(;FF[4]CA[UTF-8]GM[1]DT[2020-03-21]PC[OGS: https://online-go.com/game/22494750]GN[Euro Pro League]PB[Avtikh]PW[roln90]BR[?]WR[1d]TM[600]OT[3x20 byo-yomi]RE[W+R]SZ[19]KM[6.5]RU[Japanese]C[Avtikh: Hi IlyaAvtikh: have a nice game!roln90: Hi, have a nice game!];B[pd]C[roln90: Hi, have a nice game!](;W[dp](;B[pp](;W[dc](;B[cn](;W[cf](;B[dd](;W[cd](;B[ec](;W[db](;B[ed](;W[de](;B[ee](;W[ef](;B[ff](;W[eg]C[S_Alexander: Hello everyone! ](;B[fg](;W[eb]C[slap: hello!Uberdude: strange of black not to have c17 probe earlierbillybones: Is there a league table somewhere?flovo: Live comments on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/europeangofederation/liso77: https://eurogofed.org/pros/league.htmlUberdude: e18 seems attempt to punish but that's a juicy haneSirtankyou: hello](;B[gc]C[ofer.zivony: The probe is becoming less common, I thinkDemandred: Привет всем ! torusle: Yo All!billybones: Thank youexplorebaduk: The probe is good for sureexplorebaduk: I don't like this variation for black nowliso77: Is it possible to see how many observers are here? Uberdude: i think w happy b answered, g16 is tesuji for later](;W[fh](;B[eh]C[explorebaduk: AI also likes the variation with peep more than this oneSirtankyou: yeah it looked good for black at the startSirtankyou: is f15 something later on??explorebaduk: in general if you have C17 and C18 exchange, you would be more happy than having C18 at B17Uberdude: which peep sinan?Ștefan Radu: Hello everybody](;W[gh]C[explorebaduk: Uberdude, my mistake, not peep, I meant cut,Uberdude: just checked LZ, it agrees with ilya's e18 timing](;B[ei]C[Sirtankyou: how would the d13 into extension work out for bexplorebaduk: Andrew, so yeah, I meant after E18, now white is really happy, there was a possibility for black to have C17-C18 which is for sure a good exchangeexplorebaduk: and now it is gone](;W[gd]C[explorebaduk: argh, Ilya going for the fightexplorebaduk: I really like white's position now](;B[fe](;W[hc]C[explorebaduk: so, does white play H17,H16 or H14explorebaduk: so now black has to jump explorebaduk: In official matches, Ali has 4 wins and 15 loses against IlyaGoDave89: how many draws? :Pexplorebaduk: 0 according to EGD](;B[hf](;W[fc](;B[cg](;W[bf]C[Ștefan Radu: Game looks over.Palko: I also like white's position moreexplorebaduk: It's really wonderful to have strong players like this playing online ^^S_Alexander: yessnowman: first joseki and game over?](;B[jf](;W[gj]C[Uberdude: fast game so still anything possible](;B[ek](;W[ji](;B[jc]C[Sirtankyou: I'm still inexperienced but does move 31 k15 slightly better?S_Alexander: play fast - die fast. play slow - die slowPalko: White's position feels better, but super far from game over](;W[en](;B[fl]C[Ștefan Radu: True, that's fair. I hope B will even the odds soon enough.Welvang: it's a fight oriented game, pretty sure you will see some action](;W[nc](;B[qf]C[S_Alexander: byo-yomi now](;W[lc]C[GoDave89: how is this game over in any way? lol](;B[oc]C[S_Alexander: smol base](;W[nd]C[S_Alexander: ilya went to change settings, i bet](;B[kd](;W[pe]C[Sirtankyou: k18 to connect under??Sirtankyou: for w](;B[qe](;W[qc]C[CentreGo: kosumi prevents it](;B[od](;W[qd]C[CentreGo: it only works if black jumped k15](;B[oe](;W[pf]C[lose000: what was wrong with it?. From move 46: R16 P18 Q17 ](;B[pg]C[Sirtankyou: oh ok thank you](;W[of](;B[ne]C[Uberdude: lose000, softer, b wanted to resist](;W[og]C[Mrrr: too passive and gote for black](;B[qh](;W[oh]C[S_Alexander: sac everything](;B[pb]C[Palko: i just started to like black now](;W[qi](;B[ri](;W[ph](;B[qg](;W[rj]C[S_Alexander: how time control was chosen?](;B[rh]C[Uberdude: LZ agrees with a lot of Andri's commentsSirtankyou: but isn't white getting a lot of center influence?](;W[qj](;B[rd](;W[rc](;B[re](;W[me]C[S_Alexander: with blitz internet connection matters a lot](;B[mf](;W[le](;B[lf](;W[nb](;B[nf](;W[jb](;B[ld](;W[md](;B[ib](;W[kb](;B[ic](;W[hb](;B[hd](;W[id](;B[he](;W[gb](;B[oj](;W[mh](;B[lh](;W[li](;B[mi](;W[ni](;B[mj](;W[kh](;B[lg](;W[nj](;B[nk](;W[ok](;B[lj](;W[ki](;B[ml](;W[ol](;B[jk]C[Uberdude: o12 problem means w attack has a flaw](;W[gl](;B[fn](;W[il](;B[eo](;W[do](;B[dn](;W[ep](;B[em](;W[gp](;B[ho](;W[ik](;B[cq](;W[bp](;B[bq](;W[bo](;B[er](;W[hp](;B[gr]C[S_Alexander: Black is too good?](;W[hr](;B[io]C[lose000: white can connect the 5 at f4 and win](;W[jq](;B[kp](;W[kq](;B[lp](;W[mq](;B[ih](;W[kk]C[Darkhan: i think it's close](;B[jl]C[Darkhan: 19/5000 i just counted](;W[ii]C[Palko: i wonder black is playing 19 seconds per move, white maybe 10 average and it doesnt seem much according to the board position ](;B[hh](;W[ll](;B[nh](;W[oi]C[Palko: p11 smart](;B[ng](;W[pj](;B[kj](;W[jj](;B[jm](;W[mk](;B[mg](;W[lk](;B[mh]C[Welvang: Crazy gameUberdude: combined thor hammer and hockey stick](;W[hi]C[explorebaduk: isn't black good on the board now? so complicated game](;B[lq](;W[lr]C[wade: looks like w died in the center?](;B[mr](;W[nr](;B[kr](;W[ms](;B[iq]C[Bace3D: please help me: whats the meaning of n12?Bace3D: n2](;W[jr]C[Uberdude: get more time to read centre killRonik: n2 makes L2 possible](;B[gk]C[Palko: they switched roles, usually its ilya the killer :D](;W[hk]C[Uberdude: and also j3 can help fix weakness surrounding](;B[fk](;W[im]C[Bace3D: l2 is a good move?](;B[in]C[Bace3D: L2](;W[go](;B[hm]C[CentreGo: its a time sugi](;W[gn](;B[gm](;W[no]C[explorebaduk: magic timeSirtankyou: well hasn't it put whites stones on the bottom right in a more difficult position with j3wade: j2?](;B[ip](;W[hq](;B[oq]C[Sirtankyou: could they die?](;W[hn]C[lose000: what if black just h6?](;B[ir](;W[is]C[Uberdude: andri way to kill at h7 was mch better](;B[jp](;W[ks](;B[lm]C[explorebaduk: Yes, Ali made it complicated unnecessary ](;W[nl](;B[mm](;W[mp]C[Mrrr: h7 is in good healthS_Alexander: capturing race?Ștefan Radu: Not sure about that. How many liberties has W in the center?](;B[kl](;W[nk](;B[kn]C[S_Alexander: ok](;W[lo]C[explorebaduk: what..Uberdude: w could counter cut k6!](;B[ko]C[Palko: why didnt he cut k6 i wonder](;W[nn]C[explorebaduk: Yes, I wonder the sameDarkhan: wow](;B[ln]C[Ronik: Oh, i expected M6 somehowSimeonG: this ?. From move 175: K6 O9 M5 Darkhan: sameS_Alexander: i'm confusedUberdude: even ilya blind to tesuji in fast gameexplorebaduk: Yes, it seems to work](;W[ob]C[kannikka: Doesnt white get L15 for free now?](;B[pc]C[ben0: wellben0: it was funBace3D: most questions could be answered with 20s ](;W[kf](;B[kg](;W[ke]C[Welvang: Nice tesujiwade: can b live in the lower right corner?S_Alexander: That black shape N13](;B[jg](;W[qq]C[S_Alexander: power cube lose000: seems like if white doesn't kill this corner there's no chanceSirtankyou: hahah lol](;B[bg](;W[ag](;B[ah](;W[af](;B[dg]C[snowman: i'm not sure this endgame is optimal](;W[je](;B[df](;W[ce](;B[bi](;W[fq]C[Darkhan: it's optimal with 20sec aha](;B[fr](;W[bm]C[S_Alexander: whole bottom-right is white?](;B[sj](;W[sk]C[Uberdude: ilya is so good at dying and turning it into genius sacrifice](;B[si](;W[rk](;B[bn](;W[an]C[kannikka: Isnt white way ahead if. now that bottom right is completely his territory?Uberdude: yes](;B[fo](;W[fp]C[explorebaduk: Once again just playing H7 was better and black was fine, now it looks like white is ahead and game is kind of finished](;B[gs](;W[hs](;B[bl](;W[aq](;B[ar]C[explorebaduk: really amazing game with this sacrifice](;W[al](;B[cm](;W[am](;B[bk](;W[ao](;B[ie](;W[jd]C[lose000: die an amateur or live long enough for your blunders to be called sacrifice techniquessnowman: still below the komi, if i'm not mistaken](;B[ap](;W[pa](;B[qa]C[cdrain: Lolol](;W[qb]C[Avtikh: GGroln90: GGAvtikh: rematch in ~ 10ben0: cute trickS_Alexander: ggDarkhan: nice move :oben0: but not workingSirtankyou: wow that was an amazing gamekojihu: black push s19Darkhan: oooh ben0, hello :DWelvang: k15 was probably too bigDarkhan: Amazing game :DȘtefan Radu: S19?Welvang: GGȘtefan Radu: Very nice gameGlennMartenRobin: [object Object]Bace3D: Thank youDarkhan: Thanks ! :DSimeonG: ggSirtankyou: ggwpWelvang: Wait for the revenge ;) azazil: Rematch?Uberdude: thanks for the showWelvang: Indeed, stay tuned guysUberdude: nice little story of the game from OGS AI graphMrrr: so ai does not consider not playing c17 as a mistakeUberdude: it doesUberdude: just v minorS_Alexander: -sinx graph?S_Alexander: https://online-go.com/game/22496508gaxxlol: I guess S19 works for black but White has one ko threat that he would not have with the "obvious" end gamePalko: https://online-go.com/game/22496508Darkhan: [object Object]]))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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