(;CA[UTF-8]CA[gb2312]AP[MultiGo:4.4.3]SZ[19]C[Commentary by Kim Juho 9p,Copyright by gogameworld.com and weiqi.tom.com.]EV[16th LG Cup round 1]DT[2011-06-13]PC[South Korea]PB[Gu Li]BR[9p]PW[Lee Changho]WR[9p]KM[6.5]RE[W+R]SO[weiqi.tom.com]MULTIGOGM[1];B[pd];W[dd];B[qp]C[B3: Black prepares to play recently popular modified version of Chinese Fuseki.];W[dp];B[fq];W[cn];B[lq]C[B7: The mini Chinese Fuseki is very popular recently.];W[qf];B[qi];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[od];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[nc]LB[po:a]C[W18: Lee Changho elects to use the strategy of taking territory. Next if Black wants to build big moyo, Black can make diagonal at 'a'.];B[po]LB[pj:a][oi:b]C[B19: Next if White reduces, White can make the shoulder-hit at 'a', or to cap at 'b' is also urgent point.];W[oi]LB[pk:a]C[W20: Next Black normally will make the knight's move at 'a'.];B[pk];W[of];B[rf]C[B23: White takes a little advantage in the exchange of W22 and B23. Next White very wants to play at bottom.];W[ip];B[nj]C[B25: Black feels no good point at bottom, so Black takes tenuki to attack.];W[lf]C[W26 is light and nimble with very good tempo.];B[me]LB[mc:a]C[B27: Next for Black to attach at 'a' is tesuji, White normally will answer.];W[mf];B[lo]C[B29: Black plays very steadily, since Black encloses about 60 points of territory with this move.];W[pq];B[qq];W[eq];B[fp];W[jr]LB[in:a]C[W34 is very unique. White wants to fix the shape in the lower left corner in sente. Next Black wants to cap directly at 'a'.];B[en];W[go]LB[ep:a][fo:b][gn:c]C[W36: Lee Changho plays a series of interesting moves. Next for Black to turn at 'a' is very bad move, if Black extends to 'b', White also can extend to 'c'.];B[ho]LB[hp:a][gn:b]C[B37: Gu Li is forced to play strong move, this is indeed Gu Li's top-rated strong move. Black's plan is, if White answers at 'a', Black will play hane at 'b' to fight.];W[gp]LB[er:a][dr:b][hp:c]C[W38: White also doesn't give Black any chance to borrow strength. If Black plays hane at 'a first, Black can push down all the way at 'c'.];B[er];W[dr];B[gr]LB[hn:a][do:b][co:c][cq:d]C[B41: It seems for Black to push down directly is better. Next if White plays hane at 'a' to guard against Black's push, Black can make diagonal at 'b' then strike the corner at 'd'.];W[hp];B[do];W[co];B[cq]LB[cr:a]C[B45: Next White connects and Black cuts, it will lead to a ko fight. This ko fight is too heavy for White. White can also extend at 'a'.];W[cr];B[dq];W[bq];B[ep];W[cp]LB[el:a]C[W50: So far it forms compromise. Next Black normally will jump to 'a'.];B[kr]C[B51: Black reinforces the bottom and also indirectly helps the big black dragon in the lower left corner.];W[kp];B[jq];W[kq];B[ir];W[lp];B[js];W[ko];B[mq]C[B59: Black obtains certain territory and thickness, however White destroys Black's moyo in the lower right corner. Overall Black relatively has more territory.];W[mo];B[ml]C[B61: Black reinforces the right center. Now Black has about 50 points, however White has 20 points of certain territory. Next we will see how much development potential White has with the top left corner as center. However White at bottom and on the right side may come under attack. So now Black is relatively easier to play.];W[fm]C[W62: White also reinforces the bottom. Now both sides prepare for the middle-game fight.];B[cf]C[B63: Now both sides don't have clearly weak group, it may enter into prolonged fight.];W[ce];B[df];W[fd]C[W66 is first feeling.];B[di];W[ck]LB[fb:a]C[W68 is good position, White aims to attack Black. Next Black can strike the corner in the top left corner at 3-3 to live then dodge on the left side. Moreover to strike at 'a' is also common invasion tactic.];B[oc];W[ob];B[nb];W[mb];B[mc];W[na];B[nd]C[B75: White should hold up and continue ko fight.];W[lc];B[nb];W[gg]LB[ld:a]C[W78 says that Black has no proper ko threats. Black can play hane at 'a' to initiate circular ko fight.];B[dk]C[B79: If White plays hane next, Black will crosscut.];W[dj]C[The wedge of W80 is a strong move.];B[cc]C[B81: At this subtle time, Black invades at 3-3 to probe White. White can only descend.];W[be];B[ej];W[cj];B[dl]C[B85: Black prepares to sacrifice three stones to make thickness.];W[ei];B[fj]C[B87: If Black becomes thick, Black will become favorable for the ko fight in the top right corner.];W[nc];B[im]C[B89: Gu Li attacks White at bottom by using the ko fight.];W[hn];B[nb]C[B91: White has no proper ko threats.];W[qg]C[W92: White must hold up this ko fight. Black must answer next.];B[rg];W[nc];B[fh];W[md]C[W96: As for the variation in the real game White is clearly better. It seems White gradually starts to become favorable. Now it is simply difficult to understand why Black crawls back with B93, Black should continue fighting ko.];B[hm]C[B97: Only if White handles the bottom well afterwards, White can easily win the game.];W[ln]C[W98: Lee Changho adopts easy and clear tactic to make life.];B[km]C[B99: Now the game result is all subject to the life-and-death of this white group at bottom.];W[gm]C[W100: Black itself also has very big defects, so it is not difficult for White to dodge.];B[cl];W[dh]C[W102: Now Gu Li is painful. Black has no assurance of success if trying to kill White at bottom to win the game. If just playing endgame, winning the game is also remote.];B[fg]LB[bf:a][em:b]C[B103: For White to crossover at 'a' is just fine. Now Lee Changho is pondering, in order to clearly turn advantage into victory. Lee Changho may also consider the variation of W 'b'.];W[em];B[gk]C[B105: White 100% lives at bottom. W104 is a very accurate move that adequately shows how strong Lee Changho is.];W[ci];B[gf];W[ef];B[eg];W[ff];B[dg]C[B111: If White directly crosses over with W106, White can easily win. Now the situation becomes complicated. If White crosses over on the second line, it is collapsing shape, to sacrifice six stones is also very difficult.];W[ed];B[hg];W[qh]LB[fi:a]C[W114: Lee Changho eliminates the aji in the corner and also crosses over, White is happy with this variation. In fact White also has the tactic of pushing at 'a'.];B[rh];W[bg]C[W116: After White proceeds safely in the top left corner, White's advantage becomes more obvious.];B[ld];W[pi];B[pj];W[mc];B[eb];W[fb];B[bf];W[af];B[ec];W[fc];B[bd]C[B127: The corner may form a ko fight, but White should first play in the center.];W[hj]C[W128 is a very strong move.];B[bh];W[ch];B[cg];W[ag];B[gh];W[hk];B[hl];W[gj];B[fk]LB[fi:a]C[B137: It seems for Black to connect at 'a' is better? Now Black needs to connect with two moves.];W[ji]C[W138: If Black loses the game, B137 should be losing move.];B[dm];W[mm];B[nn];W[ll]C[W142: Due to Black's big slow move, the situation is again to White's advantage. B141 is also unreasonable.];B[lm];W[mn];B[kk]LB[mk:a][nl:b][lk:c]C[B145: If White plays atari at 'a' and connects at 'c', Black can do nothing about it.];W[gl]C[The cut of W146 is good timing.];B[ik];W[ii]LB[lk:a][fi:b]C[W148: Black has many weak points, like 'a' and 'b'.];B[dn];W[qj];B[ri];W[if]LB[fi:a][mk:b]C[W152: If Black connects at 'a', White will play atari at 'b'.];B[ig]C[B153: Gu Li plays the strongest move, but it doesn't seem to work.];W[jg];B[jf];W[kh]C[W156 is a very efficient move for defending.];B[nl];W[ie];B[fi]LB[jn:a]C[B159: Next if White makes diagonal at 'a', White will win.];W[jn];B[he];W[hd];B[gd]C[B163: Gu Li plays beautiful endgame tactic, but the situation still hasn't been changed.];W[hc];B[je];W[id];B[ne];W[le];B[np];W[cd];B[bc];W[ea];B[db];W[jm];B[jl];W[nm];B[om];W[on];B[pm]C[B179: Now they are about even on the board.];W[dc];B[ca];W[lj];B[lk];W[ni];B[no];W[mj];B[eq];W[bm];B[bl];W[am];B[kj];W[ki];B[nf];W[ng];B[ai];W[aj];B[bj];W[bi];B[ak];W[nk];B[mk];W[oj];B[ok]C[B203: Now White wants to play endgame steadily.];W[gc];B[ge]C[B205: Now the difference is about 4.5 points.];W[in];B[il];W[el];B[ek];W[fo];B[eo];W[ae];B[bb];W[fa];B[da];W[eh];B[iq];W[br];B[nj];W[pg];B[ds];W[cs];B[es];W[hq];B[hr];W[se];B[sf];W[sd];B[jp];W[jo];B[fn];W[gn];B[ad];W[kn];B[kl];W[hi];B[ih];W[jh];B[cm];W[jj];B[nk];W[fe]C[Overall: W34 is interesting tactic in the opening, it leads to a situation of White's territory vs. Black's thickness. The crawl of B93 on the second line is big slow move, Black should continue ko fight. After White takes ponnuki with W94 and W96, White becomes favorable. Later on Gu Li releases decisive moves, Lee Changho answers calmly. From W128 to W152 White turns advantage into victory.])
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Lee Changho    Gu Li
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