(;CA[UTF-8]CA[gb2312]AP[MultiGo:4.4.3]SZ[19]C[Commentary by Hong Sungji 8p,Copyright by gogameworld.com and weiqi.tom.com.]EV[3rd World BC Card Cup final game 4]DT[2011-04-27]PC[Seoul, South Korea]PB[Gu Li]BR[9p]PW[Lee Sedol]WR[9p]KM[6.5]RE[B+R]SO[weiqi.tom.com]MULTIGOGM[1];B[pd];W[dp];B[qp];W[dd];B[fq];W[cn]C[W6: Gu Li uses the same opening as in the game 2.];B[lq];W[qj];B[qg];W[qm];B[pn];W[ro];B[pm]LB[rp:a][ql:b][qq:c]C[B13: White has the variation of crawling at 'a', next B 'b' and W 'c'.];W[qo];B[po];W[ql];B[rp]LB[mp:a]C[B17: Next White can't cut right away, to make the shoulder-hit at 'a' is correct.];W[mp]C[W18: Black can attach or extend next.];B[lp];W[pp]C[W20: White cuts now, it also seems working.];B[op];W[pq];B[qr]LB[pr:a][qq:b][nq:c]C[B23: White blocks at 'a', next B 'b' and W 'c'. Afterwards we can see that whose calculation strength is relatively better.];W[pr];B[qq];W[nq]LB[np:a][mo:b][rr:c][rs:d][sq:e]C[W26: Black needs to squeeze at 'a' next. If Black plays hane at 'b', White will clamp at 'c' then make diagonal at 'e'.];B[np]C[B27: If it leads to a capturing race now, Black is fast by one liberty. It may also lead to a ko fight, but there are too many liberties.];W[mq];B[mo];W[lr];B[kr]C[B31: The variation up to B31 can be imagined.];W[nr];B[ms]LB[lo:a][mn:b][jq:c][jr:d][kq:e]C[B33: The first feeling is to cut at 'a', next B 'b' and W 'c'. It seems Lee Sedol finds out some good moves, after White cuts, White can clamp. If Black pushes from top and plays atari, White will initiate ko fight. Lee Sedol also sees, if White directly clamps at 'd', Black may connect at 'e'. ];W[kq];B[kp];W[jr];B[jq];W[ks];B[kq]LB[ps:a]C[B39: White needs to descend at 'a'. White wants to initiate ko fight in the corner. If both live, Black will incur loss.];W[no]C[W40: White cuts first to take advantage. If Black finds the ko threats in the lower left corner, White will take advantage after eliminating the ko fight.];B[oo];W[ps];B[ls];W[rr]C[W44 is the necessary sequence to start ko fight in the corner.];B[rs];W[qs];B[sr];W[ss];B[do]C[B49: The real game is played as imagined. White should respond one move then eliminate the ko.];W[sp]C[W50: White directly eliminates the ko fight.];B[co]LB[cp:a]C[B51: Even like this, White is also not bad, so Lee Sedol handles simply. Next White normally will extend to 'a' to live in the corner.];W[cp];B[bp];W[eo];B[dn];W[bq];B[bo];W[eq];B[fp];W[fr];B[gr];W[er];B[br]C[B63: Black aims to contain White inside the corner. Next White descends, which just starts this sequence.];W[gq];B[hr];W[aq]C[W66: White also takes advantage by cutting first with W64. Today Lee Sedol's state looks very good, every move is powerful.];B[cr];W[cq];B[ep]C[B69: After White turns in the corner, Black may take tenuki. If Black reinforces in a hurry, it appears a little slow.];W[ar];B[gp]C[B71: It seems Gu Li prepares for a prolonged war, I thought he wouldn't respond. Next White normally defends the top left corner. At the same time White is a little difficult to decide when to pull out the one stone in the lower right corner.];W[nn]LB[mn:a]C[W72: Ah...pull out immediately. Next Black can attach at 'a' all the way, to fight by sacrificing is also playable, the influence in the center is significant.];B[nm];W[mn];B[lo];W[mm];B[pl]C[B77: Gu Li surprisingly wants to save six stones in the lower right corner. In fact after the corner is captured, these six stones are already not big. However, if saving these stones, Black pays the price of outstanding influence in the center and instead will incur big loss.];W[nl];B[pj]LB[nj:a]C[B79: The strongest move is for White to continue jumping at 'a'.];W[nj];B[qk];W[rk];B[pk];W[rj];B[pi]C[B85: White still wants to jump and continue putting pressure on Black.];W[kk]C[W86: White elects to simply destroy Black's influence in the center.];B[nh]LB[jh:a]C[B87: I still feel that White should continue jumping. Black plays there and becomes very thick. Next White can make the large jump at 'a'. Overall Black can jump in the center, or defend the top left corner, or make extension at top.];W[jc];B[cf];W[fd];B[di]C[B91: The first feeling is for White to reduce Black's influence on the left side.];W[nc]C[W92: White makes extension in the top right...however on left side if Black caps, how White to handle?];B[pc]LB[ik:a][oh:b]C[B93: White wants to make one-space jump in the top right corner. If Black caps at 'a' in the left center, White can attach at 'b'.];W[nf]C[W94 is more tight.];B[lh]LB[lf:a][mk:b][pg:c]C[B95: White wants to crosscut right away. If White simply jumps to 'a', Black's strike at 'b' is severe. Next White still wants to attack strongly. Next for White to bump at 'c' has a little aji.];W[ik]C[W96: So far White captures the lower right corner and keeps good tempo, but White plays slowly in the center, after Black caps with B95, the game again becomes very long. Now this jump is also not bad.];B[me]LB[ne:a][mc:b]C[B97 is a very strong move. If White blocks at 'a', Black will attach at 'b'.];W[ne];B[mk]C[B99: Black starts to play superficially clever moves every where. However it seems these tactics are not so effective.];W[nk]LB[mc:a][oh:b]C[W100: If Black attaches at 'a', White will crosscut at 'b'. Black seems a little thin.];B[mc]C[B101: B97 makes Black weak on the right side, so be careful.];W[md];B[ld];W[nd]LB[lb:a][kc:b]C[W104: Next Black can hang at 'a' or 'b'.];B[lb];W[le];B[nb];W[kd];B[lc]LB[oh:a][kf:b]C[B109: As for the result, Black takes advantage in territory but becomes thin as a whole. Next the playing direction is to reduce Black's influence on the left side or reinforce the top left corner. However by Lee Sedol's style he may cut at 'a'. The safest play is to hang and reinforce at 'b', but Black may strike at 3-3 in the top left corner.];W[oh]LB[oi:a][pf:b]C[W110: Lee Sedol is indeed first-rate strong player! Next B 'a' is the only move. If White connects from top to bottom, White will become super thick. If B 'a', W 'b' is good.];B[oi];W[ni]LB[mg:a]C[W112: Next to hang at 'a' is the strongest move. After that, not clear how White to continue.];B[mg]LB[ph:a][pf:b]C[B113: White perhaps will play at 'a' or 'b'.];W[ng];B[mh];W[mf];B[og]C[B117: Ah...White elects to make compromise.];W[ki]C[W118: Although White can still attack, but locally Black is still vivid.];B[jg];W[pe]C[W120 is a very annoying move.];B[qe];W[ob];B[oc];W[pb];B[qb];W[qd]C[W126: Not sure how Black to respond...];B[qc];W[ph];B[qh];W[pf];B[pg];W[qf];B[rd];W[rf]C[W134: White gains in the fight. Only what I feel surprised is, White doesn't need to sacrifice two stones.];B[ji];W[kh];B[kg];W[jh];B[ih];W[li]C[W140: Now the situation enters into White's tempo. White reinforces simply and becomes very thick. It seems Lee Sedol already realizes that he is favorable.];B[ig];W[kf];B[je];W[ke];B[lg];W[ei]C[W146: Ah! At this time it is another super strong move. If Black plays hane upwards, White will play hane downwards. White's purpose is, to reduce Black on the left side by using the fact that the big black dragon is still not completely alive.];B[hj];W[dj]C[W148: Black also aims at White in the center.];B[dh]LB[gl:a]C[B149: Next the first feeling is for Black to make the knight's move at 'a'. If White is sealed off in the center, the life-and-death question is still very annoying.];W[eh]C[W150: Ah! It is really very strong move. In a very favorable situation, White still plays strongly, this is his charm!];B[jj];W[km];B[ej];W[fj];B[ek];W[fk];B[dk]LB[hk:a][gh:b][gi:c][fl:d]C[B157: Next White can block at 'a' solidly. Although W 'b' is urgent, Black can make diagonal at 'c', White is a little difficult to handle. Considering this, for White to extend at 'd' is even better, White can have many ways to borrow strength later on. Currently White handles the center thickly, then reinforce the top left corner, White is favorable.];W[fl]C[W158 is indeed a good move.];B[eg]LB[fg:a]C[B159: The first feeling is for White to play hane at 'a' next.];W[dm]LB[fi:a]C[W160: Black must play atari at 'a' strongly. Since Black's situation already falls behind, Black should counterattack.];B[en]LB[gh:a]C[W161: Next the first feeling is for White to jump to 'a'.];W[gh];B[fi]C[B163: However, now White connects, Black extends out, White is a little difficult to respond.];W[fh];B[gi]LB[fg:a]C[B165: If White attaches at 'a', White can live, but White's shape is too bad.];W[hi];B[gj];W[hh];B[ij]LB[fg:a][ii:b][hl:c]C[B169: Next White attaches at 'a', Black connects back at 'b', White also makes diagonal back at 'c'.];W[dg]C[W170: White cuts first, it is better and will be helpful for fixing shape.];B[cj];W[ef]LB[ii:a][hl:b][jk:c][jl:d][im:e][il:f][gm:g][gl:h][kj:i][lj:j][lk:k][kl:l][om:m]C[W172: Now Black is very difficult. Even if Black lives in the center, the left side may get destroyed, and the big black dragon is still not alive. Black's decisive move is to connect back at 'a', next W 'b' and Black pushes at 'c', Black can chase-and-kill the big white dragon instead.];B[jk];W[jl]C[W174: Black wants to gamble on the well-being of the big dragon.];B[il];W[im];B[hl];W[ii];B[hm];W[om];B[hd]C[B181: Black is not easy to live, but the situation becomes chaotic.];W[hc]LB[id:a]C[W182: If Black extends at 'a', White is not easy to respond.];B[id];W[gc];B[gf];W[fg]LB[fe:a]C[W186: Black gets one eye shape. Next the first feeling is for Black to make diagonal at 'a'. Even like this, White can pierce through the left side and enclose a big corner, the situation is still to White's advantage.];B[fe];W[cg]C[W188: Overall White still gains big profit by attacking the big dragon.];B[bg]LB[in:a]C[W188: In the fight here, the most important is to obtain sente. Who gets to play at 'a' first is crucial.];W[bf]LB[be:a][jf:b][if:c][jd:d]C[W190: White wants to kill. If Black plays atari at 'a', White will push at 'b' to destroy eye shape. Now Gu Li already enters into overtime, how he will play?];B[be]C[B191: If Black doesn't capture this stone, Black has no balance in territory. At any rate, losing by 10 points or 100 points is same.];W[jf];B[if];W[jd]C[W194: It is not clear how Black to live.];B[ic];W[ib];B[hb]LB[ee:a]C[B195: The aji of Black's pushing at 'a' is a little disgusting.];W[jb];B[ee];W[de];B[ed];W[ec];B[ff]C[B203: It still may form compromise.];W[ce];B[af];W[ch]C[B205: If making compromise, White is still favorable.];B[dc];W[cc];B[db]LB[fc:a]C[B209: Now the situation again is chaotic. Next White should first connect at 'a'.];W[fc];B[cb];W[bc];B[bb];W[ab];B[gb];W[fb]LB[ad:a][ac:b][bh:c][ci:d][dj:e][bi:f][bj:g][ah:h][aj:i]C[W216: There are two sequences for initiating ko fight...in the sequence Black descends at 'i' to start ko, White is difficult.];B[ad];W[ac];B[bd];W[cd];B[bh];W[ci];B[dj];W[bi];B[bj];W[ah];B[aj];W[ai];B[hg];W[ag];B[gg];W[df];B[eg];W[bf]C[B229: Yesterday Lee Sedol won by big turnaround...today it is afraid that he gives it back.];B[in];W[jm];B[fs]C[B237: This way the difference is huge.];W[dr];B[mr]C[B239: It is very pity that Lee Sedol loses the game this way.];W[re];B[ri];W[qd];B[sd];W[se];B[rc];W[ka];B[la];W[na];B[mb];W[ie];B[he];W[jn];B[jo];W[ns];B[js];W[rg];B[ln];W[lm];B[sj];W[qn];B[kj];W[lj];B[gd];W[ha];B[sl];W[rl];B[sk];W[sm];B[si];W[ap];B[ao];W[es];B[cs]C[Overall: Today they fight from beginning to end, W146 is too strong, in fact for White to handle simply is also good tempo. W172 should be played at 185, White thinks with W182 White can defend the top left corner, this is the losing cause.Gu Li ties the series at two a piece, tomorrow the champion will be decided in the decisive game 5.])
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Lee Sedol    Gu Li
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