(;CA[UTF-8]CA[gb2312]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]SZ[19]C[For convenience, I will call the AI AlphaGo throughout this group of 60 games, regardless of the username on the Go servers. In this game against Pan Tingyu 1P, the focus of my comments will be on the move White 18 and the following fight on the upper side. ]GN[?????]DT[2016-12-29-19- 1-34]PC[????]PB[Pan Tingyu]BR[1P]PW[Master]WR[P]KM[6.5]TM[???? 0? 20? ?? 3?]RE[W+R]AN[?? : ?? 6??]MULTIGOGM[1];B[qd];W[pp];B[dc];W[dp];B[cn];W[fq];B[ch];W[od];B[oc];W[nc];B[pc];W[nd];B[qf];W[jc];B[hc]LB[lc:A]C[Black threatens to invade at A. ];W[pd]C[White 16 is a well-timed probe, hoping to strengthen the upper side (see var). ](;B[qc]C[The exchange of 16 for 17 is a small profit for White. By solidly connecting, Black is threatening to invade the upper side (see var). ](;W[dd]C[This attachment against the 3-4 point has never become popular, although I remember seeing it played when I first came to Japan many decades ago. AlphaGo played this move several months ago in the self-played game number 3 published on the Deepmind page. AlphaGo seems to like to play this move against Chinese style openings. The whole idea behind this move is that White is trying to build a position on the upper side instead of the left side, a point which becomes more clear at move 25. ];B[cd]C[Black 19 is the strongest response to White 18.];W[ec]C[We can already see White moving into the upper side when you might expect White to be playing on the left side.];B[de];W[ed];B[cc];W[ee];B[df]C[If one were to remove the stones White 18 and Black 23, this would resemble a common joseki. This exchange fills a valuable liberty, giving White a local disadvantage, so that is the negative aspect of White 18. White's gain compared to playing White 18 at 21 is that now White has a position on the upper side and can attack the single Black stone. ];W[id]C[To recap my interpertation of the meaning of White 18, White has managed to play towards the upper side when White would normally be playing towards the left side. This allows White to attack at 26 when White would usually be playing defensively on the left. White must be careful of the fact that White's group is in damezumari, which could be trouble in the case of a semeai. ];B[ge];W[gd];B[hd];W[he];B[ie];W[hf];B[jb];W[ic];B[gc];W[gf];B[ib];W[kc];B[kb];W[lc];B[fb]C[Black lives on the upper side, while White has a wall facing outward. White can be satisfied with this outcome. ];W[qn];B[jf]LB[ng:A]C[Black 43 was grossly unreasonable. In the local position, I might consider playing at A, hopefully to force White to capture the one stone on a small scale. Otherwise, entering the lower side is a big opening point. After this, AlphaGo plays in what I call it's 'safe mode', in which it doesn't try to punish the opponent, but plays just well enough to win. End of commentary.];W[ng];B[jh];W[gi];B[jj];W[eb];B[db];W[fc];B[gb];W[di];B[ni];W[pg];B[pf];W[of];B[oh];W[og];B[bp];W[kp];B[cq];W[co];B[bo];W[dn];B[cm];W[dm];B[dl];W[el];B[dk];W[ek];B[ci];W[jl];B[lh];W[lk];B[qi];W[qg];B[rf];W[nk];B[mf];W[pi];B[ph];W[qh];B[pj];W[ri];B[oi];W[rj];B[qk];W[rl];B[or];W[pq];B[lq];W[kq];B[lp];W[kr];B[lo];W[jn];B[np];W[nn];B[pr];W[qr];B[mn];W[nm];B[qq];W[qp];B[lr];W[no];B[nq];W[mo];B[mr];W[mp];B[ns];W[ls];B[ps];W[ki];B[li];W[kj];B[rk];W[sk];B[ql];W[rm];B[rg];W[rh];B[hh];W[gh];B[mg];W[ji];B[nh];W[dq];B[ii];W[ig];B[ih];W[kh];B[kg];W[jg];B[hg];W[if];B[gg];W[ff];B[fg];W[kf];B[mk];W[ml];B[mj];W[lg];B[ok];W[nj])(;W[qn];B[lc]C[Two vars for White's next move. ](;W[ld];B[kc];W[kd];B[jb];W[jd];B[lb]C[Black scoops out the upper side territory, hoping to attack White later. ])(;W[kd];B[ld];W[le];B[lb]LB[jb:A][nb:B]C[Black can connect underneath at A or B. ])))(;B[pe];W[qc];B[qb];W[rc];B[rb];W[nb];B[pa]LB[lc:A]C[This exchange in the UR corner reinforces White's upper side and makes a Black invasion at A ineffective, so White can now play elswhere.]))
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Master    Pan Tingyu
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