(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]TM[2700]OT[2x30 byo-yomi]GN[Chinese Ambassador Cup 2019 round 6 board 2 Ilya Shikshin - Anton Chernykh]PW[Anton Chernykh]PB[Ilya Shikshin]WR[6d]BR[3p]DT[2019-09-22]EV[Chinese Ambassador Cup 2019]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/];B[pd];W[dd];B[pq];W[dp];B[cq];W[cp];B[dq];W[fq];B[fr];W[gr];B[eq];W[fp];B[ep];W[eo];B[do];W[bo];B[dn];W[en];B[em];W[fm];B[cm];W[bq];B[er];W[el];B[dm];W[ck];B[gq];W[fn];B[bl];W[bn];B[dk];W[cl];B[dl];W[hr];B[gp];W[fo];B[br];W[ar];B[cr];W[bm];B[iq];W[hq];B[hp];W[ip];B[io];W[jp];B[hn];W[jq];B[cj];W[bk];B[bj];W[al]C[qwertyui: g8];B[ds];W[hl];B[fl];W[gl];B[fk];W[gn];B[ho];W[jm];B[jo];W[ko];B[kp]C[djksaldsa: ko??qwertyui: ко нетqwertyui: б. д4-ч.о8qwertyui: w l3-b j8];W[jn];B[jr]C[x86 [3d]: Б давится, но ест кактуз?x86 [3d]: Или лучше понуки снаружи];W[ir]C[qwertyui: так съели];B[kq];W[iq]C[x86 [3d]: В теории еще ко естьx86 [3d]: И локальные угрозы];B[is]C[x86 [3d]: Видимо и на практике есть ко];W[kr];B[ks];W[js];B[hm];W[lp];B[gm];W[qo];B[qp];W[po];B[nq];W[lq]C[RGF2 [-]: Ilya has 21 min left, Anton - 3 min];B[pj];W[qf];B[qh];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[od];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[rf];W[nc];B[cc];W[dc];B[cd];W[ce];B[be];W[bf];B[cf];W[de];B[bd];W[cg];B[df];W[ef];B[dg];W[dh];B[eg];W[fg];B[eh];W[ei];B[fh];W[gh];B[fi];W[fj];B[gi];W[gk]C[djksaldsa: haodjksaldsa: w];B[ff];W[ek];B[di]C[TheThe [4k]: manTheThe [4k]: w-];W[hd];B[jc];W[ie];B[gc];W[hc];B[fd];W[nd];B[ke];W[gg];B[hi];W[ih];B[kh];W[ii];B[kj];W[hb];B[fb];W[lc];B[ne];W[me];B[nf];W[le];B[lf];W[mf];B[md];W[mc];B[mg];W[ld];B[lg];W[kd];B[pm];W[ro];B[rp];W[op];B[mr];W[sp]C[VPP79 [3k]: белый выигрывает что ли?];B[sq];W[so]C[Goyer [?]: похоже, +5?VPP79 [3k]: ну я такие точности не могу понять ))];B[qq];W[ql];B[qm];W[rm];B[pl];W[qk];B[rn];W[sl];B[qj];W[nn]C[Aliquid [4d]: looks like a close game hereVPP79 [3k]: не резалось что ли?];B[rk];W[rl];B[on]C[TheThe [4k]: w just has to be properly paranoid and may win now];W[np];B[je]C[VPP79 [3k]: ну да, реальные шансы выиграть, конечно параноить будет];W[jd];B[ll];W[ej];B[dj];W[fs];B[aj];W[ak];B[bs];W[gb];B[ee];W[fa];B[ea];W[ga];B[eb];W[nm];B[fl];W[fk];B[go];W[fl];B[nl];W[rr];B[rq]C[VPP79 [3k]: немного не понятен смысл этих вставок];W[rj];B[ri]C[RGF2 [-]: это "тайм ходы"];W[ml]C[TheThe [4k]: maybe time moveTheThe [4k]: hard to tellTheThe [4k]: maybe trolling];B[oo]C[VPP79 [3k]: тонкий троллинг ))];W[pp]C[TheThe [4k]: n7 ?];B[no];W[oq];B[or];W[qr];B[pr];W[mq];B[nr];W[lm]C[TheThe [4k]: hm];B[mk];W[mm]C[TheThe [4k]: n5 ];B[mo];W[qn];B[am]C[TheThe [4k]: w taking chances];W[an];B[il];W[ik]C[TheThe [4k]: h10 ?];B[hk];W[hj];B[gj];W[hk];B[jk];W[ij];B[jl];W[im];B[km]C[TheThe [4k]: easy];W[kn];B[kl]C[TheThe [4k]: but closeGoyer [?]: з8];W[ol];B[pk]C[Goyer [?]: p8];W[ln];B[nk];W[om];B[pn];W[qe];B[qg]C[Aliquid [4d]: I think b ahead by 2 pts];W[se];B[pf];W[sf];B[rg];W[ls];B[ms]C[x86 [3d]: is c12 worth any points?];W[jg];B[kf]C[Yezurof [2k?]: seems like 2 gote points];W[sk]C[x86 [3d]: seems like sente 0 points];B[ch]C[x86 [3d]: ok maybe notTheThe [4k]: lol];W[gd]C[Yezurof [2k?]: here black play once to capture, if white connected black would have had to play 3 stones to captureYezurof [2k?]: So 2 points dif ?];B[fc];W[ge];B[if];W[fe];B[ef];W[ed];B[db];W[hf];B[jf]C[x86 [3d]: k14 was leading to a huge ko];W[ok];B[oj]C[area51 [2k]: Ilya has no chance to win this game area51 [2k]: Anton great job! ];W[ji];B[ki]C[TheThe [4k]: there is always a change but really small now];W[ig];B[lr]C[VPP79 [3k]: оценщик вообще +20 показываетkvv [3d]: Chernykh is professonalarea51 [2k]: TheThe yestirday you wrote same before Surma resigned ];W[ks];B[hh];W[hg]C[TheThe [4k]: well, I am 4k for a reason ;-)];B[si];W[sj]C[VPP79 [3k]: Артем тоже мог у Ильи выиграть];B[oc];W[ob]C[x86 [3d]: Кто-нибудь считал очки?];B[co];W[bp]C[TheThe [4k]: yeah, SE + w+19];B[nb];W[pb]C[TheThe [4k]: t16 t13 n4 m5 resVPP79 [3k]: Чето уже какие-то ходы как у компа ))Artemy [-]: katago w+2x86 [3d]: Я посчитал около 5-7 Б ведетarea51 [2k]: B 77, W 66+13+komi area51 [2k]: 7.5 komi?Artemy [-]: правила китайскиеVPP79 [3k]: А почему оценщик так врет?area51 [2k]: W + 9.5 x86 [3d]: Китайские правилаRGF2 [-]: Ilya loseRGF2 [-]: Anton wonarea51 [2k]: thank you Goyer [?]: спасибо! классная игра!Artemy [-]: Поздравляем Антона!!!x86 [3d]: Лестница - шедеврGoyer [?]: ага!)TheThe [4k]: Ilya should practice on kgs morex86 [3d]: There are almost no strong players on kgsTheThe [4k]: also these are japanese rules?Goyer [?]: для Антона - это фартовый турнирTheThe [4k]: ah, no chineseTheThe [4k]: don't like these they are uglyx86 [3d]: Chinese Cup, but Japanese rules?))TheThe [4k]: noTheThe [4k]: I was wrongTheThe [4k]: se counts in japaneseTheThe [4k]: that is why it thinks w+20RGF2 [-]: chinese rulesTheThe [4k]: yes chineseVPP79 [3k]: ну да, какая-то странность с китайским послом и японскими правиламиx86 [3d]: SE counts in broken ChineseTheThe [4k]: not broken, it's just always japanese I thinkTheThe [4k]: it's eastimate anyway and very primitive oneTheThe [4k]: anyway, I am surprised there are still strong players at all after bots took overx86 [3d]: If you switch to Japanese it will count correctlyx86 [3d]: So it is definitely not JapaneseTheThe [4k]: oh I seeTheThe [4k]: well, another reason not to use chinese rules on kgs])
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Anton Chernykh    Ilya Shikshin
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