 hane in sente would affect the center, but in reality it is inconsequential.];B[oa]C[43.4% (-12.3%)1.0k playouts];W[qc]C[59.2% (2.7%)1.0k playouts](;B[qb]LB[ng:A]C[14.2% (-26.6%)1.0k playoutsLosing move #1. Black should save the 3 stones to complicate the game.];W[ng]C[89.0% (3.2%)1.0k playoutsThis ponnuki simplifies the game.];B[rc]C[10.9% (-0.1%)1.0k playouts];W[rd]C[89.6% (0.5%)1.1k playouts];B[sc]C[7.8% (-2.6%)1.0k playouts];W[pa]C[93.5% (1.3%)1.0k playouts](;B[na]LB[ma:A]C[4.2% (-2.4%)1.0k playoutsFinal losing move. Black can create a ko with A and continue fighting (though since White has many local ko threats Black will probably still come up short).As long as Black can live with the ko the game will be close. If Gonze had played the ko in this way, the outcome of the game would still be uncertain.];W[kb]C[96.5% (0.6%)5.6k playoutsBlack is dead after this move. The game is over.The corner is dead because there's no eye at N18. When Black plays M19 White can throw in at N18 to destroy the eye. Gonze missed the liberty shortage during the game.Following moves omitted. White won by 35.5.]) (; B[ma] C[This is a possible sequence.]; W[na];B[iq];W[hp];B[oa];W[kb];B[lc];W[na];B[io];W[go];B[gn];W[ds];B[oa];W[ka];B[la];W[na];B[fr];W[er];B[oa];W[sd];B[sb] C[Good move for Black.]; W[na];B[hs];W[gs];B[oa];W[kl] C[The problem for Black is that this move is enough compensation for White.]; B[qa];W[jk];B[jj];W[ij];B[ji];W[jl];B[bs];W[fo] C[White is slightly ahead now (although it is very close).] )) (; B[ng];W[je];B[me];W[kd];B[ne];W[og];B[nf];W[kb];B[qb];W[rc];B[rb];W[sb];B[pf] C[Although Black is still dead locally, I can very easily make mistakes here as the position is complicated.] )) (; W[oa];B[ng];W[je];B[og];W[ne];B[qg] C[Black will have to gamble like this.]; W[qh];B[ph];W[qi];B[oj];W[oi];B[nj];W[rg] TR[mj][lk][nk][ll] C[Even if White ends up losing the center stones Black still doesn't have enough points.] )) (; W[lh];B[li];W[mi];B[lj];W[kh];B[ki];W[mj];B[lk];W[mk];B[ll] TR[mg][ng][og][pg][mh][nh][oh][ph] C[White has roughly 110 points on the board vs. Black's 90-95. White wins by a large margin.] )) (; W[gh];B[fg];W[if];B[he];W[ig];B[id];W[ic];B[jd];W[jh] C[Black doesn't gain much from this.] )) (; B[bc] C[Better move.] )) (; W[ei] (; B[dh];W[cb] C[The aji here is still really bad.]; B[bb];W[cd];B[dd];W[dc];B[bc];W[ce];B[df];W[cf];B[db];W[dg] LB[ef:B][eh:A] C[For example A and B are miai here.] ) (; B[ej];W[dd];B[cd];W[ce];B[be];W[cf];B[ee];W[bf];B[bd];W[dh] C[Black is separated here.] ) )) (; B[gd];W[hd];B[gf] TR[cg] C[The C13 stone will naturally die like this.] )) (; W[dd];B[cd];W[ce] C[Black is in a bit of trouble here.]; B[be];W[cf];B[ee];W[bf];B[bd];W[eg] TR[ci] C[Black is split and his corner is in pain. This sequence shows why C11 was a mistake. Unfortunately I did not capitalize on this in the game.] )) (; B[cf] TR[cd] C[White will still tenuki here, but there is no longer bad aji around C16.]; W[dg];B[gd];W[hd];B[gf] C[I was not ready to start this fight yet.] )) (; W[de];B[dd];W[ci] C[Possible for White.] ) (; W[cj];B[ch];W[cm] C[Possible for White.] ) (; W[ci];B[ck];W[cd];B[dc];W[cf] C[Possible for White.] )) (; B[rn] C[The AI's suggested move.]; W[po];B[so];W[pn];B[qq];W[pp];B[qr];W[ol];B[nc] TR[rp] C[LeelaZero thinks this is roughly an even result, but I think that White is still successful here. Most humans won't have the guts to play like this as Black, so in hindsight S4 was probably a mistake.] )) (; B[po];W[lp];B[pj] C[This is an old joseki.] ) (; B[pl];W[ro];B[rn];W[po];B[pn];W[qn];B[qm] C[This is another old joseki, though most players (including AI) prefer White.] )) (; W[pk];B[pl];W[ql];B[ol];W[qj] C[This is an old joseki.] ))
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Albert Yen    Franรงois Gonze
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